American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 475 Detective Chuck: Get out of the way, I’m going to slap you in the face!

"Are you so free?"

In the eyes of Detective Amy Santiago, Chuck said bluntly.

"I'll just say it!"

Detective Shenfan immediately put on an exaggerated expression as if we were close friends.

"you shut up!"

Detective Amy Santiago immediately scolded her partner unhappily, and then looked at Chuck with a wry smile: "It's not that we are idle, it's that we have nothing to do. Could it be that the case is in our hands and we won't investigate it?"

"It turns out I was the one who harmed you."

Chuck said expressionlessly.


"You can say that!"

Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan answered at the same time, but with completely different answers.

"Santiago, don't glare at me, I'm telling the truth."

Detective Shenfan laughed and said: "Who is Chuck? He knows right from wrong clearly, otherwise he wouldn't say such things. To a certain extent, isn't he the one who harmed us?"

Under the ugly expressions and unkind eyes of Monica and the other girls, Detective Shenfan continued: "If it weren't for the fact that we have partnered with him several times and seen his 100% ability to solve crimes, we would treat him as our The goal is to pursue a 100% solution to the case. The murder of two habitual criminals with guns is worthy of our desperate pursuit. We can quickly find out the truth using the investigative skills we learned from him. It is not like this now. An embarrassing and uncomfortable situation?

That’s right!

It is precisely because he is so amazing and outstanding that he has led to the current situation! "

"You're quite funny."

MAX was so annoyed that the detective was actually praising his boss in such a humorous and exaggerated way that he immediately took a liking to him.

"That is!"

The annoying police detective said proudly: "Chandler Bing, the rising star of Las Vegas jokes, is my best buddy! Who can be humorous if I don't!"

"You talk so humorously, don't say it again in the future."

MAX smiled.


The corners of the annoyed detective's mouth suddenly twitched.

This is said with great humor.

It's just that he wanted to respond with this sentence.

"Although what Jack said is messy, there is some truth to it."

Detective Amy Santiago saw that glare could not control her partner, and saw that her partner's bottom line was now so flexible. After knowing their and Chuck's specific identities, Detective Amy Santiago breathed a sigh of relief and smiled bitterly at everyone: "If I hadn't followed This wouldn't happen if Chuck gained knowledge and aspired to become a detective like Detective Chuck."

Originally, it was not too common in New York for gangsters with guns like this to be beaten to death on the street.

According to past successful experience, everyone goes through a process to make a file of the case, then throws it into the file room, and it's over.

After all, even many high-quality and wealthy middle-class people, as long as they are not from the third-class races such as Jews, whites, and Africans, will die if they die. The most common approach is to leave things alone.

Even various media and newspapers will not report it.

Even if there is a mass shooting, there is a moment of silence, flowers are sent in condolences, flags are flown at half-mast, and street names are renamed. The whole set of standard procedures and the cooperation of the industrial chain are extremely smooth.

Even the case involving Tim Chang last time was so hotly debated and the evidence was conclusive that the major mainstream media still completely distorted the focus.

Without Chuck, the end result would have been a conspiracy to murder, all kinds of digging holes involving traps, and all the villains being acquitted.

What innocent victims are underage minority geniuses?

No one cares!

Whether it's the police or prosecutors, those with conscience can only sigh with emotion and then leave it alone.

Even if one or two people care.

But what can you do?

In this general environment, even the middle-class elites are still like this. Two habitual criminals with guns were shot dead on the street. The NYPD should have ended it with "died in gang vendetta".

Won't even do the research.

But this case happened in Detective Amy Santiago's jurisdiction, and it happened to fall into their hands.

And as mentioned just now, both Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan are targeting Detective Chuck, so naturally they will not just follow the crowd and throw this case in the file room.

They themselves are very qualified, and they have worked with Chuck many times. Their vision, knowledge, and abilities have all improved greatly, and they can easily identify the murderer.

He's not the kind of suspicious suspect.

But a murderer who has admitted what he has done.

Then, instead of being happy that they solved the case so quickly, they immediately got a headache.

Because the murderer is the owner of a jewelry store on that street.

It happened at night.

If you think about Gotham, you will know that you are not allowed to go out at night in New York, and shops are basically not allowed to open and close early.

The owner of this jewelry store closed the store late, and then he encountered two gangsters with guns who came to rob him.

And the owner of this jewelry store is an immigrant from an ethnic minority. Their hometown believes in 'those who do not come forward will be buried alive', which is similar to 'they came to arrest the Yuan, the Jews, and the trade unions, but I did not come forward, and then When they came to arrest me, no one could help me' kind of encourage people to actively resist the mob.

This ethnic minority immigrant boss came to the United States six years ago and got a green card. In the citizenship study course, he most recognized the American Iaijutsu of "everyone has a gun, so it won't be chaotic." He combined it with the customs of his hometown and the real Gotham New York. Real life experience, so when these two armed African-American gangsters came in with guns and threatened to rob, they shot back without hesitation.

To the residents of this street, he is a real hero!

Just like the future Maga militia hero Genosha!

It’s just that the buff has become a minority immigrant instead of a devout believer!

So when they quickly targeted the minority immigrant jewelry store owner, the people on the street were very uncooperative with their investigation and evidence collection, and made all kinds of cynicism.

Why don't you always protect us? If you are killed by criminals, you will be killed. The detection rate is so low, and criminals who are caught will not get the justice they deserve. Otherwise, there would not be so many recidivists walking around with illegal guns on the streets. , forcing all those doing business on the street to carry legal firearms and form joint defenses on their own. Now that the criminals have been counterattacked and killed, you police officers immediately became furious and were more active than dead parents to arrest the real heroes. What do you want to do? ’ Such words that made them blush kept coming to their ears.

Not to mention the citizens on the street, even the two police officers handling it, Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan, also thought that this minority immigrant who became a jewelry store owner was a hero.

Originally, Detective Amy Santiago might have felt that this was a violent incident after all, so she wanted to be fair and objective, purely from a legal perspective, without considering public opinion.

But since following Chuck, she has heard too many American hell jokes, and each one of them was actually played out in front of her, shattering her outlook over and over again, and she unknowingly moved closer to the outlook of her idol Chuck. .

As for Chuck's attitude towards this matter, judging from what Chuck said after hearing this, "Are you so idle?" ’ You’ll know.

Obviously, in Chuck's eyes, this is nosy business that shouldn't be done.

Two habitual criminals broke into a house with guns and robbed them, but the store owner counterattacked and killed them. What is there to investigate?

Even if we don’t know that it was the shop owner who fought back and killed him, the case of two habitual criminals being shot to death on the street with guns should not have been investigated too much!

"Are you sure this isn't a real Texas cowboy who immigrated from the Lone Star Republic and is full of martial virtue?"

MAX couldn't help but said venomously.

"What's wrong with this?"

Monica subconsciously pinched the gun in her handbag and frowned: "This situation should be considered legal self-defense, right?"

"you do not need to worry."

Chuck noticed her movements, understood her worries, and immediately explained straightforwardly: "The reason why we have this trouble is because his shooting skills are not accurate enough. You just need to remember my advice. Once you are in danger, empty the magazine directly. With his marksmanship, the opponent has no chance of survival, so there is no need for you to catch up and kill him."


Everyone was stunned.

Is this really a good reminder and explanation?

"Is it because the owner of the jewelry store didn't kill the two armed robbers on the spot and chased them out and then recharged them, so he got into such big legal trouble?"

Monica said suddenly.

No matter what others thought, she was relieved.

Although when Chuck asked her to secretly hold a gun, he repeatedly reminded her that as long as she was in danger, no matter the consequences, just kill the other party first. Dead people have no human rights, and poor people have no human rights.

And with Chuck by her side, the enemies she killed were all dead and poor!

So don't be afraid at all.

Even though it's not as arrogant as 007's License to Kill, with Chuck's backing, the effect is not much different.

But she is the comic relief character in Friends .

Therefore, even though Chuck issued the '007 murder license', she still has the reverence of ordinary people for life.

If she had to be sentenced for killing the attacker in legitimate self-defense, it would put a huge burden on her already hesitant mentality.

In the final analysis, she is not a naturally high-functioning anti-social personality like Chuck and Peggy, but she is just a little different from ordinary people due to being nurtured by them for a long time.

When she held a gun and was attacked, with the muscle memory of Chuck's step-by-step instructions, it was not difficult to empty the magazine.

But when you encounter a master, if you are not mentally strong enough and hesitate a little, you will lose.

Under American Iaijutsu, hesitation and defeat can be the difference between life and death.


Detective Amy Santiago said with a wry smile: "One died on the street corner and the other died in the car. From the investigation, it very much looked like he chased them out of the store and then chased them from behind and shot and killed them."

"This can also be explained by the fact that he was attacked and when he was nervous, he could continue to use deadly force until his life safety was completely guaranteed."

Monica immediately thought of a question.

"...You know so much."

Detective Amy Santiago looked at Monica in surprise, and then glanced at Chuck. Thinking of what Chuck said just now, she immediately understood that Chuck not only helped Monica get a hard-to-obtain concealed gun license, but also trained her personally. He learned about Monica's marksmanship and response plan, and actually taught Monica the relevant laws, so that Monica clearly knew when shooting was legal and when it was illegal.

And this kind of preparedness, once the attacker hits, the death will be in vain.

Just like those lawyers who easily manipulate the law and wander in the gray area, repeatedly breaking the law leaves people helpless.

Monica, who understands marksmanship and marksmanship (law) in this way, if not from the perspective of friends, but from the perspective of police and criminals, she is really dangerous and terrifying in their eyes.

"Yes, there is such a thing."

Detective Amy Santiago nodded and said: “This absolute safety, which allows the use of deadly force until it is absolutely safe, is the key among the keys.

In our eyes, although the behavior of the jewelry store owner is somewhat suspected of being illegal, it is reasonable and understandable.

If we could make the decision, we certainly wouldn't prosecute him. "

"But it's a pity that we are not prosecutors!"

Detective Shenfan shrugged.

"The most important thing is that he is not the NYPD!"

Chuck said bluntly.


Detectives Godfrey and Amy Santiago were speechless.

Detective Chuck is indeed Detective Chuck, and he really hits the nail on the head.

That’s right!

If the situation were different, the shooter was not a citizen hero on the street, but the NYPD, and the prosecutor would not prosecute at all.

"Chuck, this is why we desperately want to see you."

Detective Amy Santiago said with a wry smile: "We have told Stone and others about our inclination, but as prosecutors, they sternly refuted us, thinking that this case is not trivial and must be dealt with severely!

He sympathized with the jewelry store owner's difficulties, but he couldn't sit back and watch the other person shoot back and then chase and kill him. Otherwise, after this case was handled like this, the whole of New York, and even the whole United States, would be in chaos. "

"He asked us to collect more irrefutable evidence as soon as possible to help him win this lawsuit! Convict the jewelry store owner on two counts of second-degree murder!"

Detective Shenfan complained: "One second-degree murder is 25 years to life in prison, and two second-degree murders are 50 years to life in prison.

What’s even worse is that we have arrested and sentenced a man who was a hero on the streets before, but similar cases in Los Angeles and San Francisco were acquitted.

This kind of comparison... Now it's up to you to talk to the prosecutors and see if you can stop going so far. "

What they didn’t say was that it was they, the police, who were on the front lines. During the investigation and evidence collection, they were the ones facing the citizens of the neighborhood who regarded the jewelry store owners as heroes and even hated them. It was them, not the prosecutors who sat in the prosecutor’s office and went in and out of the courtroom.

Prosecutors can care less what the public thinks of them.

All right.

The vast majority of the NYPD don't care what the public thinks of them.

But Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Frustrated were deeply influenced by Chuck and did not follow the crowd. In this case, it was too uncomfortable to be the villain.

"I'll go check it out."

Chuck nodded: "But don't get your hopes up."

"We believe you!"

Detective Shenfan smiled and said, "You are the most convincing."

"I've never been humble."

Chuck said calmly: "I said don't have too much hope, that is, don't have too much hope. Magical power cannot be matched by the odds. Before the big news comes, the outcome of this case's trial in New York is already destined, and my intervention will not change anything."


Detective Shenfan was stunned: "Then you are still willing to go there?"

"I'm just here to slap you in the face."

Chuck said bluntly: "You can't change the outcome, but that doesn't mean you can't be heartbroken."

Everyone: "..."

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