American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 476 If you can’t deal with his illegal ones, you can’t deal with your legal ones?

"That's them."

Monica nodded very understandingly.

Everyone thought so.

Anyone else would not be worthy of Chuck's heart-breaking slap in the face.

Only Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone is a good person with a conscience and a bottom line, but his three views have been fixed, his thinking is firmly stamped, and he is greatly limited by the times and environment, so he can take the step of slapping the face and punishing the heart. Otherwise, It's simply not necessary.

Everyone dispersed.

Detectives Chuck and Amy Santiago go to the District Attorney's Office.

"You're back?"

As soon as he walked in, he met District Attorney Adam Schiffer. When he saw Chuck, he immediately showed a headache expression, but when Chuck looked over, he had to force a smile: "I mean, I heard you went to Houston. , why don’t you stay there for a few more days?”

What I didn’t say is, aren’t there any interesting cases over there that could stumbling over your feet?

I have to come back so soon.

Why are there no stumbling blocks?

Especially seeing Detective Amy Santiago next to Chuck, and thinking about the recent case, I wished Chuck wouldn't come back for a while.

He could see it, even though they were all a force for justice.

But they represent the law.

Chuck, on the other hand, vaguely represents the basic aspirations of the vast majority of ordinary people.

That's why he repeatedly encounters the upper-class billionaires who bully the majority of ordinary people from the bottom up, giving him, the spokesperson of the law, who is tied to the same boat, a splitting headache.

Now in the case of Detective Amy Santiago, not to mention that most ordinary people regard the jewelry store owner who killed two people in a row as a hero instead of a criminal. Even many police officers who assisted them think so.

It didn't take much to think that he had probably guessed Chuck's inclination towards this case.

Whenever possible, if Chuck asked, he would simply ask Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone to drop the prosecution.

After all, there are not even one thousand but eight hundred cases that are abandoned every year.

It just happens to save money for the judicial system.

But this time, two of the Africans from the upper three tribes died.

When there is no public opinion, if you die, you will die. If you die like this every year, you will die in vain. No one pays attention to it and no one investigates it. There are not even 10,000 people but 8,000 people, no one pays attention to it.

However, after a wave of public opinion started, the two dead African Americans, despite being habitual criminals with various severe sentences, took the initiative to enter the store with guns and tried to rob them.

But in the eyes of those African-American activists, this is the best time for them to fight for African-American privileges.

As long as they made a loud enough noise and made enough noise, the two African Americans who were shot and killed as habitual armed criminals were innocent souls and representatives of the oppressed African Americans.

What they want is for those who dare to kill "innocent representatives" to be severely sentenced, and for public opinion to compromise on one side.

This is also a consistent routine.

Don't ask about the facts, just ask about the butt!

Just imagine that as long as such habitual gun-toting criminals are African-American, they can pressure public opinion to get what they want. So, do the police and the judicial system dare to impose heavy sentences on ordinary African-Americans for their daily crimes?

As District Attorney, does Adam Schiffer know about this distorted reality and the increasingly serious trend?

of course I know!

He knows better than anyone else!

But this is New York, the home base of freedom. Even though he, as a white man, doesn't like this, he can't disobey this trend.

So after public opinion aroused, he knew that this case was troublesome and could not give up easily.

Not to mention that his executive assistant prosecutor Ben Stone still has romantic feelings about legal justice and insists on strictly dealing with the street heroes who chased and killed these two armed robbers.

Under this situation, Chuck, who represents the basic demands of the vast majority of ordinary people, came back, and was accompanied by Detective Amy Santiago, who also had objections to this, and took the initiative to come over.

It’s no wonder he doesn’t have a headache!

“It’s not as interesting as New York over there.”

Chuck said bluntly.

In terms of magic, New York, the prototype of Arkham's Gotham, is nowhere near as interesting!


District Attorney Adam Schiffer twitched the corner of his mouth, looked back at his office, and coughed lightly: "I still have something to do. If something happens, you should go to Ben first."

He said and left with an awkward smile.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Although he made the final decision, his decision was flexible.

If he doesn't want to stand out, he can directly push it to his subordinate, the Executive Assistant Prosecutor, saying that it's not good for him to interfere in the work of his subordinates.

If it concerns his immediate interests, he can directly take over the case. At that time, no matter what his subordinates say, he can directly deny it. He wants him to feel it, not his subordinates.

But now, he wants his subordinates to do whatever they think they should do.

Chuck didn't stop him and walked directly to Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's office. The female secretary in the office naturally knew Chuck. She smiled at Chuck and picked up the phone to inform him inside.

Inside the Office of the Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney.

Four people sit in pairs.

"Unless you hand over the tape, Mr. Kutas, you'll be taking the ferry to Riker's Island Prison."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone threatened the immigrated jewelry store owner in a flat tone.

"Refund the ticket, Ben."

The defense lawyer was unmoved: "My client never acknowledged the existence of the tape."

"He has admitted it to his brother-in-law."

The African-American assistant prosecutor reminded and corrected.

When the jewelry store owner heard this, his face showed anger.

He did not expect that his brother-in-law would betray him.

But he soon calmed down.

Because he knew that his brother-in-law could not be blamed too much, he glared angrily at the two prosecutors in front of him.

The two prosecutors must have threatened his brother-in-law with jail time. Just like threatening him now, not many people can bear it.

"If you destroy the tape, that's tampering with evidence."

"It's not a big crime, but it's enough to revoke bail," Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone cautioned.

"I have the tape here."

When the jewelry store owner looked over, the defense lawyer negotiated with the two prosecutors on behalf of his client: "I advise him not to destroy it. We can win this case without tampering with the evidence!"

"Don't expect me to thank you, we will send someone to get it."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said calmly.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang. After he picked it up and connected it, he looked out in surprise, then nodded and said, "Let them come in."

The office door is opened.

Everyone looked and saw the secretary opening the door, and Chuck and Detective Amy Santiago walked in.

"Chuck, what are you doing?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone frowned at Detective Amy Santiago and looked at Chuck questioningly.

"First-degree manslaughter, 4 to 12 years, recommended sentencing is 4 years."

Chuck looked directly at the jewelry store owner.

"Ben, what does this mean?"

The jewelry store owner and the defense lawyer looked confused.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone frowned and said: "Chuck, do you mean to suggest that we make such a plea bargain? Do you already have an understanding of the case?

We already know that he has improved security measures in order to reduce insurance premiums, including cameras, which must have captured real-time video of the incident. This can prove that he may have been protecting himself at the beginning, but in the end it must have exceeded the scope of self-protection. , belongs to murder! "

"You won't think so until you see the tape!"

The defense lawyer subconsciously retorted: "Even if you insist on thinking so, the people and the jury who have watched the video will not think so. They will all believe that my client's shooting to kill them was an absolutely heroic act! We will win the case." !”

"No, you will lose!"

Chuck corrected bluntly.

"I know you, Detective Chuck!"

The defendant's jewelry store owner looked at Chuck and said in English with an accent: "You helped Tim Chang win the justice he deserved. You are a good person! You are also a hero! I believe you can understand me, right? "

"I understand."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Do you understand?"

The defendant's jewelry store owner looked at Chuck in confusion: "Since you understand, why do you want me to plead guilty? I am innocent! There are similar cases in Los Angeles and San Francisco, and they were all acquitted."

"This is New York!"

Chuck reminded.

"I know this is New York!"

The defendant’s jewelry store owner became increasingly confused: “But just because this is New York, shouldn’t we speak out for immigrants like us? Defend our rights?”

"Indeed it should."

Chuck said calmly: "But you are a legal immigrant, not an illegal immigrant!"


The defendant's jewelry store owner was stunned and didn't even realize what Chuck meant by his words.

That's the opposite, right?

But he didn't understand, but the elite defendant's defense lawyer and the two prosecutors understood it.

The defense lawyer smiled knowingly.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and the African-American Assistant Prosecutor looked at each other with helpless smiles.


Here comes the hell joke again.

Detective Amy Santiago also understood this hellish joke and kept a straight face and did not want to speak.

She didn't want to laugh at all, she couldn't laugh.

"Detective Chuck, are you wrong?"

A few seconds later, the defendant jewelry store owner stammered and asked: "I am not an illegal immigrant, I am a legal immigrant. As the base camp of freedom, shouldn't New York protect us like Los Angeles and San Francisco?" What are the rights of these legal immigrants?”


Chuck looked at him and asked.

"...Because this is New York! It is the dream harbor for all immigrants!"

The defendant jewelry store owner was helpless. He had no idea what Chuck was talking about.

"New York is New York, as opposed to Old York in England. It was originally a place for Native Americans. It was occupied by the British and named New York."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "From the legal perspective at the time, the first batch of Americans who settled in New York were all illegal immigrants, not legal immigrants like you!"


The defendant jewelry store owner was stunned.

holy shit!

Can you still see it this way?

Although he has never studied law, from a basic common sense point of view, as long as the Native Americans are regarded as human beings, then the first Americans are indeed illegal immigrants.

And New Yorkers are even more so.

No wonder Detective Chuck said so strangely, saying that New York will respect and protect the rights of immigrants very much, but he is a legal immigrant, not an illegal immigrant. He said it as if the rights of illegal immigrants deserve more protection than the rights of legal immigrants.

He originally thought that Chuck must not understand what he said, so he said it wrong.

But now it seems that this is not a misunderstanding, it is clearly a sharp point of view that goes straight to the essence.


If even the first Americans were essentially illegal immigrants, then for big cities like New York, which symbolizes the beacon of freedom, illegal immigrants seem to be more established than legal immigrants!

It's just that... if he thought about it carefully, he could understand it, but it couldn't stop the sense of absurdity and tearing in his heart.

Could this be the truth?

In the past, it was all myself, including all those who yearned for freedom in the United States. Did they understand it wrong?

Isn’t the correct way to come to the United States through legal customs clearance, work hard, abide by the law, get a green card first, and then officially swear an oath under the stars and stripes to become a real American?

Instead, he smuggles in illegally, climbs the border as an illegal immigrant, hides in black factories, takes to the streets at night with a gun, practices American Iaijutsu, and enters and exits seven times in the prison service industry, the pillar industry of the United States. This is how he is a person. Real Americans?

If they are illegal immigrants, all their rights are guaranteed. After something like this happens, can they be called heroes, acquitted, appear on shows and get notification fees, or even become famous and publish books, and make a lot of money?

Instead of being like him now, obviously being a hero recognized by everyone, but being targeted by prosecutors and trying to imprison him for life?

"How could this happen? It's wrong."

The defendant's jewelry store owner understood what Chuck meant, and because his horizons were broadened, he made some reasonable speculations. However, the more he thought about it, the more weird he felt.

"Legal immigration is much more difficult than illegal immigration. There are not only asset requirements, but also political requirements. We are required to completely abandon our motherland, or even be hostile to our motherland. Isn't it just to be a real American without leaving any way out?

In contrast, as long as illegal immigrants are individuals and spend some money or dare to work hard, they can sneak in from the border, which is much easier.

But if legal immigrants do not have as many legal rights as illegal immigrants, then why do we still use legal immigration channels? ! ! ! "

"Blind Sheng, you discovered Hua Dian."

Chuck nodded sternly.


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone couldn't stand it anymore, and interrupted with a cough: "Mr. Kutas, Chuck is kidding you. Of course, the law protects the legitimate rights and interests of legal immigrants more!"


The owner of the defendant jewelry store seemed to be in a panic at this moment. He glanced coldly at Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone, and then looked at Chuck: "Detective Chuck, are you kidding me?"

"Stone is right."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "The law protects the legitimate rights and interests of legal immigrants."

When the defendant jewelry store owner was disappointed and Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone breathed a sigh of relief, Chuck added: "But the law cannot grant privileges to legal immigrants! This is a right that only illegal immigrants have!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone: “…”


The jokes from hell are endless, right?

Although Chuck's sarcasm made sense, he just felt it was a little too harsh.

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