American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 497 The frightened and desperate no, and the eternal yes!


When she was sober, the defense lawyer asked her dead daughter if she was afraid of him. Mrs. Ronstine nodded in shame.

"When Didi was injured and hospitalized, the police once found you and wanted you to go to the hospital to see your daughter Didi."

The defense attorney asked: "You turned away the detectives who came to visit you, didn't you?"


Mrs. Ronstine nodded.

"Not only that, but you suddenly attacked Detective Amy Santiago who was present and hit her in the face, didn't you?"

the defense attorney asked, staring into her eyes.

Detective Amy Santiago's face darkened in the gallery.

This embarrassment is over, right?

After Mrs. Ronstine admitted again, the defense attorney asked loudly: "Why did you do that?"

"I have no idea."

Mrs. Ronstine was confused.

"you do not know?"

The defense lawyer looked around the jury: "Isn't it because you are so possessive of your husband that you don't want to see other women approaching him in any way? And this even includes your biological daughter, so you are so abusive. Didi, beat her to death!”

"Objection! The defense lawyer is speculating on the subjective thoughts of the witness."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone again rose to object.

Facing such a mentally ill witness who is disliked or even disgusted by everyone, it is really difficult to be her 'companion'.

"I withdraw the question."

Without waiting for the judge to make a ruling, the defense lawyer raised his hand and pretended to withdraw his question.

But the impact of speaking out is already real.

The jury was also thinking that such a drug-addicted, possessive psychopath suddenly attacked an unrelated female police detective just because the police detective came to her house to ask about her husband's whereabouts on a routine basis about her daughter. .

Are the things she said about her husband asking her to train her daughter to be a perfect wife and serve her together, are they true?

Or is it her groundless conjecture?

She also regarded her daughter Didi, who was unwilling to approach her and only wanted to be close to her husband because she was afraid of being addicted, as one of her love rivals. She fantasized about those malicious intentions, which allowed her to abuse her daughter Didi with peace of mind and eliminate her imaginary love. Love rival?

It's not impossible!

After all, the victim, the little girl Didi, was only molested. Unlike the little girl on the US-Mexico border, at least 65 types of DNA were actually detected in the body.

There is no way to prove that it must have been Dr. Ronsten, the father.

"Mrs. Ronstine, what do you usually call your husband?"

When the defense lawyer returned to his seat triumphantly, Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone stood up and walked towards Mrs. Ronstine again.


As Mrs. Ronstine spoke, she looked affectionately at her husband in the dock.

"anything else?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at her.


Mrs. Ronstine thought for a moment.

"Are these the only two?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone suddenly raised his voice, and moved his position as he spoke, so that Mrs. Ronstine, who was frightened by the sudden raised voice and looked up, could just see Chuck in the gallery.

Chuck looked at her expressionlessly.

"Dad, pookie is scared!"

Mrs. Ronstine trembled, not daring to look at Chuck, and looked at her husband in the dock with a cry.

The whole place was in an uproar again!

Not only because Mrs. Ronstine called herself Pookie (dear, sweetie) and called her husband daddy, but also because when Ronstine said this, she had the look and tone of a little girl who was frightened and afraid of looking for her father. Although it is disgusting, it is all emotions and no acting skills. In the eyes of everyone, there is no need to say anything, everything is understood.

The defense lawyer's mouth twitched and he glanced helplessly at his client. He was having such a good time.

As soon as this affectionate title comes out,

The wife called her husband daddy like a panicked little girl. The impact was too strong, especially for this case, and it directly ruined his previous efforts.

If you can make your wife call you daddy, then those things your wife said before about training, perfect wife, and joint service are most likely not false!

"Mrs. Ronstine, do you call your husband daddy?"

Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Ben Stone pressed, "Why?"

"Because he is."

Mrs. Ronstine seemed to have turned into a little girl at this moment, looking longingly at her husband and calling constantly.

"The prosecution has invited psychiatrist Dr. Beverly Hofstadter to testify."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone stopped questioning Mrs. Ronstine and moved directly to the next witness.

Before going to court, he knew that the defense lawyer would definitely make an issue of Mrs. Ronsten's mental state, so he was naturally prepared.


The judge agreed.

Little Leonard's mother, Dr. Beverly Hofstadter, a renowned psychiatrist, walked in and took the witness stand.

"Dr. Hofstadter, you conducted a psychiatric evaluation for Mrs. Roenstine. As an expert, what do you think of Mrs. Roenstine's mental state?"

asked Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.


Dr. Beverly Hofstadter raised her eyes and said expressionlessly: "Mrs. Ronstine's mental state shows obvious signs of artificial distortion, destruction and reconstruction."

"Can anyone do it?"

asked Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.

"of course not."

Dr. Beverly Hofstadter shook her head: "You have to be an extremely good psychiatrist or psychologist to do it. Of course, with the help of professional doctors, even a third-rate psychologist can do it."

At this point, she also glanced at Dr. Ronstine in the dock, but did not directly say that in her eyes, Dr. Ronstine was a third-rate psychiatrist.

But she is indeed qualified to say this.

"Mrs. Ronstine calls her husband daddy and calls herself pookie. As an expert, can you tell us how you understand it psychologically?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at the jury.

Although everyone knew what was going on, he still wanted to emphasize this again and let everyone hear how the expert witnesses understood this title, so as to completely eliminate the doubts in the minds of everyone in the jury and allow them to abandon their suspicion of perversion. The last vestiges of good-natured imagination from Dr. Ronstine.

When Dr. Beverly Hofstadter casually used professional words such as "attracted to young children," "abnormal psychology," and "the difference between zero and countless times," the faces of the jury became even more ugly.

The defense lawyer and the defendant discussed in low voices, and then stood up to apply for the defendant to take the witness stand.

At this time, the only option is to fight to the death.

"Dr. Ronsten, have you ever abused Didi?"

the defense attorney asked.

"Deedee was the ray of sunshine in my life, I never abused her, I hugged her often and protected her from Kara, I realize now that Kara is completely crazy, even she said I have never abused Didi, they are using legal terms to distort the truth."

The defendant said very frankly and sophistry on the witness stand: "I love her from the bottom of my heart!"

The defense attorney nodded and ended the questioning, allowing the prosecution to begin cross-examination.

"Do you love your daughter Dee Dee from the bottom of your heart?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone came over: "Hug her often and protect her?"


The defendant nodded.

"Then do you know that your daughter Didi is malnourished?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at him coldly.

"Didi won't eat without me."

The defendant said matter-of-factly: "We often hold hands, and she would say, 'Hold tight, daddy'!"

"You are a psychiatrist, do you think this is normal?"

asked Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.

"...I tried to persuade her, but she didn't listen, and there was nothing I could do."

The defendant hesitated.

You don’t need to be a psychiatrist, even ordinary people know that this is certainly abnormal.

"Since you know that this is abnormal for her, and as a father and a psychiatrist, you can't persuade her to eat without you, what efforts have you made?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone asked: "For example, find a good psychiatrist for her to help her deal with this abnormal mental state that may endanger her health?"


The defendant argued: "I just tried my best to get home in time and have meals with her. She is still too young and it is not appropriate to find a psychiatrist for her now."

"Get home in time to have dinner with her?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone sneered: "After our investigation, you did not do this at all. You were rarely at home, and you often even went on so-called business trips, but this business trip was in your clinic and had in-depth links with female patients. The Lechian psychotherapy method led to Didi's malnutrition. Is this what you call loving her from the bottom of your heart?"

"That's my job! I have a family to support, don't I?"

The defendant angrily said: "As long as I am at home, I will care about her and protect her!"

"As long as you are at home, will you care about her and protect her?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone immediately grasped the topic and confirmed.


The defendant paused and nodded affirmatively.

"Mr. Ronstine, you testified earlier that you came home before midnight and your wife told you about her beating Dee Dee earlier that night, correct?"

asked Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone.

"I didn't think it would be this serious."

The defendant suddenly lowered his head with guilt and said vaguely.

"You also testified that when you came home, Dee Dee was lying on the floor in the living room, still wearing her school uniform, correct?"

the executive assistant prosecutor asked.

"...I thought she was asleep."

The defendant reluctantly explained.

"Didi often sleeps on the wooden floor all night with nothing to cover him?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said coldly.

"of course not."

The defendant could no longer bear it.

no way.

Seeing the lies he told about caring and caring for his daughter Didi being completely denied bit by bit by the prosecutor using his own testimony, this kind of powerlessness and panic is really uncomfortable.

"So did you go over to Dee Dee and check if she was okay?"

"I didn't feel that was necessary at the time."

"Even if there's blood underneath her head?"

"I didn't see it."

"I did not see it?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone angrily took out the evidence photos: "Please look at the prosecution's exhibit No. 37. This is the blood stain under Didi's head lying on the floor of your living room. This blood stain is large enough to 70*95 centimeters, which is bigger than Didi’s whole body. You can see Didi, but tell me you didn’t see such a big pool of blood?!!!”

"The room was very dark at the time, with few lights on..."

The defendant was already stuttering.

"So you don't do anything?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said loudly: "My daughter Dee Dee, who had been beaten by her wife and was obviously wrong, was allowed to lie motionless on the floor in her school uniform without calling her to the hospital for treatment or asking her questions. How come, she didn't even want to get closer to take a look, so she didn't see such a large pool of dazzling blood that was much bigger than her whole body.

Well, you can open your eyes and say it's dark at night, but what about the next morning? The sun has come out, but the big pool of blood hasn't disappeared. Why haven't you done anything?

Didi was allowed to go to school with such an injury, and then was not treated in time and died. If you had paid her even the slightest attention to strangers, she would have survived. Then you told us all that you were How to care for her and love her? ! ! ! "

"You're twisting every word I say!!!"

The defendant was already prone to violence, but when he was exposed in public by Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone, he could no longer pretend or control his temper.

At this point in the trial, the outcome has been decided.

The jury came out quickly after entering and found the defendant guilty on all counts.

The judge accepted the guilty result and then began to pronounce the sentence: "Sitting in this seat, I think I have seen all the ugliness and bestiality, but for you, contempt is no longer enough to express my feelings. Now this court sentences you to a cumulative The crime carries a sentence of 32 years to life in prison!”

The defendant responded in silence.

At this point, it was no longer suitable for him to make any statement other than accepting the situation in a low-key manner and Xu Tu's plan.

“I still feel like I can’t get over it!”

Monica sighed as she, Rachel, and Chuck walked out side by side after the court hearing.

"This is not the end."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Isn't it?"

Rachel asked curiously.

Chuck didn't answer her, but looked at the defendant who was being escorted into the prison van from a distance. Rachel looked over and said with a twinkling look, "Are all those prison legends in the TV series true?"

The convicted Dr. Jacob Ronstine got on the prisoner bus and drove to the severe punishment prison. He was still actively doing psychological construction in his mind. According to the American prison tradition, he always has a chance to get out in his lifetime.

He is a psychiatrist, professional.

So although I am painful and angry, I am not desperate.

However, when the prisoner bus arrived at the prison, completed the admission ceremony, and entered his prison, he looked at the strong man who stood up from the bed and walked over like a dark cloud covering the sky. The short man had to tilt his head back as much as possible. Only when he looked at his classic-skinned roommate, even if the other person just showed a slightly funny smile from God's perspective, it still made him feel so scary in the eyes of his 'petite' self. No matter how good his psychological construction skills were, I can't help feeling fear and despair from my heart.


"You should say yes! You can only say yes from now on! Daddy is home~"


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