American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 498 Escape from New York and move to California

A few days later.

Peaceful Town.

Mountainside villa.

Monica was watching a video attentively, with a strange and relieved expression.

This is a surveillance video, there should be no sound.

But in order for her to watch better without Chuck's lip-reading skills, the surveillance video was post-production with sounds, and even magically it was the original sound.

That’s right!

Monica recognized the voice in the surveillance video. It was the defendant Dr. Jacob Ronstine who was alternately righteous and furious in court a few days ago.

The surveillance video showed that it was the prison's break time. All the prisoners, including the new doctor Jacob Ronsten, were let out to enjoy the breeze, play basketball, and sing in the sun.

It had only been a few days since we last met, and Dr. Jacob Ronstine, who had done such beastly things before and was so eloquent and sophistical in public, has become very different.

If Monica hadn't become increasingly smart, she wouldn't have recognized it at the first time.

I saw him staggeringly pulling the pockets of a strong African-American man, and followed the strong African-American man out step by step.

Although he is an adult man, he is relatively thin and short. Now standing next to this tall and strong man who is nearly two meters tall, he really looks like an adult and a child.

After the distinctive figures of one large and one small came out, all the prisoners who had been out for a while put down the trainee movements in their hands and looked at them with different expressions.

There are those who can’t hold back their laughter.

There are those who lick their tongues with a sinister smile.

Some gave thumbs up to the strong man.

Some spit on the ground happily.

Some shook their heads secretly.

Among the many glances, seven out of ten were ill-intentioned, two were hostile, and one looked on as if it had nothing to do with him.

In short, no one sympathized with him.

Dr. Jacob Ronstine is a psychiatrist himself, and what he is best at is the so-called Lechian psychotherapy method of deeply connecting with patients. After coming in, he immediately experienced the situation in the prison for a few days, so he was very interested in these eyes. Extremely sensitive.

He, who was already feeling unwell, trembled even more, his eyes were timid, he tightened the protective pocket of his burly roommate, and faced more and more people who were becoming more and more explicit, such as sticking out their tongues at him with abnormal expressions. Under the gaze of the strong prisoner, he walked step by step towards the release area outside the prison with difficulty.

At this moment, the burly roommate stopped and stretched out his hand.

Dr. Jacob Ronstine was stunned for a moment and tried to look up. He saw the burly roommate showing a very gentle and friendly smile, indicating that he was holding his hand.

However, this gentle and friendly smile was terrifying to him.

But he still subconsciously let go of the burly roommate's pocket, and handed his hand to the burly roommate's big hand. Facing the roar of laughter around him, he lowered his eyes, not daring to look up or think too much. .

"Little cutie, what should you say?"

The strong roommate shook his hand hard. The huge force made him unbearable, but it also made him know what he should say. What he recalled in his mind was his six or seven-year-old daughter Didi getting along with him. In the scene at that time, he was silent for a moment, and saw that his hand was being squeezed tighter and tighter, as if it was about to break. He could only raise his head, squeeze out an ugly smile and look at the burly roommate to please: "Hold tight, daddy~"

"Be good, daddy will protect you and love you~"

The burly roommate was satisfied.

There was even louder laughter in the prison square, attracting the attention of the prison guards who were on guard outside the barbed wire fence.

But they also looked at this scene with smiles and had no intention of interfering at all. They even came close to watch and mocked: "Big Bill is getting better and better at playing."

"How could that idiot of his who only has muscles in his head be able to play so well? He relied on the new cutie to teach him. Anyone who has watched the court trial video will be impressed by the new cutie's care and love for his daughter. So profound.”

"This imitation is really good!"

"That's right! This can be said to be Big Bill's true character. It's all about emotion and no acting. That's why it's so harmonious and natural."

“Who doesn’t want to be ‘a loving father and a filial daughter’?”

"He is indeed the most trustworthy psychiatrist! He really knows how to play!"

Monica watched the video. She was happy that Jacob Ronsten, a beastly father, could so empathize with the psychology of his daughter Dee Dee, but she also thought it was weird. She shook her head and cleared the mind of the originally vicious Jack. Boo Ronsten shook off the timid little cute look now, turned off the projector, got up and went to the study to find Chuck.

In the study, Chuck is playing Go on the computer.

"You're playing with it too."

Monica walked behind him, looked at him silently for a while, and couldn't help but said: "Peggy said it is getting more and more powerful, and said that in the near future it will make little Sheldon cry. What is its name?" Coming?"

"Excellent art."

Chuck replied.

"Exquisite art, good name."

Monica didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You really want to make little Sheldon cry..."

Speaking of this, she did not say that she would do anything.

That’s right!

She knew that there was such a chess-playing AI under development. After all, Peggy, whom she supervised, often played against it, and praised the rapid progress of the AI. With their training and improvement, it would have the potential to surpass humans in the near future.

According to Peggy, this chess-playing AI must be developed by Chuck's company.

Because the top player who played chess with Peggy was introduced by Chuck. Later, the other party recommended such a chess AI and invited her to train it together.

As for the purpose of research and development, in addition to developing intelligent AI technology for medium and long-range goals, the biggest goal in the short term should be to train the chess AI to the point where it can easily defeat Little Sheldon, so that he can feel the kindness from big and small devils from time to time and cry to release his emotions. , lest he really become Spock without any emotions.

That’s right!

This is the kindness of the big and small devils.

Since the last time Chuck and his crew took a train to Houston to witness the launch of the Eye of God satellite, and allowed Little Sheldon to meet his idol Leonard Nimoy, who played the spaceship technology officer Spock in Star Trek, at the launch base , little Sheldon became addicted to cosplay. He often regarded himself as the second-generation Spock and would always raise his hands and perform Spock's classic greeting gesture when meeting him.

And Spock himself is half-Earthling, half-alien, indifferent to emotions, and Young Sheldon also tried his best to imitate him, making him even more hateful than before.

Little Leonard and the others protested many times to no avail. Knowing that Chuck was busy with cases during this period, they did not bother him, which made Little Sheldon even more proud.

After Chuck and Peggy, the big and small devils, have made Little Sheldon more and more accustomed to losing to them, the emergence of this unique AI can definitely give Little Sheldon a small technological shock and make him cry again. , let him understand that he is just a fragile human being, Little Sheldon, not Spock.

Chuck didn't pay attention to Monica's complaints. Just as Monica guessed, the intelligent AI was developed by Anna and him. The unique skill of playing Go is just the simplest application. In the medium and long term, it is to master the strongest AI technology, a future killer, does have the purpose of making little Sheldon cry in the short term.

Not only he and Anna are training it, but also Peggy, Little Sheldon, and Dr. Reed. It can be said that it is a small game in the super genius club, with rapid growth and unlimited potential.

At this moment, the watch on Chuck's wrist vibrated subtly. He raised his decorative glasses and glanced at the new message that popped up on the computer screen. He was still lamenting that Little Sheldon was really Poor little Monica said: "Please let me know, if anyone is willing to go on vacation in California for two months, I can reimburse the air tickets."

“A two-month vacation in California?”

Monica was stunned: "Why did you suddenly have this idea?"

"The cannabis is burning."

Chuck reminded.


Monica said in surprise: "Isn't this normal? It's a vast place with sparsely populated areas, such a large land area, and rich forest resources. How can it not be burned several times a year?"

"This time is different."

Chuck shook his head: "The area burned this time will be very large and will last for a long time. Various pollutants will drift over and sweep across the entire east coast."

"No way?"

Monica said in disbelief: "So exaggerated?"

"It's more exaggerated than you think."

Chuck said bluntly: "Remind your relatives and friends that in the next period of time, the air quality on the entire East Coast will be sweeter than ever before. If you can't live in it, or have asthma, heart disease and other basic diseases, please try to stay away for a while." If you are unable to stay out of town for more than two months due to time constraints, you should try to leave New York for more than a week within a week. If you are unable to live without work, you should also wear a mask and go out as little as possible."

"I'll notify you right away."

When Monica saw what Chuck said, she knew it was not a cold humor, and her expression became serious: "When will we leave?"

"Nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Chuck raised his decorative glasses: "You don't need to think about the air tickets. We won't wait until the date is over."

"I'm not sure yet who's going and who's not."

Monica said something subconsciously.

"It doesn't matter."

Chuck said bluntly: "I'm chartering a plane this time."


Monica left speechlessly.


When chartering a flight, you don’t have to think about who will go and who won’t. The ability to make money is so convenient.

Chuck watched her leave in a hurry and started calling to inform her.

He has more people to inform.

If he hadn't given everyone time to prepare, he wouldn't have delayed setting off until tomorrow morning.

For patients with severe mysophobia like him, although through rigorous training and strong willpower, they can overcome the influence of the unclean environment.

But even in clean and hygienic India, it is not as critical as it is now.

This means that the entire air on the East Coast is about to be severely polluted.

He can be trained to temporarily tolerate a clean and hygienic environment. After all, as long as he is willing to spend money on food and water, he can eat and drink truly clean and hygienic water and food without having to face these challenges all the time.

But in New York and even on the East Coast, he will face this ultimate challenge all the time. Unless he is willing to live in a high-level laboratory for more than two months, leaving immediately is the only option.

"Leonard, I'm about to notify Dr. Beverly prepared."

The first person Chuck notified was little Leonard.

It's not that little Leonard is the most important to him.

But little Leonard has asthma. Once he is left, he will face the most serious challenges. In mild cases, he will be bedridden, and in severe cases, he will be unable to breathe and his life will be in danger.

So must leave.

And notified him, and also notified Little Sheldon.

Little Sheldon, who is also mysophobic, will never be able to endure the East Coast environment for a long time to come. As an important provider of Chuck's double yin and yang points, he cannot go crazy and must evacuate the East Coast with Chuck.

District Attorney's Office.

"Did you get a call from Chuck too?"

District Attorney Adam Schiffer walked into the office of his subordinate and friend, Executive Assistant Attorney Ben Stone, saw him put down the phone, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, you received it too?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone had a smile on his face, a rare expression after the recent quarrel between him and Chuck.

"He informed me that the wildfires in Canada are unusual this time. They will seriously pollute the air on the entire East Coast and will last for a long time. If possible, everyone should leave the East Coast and take refuge."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer nodded and smiled: "We can't leave, at least we can't leave for that long, but I still accept his kindness and prepare to send my family away. What about you?"

"I think so too."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone nodded and said with a smile: "But I am not planning to let Emma and the others take the plane chartered by him. I will buy their tickets myself."


District Attorney Adam Schiffer reached out and nodded at this more serious subordinate, but after thinking about it, he nodded and smiled and said, "That's good, let's go together as a family."

"Shall I help them buy tickets together?"

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone looked at his boss and friends inquiringly. Seeing that he had no objection, he confirmed the matter, and then joked: "You used to always think about how to let other states and cities enjoy it." The idea of ​​absolute justice by Detective Chuck, the master of plea bargaining, is now here. Before you can find a way, Canada can help you realize this dream.

I heard what he meant. This wildfire pollution incident will last for a long time, at least more than two months. He will not come back until the air quality in New York is restored. "

"So, I really have to thank Canada."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer couldn't help but smile: "Two months is not a short time. No matter how many cases I help to attract him to, I will never delay him for so long."

"We are risking our lives to send him away."

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone said self-deprecatingly: "Two months without him is what we deserve."

"It's not that exaggerated."

District Attorney Adam Schiffer said with a smile: "Just think of it as smoking a cannabis-infused cigar. We are not mysophobic like him, but we really deserve the two months of respite. Otherwise, we I really feel like I can’t hold on any longer.”

Executive Assistant Prosecutor Ben Stone nodded in understanding.

The power of prosecutors is indeed very great, especially District Attorney Adam Schiffer, who can make the final decision. He can even compete with billionaires and even leaders.

But that is a prosecutor who can make plea bargains according to his own wishes.

Working with Detective Chuck, they were forced by him not to make any plea bargains at all, and many of the cases they endured were very influential. In this case, as the responsible prosecutors, they were under great pressure.

In just a few months, he, his boss and friend, could not see anything on the outside, but the white hair on his head was much more visible to the naked eye.

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