American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 479 Stop talking nonsense! You are clearly being petty!

"Don't call an ambulance, it's too expensive!"

Chuck bluntly interrupted Detective Amy Santiago's call. Under the incredible gazes of the African-American Assistant Prosecutor and Detective Amy Santiago, he stepped forward to check on Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben who had fainted. Stone.

"He's fine."

"you sure?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor was worried: "It's better to call an ambulance to take him to the hospital."

"How much does your prosecutor earn per year?"

Chuck looked at him: "Do you know how much it will cost to call an ambulance to the emergency room?"


The African-American assistant prosecutor was immediately speechless.

They are prosecutors and a type of lawyer, but their salary income is much lower than that of lawyers of the same level who work for law firms.

He has little qualifications and his annual income is around US$60,000.

Ben Stone, who has been a prosecutor for more than ten years, has a much higher income than him, with an annual income of about $90,000.

This income is already very considerable for ordinary people.

But in front of Chuck, who has the ability to make money, this amount of money is naturally not worth mentioning.

And even if they have medical insurance, they can be reimbursed for a proportion of the expenses. If their leg is broken, they will not shout "Don't call an ambulance, I just broke a leg" as soon as possible. However, the high cost of ambulance and emergency treatment is too high for them. The cost is still very high.

It's impossible not to think about it at all.

If you can stop barking, you still won't bark.

"It's useless even if you call an ambulance and go to the emergency room."

Chuck continued to remind him straightforwardly: "If he had that time, he would have woken up early. Why would he be fussing over it?"


The African-American assistant prosecutor was completely speechless.

However, he touched his partner's breathing and saw that it was stable. After Chuck reminded him, he also thought that even if he called an ambulance and spent a lot of money to go to the emergency room, he would not be able to see the doctor immediately. He would still have to wait for a few days. It is normal for emergency room waiting times to last for hours or half a day.

By then, it's really possible that your partner will have woken up and nothing will happen.

But after returning home, I had to receive a bill of several thousand dollars for the ambulance and tens of thousands of dollars for various emergency medical examinations.

After Chuck gave a positive answer, he was really reluctant to part with the money for his partner.

"Chuck, you're going a little too far."

After the African-American assistant prosecutor suppressed the idea of ​​sending his partner to the hospital because of his 'poverty', he looked at his sleeping partner and suddenly couldn't suppress his dissatisfaction.

"We are all our own people, why do you use such a drastic method to stimulate Ben? You know he is not the person you say is on the side of the criminals!"

"I know."

Chuck nodded.

"Then you still..."

Facing such an upright Chuck, the African-American assistant prosecutor was powerless to complain.


Detective Amy Santiago couldn't help but said: "Stone is not Little Sheldon, don't be so rude to him."

"He is indeed not Young Sheldon and House."

Chuck said calmly: "What a shame."

The African-American assistant prosecutor didn't know the reason yet, but Amy Santiago, who knew how Chuck usually quarreled with Little Sheldon, twitched her lips.


Chuck is really interested in treating Ben Stone as another little Sheldon and attacking him frequently.

Although everyone secretly felt that Chuck regarded Little Sheldon as a true friend, I'm afraid no one would want to be this kind of friend.

Chuck ignored her thoughts.

Ben Stone is indeed a good person, which is rare even in the prosecutor's profession where people are often unkind.

It's just that due to the ideological imprint of the general environment, sometimes the butt unconsciously tilts towards the upper class.

Because the social structure itself is crooked.

Therefore, he did not feel that he was wrong. He only felt that what he did was the same as before, defending the law and protecting the people.

This kind of person needs to be confronted.

Only this kind of person is worth fighting against.

Originally, he was holding on to the idea that the prosecutor who was so muddled and slightly stained should be the absolute protagonist in an American TV series. He thought about giving him a hard blow to see if he could also get along with Xiao Xie. Like Dalton and House, there is a double harvest of yin and yang points.

But now the other party has fainted due to his anger, and there is no prompt from the system.

He could only accept this result with regret.

As expected, Ben Stone is not the protagonist of popular American TV series such as Young Sheldon and House. He is not popular enough.

"Chuck, what on earth do you think?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor suppressed his frustration and looked at Chuck with a frown.

"You think what I said is wrong?"

Chuck looked at him.

"...This kind of debate is within the scope of the rights of the Supreme Court justices. We, the lower-level prosecutors, are not capable and have insufficient authority. We will not be able to do our jobs if we are not in our position."

The African-American assistant prosecutor shook his head quickly.

Are what Chuck said true or false?

In his mind, of course it makes sense!

The case of counterattack and killing of the jewelry store owner was not as exaggerated as Ben Stone thought.

As Chuck said, this isn't the first time, and it won't be the last.

But even if there are many acquittals, such cases are still negligible compared to the more than 40,000 gun homicides every year.

After all, most ordinary people who yearn for peace and happiness, if they are not pushed to the limit, who would be willing to fight with a gun-wielding habitual criminal to the death?

If there are more cases like this and the final result is acquittal, it will indeed attract some imitators.

Among them, there are many people like the jewelry store owner who are highly moral and deliberately fish for law enforcement, just to kill them legally afterwards.

But again, even if it is fishing law enforcement, it is Jiang Taigong who takes the bait.

If you don't take the initiative to threaten others with guns and other violent means, there will be no way for others to take advantage of law enforcement.

Since you chose this path, you deserve to be legally beaten to death.

If everyone in America, a mess with overflowing guns, really had a gun, the vast majority of ordinary people would still dare to use guns against these violent and habitual criminals.

Then it’s really hard to say what situation will arise.

Although the African-American assistant prosecutor wanted to agree with his partner's ideas and was afraid that this would lead to a worse situation from a legal perspective, after being told by Chuck, he had to admit that it was possible that New York would no longer be the Things are looking up for Gotham.

And the probability of the latter is even higher.

Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships.

Street gangsters also need to consider their income-risk ratio.

It's nothing to go to jail for that little money.

How many in and out?

The legal loopholes have long since taken their shape anyway.

But to be beaten into pieces for that little money, not many gangsters are willing to do that.

As a prosecutor, he sometimes feels helpless and disapproving of the judicial system.

Because the punishment for criminals is too lax, so lax that the criminals don't care at all, and so lax that the criminals can laugh at them to their faces.

But they couldn't do anything even if they were prosecutors.

As he said, they can only follow the letter of the law. How to interpret the law is the responsibility of the Supreme Court justices and the senior legal figures in the Legislative Council.

Unless they quit, they can only exercise their powers and defend the law within the framework set by these high-level officials.


Just when the African-American assistant prosecutor stopped answering Chuck, the fainted Ben Stone made a sound and woke up.

"Ben, how are you feeling?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor looked at him happily.

"I'm fine."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's eyes were dazed for a moment, and when he focused on Chuck again, he recalled what had just happened, his eyes complex.

I think he also became famous at a young age. He is a top student who graduated from Harvard Law School and is one of the best among his peers. He did not follow the trend and join those big law firms to serve rich people and make a lot of money.

Nor did he first learn skills and accumulate connections as a prosecutor, and then go through a gorgeous revolving door and enter those big law firms to serve rich people and make a lot of money.

He chose the profession of prosecutor and has been working as a prosecutor. The annual salary is quite a lot for ordinary people, but compared with his peers who are far inferior to him, what is this little money enough?

It's almost like sending a beggar away.

Anyone with his abilities, or those whose abilities are not as good as him, would have been a partner of a barrister by now, with an annual salary in the millions.

It's not like he has enough ability and qualifications, and his annual salary has not yet exceeded the threshold of one hundred thousand.

This gap is so huge.

Of course, in this position, his reputation and influence are not comparable to those of his peers who have entered big law firms and earned high salaries.

As long as he is willing, even if he does not take these bribes, the benefits will definitely be there.

Who doesn’t have a super rich buddy?

As long as he nods, the super rich brother can get along well with his family, and the two families can travel together every year. Private jets and private super yachts are all basic things.

It costs.

Of course they are all paid by super rich friends.

If I didn’t have this super rich friend, I would have spent $500,000 on the trip.

This happens every year!

Even if it is exposed, as long as his super-rich friend is not directly connected to the cases he handles, such as if he directly sues this super-rich friend, whether these things are bribes is full of room for sophistry.

After all, even the Supreme Court justices almost all have such a super-rich friend.

Some don't even pretend, and the cases they handle are directly and obviously related to their super-rich friends.

Even so, it's not nothing.

It might even be considered legal.

Another example is that he knew that a super-rich friend of the justice directly lent a mansion owned by his name to the justice's mother to live in in order to make the life of his good friend's mother more comfortable, and hired the most famous design team to renovate it.

The residents of the mansion next door were not of high quality and often had noisy parties, which affected the old lady’s rest. Not long after, the mansion next door was bought by a super-rich friend and then demolished!

That’s right!

Instead of buying it and replacing it with high-quality residents, or buying it and leaving it vacant, it bought it and demolished it directly on the spot, completely destroying the house and completely eradicating the factors that might affect the old lady's mood.

This cost cannot be compared to a luxury vacation of at least $500,000 per year.

But think about the investment that a super-rich friend has made for thirty years, $500,000 per year. The total sum is not much worse than buying the mansion directly and demolishing it.

Calculate how much this costs.

At least 20 to 30 million.

It would take more than ten years for wealthy lawyers and senior partners of big law firms to make this kind of money.


That's how a Supreme Court justice is treated.

Even if you are exposed, you don't have to worry about being sued, because no one can tell who is suing me.

He, a senior executive assistant prosecutor in New York City, couldn't compare.

But as long as he wants to, various hidden benefits can still make those lawyers in the same class who make a lot of money envious.

But he has been a prosecutor for more than ten years and has never accepted these Schrödinger welfare bribes in order to be able to handle cases openly and according to his own wishes, striving to comply with the spirit of the law to the greatest extent, uphold the law, and uphold justice.


He may not be able to put himself and his family in danger like Evan Davenport in order to fight crime. He can only live anonymously with his twin daughters in the witness protection program.

But he tried his best to do the best he could.

With him like this, Chuck, whom he agreed with, said that he was actually on the side of the criminals, which really made him angry.

Now after I woke up after fainting, my anger subsided slightly, and negative emotions such as grievance and disappointment began to rise.

"What do you want?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at Chuck like this for a while, pushed away his African-American partner who was supporting him, and looked at Chuck with a cold tone.

"Find evidence to prove it was murder and not self-defense."

Chuck said expressionlessly.


Executive Assistant Attorney Ben Stone stared at him.

"Ben, this is best. Everyone has reached a consensus..."

The African-American assistant prosecutor tried to smooth things over, but under the stern eyes of his partner, he could only shut up with a wry smile and stop talking.

"Because he didn't take my advice."

Chuck said bluntly.

"So you just changed your mind because he rejected you?"

A hint of sarcasm appeared on Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's lips.

Although he did not say it, the African-American assistant prosecutor and Detective Amy Santiago both heard the unspoken words: "Where is your position? Where is your persistence?"

"I never changed my mind."

Chuck said bluntly: "I came here to set a good example for the world! This kind of action of killing armed robbers can effectively deter those armed criminals and greatly reduce the crime rate."

"Then now you want to help us investigate that it was not self-defense but murder. Didn't you change your mind?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone sneered.

"of course not!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "He was stupid for not accepting my suggestion, so in order to set a good example for the world, I must use my actions to tell the world what a wise decision is.

How to be smart about the boundaries between legitimate self-defense and murder, instead of being stupid about not understanding this beforehand and not being able to accept friendly advice from professionals afterwards. "


Everyone was speechless.


Can it set a good example for the world, both positive and negative?

Stop talking nonsense!

You saw that your well-intentioned suggestions were ignored by the other party, so you became angry and angry. You are obviously being petty!

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