American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 482 Life and death are only on a thin line, the stars and the sea are within easy reach!

Hang up the phone with the Fort Lee detective.

Detective Amy Santiago and the African-American assistant prosecutor saw that Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at Chuck with something wrong again, and quickly asked and answered before leaving.

Detectives Chuck and Amy Santiago leave the District Attorney's Office.

That night.

Executive Assistant Attorney Ben Stone worked late into the night in his office.

The office door was knocked open.

District Attorney Adam Schiffer, his boss and friend, walked in and shook his head as soon as he spoke: "Why do you think you and him were so troubled?"

"Am I arguing with him?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's blood pressure rose again, and he said angrily: "Am I quarreling with him? It's clearly him quarreling with me! He knows everything clearly, but he pretended not to know at first!"

"He is like this."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer thought that his background had been found out clearly by Chuck, but if it hadn't been for the incident, Chuck would have simply pretended that there was no such thing. He sighed: "This is not the first day you have met him. You should have understood who he is."

"Who is he?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at his boss and friend seriously: "He obviously has super abilities and can better defend the law and uphold justice within the legal framework, but sometimes he has to do whatever he wants. Come."

"He was always a Texan."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer reminded: "Carrying a large gun speaks for itself, and this attitude in this matter is completely understandable."

“What’s wrong with Texans?”

Executive Assistant Attorney Ben Stone disagreed: "Texans are not Americans? Don't they need to abide by American laws?"

"Why did you say such childish words! It seems that he was really pissed off."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer shook his head and said: "Texans are Americans, but they are not New Yorkers! This kind of case is only in New York. If it were placed in Texas or many other cities, there would be no prosecution at all. How could it be so trouble."


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone paused.

Of course he knows this.

Not to mention that the laws in each state are different, even in different cities in a state, the laws may also be different.

He just wanted Chuck to be on the same page with him.

"Don't think too much about it."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer patted his friend and subordinate on the shoulder and reminded him kindly: "Go home after get off work, take a good bath, drink some wine, and get some sleep. It will be a long time starting tomorrow. You won’t have the opportunity to enjoy all this.”

"You mean public opinion..."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone understood immediately, shook his head and said: "Although I don't agree with Chuck's inconsistent attitude, I have to say that it is really great to work with him, even if the videotape was leaked to reporters by the defense lawyer , was broadcast on the TV station, but with his analysis, people will no longer side with the defendant and think he was acting in self-defense."

"you are wrong!"

District Attorney Adam Schiffer shook his head and sighed: “If everyone is so sane, what do we need to do?

What Chuck saw from the video tape, no matter how well he analyzed it, only a few were willing to listen!

And those who are willing to listen, can listen, and choose to believe are the minority among the minority!

What most people see is a law-abiding citizen fighting back against a repeat armed robber.

This is what most people want to do but dare not do.

So after the defendant helped them do it, they would never be stingy with public opinion's support.

This is no longer a purely legal issue, but a deep-seated political issue. "

"Do you know that he is committing murder, but just because it involves political issues, do you just sit back and watch politics subjugate the law?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone frowned.


District Attorney Adam Schiffer looked at his subordinates and friends who were not young and sighed softly.

With so much seniority, and to say such things, one can only imagine how persistent this persistent friend is.

"What you should know is that this case is not hijacked by politics. Are there too few cases that have been hijacked by politics in recent years?

Watch it!

There will only be more in the future!

Those of us who do not go to extremes and strive to find a balance between law and politics will become fewer and fewer in the future.

Some are just extreme and more extreme.

Don’t forget, laws are made by people.

When profit drives require a change in the law, the law will naturally change.

If the law completely violates your morals and cognition, will you still insist on strictly enforcing the law? "

"I will try my best to make my voice heard and fight until the last moment!"

Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said seriously after a moment of silence.

"Fight, haha."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer laughed: "My friend, how do you fight? Then your fight will probably be illegal, just like the defendant in this case.

Do not be silly.


Don't take anything to extremes.

Go back quickly.

Emma and the others still need you. "

Speaking of this, he joked: "If Emma knew that you and Detective Chuck had a quarrel, who do you think she would help?"


Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's face darkened, and all rational thinking and debate were instantly cleared, and he blurted out: "This is why I firmly disagree with her seeing him! You haven't seen the kind of people around him. !”

"Understood, understood."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer smiled: "Emma is also older and will soon become an adult. Will you still be able to be her master then?"

"As long as I'm still her father!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said with a dark face: "She still recognizes me as her father! I will never let her get close to the playboy scumbag Chuck!"

"The law doesn't support you doing this."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer joked: "Chuck is indeed very philandering, but you have to admit that the women around him are all high-quality human women. Emma is so good... I think you will be worried in the future. .”

As he spoke, he left with a smile.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone watched his boss leave. He remembered the adoring look in his baby daughter's eyes when she talked about Dr. Chuck Wolf. He couldn't sit still anymore and quickly packed up his things and went home.

After all, he is just a human being, not a cold legal defense machine.

I remember that in the case where a billionaire cut off the waist of an ordinary person and transplanted it for his daughter, the defense lawyer asked him, "What would you do if it were you?" He did not answer in court. Afterwards, he replied, "I just hope that... That won't happen to me'.

Then Monica scolded him, saying that he had incorrect views.

Regarding this issue, the executive assistant prosecutor did not firmly guarantee from a legal perspective that he would never do such an outrageous thing. Instead, he hinted that if such a thing really happened to his daughter, he would not guarantee that he would not do such a thing.

But this is reality.

He cherishes his daughter Emma so much. If something like that happens, he really can't say what he will choose.

How could he really not know how to be flexible at all?

So now that his boss and friends have reminded him that his proud little cotton-padded jacket may have a complicated intersection with Chuck in the future, his mind is filled with this kind of worry. How can he still have the mind to continue worrying about Chuck's attitude on this case? Inconsistency and sulking.

Shameless playboy scumbag!

Stay away from my daughter!

Chuck, who was being scolded by him vigilantly, was indeed conducting a two-group controlled experiment in Monica's apartment.

Of course this wasn't what Chuck asked for.

But Rachel, who did not go on the trip to Houston together, was very dissatisfied when she heard that they were coming back on a luxury cruise ship, and strongly launched a scientific research challenge.

According to her: "If I had known this, I would have gone to see the rocket launch site. Monica can be an astronaut in the future, why can't I? I was a high school cheerleader! No! Chuck, you are so awesome , I must find a way today to help me understand what it is like to experience a rocket taking off!"

The result.

At a certain moment, her soul seemed to travel through time and space, feeling the feelings of an astronaut, and uttered the cry thirty years in advance: "It's so exciting to ride on a rocket!"

Monica ignored her best friend, caressed and played with the decorative glasses on Chuck's eyes, and thought of a question: "Can I go to space with glasses?"

When Chuck looked at it, she quickly explained: "I mean, if I really have a chance to be an astronaut in the future, can you go to space with me?"


Chuck made a double entendre.

"Can you wear glasses and go to space? Or can you go to space with me?"

Monica said excitedly.

"It will be all right!"

Chuck replied in the affirmative.


Even though Monica had heard it, she still confirmed it again and again in disbelief.

You must know that this is God together.

No one knows whether the rocket beneath them will explode or whether they can return safely after taking off.

Life and death are only on a thin line, and the stars and the sea are within easy reach.

How romantic this is!


Chuck understood her thoughts and did not ignore her expectations. He nodded repeatedly and answered.

Space exploration is always the cutting edge of cool technology.

Whether it was Chuck's yearning for astronauts in his previous life or his persistence and instinct for scientific exploration in this life, he was destined to go to the sky.

Although I thought about it in my previous life, it was impossible.

Because if you want to go to heaven as an astronaut, you must first be a scientist.

This level directly leaves people with no choice but to think.

But in this life, Chuck is a real scientist, and he is still the strongest among them. His body is invincible, and he can master it directly without training.

And he also has an advantage, that is his own space exploration technology company.

In the future, as long as you have enough technology, you can go up if you want, and you can take whoever you want with you. It's so arrogant.

And there are many benefits to his being in heaven.

For example, because he has taken the water of life many times, all his attributes have been improved, and he has already had a premonition of crisis similar to the "Autumn Wind Has Not Moved Cicada Prophet". He boarded the plane as an "accounting auditor" and "an enemy of high-level officials", and he was not afraid of airplanes. The kind that will cause trouble.

When riding a rocket to the sky, he can predict right now whether something will happen to the rocket.

Over the next few years, as he took more eau-de-vie, this premonition of crisis would only become stronger.

Not only could he have a premonition of whether something would happen to the rocket on the day he took the rocket to space, but he could also predict in advance whether the entire journey to space would be dangerous.

That way there is no life-threatening danger at all, and you can just enjoy the journey to heaven.

And he's not Mr. Howard Wolowitz.

A trip to heaven is so embarrassing.

But even so, such a shameful Mr. Wolowitz has always been looked down upon by Sheldon, just because he started shaking after a trip to heaven, and even made Sheldon and others envious and jealous.

Later, because of the journey to heaven, he got more resources and cooperated with Hawking. In order to meet Hawking, Sheldon sold out his sex and wore a shameful French maid outfit in public.

If Mr. Wolowitz is like this, one can imagine how much of a blow Chuck will have to little Sheldon after he goes to heaven.

Without him having to do anything or say anything, the very fact that he went to heaven would cause Little Sheldon to provide him with a wave of double yin and yang points.

That's more than worth the price of admission.

Afterwards, you can use this incident from time to time, or use your more awesome space experience to challenge the young Sheldon who wants to immigrate to Mars, and you can regularly harvest a double wave of yin and yang points.

Whether it is to satisfy the wishes and pursuits of past and present lives, or to gain more double Yin and Yang points, and to ensure the safety of Monica, a long-term strategic research partner, Chuck is destined to do this.

Not to mention there are a lot of additional benefits that are not worth mentioning.

For example, Barney Stinson, the swinger in Looking for Mom, once challenged all means of transportation, but was shocked and incomprehensible when he got into surfing.

It shows how limited his thinking is.

Such people can't even understand the means of transportation on earth, and naturally they can't understand the heavenly charm of space.

As a qualified scientist, Dr. Chuck Wolf has enough spirit of exploration to take on the ultimate challenge of pioneering new means of transportation.


no way!

Who gave him this condition?

Even if all the surveillance cameras cannot be hacked, if the signal is completely lost for a long period of time, and the space station is suddenly attacked by suspected alien terrorist creatures and unknown powerful collisions, then the big deal is that we will not be able to go to the International Space Station. We can just launch the space capsule ourselves to build the space station. .

It’s not like we don’t have the money!

Of course Monica didn't know that so many thoughts were flashing through Chuck's mind at this moment. She was filled with joy and became even more interested in becoming an astronaut in the future.

If it was just for talking before, not only to make Chuck happy, but also to attack the naughty little cousin and Dr. Ross Geller, who has always claimed to be the most successful person in the family, I would have been dispensable with this kind of thing.

So from this moment on, she wanted to do this from the bottom of her heart.

The pattern is getting bigger.

The perspective is broadened.

There is ultimate romance in my eyes.

To know.

The ultimate romance is also a waste of time.

Who doesn’t want to waste time anymore?

If you want to do it, do it!

Monica immediately actively asked Chuck to train her in advance with astronaut standards.

This is not a gentle mode, a low-level mode of challenging weak points.

However, with her current physical condition, she can even ride in a 9G space elevator, and she can completely bear the load of astronauts going up to the sky.

The only difference is how long you can endure it.

For Monica, who really wants to go to the sky with Chuck, travel among the stars and the sea, and feel the ultimate romance. Naturally, she wants to withstand this super load and harsh environment for as long as possible.

She was mentally prepared.

All I need now is physical preparation!

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