American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 478 Chuck, stop talking! ambulance! ambulance! ! !


When Detective Amy Santiago heard this, she subconsciously looked at Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.

"A heart-breaking slap in the face?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone twitched his lips.

Well, this is to continue to criticize myself.

"Chuck, you disagree with me on this case?"

He guessed it, but he still took the initiative to ask.

He still values ​​​​and admires Detective Chuck very much.

He doesn't want to have completely different fundamental ideas, because that means there will be no cooperation in the future.

So if there is a conflict, it is better to talk it out.


Chuck nodded bluntly.

"Don't you think he should be prosecuted?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor was surprised.

"Before just now, yes!"

Chuck nodded.


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone couldn't accept it and said: "With your IQ, you should be able to understand the story of this case with these few words.


Two armed robbers entered a jewelry store and robbed it. As store owners, they were qualified to use guns for self-defense.

But that’s only in-store.

As long as he shot and killed both of them in the store, even if the police gave him an award, I would be in favor of it.

Because that is indeed legitimate self-defense.

But his marksmanship wasn't that good and he just fought them off, then he was supposed to stay in the store and call 911 and let the police handle it.

But he opened the safety door and chased out, changing the magazine during the process. He chased and killed the two people who escaped, causing one to die in the alley on the corner of the street and the other to die in the car.

This is outright murder!

Shouldn't it be strictly enforced? "

"It shouldn't be!"

Chuck said calmly: "Putting aside this fact, if Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan hadn't actively solved the case, how would this case have been handled in the end? Do you know?"

"Facts aside..."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was speechless.

Ignore the facts!

Shouldn’t everything be analyzed in detail?

"Chuck, I know what you mean."

The African-American assistant prosecutor responded and smoothed things over: "If it weren't for Santiago and Jack, this case would probably be regarded as a gang vendetta. If it were recorded, no one would pay attention."

"Then according to this logic, many cases would not be handled without us. So if we, the capable ones, encounter them, we can stop handling them?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was still brooding over Chuck's bastard words of 'putting aside the facts' and said directly in a bad tone.

He knew that Chuck liked to see the essence through phenomena and make up one hell of a joke after another based on social reality.

He was helpless about this.

But it's acceptable.

After all, these hell jokes, while hellish enough, are actually true.

Even if Chuck doesn’t say it, the cruel reality represented by this hell joke is still there and will not disappear.

But he was extremely dissatisfied with Chuck's redefinition of how to view this hellish reality and his distorted worldview and methodology of 'putting aside the facts'.

This is all shameless nonsense!

"Do you think what you said is the truth and truth?"

Chuck looked at him expressionlessly: "You agree with self-defense in the store, but you can't accept it at all. He chased and killed two armed robbers. You think that as a store owner, he should stay in the store and call 911." Waiting for the police to deal with it, right?”


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said sternly: "This is a response process that complies with the law and makes people blameless!"

"You are the one who is ignoring the facts now, not me!"

Chuck said bluntly: "The response process that you think is in compliance with the law and is impeccable is completely based on fantasy.

If you call the police, the police will come as soon as possible?

You are also a senior prosecutor and have seen many cases. Are you not clear about the consequences of such a choice?

Anyone who can think this way is a law-abiding citizen who abides by the law.

But what is the reality?

How long did it take for the police to arrive?

Let me tell you a joke.

Law-abiding citizens are usually the most supportive of the police. If they have any delicious food, they will take the initiative to give it to the police officers at the nearby police station. They also go to express their condolences during holidays. The relationship between them is quite good.

But one night, armed robbers came to his house. He immediately called 911. Do you know when the police arrived?

Four hours later!

I can watch three gun fight movies in four hours!

What's the use if the police arrive again?

How do you think he felt after he survived? "


Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Ben Stone said silently.

Detective Amy Santiago looked even more embarrassed and ashamed.

"The result was that he was completely chilled."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "The bullshit condolences and concerns, even at the critical moment, cannot allow the police who should have arrived within ten minutes to provide him with the protection he deserves in time!

You talk so much about the response process that is in compliance with the law and is impeccable. The biggest possibility is that you will not be able to wait for the police to arrive in time. What will wait will only be more armed robbers with stronger firepower to retaliate!

Then the person who died was the law-abiding shop owner!

Dead people have no human rights and cannot talk about their feelings!

After a case occurs, the probability of catching the murderer is less than one-third. After catching the murderer, only one-third are successfully prosecuted. After a successful prosecution, it is even less than one-tenth that the person can be imprisoned according to the prosecution sentence. No.

Then these repeat offenders, who have been in and out of prison, show up again with guns in front of live new law-abiding store owners, starting a new cycle.

It was only after thousands of injuries that a law-abiding citizen who dared to resist appeared. Because his marksmanship was not accurate enough, he did not directly kill the dominant armed robber in the store. He was worried that the other party would come back to retaliate, so he killed him.

Afterwards, you have to handle the case strictly. Who do you want to attack? "

"This is New York, not rural Texas!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's face turned red, and he looked directly at Chuck with sharp eyes: "The NYPD's response time will not be delayed to four hours!"

He was hurt by Chuck's last line, 'Who are you trying to hit?'

who is he?


It represents the law!

It’s the criminals who are fighting!

But now Chuck has a crooked butt, and he is not attacking criminals, but law-abiding citizens!

This was completely unacceptable to him!

"You're taking it for granted again."

Chuck said calmly: "It's just like the defendant felt that New York must be a beacon of democracy and freedom and would definitely protect their rights to legal immigration, so they learned in civics class that they could hold a gun for self-defense and then decisively shot when robbers came to their door. .

What about New York?

On the street where the defendant's jewelry store was located, there was an exchange of fire between three guns, all of which had their magazines emptied and reloaded.

This level of intense firefight was very jarring in the silence of the night.

Many people heard it.

But no one stuck their heads out to check.

Because they know real common sense better than you, and know that not only the probe is at risk of being hit by stray bullets, but even if people are sitting at home, such stray bullets may still break the windows and hit them.

So after hearing such intensive bullet fire, all the residents on the street huddled in their homes, and no one called the police!

The bodies of two habitual armed robbers were discovered only after they were found in a garbage truck the next morning and the police were called.

What makes all law-abiding citizens make the same choice instead of following the response procedures that you say are in line with the law and are blameless?

Even those of them who are not directly in danger of being shot by bullets do not choose to call the police, but you justly let the two armed robbers exchange fire, which may attract more armed robbers and more armed robbers at any time. The jewelry store owner who retaliated with heavy firepower did not pursue the victory to eliminate the danger, but stayed in the store and called 911 to call the police? "

"What you said is only possible, not absolute!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's face turned redder and redder, which was a sign of emotion. He loosened his tie and still stared at Chuck sharply.

"Is it just because of this possibility that he is given unlimited rights to open fire? You think there is a problem with me going to the line to handle this case strictly, but haven't you thought about how many people will follow suit if I don't handle it strictly?

Didn’t you hear him keep claiming he was not guilty, saying that similar cases had occurred in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Baltimore, and they were all acquitted in the end?

It is precisely because the cases that occurred there were not handled fairly from a legal perspective, but from a political perspective, coerced by public opinion, and those who should have been sentenced were acquitted, which gave today's defendants the illusion. If he thinks they shot and killed and were acquitted, he can do it too!

If everyone thought like him and didn't abide by the law, but would shoot themselves to solve problems, have you ever thought about what terrible New York would become? "

"New York is no longer Gotham."

Chuck said bluntly.

"What did you say?!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone stood up abruptly and glared at Chuck: "You actually think that the ridiculous and terrifying statement 'Everyone has a gun will stop chaos' is right?

Did I really misjudge you?

Are you not a rigorous scientist who only works from the facts, but just a Texas cowboy who longs for bloody primitive shootouts in Western movies? "

Of course he knows that New York is the prototype of Gotham, the vice city in DC comics.

What Chuck clearly means is that the situation he is most worried about will not only not occur, but will turn 180 degrees, directly from the worst to the best.

For him who insists on the law and the rule of law, this is an intolerable battle of ideas!

“It’s only when everyone holds a gun that there will be no chaos. This sentence is indeed ridiculous.”

Chuck said calmly: "But in this New York full of hell jokes, it's not as ridiculous or scary as you think.

Any policy must be tailored to local conditions.

Now you are excited and feel that this case must be handled strictly, giving a clear signal to the defendant jewelry store owner and those who come after you, that they must still abide by the law no matter what.

But you ignored the simplest truth. "

"What's the point?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor quickly answered, walked over and stood between the two of them to cool down, and motioned for Detective Amy Santiago to do the same thing.

In his eyes, everyone had cooperated very happily in the past few times. They were all good people who asked for help from the people. There was no need to make such a fuss over a case.

Especially Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone, who is a senior prosecutor. What kind of case has he not encountered before?

Perseverance and giving up have been done with ease for a long time, and it doesn't depend on one's own likes and dislikes.

Now facing Chuck like this, Ben Stone was so excited.

He can understand it too.

It is precisely because he values ​​​​and identifies with Detective Chuck very much and regards Chuck as a companion that he is so excited.

Otherwise, they will explain their ideas expressionlessly, not answering the question at all, and just continue to do whatever they want to do. There is no need to argue with a blushing neck.

Isn't it just to try to get Chuck to accept his ideas?

"To only talk about toxicity without talking about dosage is to be a hooligan!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "You keep saying that it is precisely because similar cases occurred in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Baltimore. You did not conduct trials based on the law itself, which gave people, including the defendants in this case, a dangerous illusion." , worried that this would spread, causing the entire city or even the entire country to abandon civilized rule of law and return to primitive and bloody gunfights.

American Iaijutsu, the strong wins!

But you have forgotten, how many such cases have there been in all these years?

I can count them on both hands!

And how many people die from gunfire every year?

Starting from more than 40,000!

More than a hundred a day!

Excluding gang vendettas, the vast majority of law-abiding citizens who were unable to resist were shot.

You are not afraid of the harm and extremely terrible negative impact caused by shootings and homicides in the tens of thousands to society, but you are so afraid of the desperate counterattack of a negligible number of law-abiding citizens?

If armed robbers don't knock on your door, who would be a normal, law-abiding citizen who would live a good life and risk his life and death to play this kind of American Iaijutsu with professional gun-wielding gangsters?

Do you side with the law or the criminals?

Are you worried that the vast majority of law-abiding citizens will dare to resist, and criminals will no longer dare to carry out armed robbery at homes and in the street so unscrupulously? "


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone swayed and his vision went dark.

The African-American assistant who came to help him stood in front of him.

It was really dark.

"Ben, don't get excited, Chuck doesn't mean any harm."

The African-American assistant prosecutor quickly reassured him: "He is just discussing the matter, don't make any associations."

As he spoke, he tried his best to wink at Detective Amy Santiago, the only female present, to persuade her to smooth things over.

Detective Amy Santiago was stunned.

Even though she knew before she came that Chuck was here just to hurt her, she was already dumbfounded when she saw her always-respected Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone, whom Chuck directly attacked, looking like he was going to the hospital.

Is this okay?

"Chuck, of course Stone is on the side of the law, you clearly know that!"

Detective Amy Santiago reacted and quickly spoke up to try to smooth things over.

Originally she just wanted to find Chuck to save the day.

But I didn't expect that before the case was settled, there would be internal strife among myself again.

She really wanted to slap the table and cry: "My head is really about to split!"

"I know."

Chuck nodded, and then when Detective Amy Santiago and the African-American Assistant Prosecutor just showed joy, his words changed: "Many times, the law and the criminal are one."

The whole office fell into dead silence, and then the African-American assistant prosecutors and others were heard exclaiming: "Ben, are you okay? Don't scare me!"

"Ambulance! Ambulance!!!"

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