American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 477 It’s hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words!


The jewelry store owner muttered this word absentmindedly.

Legal immigrants who have all-round threshold requirements in terms of assets, skills, and politics can only have verbal legal rights at best, but illegal immigrants can actually want basic civil rights.

According to Detective Chuck, this basic civil right has become a privilege.

At this moment he seemed to realize.

If according to Chuck's logic, Americans are fundamentally illegal immigrants, then the freedom and freedom and other beautiful American dreams it promotes are not true.

Not really, if you're not an American, sorry, all you have is lip service.

And verbal promises are like farts.

Really, if you are a decent American, you can have these wonderful rights of publicity.

And the basic rights that can be fully realized can be regarded as privileges for most other people who cannot enjoy them.

"Mr. Kutas, you heard Chuck right!"

Detective Amy Santiago reminded.

"First degree manslaughter?"

The defendant's jewelry store owner came to his senses, recalled Chuck's suggestion, and then shook his head violently: "No, no! I'm not guilty! I'm not guilty! Ask anyone on the street, they will tell you that I He’s a hero, not a criminal!”

"Haven't you read American comics? Street heroes are criminals under American law! Batman and Spider-Man are both!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "You should have understood these basic common sense before immigrating here. The United States never hides this. Now you can't even figure this out, why are you immigrating to the United States?"


The accused jewelry store owner was speechless.

What could he say?

Was he cheated?

It was in vain that he studied so seriously in the civics class for getting his green card. He thought that being an American would really give him full rights and freedoms like what was taught in the civics class.

But now he is really too naive.

The world is as black as crows.

Light and darkness coexist.

The brightest places often have the ultimate darkness.

He actually ignored this basic logic. He only saw the United States as the most dazzling beacon, but forgot the ultimate darkness that was unspoken.

If he had known this, he should have stayed in Greece and enjoyed the dignity of a small citizen.

That’s right!

He is a Greek immigrant.

The citizens of these small developed European countries mostly despise Americans who have only lived for more than 200 years. In their eyes, only others want to immigrate to their country, not rich people like them.

But he thinks differently than most Chinese people.

He doesn't want to live a so-called life of high welfare and prosperity.

He knew that these were resting on his laurels, and once he finished eating, he would take jujube pills.

And the great power game will speed up this pill.

Compared with the dream of enjoying the dignity of ordinary people, he has a soft spot for the American dream.

Those freedoms and human rights are so fascinating.

Just like holding a gun.

In Greece, only law enforcement personnel such as police can carry guns.

In the United States, everyone can own a gun.

He likes guns and has watched many American gunfight movies. He just thinks that American Iaijutsu is really hot!

Facts have proved that after training, he has indeed become a good shooter. At least he can shoot with the robbers. Whether he is one on one or one on two, he has won the final victory.

That’s right!

This is not the first time he has fought back and killed an armed robber.

Before settling in New York, he shot and killed an armed robber in Fort Lee. He was also featured in the local newspaper and became a hero in the hearts of the people.

Nothing happened at that time.

Why did he go to New York, the freest and freest place, and he did the same thing, so why was he charged with murder?

These days, he couldn't help but wonder, what happened to New York?

Now, with the reminder from Detective Chuck, he seemed to understand, but not completely.

All in all, it's a confusing account.

If he knew that immigrants who had gone through all kinds of troubles, endured many hardships, risked their lives to live until now, opened a jewelry store in New York, and were finally about to realize the American dream, but were faced with such a terrible thing that could not be fully understood, he would definitely give up something. That’s bullshit the American dream, I’d rather stay in Greece where I take jujube pills and enjoy the dignity of a humble citizen!

As for not using legal immigration channels, but using illegal immigration channels?

Who is a serious person willing to go through illegal channels?

If you really have no choice but to risk your life and give up everything, who would be willing to drag your family across the border and crawl to the United States in this hell on earth where the rate of harassment and rape of women is at least 60 to 70 percent? ?

When he encountered difficulties while waiting for immigration, he once thought about crossing the border and taking the illegal immigration route.

But when he asked about it, he immediately shuddered.

At least 67 types of DNA were detected in the body of an eight-year-old girl at the border, all belonging to people who are said to be attracted to children.

This doesn’t even count the ‘polite gentlemen’ who are willing to go to safety measures.

Thinking about the ridiculously high molestation and rape rate of at least 60 to 70 percent, a serious man like him with a wife and children couldn't even think about it.

You still have to go through the legal immigration channel.

If you think about it carefully now, those illegal immigrants can even endure this horrible life in purgatory. After entering the United States, which is too far away from heaven and too close to the United States, they have adapted in advance and become like a fish in water.

But if the United States attracts such desperadoes who dare to risk their lives, and psychologically distorted people who regard the high probability of horror for themselves and their wives and children as nothing, then it will be strange that the environment will be better.

It was also because he was so confused that he completely ignored these explicit warnings and insisted on rushing into hell to act as a joke in hell. Now it has really become a joke in hell.

"Batman, Spider-Man..."

The defendant's jewelry store owner talked about these two famous superheroes unwillingly. Even if he has never read American comics, he will still have an impression of these two names.

"You want to say that even though Batman and Spider-Man are criminals in the legal sense, they can live a good life and continue to be superheroes?"

Chuck said calmly: "The rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation. You have neither wealth technology that allows you to avoid police investigation, nor buff mutation that allows you to avoid prosecution.

You're neither Batman nor Spider-Man, so you got caught and now face two counts of second-degree murder.

I will tell you the final result now. If you do not agree to this plea bargain, you will be acquitted of second-degree murder, found guilty of second-degree murder, and then imprisoned for 25 years to life. "


The accused jewelry store owner was completely speechless.


He is neither a Batman with money to do whatever he wants, nor a mutant Spider-Man with multiple buffs. He is just an embarrassing ordinary person who worked hard to get a green card and is not an official American citizen.

"Why is one innocent and the other guilty?"

The defendant's jewelry store owner was speechless for a long time before asking questions unwillingly and incomprehensibly.

"You don't understand such a simple truth? You really didn't do any homework before immigrating, right?"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Americans like compromises, especially court jury members. If there is only one crime, they will have a hard time making a choice, but if there are two crimes, they will most likely deny one and accept the other.

In your case.

Both were also charged with second-degree murder.

But you are a recognized hero on the street, and from a legal perspective you did commit murder, so in order to compromise and to show your objective and independent thinking, you must deny a second-degree murder and accept a second-degree murder.

If you don't make a deal with the prosecutor now, no matter how your lawyer tells you that you have the advantage of public opinion, but you can't see clearly the underlying logic and common sense, you will go from 4 years in prison to 25 years or even forever in prison.

How to choose is up to you. "

The defendant’s jewelry store owner was troubled.

This is not only the difference between 4 years in prison and 25 years or even forever in prison. He has not yet officially become a naturalized U.S. citizen. If he chooses 4 years in prison, with this stain, he may never be able to become a U.S. citizen.

It doesn't matter how you commit crimes after naturalization. After all, this is the country's freedom.

But before naturalization, you always have to be able to live up to your reputation.

Has all his hard work over the years been in vain? Once beaten back to its original shape?


There is still hope for him!

Although Detective Chuck's analysis subverts the three views and makes sense, Detective Chuck is, after all, a consultant to the police and prosecutors, and will not really stand on his side and consider him.


This is just another intimidation tactic.

In order to force him to compromise and plead guilty!

So insidious!

He was almost fooled!

He is not guilty!

"I'm not guilty!"

The defendant jewelry store owner looked at Chuck with sudden anger.

"Yeah, only criminals go to jail."

Seeing that his client once again insisted on defending his innocence, the defense lawyer immediately answered the call, fearing that his client would be influenced by Chuck.

no way!

He doesn't care at all whether his client will go to jail!

He only cares about the impact of this case.

How much money does the person involved have?

And the various wealthy groups attracted by the public opinion storm will be of great benefit to him in the future and to him now.

For example, as the public opinion about the case has fermented, the National Rifle Association has contacted them and is willing to provide them with the greatest help. It is ready to make his client a model of a gun-carrying hero and further promote the idea that "everyone has a gun so that there will be no chaos." The fear is all about the concept of insufficient firepower, criminals upgrade their weapons, and good guys have to double their weapons to make a lot of money.

The resources and money that the NRA has are massive.

If you give him a little leakage, it will be of great use.

This is the real big deal.

The premise of all this is that his client needs to insist on a not guilty plea.

If you plead guilty and make a plea bargain, who would be willing to deal with a nobody case like yours that has no special features or highlights.

So he, the defense lawyer, knew that Detective Chuck's words hit the nail on the head and it was almost the final outcome, but he still wanted his client to take a gamble.

The bet was successful, and he won money.

If he loses the bet, he will only be imprisoned for life, and he will have nothing to lose.

That is to say, Detective Chuck is a bit scary, and he doesn't dare to do anything too obvious, otherwise he won't even let him say anything and just drags his client away.

It's fine now. After several struggles, my client decided to insist on a not guilty plea.

Then he wasn't instigating it with bad intentions, and he wasn't afraid that Detective Chuck would reveal his thoughts.

"What do you call that going around shooting and killing people in the streets?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone frowned at the defense attorney.

He did not interrupt Chuck immediately, and implicitly acknowledged that Chuck went over his shoulder and directly gave the defendant a plea deal that he was actually unwilling to give. This was already done for Chuck's sake.

According to his original intention, he wanted to strictly prosecute the defendant for second-degree murder!

Because various evidences show that the armed robber was on the run at the time, and even drove away, there was no need to chase him to the end.

Whether according to the law or according to the standards of normal people, this is standard excessive defense and second-degree murder.

That is, Chuck took the initiative to come and speak.

Otherwise, for first-degree manslaughter, between 4 and 12 years, the minimum sentence of 4 years is recommended?

Beautiful thought!

"American hero!"

"Once they entered the store, my client had the right to shoot," the defense attorney laughed.

"The deceased's car was 80 yards away from the store. It was impossible for the seriously injured deceased to survive in the car."

The African-American assistant prosecutor reminded.

"As long as one person on the jury is a shop owner and can empathize with the situation, the best result you can get is a mistrial!"

Defense attorneys showed no sign of weakness.

He really thinks he can win!

At least before Detective Chuck intervenes, there is a good chance of winning!

"Are you going to block your client's future on that?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone glanced at the defendant's jewelry store owner, which was both a question to the defense attorney and a reminder to the defendant: "Mr. Kutas, spent 4 years in Bedford Prison, and in Antica." 25 years in prison, believe me, you would prefer the former."

The length of the sentence is one thing, but the prison where you are sentenced to is also an important consideration.

After all, the highest-level prison for rich people can transform their mansion into a prison, go to work during the day, and come back to 'jail' at night.

What is the punitive significance of this kind of imprisonment for life?

"You want me to admit that I was wrong to defend myself?"

The defendant's jewelry store owner glanced at Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and Chuck: "I don't want to make a deal! I don't want to sit in jail for a day!"

When the defense lawyer opened his mouth and tried to interrupt him, he first interrupted the defense lawyer loudly and continued to say loudly: "I have heard enough of what you said, I am innocent! I know similar cases, Los Angeles, San Francisco. Baltimore, like I, who defended myself, did not end up in jail! Ask anyone on the street, what I did was right! No one protected us!"

Having said this, he glanced at Chuck: "Originally, I thought there would be someone on our side, but now it seems there is no one at all! They are all the same!"

"Mr. Kutas..."

Detective Amy Santiago wanted to say, 'Chuck is really on your side for your own good,' but he could only watch as the defendant jewelry store owner slammed the door angrily and left.

"Chuck, what now?"

Detective Amy Santiago smiled wryly.

"Continue to hurt your heart and slap your face!"

Chuck was unmoved.

Originally, he thought that the defendant was a general public who was being oppressed and resisted, so he took the initiative to help out for the sake of Detective Amy Santiago.

But now it's obvious that good words can't persuade a damn ghost.

They tried their best to immigrate here because they couldn't recognize the essence of the United States. They wanted to be Americans and realize the American dream. But now they are faced with the reality, and they still don't want to wake up from the dream, and they can't tell the difference between good and good.

That’s what you deserve!

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