American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 494 Public Defender: My professional ethics are as pure as Snow White!


The lawyer was dissatisfied with Chuck's overbearing approach of not letting him kneel down when he didn't like his attitude, but on the surface he still opened his hands and made a gesture of doing whatever you wanted.

One of his clients is involved in calf trafficking.

He has absolutely no idea of ​​taking the opportunity to raise fees and make a lot of money.

All right.

Yes yes there is.

If it hadn't happened now, he wouldn't mind pretending not to know, continuing to serve the calf-trafficking Dr. Ronsten, and raising fees through hints.

But now that he was being targeted by Detective Chuck, he didn't dare to have it at all, so he immediately thought of cutting it off.

In the past, lawyers treated drug cartels as shit and disdained and dared not take their cases. However, now that the economic environment is not good, many of the top law firms have even begun to compete for the business of drug cartels.

Because Maodu Group has the most abundant cash flow, it can save the declining business and financial pressure of big law firms.

King against king, soldier against soldier.

It is far more dangerous for independent lawyers to contact criminal clients than for big law firms to compete for the business of providing legal services to criminal groups.

Once you join, you can't get out.

Various dangers may come to your door at any time. These dangers include not only the revocation of your hard-earned lawyer's license, but also jail time and life-threatening dangers.

Who would be willing to be a desperate lawyer unless they are forced to do so?

Not just anyone can be Saul Goodman!

Although the lawyer was a little eager to challenge Detective Chuck, he still knew his abilities well. After Chuck reminded him of this key point, he immediately stopped his preparation and became well-behaved and kind.

And he also knew what to do.

What about ‘defend him to the best of your ability’, that’s the end of it, don’t take it seriously.

Otherwise, if he really goes all out, ignores morality, uses any means, and walks on the edge of the law, he doesn't believe that it really doesn't matter if God detects Chuck, instead of simply taking him away because he is unhappy.


This time, he's not just going legal, he's going to do it ethically.

True morality.

Not a lawyer's professional ethics.

These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly. He smiled kindly at the three Chucks and walked into the interrogation room to meet his client.

A week later.

Monica's apartment.

In the middle of the scientific research, Chuck suddenly left, leaving Rachel in disbelief and extremely dissatisfied: "What happened?"

"I don't like your title!"

Chuck said nothing, ignored Rachel's stunned look, went to the bathroom to wash up and prepared to leave.

"What's up with him?"

Rachel was so shocked by this sudden change that she forgot to chat with God for a moment, and looked at Sister Anskimo's best friend Monica in confusion.


Monica sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing her best friend like this, Rachel felt even more uneasy.

"Didi is dead."

Monica said something, got up directly, picked up her coat and put it on, left the bedroom, walked to the refrigerator, picked up a can of ice water, unscrewed it and drank a few sips, listening to the sound of bathing coming from the bathroom. He saw Rachel looking out of the bedroom again, reaching out to take out another bottle of ice water. She was about to close the refrigerator, but stopped again. She reached out and took out all the ice water drinks in the refrigerator and hugged her.

The large area of ​​coldness in her arms made her take a deep breath, shook her head, closed the refrigerator with her shoulders, and walked back to the bedroom with an arm full of ice water drinks. As soon as her arms relaxed, the ice water drinks in her arms immediately It fell on Rachel.

"Is it really over?"

Rachel was also very angry. She was aroused by so many ice water drinks. She felt much better physically, but she was not very happy in her heart. She imitated Monica, opened a bottle of ice water, and drank several sips, unwilling to do so. muttered.

"It's all your fault!"

Monica took another gulp of ice water and rolled her eyes at her best friend: "You know that Didi is dead and this case is so special, but you still call Chuck that. Can he be happy?"

"I didn't mean it. He didn't object before. He probably likes it... and what about it?"

Rachel reached out and hugged the remaining ice water drink tightly, letting the coldness cool down her still hot self.

"As for that? What do you think?"

Monica frowned, a little unhappy.

You know, in order to take care of this best friend and roommate, she has always been polite to him, a scumbag, and will not let Rachel, who has not undergone strict training, bear the war song and intensity of the later space elevator.

But now, today's scientific research experiment was completely ruined because of Rachel's inappropriate name at this time.

The person who should be dissatisfied the most is not Rachel, but her!

As a result, she kindly reminded Rachel that Rachel was still nagging and questioning Chuck's attitude. This made Monica, who always started from Chuck's perspective, very dissatisfied.

"As for, as for, it's okay that I was wrong."

Seeing Monica's sudden and rare expression, Rachel felt a little panicked. She quickly smiled and said, "Didi is so pitiful, and Chuck is handling this case again. I really didn't consider it."

"As long as you know."

Seeing that her best friend admitted her mistake, Monica's face softened a little, and she sat next to her. She took another bottle of ice water from her arms, opened it, took a few sips, and sighed: "Who would have thought that there is such a hell in New York? What's going on! Didi is only six or seven years old! What a beast!"

"It's indeed too much."

Rachel agreed perfunctorily.

Growing up, her family of five, four women, all relied on her father to support the family and provide a prosperous life.

It reminds me that when she was a student, she took care of the children of her father's best friend's house, and ended up hooking up with her father's best friend.

We do this kind of messy and outrageous things all the time.

Therefore, the subconscious tolerance for this kind of thing is relatively high.

She did feel that this matter was too much, but it didn't touch her too much, especially the fact that Chuck reacted so much to her just calling her a name, which made her a little disapproving.

However, seeing that both Chuck and her best friend Monica had this attitude, she finally looked at him and stopped saying any more inappropriate words.

"Chuck is going to sue this beastly father?"

Rachel also drank a bottle of ice water, opened another bottle, and asked casually.

"And mother!"

Monica corrected: "Although this mother is also a victim to a certain extent, she was the one who repeatedly directly abused her and led to Didi's death! No matter what, Chuck will not let her go."

"She must be truly mentally ill, right?"

Rachel was a little surprised.

"It's indeed mental illness."

Monica nodded: "But in Chuck's eyes, this level of mental illness does not affect the outcome and cannot be used as an excuse for her to escape the crime!"

"That's it..."

Rachel responded absently, her eyes still looking out of the bedroom, and couldn't help but ask the question she really cared about: "How about we apologize to Chuck together? Just pretend that this didn't happen? I promise I won’t call him that again!”


Monica was speechless about her best friend who was addicted to food, but she subconsciously listened and heard the sound of the shower in the bathroom stopped. She quickly got up and sent Chuck's clothes over. When she walked to the living room, she subconsciously looked at Glancing at the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side of the bedroom, I saw that the originally empty floor-to-ceiling windows had been tightly covered by blackout curtains, and I nodded slightly.

This can be considered a direct impact of this case.

During the investigation, it was discovered that there was a perverted voyeur living opposite Didi's house. He used binoculars to peek at Didi's house every day, and his enthusiasm was not blocked even through the curtains.

Because the curtains are light-transmissive, you can still see the figure inside the house.

Chuck ordered good blackout curtains for her to stop perverts from peeping.

All right.

When it comes to perverted voyeurism, they really have no special position to criticize others, because they often watch the ugly guy opposite through the floor-to-ceiling windows together, and gather people to comment.

But after following Chuck for a long time, I know that people's hearts are evil and that they are in the hell of New York. There are not many people like them peeping and watching without malicious intent, and most of them are malicious.

Now she and Rachel have become Eskimo sisters, and Rachel has always been bold and unrestrained, like a welfare girl, and can easily attract covetous eyes, so installing blackout curtains to block possible malicious prying eyes is a necessary protective measure.

"Rachel didn't mean it."

Monica heard the sound of the bathroom door and looked away at the blackout curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. She handed the clothes to Chuck who came out with a smile and explained.

"I know."

Chuck nodded as he dressed.

"Is there going to be a trial the day after tomorrow?"

Monica immediately understood that Chuck was not in the mood to continue, so she asked about the case. When Chuck nodded, he tightened his coat and said, "I will take Rachel with me the day after tomorrow to attend."

Chuck said nothing and walked out.

Monica watched Chuck disappear behind the door, walked to the door that had been automatically locked, locked it, and skillfully fastened the anti-theft safety chain, and then returned to her bedroom to spend the day chatting with her best friend. A rough night.

The next day.

The office building that houses the district attorney's office.

As soon as Chuck parked the car, got out of the car and walked up the steps, his vision went dark. When he looked up, he saw an African-American woman in a suit and tie, looking at him with an unhappy expression: "Dr. Wolfe, I am …”

"I know who you are."

Chuck continued to move forward.

"Mrs. Ronstine is also a victim. You shouldn't blame her so harshly."

The African-American woman was Didi's mother's public prosecutor. Seeing Chuck continue to walk inside, she could only follow quickly and spoke quickly.

The so-called public defenders are free lawyers hired by the government for poor people who cannot afford a lawyer, so that when they are arrested and prosecuted, they will not have no lawyer as their defense lawyer.

But because it is free, most of the income of these public prosecutors depends on financial allocations, and their income is very low, so it is difficult for good lawyers to stay.

Therefore, this kind of free lawyer assistance, in other words, is a completely different concept from the suits lawyers hired by wealthy people to argue for their own interests and even do whatever it takes.

But there are always exceptions.

It is not surprising that one or two powerful lawyers who can easily make a lot of money by joining a law firm and serving wealthy people choose to stay as public defenders and provide higher legal aid services to the poor.

The lady in front of me who makes people's eyes darken is one of them.

Mrs. Ronstine is a full-time housewife, her husband controls the family finances, and she has mental problems. Therefore, she did not hire a lawyer at all and could only let the public defender defend her free of charge.

"Didi is dead, beaten to death by her own hands."

Chuck stated a fact expressionlessly.

"I know, and I'm sad about it."

The African-American female lawyer's expression darkened, but she immediately gathered her mood and continued to persuade Chuck: "But we all know that although Mrs. Ronstine did it directly, it was Dr. Ronstine who actually made her do this. He is the main culprit of all this tragedy.”

"They are all."

Chuck didn't accept her story.

"She was willing to plead guilty, accept some responsibility, and testify."

The African-American female lawyer walked a few steps quickly and stopped Chuck: "Without her testimony, you can't lock up the real culprit, Dr. Ronstin.


You can indeed prosecute him for calf trafficking and put him in jail.

But that's not the crux of the case.

You don’t want the culprit who caused this tragic tragedy to be prosecuted and convicted on other charges, right? "

Seeing Chuck looking over, she said sincerely: "We are not opponents, we can cooperate. Without the testimony of a direct eyewitness like Mrs. Ronsten, no matter how much evidence you find, it will only be indirect evidence.

No one knows what really happened that night unless Mrs. Ronstine is willing to testify against the real culprit.

All she needs is a reduction of guilt. Her husband abused her and made her take drugs. He forced her to become like this, so she deserves a plea bargain agreement far more than most people. "

"I know you are no opponent. You are also different from other lawyers. You have a clear conscience and your professional ethics are as pure as Snow White."

Chuck looked at her dreadlocks calmly: "But I never prosecute plea bargains!"


The African-American female lawyer paused and stared into Chuck's eyes.

If someone else were to use Snow White as a metaphor, it would be obviously racist and sarcastic.

After all, Snow White and her braided image are completely incompatible.

Even if it's just for metaphor.

But it was Chuck who said this.

He didn't deliberately make up this metaphor to express her connotation, but just quoted her own words.

That’s right!

She said this herself. When discussing how to proceed with this case in Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone's office, she took the initiative to remind her that her investigation revealed that Dr. Ronsten's drug business was It was very popular among the intellectuals and artists on the Upper West Side.

When Ben Stone asked her why she told him this, this was her response: "My work ethic is as clean as Snow White."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone knew her well and admired her enough to not question her right to say what she said.

Chuck had no intention of mocking her.

Because she is not really going to play Snow White, this is just a metaphor, and there is nothing wrong with this metaphor at all.

Compared to those elite lawyers who disregard law and morality for money, she is as white as Snow White who earns a meager salary and is willing to work for the poor.

Even if this poor man has a high probability of being a criminal.

But in the United States, which has a total population of 3 to 4 billion, but more than 100 million of whom have criminal records, and there are plans to imprison most of them so that the prison service industry can flourish, it is often difficult to distinguish between poor criminals and innocent civilians. .

So society needs people like her.

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