American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 496 Just one word, disgusting! Pooh! nausea!

"Don't even think about blowing up Hu!"

Seeing that Chuck didn't speak, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was right.

This is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

"This is not a bomb."

Chuck reminded bluntly.

"Are you serious?"

The African-American female lawyer looked at Chuck incomprehensibly: "You would rather give welfare to the culprit than give a poor woman a plea deal to reduce her sentence, 伱..."

Speaking of this, she did not say the phrase "misogynistic" that is most often used to label people in the future.

"Who told you that sending him to a women's prison was for welfare?"

Chuck looked at her expressionlessly: "No way? No way? What age are you in, and you still have such discriminatory ideas against women?"

"...I discriminate against women?"

The African-American female lawyer's face turned darker and she almost laughed angrily.


She didn't tip the hat on Chuck, but Chuck tipped the hat on her backhand.

"Isn't it?"

Chuck looked at her calmly: "If you are not discriminating against women, why do you subconsciously think that men must be the perpetrators of violence? Do women have to be inferior to men in terms of strength, unable to resist or even violent men in turn?

Is it really that easy to make money from the rich woman’s happy ball?

There have been so many death cases of the Queen’s Whip that there are professional templates for liability exemption agreements that are the same as prenuptial agreements.

Do these men who have been played to death really think that having the opportunity to enter a female prison is a benefit? "

"That's different."

The African-American female lawyer frowned and shook her head: "Whether it is the Rich Woman's Happy Ball or the Queen's Life and Death Whip, they are all based on women's control of absolute money and the resulting absolute power.

Ronstin doesn't have to make this money, so he naturally doesn't have to suffer this. "

She said this, but regarding the question of whether Chuck was bluffing her, her mind changed from 'impossible, absolutely impossible' to 'possible, completely possible'.

Because the cognitive basis of 'impossible, absolutely impossible' is to let the culprit enter the women's prison as an extremely lustful man. It is definitely a welfare.

But now, according to Chuck's explanation, in addition to great benefits for such a man entering a women's prison, there are also absolute dangers.

It will even be very miserable.

After all, the culprit may not need to make this money, and he does not need to submit to the absolute power and absolute obedience derived from this money, but in prison, he can still obtain absolute power and absolute obedience without paying money.

Although relatively speaking, the probability of being miserable and dangerous is much smaller than giving welfare.

But again, the powerful detective Chuck is here. As long as he wants to, he can definitely make a small probability event happen.

And based on her understanding of Detective Chuck, he should want to do this.

In this case, her original cognitive foundation will naturally collapse, and she will have to look at the matter from Chuck's perspective.

Instead of giving benefits to the culprit, this made her feel much better, but at the same time, it also meant that she might not be able to obtain a plea bargain for a reduced sentence for her client, which made her very frustrated and unwilling.

"I think your client has the right to know and make his own decision."

The African-American assistant prosecutor reminded with a smile.

"Can you really not make any concessions?"

The African-American female lawyer glanced at the three people and understood that she indeed had the obligation and responsibility to inform her client of such important information. She picked up her briefcase and turned around to leave. When she reached the door, she turned back to look at Chuck.

"Of course there are concessions."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "I fully confessed and testified. The prosecutor does not recommend the maximum sentence. The judge will impose whatever sentence he wants. You should know it."


The African-American female lawyer left speechless.

Of course she knew about this so-called concession.

This is not a plea bargain.

A full confession and testimony does not require Chuck to 'concess', and he should be given a lighter sentence.

"Do you really think Mrs. Ronstine would fully plead guilty to that statement?"

The African-American assistant prosecutor looked at Chuck and asked with a smile.

"This is not a question!"

Chuck said bluntly: "I'm sure."


The African-American assistant prosecutor asked puzzledly: "Just because she is mentally ill and possessive of her husband?"

"You are not mentally ill, otherwise you wouldn't ask this question."

Chuck said expressionlessly.


The African-American assistant prosecutor wanted to say something else, but in Chuck's eyes, he suddenly understood.

He thought he knew what mental illness looked like. He had heard about it from experts and had seen a lot of mental illness with his own eyes.

But these cognitions are superficial 'common sense', and some of them are even subconscious cognitions of 'I don't want you to think, I want what I feel'.

Therefore, he is not qualified to say what mental patients should and should not do.

But Chuck is completely different...Chuck is the most qualified person to say these words.


You still have to trust the judgment of experts!

Facts have proved that Detective Chuck’s God, whether it is the God of Detective or the God of Psycho, is the real God!

Two hours later.

Riker's Island Prison.

reception area.

"I plead guilty, I plead guilty, I don't want my baby to go to a women's prison, absolutely not!"

After the African-American female lawyer relayed Chuck's threat, Mrs. Ronstine immediately said that she would accept this, and then became more and more excited as she spoke.

"Don't get excited, I understand."

The African-American female lawyer comforted her with a wry smile, and signaled to stop the action of causing the prison guard to step forward to intervene because Mrs. Ronstine, a prisoner, was too excited.

"I'll call you right away to inform you of my decision."

Faced with the intense and crazy stare of Mrs. Ronstine, the African-American female lawyer also understood that Detective Chuck was Detective Chuck. She shook her head and took out her cell phone to call Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone. : "Can you come over here? We agree to testify."

"We're right at the door."

The voice of Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone came from the other end of the phone. Under the stunned eyes of the African-American female lawyer, the door to the reception area was opened, and Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone and the African-American Assistant Prosecutor came in. .


The African-American female lawyer put down her cell phone, her face looking ugly.

"Do not misunderstand."

The African-American assistant prosecutor explained: "Chuck asked us to come here in advance. We just believed in his judgment. The fact is that he was right, wasn't he?"


Only then did the African-American female lawyer realize that after she left, Chuck had two prosecutors follow him. How confident he was.

"Can we talk to our witnesses a little more about the details of the case?"

Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Ben Stone reminded.

It is not a plea bargain, and there will be no confrontation or compromise, so there is no need to meet and talk at all, it can be settled with just a phone call.

The reason why they came here specifically was to let Mrs. Ronsten, one of the defendants, help them go through the case again as a witness, so that she could better accuse Dr. Ronsten when they appear in court tomorrow.

Of course, these contents cannot be discussed on the phone. Face-to-face meetings are more appropriate.

"I say, I say it all, don't put my baby in a women's prison, he is mine..."

Faced with Mrs. Ronstine's expression of excitement because of Chuck's threat, the three of them looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Thanks to the fact that the three of them claim to be elite lawyers, they didn't expect that they had all ignored the power of Chuck's words before.

The power of one word is so terrifying!

The next day.

The trial begins.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone first requested that the female doctor who performed a physical examination on the little girl Dee Dee at the reminder of Chuck appear in court to testify.

When she proved that Didi had indeed been molested, the whole court was in an uproar. The judge finally regained his composure after repeatedly banging his gavel.

But not to mention the people who were watching and the jury, even the professional judge who was used to seeing evil had to make great efforts to restrain his dislike of the defendant, Dr. Ronsten.

"Your Honor, the prosecution requests that Mrs. Carla Roenstine appear to testify."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone applied.


The judge agreed without hesitation.

Accompanied by the African-American female lawyer, Mrs. Ronstine walked in, placed her hand on the Bible and swore an oath in accordance with the procedure, and then sat on the witness stand.

But before the questions began, Mrs. Ronstine looked longingly at her husband in the dock and called affectionately: "Dear, darling."

It's a pity that in the face of this call, the husband, as the defendant, bowed his head and did not look at her at all.

Seeing that there was no response to her affectionate call, Mrs. Ronstine stood up from the witness stand excitedly, stretched out a hand to her husband, made a classic Falcon gesture, and continued to call with a cry and panic in her voice. :"Honey?"

When the whole audience saw this scene, there was another uproar.

Under the watchful eye of the judge, Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone could only rush over to comfort and remind Mrs. Ronstine to be a qualified witness.

In the midst of the chaos, the African-American assistant prosecutor stepped forward quickly, blocking Mrs. Ronstine's view of her husband, and then whispered to remind her to look at Chuck in the gallery.

Mrs. Ronstine, who was showing signs of going crazy because her baby husband didn't respond to her, looked at each other with the expressionless Chuck, calmed down instantly, and sat back obediently.

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone secretly gave a thumbs up to his partner's astuteness and decisiveness. He glanced at the real hero in the gallery, complained helplessly in his heart, and then began to ask questions: "Mrs. Ronsten, tell me Court, why did you hit your daughter so hard that she was injured and died?”

"I was drugged and delirious at the time, and I didn't realize I had used so much strength."

Mrs. Ronstine explained.

"Then why are you doing this?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone asked the question on everyone's mind.

This is her biological daughter.

Not adopted.

"my husband."

Mrs. Ronstine glanced timidly at Chuck in the gallery, took a deep breath and told the truth: "He convinced me to do this."

"She's completely crazy!"

The defendant, who had always been unwilling to pay attention to his wife, could no longer control his violent temper and stood up and shouted.

"Mr. Ronsten, if you scream again, I will ask the bailiff to put shackles on you!"

The judge shouted sullenly.

The defendant's defense lawyer quickly pushed his client back.

Wearing shackles to court is not a big deal. The key thing is that the act itself conveys the attitude of the judge who can decide the fate of his client.

"Did your husband tell you why he wanted you to hit Dee Dee?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone took a few steps to block the defendant's menacing look at his wife.

"He said we all had to learn the rules."

Mrs. Ronstine, who was on the witness stand, replied: "He wanted Didi to be like her mother when she grew up, and he wanted her to be a perfect wife, just like me."

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone certainly understood what she was talking about, but he still pretended not to understand and asked Mrs. Ronstine to speak more clearly so that some of the jury would not understand.

"Who does he want Didi to be the perfect wife for?"

"He said he wanted Didi to be a perfect wife, just like me!"

Mrs. Ronstine took a deep breath. When the addiction did not take effect, she still knew some etiquette and shame. It was difficult to say these words: "He wants me to train her so that we can serve him together in the future. He wants Di Dee makes the perfect wife for him, just like me!”

The whole place was in an uproar again!

This kind of thing may not be so extremely rare in the United States, and many people have heard of it, but when it is said in public, it is still so rude that it is shocking and unbearable.

"Has he ever sexually harassed Didi?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone pressed.

"Objection! Your Honor, this has nothing to do with what happened that night!"

The defendant's defense lawyer could no longer sit still and quickly stood up to object.

"Objection is invalid, answer this question!"

Without Ben Stone's need to refute, the judge directly rejected it, leaving the defendant's defense lawyer to sit down helplessly.

The judge's bias is already too obvious.

This case is most likely over.

"It shouldn't be considered harassment."

Even at this moment, Mrs. Ronstine, who had been distorted and collapsed by her husband and her psychiatrist husband, still tried hard to defend her husband: "I mean, he loves her, he just wants to find a way to express his love." Love.”

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone stopped asking questions, walked towards the defendant with a livid face, stared at him, then returned to his seat, signaling that he had finished asking.

At the defendant's whispered reminder, the defendant's defense lawyer immediately stood up and walked to the witness stand to conduct cross-examination: "Kara, how often do you take calf? Are you addicted to calf?"

"Objection, this is characterization!"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone immediately rose to object.

"The objection is valid."

The judge was immediately supportive.

The defendant's defense lawyer could only stop asking this question, took two steps to adjust, and continued to ask: "Kara, your neighbors said that when your family goes out, Didi always walks hand in hand with his father. , never walk together with you, they all find it strange that there is such a long distance between mother and daughter."

"I wanted to hold her hand, but she didn't want to."

On the witness stand, Mrs. Ronsten finally remembered that Didi was her daughter, and she finally looked sad when talking about her daughter's shunned attitude toward her mother.

"Because she's afraid of you when you're addicted, right?"

the defense attorney asked.

"Objection! This is to induce a witness to confess."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone again rose to object.

He knew this was the defense attorney's attempt to brand the key witness, Mrs. Ronstine, as a repulsive drug addict, thereby making the jury emotionally and intellectually doubt her testimony.

"invalid objection."

The judge glanced at Ben Stone but did not side with him again.

no way.

Although he also hated the defendant's extreme disgust, as a judge he could not reveal his emotions and tendencies wantonly.

Otherwise, even if the defendant is convicted in this trial, once the defendant appeals and reaches the Court of Appeal, his attitude that has always been biased towards the prosecution is recorded, and it is very easy for the Court of Appeal to declare the trial result invalid for not following procedures. of.

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