American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 481 So angry! There’s a Hell Joke for you!


Detective Amy Santiago, who leaned over to watch, was embarrassed when faced with Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's complaints.

It's their police job to find evidence.

Now it looks like they clearly didn't do a good job.

"Call the handling Fort Lee detective immediately."

Chuck reminded.

"Oh yes."

Detective Amy Santiago quickly agreed.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone didn't say anything. Although the files can be found to show what happened, they are all written records after all. Only the parties involved in the case will know many of the inside truths.

Detective Amy Santiago obtained the phone number of the handling detective through the police station's internal network, and after dialing the number, she quickly introduced the situation.

"Some guys just end up having bad luck wherever they go."

The Fort Lee police detective on the other side laughed and said, "This guy was in our area at the time. Less than a year after he opened his store, he was smashed, smashed, and robbed by three kids."

"This isn't bad luck, is it?"

Detective Amy Santiago said subconsciously.

"Haha, I know what you mean."

The Fort Lee police detective opposite laughed: "This is indeed very common in New York, and it is not an unlucky thing at all, but believe me, here in Fort Lee, we don't see it every day like you do in New York."


Detective Amy Santiago twitched her lips.


This is a self-inflicted insult that invites the region to become black.

New York is known as the Big Apple City because the apples are fresh and delicious and everyone wants to take a bite.

For a small place like Fort Lee, which is not far from each other across the river but is completely different, my feelings towards New York are very complicated.

Envy, jealousy, and hatred are nothing more than this.

The predecessors of Lu Xiaobu and Zhang Dapao in the wingman team, Ted and Barney in "Looking for Mom" ​​once pretended to be outsiders in an attempt to pick up two beauties who claimed to be New Yorkers.

In the end, everything was done, and when they were about to go back into the alley together, Ted suddenly got mad because these two beauties were from Fort Lee, New Jersey, and the surrounding cities in New York, and he mocked the two beauties. My hometown is not New York, so don’t flatter yourself by saying you are a New Yorker.

Later, Ted got a girlfriend, who was also from New Jersey. All his friends complained that she was from a small place, and he didn't want to communicate with her at all. Whenever she talked about it, she looked disdainful, and in the end she became obscene.

One can imagine how common regional blackness is.

New Yorkers look down on people from other places, especially people from surrounding small cities, and want to clearly remind us that we are not the same people. This naturally arouses resentment among these people.

If you discriminate against me, of course I will discriminate against you.

After all, although New York has a developed economy, it is not without its dark places.

It's exactly the same. In addition to its developed economy, New York has too many places where you can be hacked.

Robbery crimes and other crimes are naturally classic black spots that everyone will laugh at.

"Let's get down to business!"

Executive Assistant Attorney Ben Stone doesn't want to hear the regional slang, cautioned.

"All right."

The Fort Lee police detective on the other end of the phone laughed: "Eight months ago, a drug addict walked in with a shotgun, and this time he shot him down with one shot!

When we arrived, the wound on the guy's forehead was like a one-way tunnel. He sat there and looked at us with a smile on his face, as if to say, 'Look what I did, Mom,' waiting for our praise. "

"Have you prosecuted him?"

asked the African-American assistant prosecutor.

"What are you suing him for?"

The Fort Lee detective on the other end of the phone complained, "Is there a lack of remorse? You're talking about a local hero! And besides, there's a witness!"


Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Ben Stone pressed.

"His brother-in-law."

The Fort Lee detective on the other end of the phone responded, "He saw the whole thing."


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone sneered: "It sounds like the brother-in-law would never cover up his brother-in-law's lies. The fact is that the brother-in-law has already covered him up again, saying that he did not install security cameras for his brother-in-law. It’s a complete lie!”


The Fort Lee police detective on the other end of the phone said dissatisfied: "That was in New York, it doesn't mean the case happened before in Fort Lee. His brother-in-law is not telling the truth!"

"There is only the difference between lying zero times and countless times!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said angrily: "His brother-in-law is lying now, and he must have lied about similar things before."

"When oranges grow in Huainan, they become oranges; when they grow in northern Huaibei, they become oranges."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"This sentence is insightful, I like it!"

After figuring out what this sentence meant, the Fort Lee police detective on the other end of the phone smiled happily: "I think these words represent the truth better than your random guesses.

Here in Fort Lee, he is a hero and will never be entangled in a lawsuit, so there is no need for his brother-in-law to lie.

And in New York, even though everyone thinks he is a hero, you local police detectives and prosecutors in New York insist on prosecuting him for murder for two habitual armed robbers. This is clearly forcing his brother-in-law to lie to protect himself. relatives.

Isn’t it just that when we are here, we are good people, but when we are here, we are bad people? "

"Since he is your hero in Fort Lee, why didn't you choose to stay there?"

scoffed Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.

"Don't think I'm saying New York is better than Fort Billy."

The Fort Lee detective on the other end of the phone said unhappily.


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said loudly: "He is not doing it to make more money and live a better life. I am more inclined to think that he is doing it to contact more 'targets' to satisfy his desire to fight back!"

"...Isn't what you said is too exaggerated?"

The Fort Lee police detective on the other end of the phone was stunned and said in disbelief: "You described him as a serial perverted murderer!"

"Isn't this possible?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone answered the Fort Lee detective on the other end of the phone, but looked at Chuck.

"Is it possible that this local hero from Fort Lee could no longer make it in the local area, and at the same time, in order to make more money and realize the American dream of immigrating to the United States, he moved from Fort Lee to New York?"

Chuck looked at Ben Stone calmly.

"Can't the local hero survive in the local area?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone sneered, but under Chuck's calm gaze, he thought of something and suddenly stopped laughing and fell silent.

Not only him, but also the African-American assistant prosecutor and Detective Amy Santiago were silent.

Especially Detective Amy Santiago.

Coming from a family of police officers, she was able to come into contact with many veterans, and she also followed Chuck to witness the tragic hell joke of the God of War's return. She was the one who felt the most deeply.

Putting aside the fact that the reason why Ares has PTSD is because he killed innocent people abroad, from the standpoint of the United States, these retired soldiers who have PTSD can be regarded as American heroes.

But these American heroes all ended badly!

Most of them are caused by the fact that the United States ignored their efforts and caused the sadness to flow back into the river.

Veterans never die, they just fade away.

How blatantly callous and cruel is this!

Not to mention the firefighters who rush into the fire to save lives during 911 in the future.

That is even more terrible American hero hell joke.

These police detectives and prosecutors, who have been exposed to many similar cases, naturally understand what Chuck means.

But even if they have never been exposed to it, they are just ordinary people who have always seen the Hollywood movie First Blood.

A well-known American hero like Rambo did not enjoy a happy retirement after returning home. Instead, he was forced to go on a killing spree and return to the battlefield!

This is a true American hero who has shed blood and made meritorious deeds.

A jewelry store owner, a legal immigrant who is not yet an American, is regarded as a local hero because he just shot and killed a repeat robber who made all ordinary Americans angry but helpless.

This kind of local hero is too watery, so why can he continue to survive in the local area?

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone thought this was funny at first, but after thinking about it for a moment, he realized that it was still a proper American hell joke.

After calming down in silence, he put aside his emotions and thought about it carefully. He found that compared to treating the jewelry store owner as a serial perverted murderer who couldn't survive being a local hero and wanted to make more money to realize the American dream before moving to New York, it seemed that is more in line with reality.

After all, a Greek citizen who gave up high welfare and full dignity traveled thousands of miles to come to the United States just for the American dream.

It can’t really be like what Chuck said, ‘Oranges are tangerines when they are born in Huainan, and they are tangerines when they are born in northern Huaibei.’ In Greece, he was an honest person who worked hard and worked hard, but when he arrived in the United States, he turned into a serial perverted murderer?

This is also an American hell joke!

He didn't want to accept either of the two American hell jokes. If he was given a choice, he would rather choose the first one.

It's better to be an American hero who suffers a lot than to become a demon after immigrating here.

"Detective Chuck is indeed Detective Chuck!"

There was silence here, but not the Fort Lee police detective on the other end of the phone, who praised: "It's really to the point. After the incident, although the locals in Fort Lee regarded him as a local hero.

But the addict who was killed was a gangster and belonged to a gang.

They charge protection fees, and the most shameful thing is that some shop owners dare to resist.

One person resisted today, and tomorrow there will be two or ten, and no one will be willing to pay the protection fee.

After all, in free America, who can’t buy a gun anymore?

So when the heat cools down a bit, revenge will come.

The local hero's wife narrowly escapes murder.

This forced him to move to New York with his family to continue pursuing the American dream. "

"...I am too extreme."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was a little ashamed when he heard that there was such a thing. He looked at Chuck and sighed: "You should be right."

"very good."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Keep thinking that!"


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone was initially doubtful of himself due to these hell jokes, and he tended to the explanation given by Chuck, which was that the jewelry store owner was really fighting back helplessly and was not a serial killer. Psychological tendencies.

But now that Chuck said this, he began to doubt it again.

Facing Ben Stone's fixed gaze trying to explore his true thoughts, Chuck remained expressionless and unmoved.

Is Ben Stone right to be worried?

Of course that's right!

This jewelry store owner may have been forced to stay in Fort Lee no longer and moved to New York to continue pursuing the American dream and make more money, but he also had the psychological tendencies of a serial killer.

The two are not contradictory.

On a street, other people's shops only opened until 8pm and then closed and left. But his jewelry store, which was easily targeted for robbery, stayed open until 9pm.

There is a certain psychological tendency towards fishing and law enforcement.

When the robbery came, he counterattacked calmly and skillfully, chased them out to silence them, and calmly killed two people in a row without taking it seriously afterwards.

These details can prove this.

Chuck had already noticed this when communicating with him.

Executive Assistant Attorney Ben Stone is right to think and worry.

But in Chuck's case, this kind of serial perverted murderer who specializes in killing evil people, as long as the other party sticks to the bottom line and only shoots these criminals, he is not called a serial perverted murderer, but a knight who uses force to break the ban!

When he was sure that the other party could not escape innocently, he made friendly suggestions so that the other party could escape as much as possible.

The sentence was reduced from 25 years to life to 4 years.

If the other party has a good attitude and understands good people, and Chuck casually mentions it later, there is no need to sit out the full four years, and he can be released on bail in about a year.

After all, even those criminals can get their sentences reduced and released on bail.

It is easier for the other party to operate.

It's a pity that the other party doesn't know a good heart.

So Chuck immediately changed his mind and felt that he should be taught some profound lessons.

This is also for the good of the other party, and it is also for the good of all ordinary people.

The first time he was shot in Fort Lee, the jewelry store owner shot a gun-wielding drug addict in the head at close range. This shows that he had enough courage to shoot him at close range.

But this time in New York, with the criminals unable to get close behind a safe metal cage, it was a scene of rookies pecking each other and bullets flying everywhere.

Then he chased him out and shot him.

This kind of behavior is already the "Qiu Chuji-style knight-errant behavior in The Legend of the Condor Heroes". He feels happy, but it is a fatal threat to the ordinary people he meets.

Bullets don't have long eyes.

This kind of random shooting without aiming is likely to hit a passerby, or break a window and cause trouble to ordinary people at home.

Therefore, after confirming that he has no knowledge of good and evil, it is necessary for Chuck to stop him in moderation, lest he does not practice American Iaijutsu to control the shooting back without harming ordinary people, and secondly, if he does not practice martial arts diligently, he will not take action without taking action. Take action to prevent him from being unscrupulous, unable to control himself, and causing harm to ordinary people.

How can a person who does not know good from evil practice diligently in martial arts and understand the principle of using force to stop fighting?

There is a high probability that he will head towards a true serial killer.

It was precisely based on these mental changes that Chuck's attitude changed.

It's a pity that it is not enough for outsiders.

Detective Amy Santiago and the others could not see through these deep-seated factors, and only superficially regarded these changes as Chuck's pettiness.


All right.

It can be considered a hit-and-run, throwing away these underlying factors that were not seen through, and getting straight to Chuck's true heart.

What they saw was the first time.

Chuck is on the second floor.

What they misunderstood was the third level.

Fate is so wonderful!

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