American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 489 The Nuggets beside Little Sheldon

Farewell Mr. and Mrs. Dunphy.

Chuck returned to the mountainside villa first.

Monica stayed at the Dunphy house and had housewife-level interactions with Claire.

That night, later.

"Chuck, let me tell you something interesting."

As soon as Monica came back, she sat across from Chuck with a smile: "Actually, Claire also has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, did you know?"

"Normal human level."

Chuck nodded.

Many people have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Normal people will wonder if they forgot to lock their door when they go downstairs. Even if they remember locking it, they may force themselves to go back and confirm.

This is normal human-level obsessive-compulsive disorder.

have nothing to say.

"Claire is also a relatively advanced type of obsessive-compulsive disorder among normal people."

Monica smiled and said: "She likes storage very much, just like me..."

"Same as you are now."

Chuck corrected: "You used to just like to decorate."


Monica felt a little embarrassed. Fortunately, there were no outsiders here, so she nodded and admitted: "It's very similar to me in the past, but I'm different now. I really like to be clean and tidy, and I don't hide all kinds of messy things." ,do not worry."

Monica in the original time and space had obsessive-compulsive disorder and mysophobia, and always wanted to let her old friends decorate their home according to her ideas.

If her roommate Rachel had different opinions on where to place a pedal, she would forcefully correct it. She was criticized by many old friends and tried to pretend not to care. She couldn't sleep at night.

She would even rather get up in the middle of the night to put the pedals back to a position she was happy with, and then get up early in the morning to swing the pedals back.

When old friends put drinks on her dining table, she asks them to add a coaster to prevent condensation from the cold drinks from the refrigerator dripping on the dining table.

But she is like this. The visible places such as the living room and bedroom are clean, but there is a hidden utility room in the house, which is messy and crowded with all kinds of messy things. It is completely opposite to Monica on the surface. .

For those with real mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, such as Sheldon, you can even use a Schrödinger's smelly sock to threaten him into obeying you.

For example, you don’t want a stinky sock in your apartment, right?

He will also know that you are threatening him, which most likely does not exist at all.

But for the sake of this eventuality, he would give in and compromise.

This is true mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Comparing the real mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder patients like Monica and Sheldon in the original time and space, they are just advanced states of mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder at the level of normal people.

But now, because of her in-depth contact with Chuck, a mysophobic and obsessive-compulsive disorder patient, Monica has been immersed in magic from a normal human level to a mysophobic and obsessive-compulsive disorder patient.

"After all, Claire loves furnishing and organizing."

Seeing that Chuck did not correct herself, Monica became happy again and explained: "She introduced me to a newly emerging storage product. I heard that it has become famous in the storage industry and is very popular among housewives.

I also liked it very much after reading it. The reason is very simple. These storage details that are popular among housewives look so familiar! Many of them are simply the same as the storage and furnishings I carried out according to your requirements. "

Chuck looked over: "You mean someone copied my idea?"

"Definitely is!"

Monica nodded: "So I deliberately learned more about this new 'good storage' company. Do you know the name of the founder of the company? Audrey Beckman! I think you should be familiar with this name! "

"President Beckman of Princeton University."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "It's not surprising, she has always been a very thoughtful woman."

"Has she talked to you about it?"

Monica asked curiously.


Chuck shook his head: "But I can probably guess what's going on."

"what happened?"

Monica asked subconsciously, and then without waiting for Chuck to answer, she immediately shouted: "Little Sheldon!"

Seeing the hint in Chuck's eyes, she immediately knew that she had guessed correctly, and she suddenly realized.

Because like Chuck, Little Sheldon is also a severe mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder patient. Since arriving at Princeton University as a super genius, Little Sheldon has been a troublemaker for the female president of Princeton University.

Although she can also use Little Sheldon's name to attract huge sponsorships.

But she also had to endure that Little Sheldon would always come to her for help with all kinds of weird reasons. Faced with a troublesome guy like Little Sheldon, any normal person could hide as far away as he could.

It's a pity that she is the principal, so she can't hide away from him most of the time. She can only face the troublesome little Sheldon with a smile on her face.

Now it seems that in this process, the female president of Princeton University has once again discovered her own 'gold mine' in addition to attracting sponsorship for the school.

That’s right!

Although a super genius like Little Sheldon is a scumbag and a troublemaker, it is undeniable that he is also a 'gold mine', and people around him have the opportunity to find gold.

For example, the president of Princeton was very interested in the idea of ​​a scientific research donation website, and she almost had the urge to fight with Chuck about it.

It's because if she leads the cooperation between Princeton University and Little Sheldon, in addition to the school's large share, she can also personally hold a share in it.

If Chuck hadn't intervened, little Sheldon would have chosen to go it alone and attract investors for various reasons.

Young Sheldon can actually attract investors.

After all, he is the protagonist of Luck. Even when he helped the female principal solicit sponsorship, he scolded the donors as not real scientists. Not only did the donors throw up their sleeves and leave without getting angry, they donated huge amounts as usual, and even gave little Sheldon products from his company.

The rich man who seemed to have a problem with his brain had always regarded himself as a scientist. Apparently he could see the feasibility of the scientific research donation website and was willing to invest in Little Sheldon.

It's just that Little Sheldon is a typical person with high vision and low power, and he will definitely make the scientific research donation website project obscene in the end.

But this does not mean that this research donation website has no future.

If it is in the hands of the female principal and she is allowed to use the school's resources to promote it, it can really be done, and then she will receive a commission from the scientific research donations.

Very rich.

Now, after being driven impatient by Little Sheldon's mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, the headmistress finally saw the bright spot in this dark haze again.

That is to say, mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder are indeed annoying, but the organized environment of patients with mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder will make everyone feel comfortable.

In the original time and space, Howard of The Big Bang Theory asked Sheldon to help him clean countless belt buckles, and also gave Sheldon the wardrobe to clean and organize.

As a result, the sorting results were so good that Howard's wife, who originally sympathized with Sheldon for being bullied, also felt that if Sheldon could help sort it out, then her husband could bully Sheldon again.

Sympathy and other things are nothing compared to the comfortable environment after storage and organization.

The original Sheldon was already like this.

In this time and space, there is Chuck, a severe mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder patient, who exudes influence that has nowhere to go. No matter how much Little Sheldon fears and hates the big devil Chuck, he will be strongly affected without knowing it.

Moreover, Chuck has decades of memories from his previous life. Compared to the present, many things are thirty years ahead.

When it comes to storage and organization, many small details of daily life will definitely be transformed into the state you want.

Little Sheldon has also seen a lot, so it is natural to follow the advanced experience.

And all this fell into the eyes of the more discerning female president of Princeton University. After suppressing her dislike of little Sheldon's troublesome spirit, over time, she could always detect the golden business opportunities in it.

"She's quite discerning."

Monica couldn't help laughing: "But shouldn't she give you and Little Sheldon royalties?"

"Let's look at her."

Chuck said calmly.

If the headmistress had a clear-cut attitude and came to Little Sheldon earlier to confess that she had plagiarized the idea, and then discovered that the real idea came from Chuck, she would have come to discuss it.

Chuck wasn't short of money.

It doesn't matter if you want it or not.

But if the headmistress thinks that Chuck didn't apply for a patent and just wants to steal it without saying anything, and she won't admit it afterwards, then when she develops, she will face Batman's iron fist of money power.

What's Chuck's will still be Chuck's.

"She is really plagiarizing."

Monica was thoughtful. Seeing that Chuck did not continue to talk about this matter, she took out her mobile phone and started searching there. Then she ran to Chuck and read: "Listen to her introduction, there is time in your whole life." The watch is arranged accurately to the second. Isn’t this Little Sheldon?

By the way, I also heard from Claire that someone has now revealed that Audrey Beckman is the god of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. There is even a saying, saying that you should be 'as organized as Beckman'!


This is simply marketing that binds her to a concept. "

After saying this, she was indignant: "If there is a god for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it should be you, Chuck! Plagiarism and theft are not allowed!"

"I'm no longer the god of mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Chuck shook his head.

The predecessor may be able to compete for this title, but it is not 100% sure to win.

And when he traveled through time, he had the water of life provided by the system, and after all his attributes were improved, the severe mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder caused by his autism had been alleviated too much.

He knew that in a few years, after taking enough water of life, he might be able to return to the state of ordinary people in his previous life, where he ate uncleanly and did not get sick.

Of course this is not inevitable.

There is another result, that is, obsessive-compulsive disorder may be completely overcome, but mysophobia will become more serious.

For example, the classic question: "When your extraordinary perception can see the smallest pores on a beautiful woman's face and smell all the odors on her body, will you still love her?"

In Chuck, there is no question of love or not.

But at that moment, Chuck now felt that he would not get close to these beauties.

Developing long-term strategic scientific research partners is also a preparation for him who has enough foresight about the future.

A few days later.

"Chuck, do you have a minute?"

Chuck received a call from Detective Shennuo, who sounded gloating about his misfortune.

"No need to call Chuck, we can do it ourselves."

On the other end of the phone, Detective Amy Santiago's voice was heard lowering her voice as she resisted and snatched the phone.

Detective Shenfan said while avoiding the robbery: "Don't listen to Santiago, it's business, there is a case, you must be interested, because this case is a hell joke, and you will add another hell joke to your collection of hell jokes. ”

"You bastard! You take such a tragic thing as a joke!"

Detective Amy Santiago's furious voice came from the other end of the phone. After a few seconds, the annoyed detective's begging voice came, and Detective Amy Santiago's voice became clearer.

Apparently, Detective Amy Santiago had snatched the phone.

"Chuck, don't listen to that bastard."

"Do you need me to come over?"

Chuck said bluntly.

On the other end of the phone, Detective Amy Santiago was silent for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "That's it. If you are willing to come over and help, come over. Let me tell you first, there is only hell in this case, no jokes."

"Why are there no jokes?"

There was a vague voice on the other end of the phone from the annoying police detective teasing him again: "You're just a joke now, aren't you?"

"I'll be there right away."

Chuck didn't listen to what Detective Amy Santiago said as she furiously chased her ambiguous partner again and hung up the phone.

He was interested in any case involving Hell's Joke.


When Chuck arrived, he found Detective Amy Santiago greeting him sideways. Detective Shennuo winked at him and motioned Chuck to look at the other side of Detective Amy Santiago's face.

After a while, Detective Amy Santiago finally turned around. With Chuck's eyesight, he immediately noticed something unusual about her: "Have you been slapped in the face by a woman?"

"It's indeed Detective Chuck!"

The troubled detective gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "You can tell at a glance that it was a woman who slapped Santiago in the face, but do you know the reason?"

"Shut up!"

Detective Amy Santiago saw that she couldn't block Chuck's gaze with her hands, so she simply put down her shielding hand, yelled at the annoying detective, and then looked at Chuck awkwardly: "It's not what you think, I I have no personal grudge against her...she is just a lunatic!"

"It's not that crazy, I just love my husband too much and I'm afraid that his unplaceable charm will attract you to the flames, so I let you feel the heat of the flames in advance to help you calm down. "

The annoying detective was laughing and joking beside him. When Detective Amy Santiago's eyes were as sharp as a knife and he was about to go crazy, he felt the danger. He quickly raised his hands to signal that he would stop talking nonsense, and then turned to look at Chuck. Start introducing the case seriously.

"We received an alarm from the school in the morning, saying that a 6-year-old girl, Didi, was lying on the desk. After class, the other students left, and she continued to lie there motionless.

The teacher went over to take a look and found that Didi had fallen into a coma. There was blood on the back of his head and neck. He was suspected of being abused. After being sent to the hospital, he is still being rescued.

The doctor said it was very dangerous and there was little chance of being saved. And even if she could be saved, the little girl would probably be disabled if she survived such a severe brain injury. "

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