American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 480: God Exploring Chuck: Is Hearing What He Is? That's you!

"Great, everyone has the same goal now."

Detective Amy Santiago looked left and right, seeing that the atmosphere was tense, and tried to liven it up with some witty remarks.

But facing everyone's expressionless gaze, her face fell, and she lowered her head in a sullen manner, signaling that she didn't exist.

"The videotape of what happened in the jewelry store that night is about to be delivered. Let's take a look at the videotape first before talking about anything else."

The African-American assistant prosecutor did not imitate Detective Amy Santiago in trying to liven up the atmosphere and got down to business.

"I'm afraid nothing can be seen on the videotape."

When Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone got down to business, he did not continue the cold war with Chuck. He nodded slightly and shook his head: "Otherwise, they would have destroyed the videotape directly. Compared to destroying key evidence, canceling bail is not so intolerable. .”


The African-American assistant prosecutor nodded: "His defense lawyer is not an unknown person. We have naturally weighed this point. We need more evidence to prove that he was not justified in self-defense but murder."

Having said this, he looked at Chuck: "Chuck, I need to trouble you."

"No trouble."

Chuck said bluntly: "This is very simple."

"Very simple?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's calm mood became angry again, and his voice unconsciously rose a lot.

"Very simple? How do you say it?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor quickly interrupted his partner's next question, 'Since it's very simple, prove that you are very sure that he committed murder, and why did you help him so much before?'

"Since he had a security camera that recorded everything that happened, and he removed it afterward, and his defense attorney also said it was recommended not to destroy the videotape that recorded what happened, then it is obvious that the camera was indeed on at the time."

Chuck explained: “Since it was open, the whole process of the shootout between two armed robbers was naturally captured.

Two armed robbers were beaten and fled. One died on the street corner, the other died in his car, 80 yards from the jewelry store, and the corner was further away, 100 yards away.

If they had been shot in a jewelry store, it would have been impossible for them to run that far with their fatal injuries.

Therefore, the exchange of fire that occurred in the jewelry store must have been a fight between two armed robbers and an immigrant rookie.

It looked vigorous, but in fact no injuries were caused.

This also fits the skin color of the two habitual armed robbers. "


When everyone heard this, their mouths twitched, they wanted to complain, but they were speechless.

In particular, the African-American assistant prosecutor opened his mouth, wanting to say that this was racial discrimination, but looking at Chuck's straightforward expression and tone, he guessed that even if he said it, he would be calmly shouted back, so he simply stopped saying it. .

Because what Chuck said is indeed true.

Many African-American street gang members have a classic image when they shoot at each other with guns. They hold up their pants and raise their hands to shoot randomly.

In this case, the target being targeted is relatively safer than the "onlookers".

Because these bullets are fired from this posture, 80% of them will directly miss the target in front of them. Unless it is an old unlucky guy, it will be difficult to hit the target.

Otherwise, how could two recidivist armed robbers be repelled by a legal immigrant who had never touched a gun before, or 1V2, and even hunted them down and killed them.

If Chuck is not allowed to say, "Rookies pecking each other suits the skin color of two armed robbers and habitual criminals," then how can we explain all this?

Is the jewelry store owner a god of war who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger?

If they were really the God of War, they wouldn't have to run the risk of being prosecuted for murder. They could just kill them cleanly in the store.

It not only saves bullets, but also prevents two armed robbers from shooting indiscriminately, causing unnecessary damage to the store. The area where they were hit has to be repainted. The store is full of valuable jewelry. If it is hit, it will cause heavy losses. .

This is all money.

Jewelry store owners care about money very much.

Because from the time of the incident to the present, whether the initial investigation did not reveal that it was a homicide or whether it was discovered and interrogated, the jewelry store owner talked most about money.

The street where his shop is located is not safe.

All right.

No matter which street it is, as long as it is in New York and in the United States, law and order is not good.

It's just that their street is relatively more obvious.

These stores must be insured to avoid being robbed and stolen, resulting in heavy losses.

But insurance is the biggest scam.

Especially American insurance.

That was all carefully calculated.

Before an accident occurs, the insurance premium must be investigated based on the store's conditions. Not surprisingly, the insurance premium for jewelry stores is getting higher year by year.

According to the angry statement of the jewelry store owner: "Every time a store is robbed on this street, the insurance company will come over and double the insurance premium, even if I spend money to take various insurance measures as they say, such as metal cages, safety Cameras and bulletproof glass still cost extra!”

This was before the accident. After the accident, the insurance company took advantage of various loopholes to refuse payment, leaving you with no options.

So if the jewelry store owner is really the God of War, then he is also the God of War who is short of money.

There was no way he would let two armed robbers shoot randomly in his store and cause him heavy losses, nor would he chase them out at the risk of being prosecuted for murder. He would definitely kill them quickly in the store without wasting any money. bullet.

So what Chuck said about rookies pecking each other who match their skin color is naturally the closest to the truth.

"The effective injuries and killings occurred in the pursuit outside the store. The security cameras can only record what is inside the store, but not what is outside the store."

Chuck ignored the complicated look in the African-American assistant prosecutor's eyes and continued calmly: "After the defense lawyer has seen it, even if the police are aware of the existence of the security camera and find the video tape, it is not enough to rely on the video in the video tape as evidence. The proof must be the two victims killed by the jewelry store owner.

Even if everyone knows what's going on.

But hearing is false and seeing is true. "

"We know this."

The Executive Assistant Prosecutor frowned: "To get to the point, what does this have to do with being able to easily prove his murder?"

Even if everyone can know what happened based on the gunfire outside the store, as long as they don't see the jewelry store owner with his own eyes shooting the fleeing deceased with a gun, then this is not sufficient evidence.

Even he was so confident that he could rely on the defense lawyer not to destroy the video tape evidence. He also guessed that the video content in the video tape would not be detrimental to the owner of the jewelry store. Maybe it was the two deceased who took the initiative to show it as soon as they came in. Firearms.

Once the video is released, most people who see this scene will definitely side with the jewelry store owner and believe that it is reasonable and legal to fight back with a gun. Their emotional approval will also make the people think that it is also reasonable to chase and kill the escaped armed robbers. legal.

This kind of public opinion will naturally also affect the jury's view.

After all, the jury is also a representative of ordinary people selected by a lottery.

This should be why the defense attorney is so confident.

"It's very simple."

Chuck said straightforwardly: "For ordinary people, seeing is believing and hearing is believing!"


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was stunned.

"Chuck, are you telling me that you can simulate what happened outside the store based on the sound of gunfire that wasn't captured by the security cameras inside the store?"

Detective Amy Santiago had a sudden realization.

"It's just simple math."

Chuck said calmly: "The sound, color and distance of the gunshot can determine the identity and location of the gunman. In addition, the location where the deceased was shot and fell, and the round trip time are enough to simulate what happened outside the store."

"...just a simulation?"

Although Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was shocked, he still subconsciously acted as a bully: "The jury may not choose to believe it. After all, this is just a simulation. Just like our inference that he was chasing the killer, the defense lawyer only needs to Asking 'Are you 100% sure that this is the truth and there is no other possibility' can greatly reduce the reliability of this simulated speculation, and it may just be false in the eyes of the jury."

"that is you!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "The simulated judgment I made can 100% restore the truth, and no one can overturn it."

"I believe this!"

Detective Amy Santiago smiled and said: "Even if the defense lawyer wants to refute Chuck's simulation, he has to say some possibility, but with Chuck here, any possibility he said will be overturned by Chuck. As for finding Are other experts going to refute? Then let’s see if they can be more professional than Chuck and can speak with facts better!”

"I believe it too."

The African-American assistant prosecutor also laughed.


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was speechless, but he thought of the time when Chuck faced the challenge of the East Coast's leading criminal lawyer and quickly put thousands of marble fragments back together in court, leaving the other party stunned. This kind of saucy operation, I have to admit that Chuck has the confidence to say so.

"The simulation outside the store is not the whole story."

Chuck reminded: "Since the security camera in the store captured the entire process of the gunfight in the store, the video tape can prove that the jewelry store owner's bullet did not hit the deceased in the store. He said that the deceased was hit in the store with a strong force. If you want to survive until you die in the corner or in the car, it is a lie."

"How do you know that the bullet did not hit the deceased in the store..."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone subconsciously thought of the details.

Thinking about it, this kind of security camera cannot be as clear as shooting a movie. It can also slow down the shot ten times or a hundred times to show the trajectory of the bullet.

In the eyes of the jury, it is another vague concept of "hearing is false and seeing is true".

But before he finished speaking, Chuck's calm eyes made him unable to speak any more.

He had already realized that even scenes outside the store that were not captured by security cameras, Chuck could 100% simulate based on the sound of gunshots, let alone the gun battle that took place inside the store.

Ordinary people cannot see the trajectory of the bullet and cannot tell whether the deceased was shot in the store.

But Chuck can.

Moreover, based on the actions of the deceased and the owner of the jewelry store raising their guns, and subsequent investigation of the location where the bullet hit, it is possible to completely simulate whether the exchange of fire in the store hit the deceased or them.

A simple bullet trajectory diagram is far easier for the judge and jury to understand and convince than the magical sound identification outside the store!


The African-American assistant prosecutor clapped his hands.

He also thought about this.

"If the defense attorney knew this, I'm afraid he wouldn't have recommended that the defendant preserve the videotape evidence."

The African-American assistant prosecutor laughed: "They are not confident enough to think that just by releasing the videotape, they can get the jury and public opinion to side with them."

The more vague it is, the more room there is for sophistry.

"Their biggest mistake was not accepting Chuck's kindness."

Detective Amy Santiago hit the nail on the head: "Otherwise, how could there be the current disaster?"


The executive assistant prosecutor's lips twitched as he squinted at Detective Amy Santiago, who was refusing to drink the pot.

What's the meaning?

They couldn't handle the case without Chuck, right?

And you are the NYPD handling the case. It is your responsibility and obligation to find the evidence and convict the defendant.

So now you haven't thought about this at all, but you are still feeling proud.

Who is it?

Everyone talked for a while, until there was a knock on the door, and the office secretary brought in a videotape.

It was the hidden in-store security camera that captured the entire process.

"it is as expected."

After everyone saw it, the African-American assistant prosecutor said in relief, then looked at Chuck, waiting for Chuck to give the result.

"The rookies in the store pecked each other without causing any physical harm to each other."

Chuck nodded and said: "Based on the gunshots outside the store, it can be concluded that the owner of the jewelry store was chasing the two deceased people. The two deceased people fled in panic without fighting back."

"I said it was murder!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone couldn't help but look at Chuck, but when he saw that Chuck didn't look strange at all, he immediately realized that Chuck knew this even without watching the tape. The previous slap in the face was really just from a political perspective. Rather than the legal perspective, this made him angry again.

"Our odds are better."

The African-American assistant prosecutor smiled.

"And there's evidence."

Chuck raised his decorative glasses and reminded: "Pay attention to his expression and movements. This is definitely not the first time he has fought back."

Everyone looked around and then focused on the actions and expressions of the owner of the jewelry store. They saw that before the two armed robbers could get out of the safety metal cage and actually enter the store, he started to draw a gun from under the counter and shoot quickly. After emptying the magazine, he took out a quick-loading magazine from his pocket, then opened the safety metal cage and chased away.

After returning for dozens of seconds, he walked to the security camera. The security camera went dark. It was obvious that he had unplugged the power of the security camera.

Such skillful movements and calm expression after killing people do not seem to be the psychological quality of a rookie who takes action for the first time.

"Has he done this before?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was startled, then walked to the computer and started operating it. Looking at the retrieved information, he couldn't help but curse: "Damn it, we didn't even notice such obvious evidence!"

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