American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 488 This bizarre magical world!

"Haha, you scared me!"

After Phil Dunfee's smile froze for a while, he suddenly thought of something and had a bright smile on his face again, pointing at Chuck and laughing.

"If I hadn't known that this gift card is very rare and is a special treatment that upper-class people in society can only get by donating to the police station charity, I would have almost been fooled by you.

The leader of the police department goes to a restaurant to eat and gives a gift card just for a small discount?

More than once, there were more than one, which made the restaurant owner charge too much, so that the restaurant had only one person?

You are humorous, so humorous! "

"This is not my humor, it is the humor of this magical world."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"...So it's really true?"

Phil stopped laughing again, and exclaimed in disbelief: "You can get a gift card for a small discount in a restaurant? How can the upper class donate so much money to the police station charity to provide benefits to the police in exchange for such special treatment? Doesn’t it look silly?”

"That depends on how you define stupid."

Chuck said something and looked at Monica: "I remembered you talking about this, and then you enlarged our photo and put it in the car."


Monica agreed, glanced at the embarrassed Claire, and asked for her: "Are you worried that there is something wrong with the gift card?"

"It was no problem."

Chuck nodded: "But looking at the level of spam, it is as wanton as a sword, and sooner or later it will cause backlash.

After all, stopping illegal vehicles and imposing fines are an important source of bonuses and benefits for the police station, just like the donations received by the police station’s charities.

The two belong to a dynamic balance of cooperation and conflict.

The indiscriminate issuance of gift cards will lead to the proliferation of gift cards outside and reduce the number of vehicles that can be stopped and fined. This will not have any impact on the police leaders who are qualified to issue gift cards, but will be more beneficial.

But fining front-line police officers who stop vehicles does more harm than good.

Not a dime from those gift cards that were distributed indiscriminately was remitted to the police station charity, and the income from the gift cards remained unchanged.

Even wealthy people who know that anyone can have a gift card like them may not necessarily cancel their donations, but they will not increase their donations or even reduce their donations.

Therefore, the benefits that courtesy cards bring to ordinary front-line police officers are likely to be reduced.

In addition, the amount of fines for stopping vehicles is also reduced.

If this situation continues, do you think the frontline police officers who actually allow the gift cards to be cashed out are fools?

What will they do? "


Claire exclaimed: "They are not stupid. If things go on like this, they must be dissatisfied, and they cannot vent to the police leaders who caused all this...Phil, I think you should not stick the courtesy card on the front window of the car. So as not to become the target for them to vent.”

"No way?"

Phil Dunphy felt distressed and confused: "They shouldn't do that, right? If they hit the rich people who really donated to them, wouldn't it be worse for them?"

"You think they are stupid!"

Claire reminded angrily: "They can't tell who is the rich person who may actually donate to them, and who is the courtesy card that the police department leaders are sending indiscriminately? You can tell just by looking at the car! You are not driving a Maserati!"

"But some rich people are also very low-key."

Phil was unconvinced and said: "It's no different from what I drove! They always admit their mistakes!"

"They don't care."

Chuck reminded: "They will even take the initiative to arrest a few examples of truly wealthy people!"

"Let rich people help them put pressure on police department leaders."

Monica suddenly said: "This spam not only harms the interests of frontline police officers, but also the interests of those rich people.

They may not care about donating money.

But I definitely don’t want to be stopped by the police when committing a crime, and the courtesy card not only has no effect, but has the opposite effect.

So as long as one or two examples come out, those wealthy people will definitely exert collective pressure.

Only in this way can the police leaders respond as quickly and best as possible, so that the interests of frontline police officers can be protected. "

"son of a bitch!"

Phoebe couldn't help but transform into a beach kid.


Claire feels ashamed of her husband's uncivilized behavior in front of Chuck and Monica.

"Feel sorry……"

Phil smiled awkwardly at Chuck and Monica, then his eyes lit up and he showed a smart expression: "In this case, I can wait for a while until the spam incident is resolved before I use it. , then it’ll be fine!”

"Then you have enough to wait for."

Chuck shook his head and said: "Don't think about it within ten years. As for ten years later, even if this problem is solved, your gift card will become invalid after the new gift card comes out."

"ten years?"

Phil exclaimed in disbelief: "Didn't you say that rich people will put pressure quickly?"

"This society is complex and not one-dimensional. Everyone has different demands."

Chuck explained: “In general, the interests of front-line police and wealthy people will be consistent at some point, but front-line police are also a large group, and each of them must have their own demands, which cannot be unified.

A very simple question.

Then who is going to be the one who offends the rich man?

In the short term, no one will be willing to do it.

Because once he does it, he will probably be fired in advance before he can enjoy the benefits after the gift card is restored to its normal state.

After all, this kind of selection of rich people is also a technical job.

Neither too low nor too high is appropriate.

Too low, low influence.

If it's too high, it's very likely that something big will happen accidentally, and no one will be able to finish it.

If you are unlucky and catch a very influential political figure committing criminal activities in a car, there is even a risk of being shot eight times in the back and committing suicide at home.

Therefore, it is difficult to find this outstanding person. "

"There are so many high school graduates who have not gone to college coming to the frontline police every year. Isn't it easy to find young and early-year-olds like this?"

As Claire spoke, she couldn't help but look at her husband Phil, with a look in her eyes that said, "If my husband becomes a policeman, he will definitely be like this young guy."

"Indeed, quite a few."

Chuck nodded: "But you forget that novices can't perform tasks alone. It's always the old ones who lead the new ones. This goes back to the problem at the beginning. No one who knows the inside story wants to be the one who stands out.

It won't happen overnight when a police officer with that kind of "honest" talent emerges. "

“You don’t have to be the one who stands out, right?”

Monica and Chuck are more and more resonating with the same frequency, their brains are getting better and better, and they like to use their brains. They immediately thought of a question: "It is absolutely possible for everyone to do this, but they must control the heat, not too much, just It makes the rich people unhappy but does not really touch them. In this way, the public will not be held accountable and will not be treated as a scapegoat, and the purpose can be achieved."

"Good idea."

Chuck glanced at Monica, nodded first, and then shook his head: "But you can't really touch the rich, and their reaction won't be so strong and effective.

After all, once you respond, it will inevitably harm the interests of the top brass of the police station.

The protests of a single wealthy person, or the less intense protests of multiple wealthy individuals, will not allow the top brass of the police department to compromise their interests.

As for the problem of the public not being held accountable, the senior police officers naturally have ways to deal with it.

Police stations across the country are now implementing the coverage of law enforcement recorders.

This is an objective need for civilized law enforcement, and it also helps the senior police officers to control front-line police officers to implement their will.

Do you think that you don't want to blame others?

After the law enforcement recorder is handed over, a dedicated person will review your law enforcement process. If it is discovered that you stopped the vehicle and fined the person who took out the courtesy card, and did not give the owners of these courtesy cards special treatment, they will be transferred to another job at the least. Serious consequences will result in expulsion. "

"Holy shit!"

Monica couldn't help but cursed: "Can the law enforcement recorder still be used in this way?"

The law enforcement recorders were originally intended for civilized law enforcement and to prevent violent police enforcement, but now they have become a guarantee of the privileges of the rich.

This is really outrageous!

"So the game between the front-line police and the top management of the police station will be a long-term process."

Chuck honked his horn, ready to end the conversation.


Claire saw it and quickly told her husband to get out of the way, but she saw her husband standing there in shock. He was obviously stunned by the truth that ruined his outlook on life. He could only smile awkwardly at Chuck. , quickly walked around and pulled her husband away from the car.

"Oh, oh."

Phil came to his senses after being pulled like this. Seeing Chuck's car moving, he immediately leaned against the window again, slapped the window and shouted: "Chuck, Chuck!"

After the car stopped, he said with a smile on his face: "Chuck, you are so awesome! Listening to you is worse than ten years of studying! Anyway, we have arrived at the door of the house, why not get out of the car and sit together, kids? I miss you all."

"Phil, what are you doing?"

Claire crossed her arms and put one hand to her ear, as if she was deeply embarrassed to block the view of the non-existent camera.

"Luke needs Chuck this good."

Phil turned around and reminded.

Claire was shocked and immediately put down the hand that was covering her face. She looked at Chuck with a smile and looked at Monica pleadingly: "Monica, why don't you let Chuck go in and sit with us? Take a look at Luke by the way?" "


When Monica saw this, she helped.

"What's wrong Luke?"

Chuck didn't refuse and asked as he turned off the engine and got out of the car.

"It's the same thing as when I left him at home alone last Christmas."

Claire's face was full of sadness: "After the incident happened, we also took Luke to see many psychiatrists, and they all said there was nothing wrong with Luke.

But we are always a little worried.

After all, that is..."

Speaking of this, she really couldn't say the word 'imaginative'.

"We are worried that Luke might have some psychological problems that we don't know about."

Phil hugged his wife who couldn't speak anymore: "We believe in your vision! Because you are a genius detective and you can definitely find things that we can't see."


Chuck got it.

Little Luke played a role in Home Alone last time. When two thieves came to the door, just like in the movie Home Alone, he put a gun to the head of the thieves who put their heads through the dog hole to explore, and then fired.

The only difference from the movie Home Alone is that his gun is a real gun, not a toy gun.

Chuck was not surprised by this result.

After all, this is reality, not a comedy movie for children and for the whole family.

In the real America of "free America, gunfights every day", this result is more in line with reality.

Afterwards, because Luke was a white boy, although he was past the childhood period where no investigation would be held, it was easier to cope with it in the later stage. Luke was indeed thrown by his parents several times when he was a child, and his brain was a bit silly after being thrown, so he easily passed the test. No legal disputes arose.

However, I was also asked to undergo psychological counseling.

The results of psychological counseling are also very good, because the cute little Luke does not have much psychological shadow about this.

However, as parents, Phil and Claire, who were frightened, seemed to have a psychological shadow, and they were always worried about whether there was something wrong with their son.

After all, this was a headshot of a living person at close range!

"Didn't you recommend Dr. Beverly Hofstadter to them?"

Chuck walked into Dunphy's home and asked Monica beside him.

"I recommended it."

Monica smiled helplessly: "But they don't quite believe in Beverly's professionalism. After knowing what happened to little Leonard..."


When Claire heard this, she didn't care about her son Luke and shouted directly: "Which mother would treat her child like she did? Is she the best psychiatrist, or is she a mental patient? I Don’t dare leave Luke in her hands.”

Speaking of this, she couldn't help complaining anymore: "What's going on with psychiatrists nowadays? Some time ago we went to see a psychiatrist named Jacob Ronsten. I always felt that he was weird. , maybe another Dr. Beverly Hofstadter!”

"Claire, are you overthinking this?"

Phil comforted his suddenly agitated wife: "As a psychiatrist, after seeing many people with psychological problems, they seem cold and cold. That's a professional sign."

"Stop it."

Claire interrupted directly: "I feel it's not wrong, there must be something wrong with Dr. Jacob Ronsten.

Not long ago, I went back to take a look and found that he was no longer there.

His partner made a perfunctory statement about a normal resignation.

But I'm sure there's something wrong here.

In this case, how dare we trust these psychiatrists. "

“Multiple minds are a good thing.”

Chuck said calmly: "Whether it's a doctor or a lawyer, don't trust them easily and be on guard against them.

A doctor's chance of losing his license is about 1 in 50, and lawyers are about the same.

And many doctors and lawyers have repeatedly violated professional ethics and even committed crimes again and again. Until major crimes are discovered, nothing is ever done.

So you should understand that this public license suspension rate is definitely far lower than reality. "

"this is too scary!"

Claire said as she shouted upstairs, "Luke!"

When the younger son came downstairs and saw Chuck, he was naturally excited again. After talking for a while, Chuck stood up. The Claires walked to the door and looked at Chuck eagerly.

"Luke's okay."

Chuck gave his own judgment: "There is neither psychopathy nor psychological shadow."

"Very good!"

The Claires immediately let out a sigh of relief.

They trusted Chuck's professional judgment more than those psychiatrists.

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