American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 500 Newport Waterfront, Orange County Man

"Our principles remain unchanged."

Detective Superintendent Hotchner always had a serious poker face and looked at JJ: "Environmental pollution is not the reason for us to temporarily exclude cases applying for assistance along the entire East Coast. How we prioritized cases in the past has not changed now. "


When JJ heard this order, he suppressed his smile and nodded in approval.

"This is our job, work first."

Detective Hotchner explained, and then took out his mobile phone to signal to everyone: "But the family's arrangements still have to be up to Chuck. I will call Haley right away and arrange for her to leave with Jack temporarily."

"Smart move."

Gideon, the spiritual leader of BAU, spoke: "This air pollution is definitely not a trivial matter, otherwise Chuck wouldn't have arranged it like this. Everyone should hurry up and arrange for their families."

"How to arrange it?"

Bald-headed detective Morgan shook his head and said: "Being away from home for two months? Many people can't survive a week without working. This is still at home, and they simply can't afford to travel far away for vacation."

"Take charge of it yourself."

BAU's spiritual leader Gideon said quietly: "In the face of an irresistible disaster, everyone can only take care of their own small family first. Even if Chuck doesn't notify or respond in any way, it all depends on the individual whether he should live his life or not. choose."

Bald agent Morgan suddenly stopped talking.

He was born in Chicago, which is the closest place to UC, so if air pollution really comes over, his hometown will be the first to be polluted.

And looking at his classic skin, you can tell that the neighborhood where he grew up was originally poverty-stricken and sin-ridden, and even he had a childhood shadow that could never be healed because of living there.

In this case, even if he knew the news, what would be the point of informing his relatives and friends back home in Chicago and asking them to leave quickly?

Severe air pollution has the potential to pose major health challenges?

What does compromised health count for?

Poverty is the biggest disease in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad!

"Can I say something?"

At this time, a weak voice sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and saw Garcia, the BAU's technical support hacker master, raising his fleshy hand, carefully looking at the unsmiling spiritual leader Gideon, and looking at the supervisor Hotchner with questioning eyes.

"Of course, Garcia."

Detective Superintendent Hotchner nodded.

"You know, as long as there is a computer, I can work anywhere and provide you with technical support."

Under the encouraging gazes of JJ and the others, Garcia boldly expressed his thoughts: "So during this period, can I leave the headquarters and support the branch? Don't worry, I can definitely do two jobs."

As she said that, she couldn't help but glance at the spiritual leader Gideon.

no way!

She was very familiar with the other people in the team, especially the bald agent Morgan, and the two of them had an ambiguous relationship.

JJ, Reed, and Al are also very close to her.

Even the agent in charge, Hotchner, had a good attitude toward her.

Only Gideon, the later spiritual leader, was unsmiling, the founding father of the Criminal Psychology BAU department, and was proficient in psychological profiling.

When she stayed with him, she not only had to endure the pressure from her superiors on her subordinates, but also had to face the discomfort of having her thoughts completely guessed. In addition, her attitude of only talking about work and not being willing to be friends left a lasting impression on her. The deep impression made her a little afraid of him.

"Are you really that worried?"

Bald detective Morgan felt helpless when the person he called his "baby" said this.


Garcia took out his tablet and turned the screen to everyone: "When JJ mentioned this just now, I searched for news there. Although there are not many reports, in fact, people who really live near the wildfire have already They felt the dramatic changes in the environment as if the apocalypse were coming, and these are the photos they took.”

"You don't need professional testing equipment to know that the air quality is unbreathable."

Female agent Al frowned.

"Garcia is right."

Although bald detective Morgan was unhappy that when disaster struck, the poor could not escape even if they wanted to because of the pressure of life. However, looking at the sweet air visible to the naked eye after the wildfires raged, he immediately spoke out to support his 'baby': "She We can provide technical support wherever we go. It is also a very meaningful job to leave the headquarters to support the branch on the West Coast and improve the technical strength there."

Detective Hotchner was noncommittal and looked at the elder, spiritual leader Gideon.

"Where's Chuck flying to?"

Gideon, the spiritual leader, looked at JJ.

"He notified all his relatives and friends and chartered a flight to Los Angeles."

JJ had a closer relationship with Chuck because of her breakthrough relationship with Reed. This kind of news was not sent to Chuck at all, but she sent it on her mobile phone when she hung up Chuck's call and gathered a group of colleagues for discussion. Information Ask Jane and Texas Big Girl Lisa and listen to what they have to say.

Needless to say, Texas girl Lisa was there to witness and help when her relationship with Reed broke through on the cruise ship.

Jane is also an old acquaintance, and she is also an FBI agent. The relationship between their bosses is that way, so they have never lost contact in private.

Of course, we would know this kind of news as soon as possible.

“Charter a flight from New York to Los Angeles?”

The corners of Bald Detective Morgan's lips twitched: "You can do whatever you want if you have money. What's wrong with him? Can he pretend to accommodate so many people?"

The distance from New York to Los Angeles is more than 4,000 kilometers. Ordinary small planes cannot fly down, only large planes can fly.

There are more than 200 seats in the cabin of large aircraft.

He subconsciously didn't believe that Chuck, an autistic man with facial paralysis, would have so many relatives and friends who would need to charter a large passenger plane.

This is definitely a waste of resources and pretentiousness.

"I'm afraid there is a real need for it."

Reed thought for a while and then continued: "I remember that Chuck has Italian friends and Jewish friends. If it weren't for the pressure of life, not everyone can go on vacation without work. Even the Boeing 747 may not be able to do it completely. keep in."


Bald agent Morgan was speechless.

As a member of BAU, although he is not as professional as others and more like the muscle of the group, he still knows the basic common sense of profiling.

Italians and Jews are known for having large families compared to other ethnic groups.

If they really all go out, it will really be Wuyang Wuyang's.

Take Chuck's friend Joey as an example. He has seven biological sisters, not counting cousins, who basically all live together.

If this big family is really willing to leave New York together, it is possible that the Joey family alone could have as many as thirty or forty people, or as many as hundreds of people.

Of course, it's still the same sentence. Even if Chuck is willing to give such a big favor to Joey, who is not a first-rate friend, and let all Joey's family members board the plane for free, but due to the pressure of life, not many will be able to get on the plane in the end.

After all, Joey's family conditions are not good, and the entire big family is considered to be middle-lower class. Otherwise, as the only son in the family, he would not rather endure the pain of a hernia attack than go to the doctor when he has no job and no medical insurance. .

It’s not like he has no money!

Monica's large Jewish family is definitely not as numerous as Joey's large Italian family.

Because they are middle class and live a good life, they naturally tend to have fewer children and live a good life.

Monica only has one biological brother, Ross, and her relatives and friends are scattered across the country. It is not easy to meet a cousin whom she has not seen for many years, which makes Ross develop the heart and actions of a beast.

However, because they are both living a good life and have racial characteristics, when faced with the opportunity provided by Chuck, there is a high probability that the number of people on the plane will be greater than the number of people in Joey's extended family.

"Even if he has Italian friends and Jewish friends, it's not that exaggerated, unless he dares to pick up all his girlfriends."

Bald agent Morgan was speechless for a while and complained.

"Not just the girlfriends, but their family and friends."

JJ's expression was also a little strange.


This time, not only the bald agent Morgan, but also the female agent Al was stunned. Is this okay?

They are all playing criminal minds. Chuck's behavior may have led to a hatchet fight, not to mention bringing all the girlfriend's relatives and friends together.

This simply makes the equally romantic bald agent Morgan and the female agent Al who pursues instant gratification not knowing what to say.

Especially the bald agent Morgan, aside from his dissatisfaction with Chuck, Chuck's operation is too coquettish and powerful.

"Then let Garcia support the Los Angeles branch."

Gideon, the spiritual leader of the BAU, was very calm about these gossips and looked at the agent in charge, Hotchner.

"That's fine."

Detective Supervisor Hotchner nodded in agreement.

He still has a little willfulness in this power.

Of course, the premise is that Garcia has proven his ability in the past and won their respect.

Otherwise, Garcia's request is indeed feasible, but absolutely impossible.

As the agent in charge, even if we don’t mention Garcia’s status as a restricted FBI employee (not a normal employee, but a special talent who was caught committing a crime and then recruited by the FBI, with limited authority and subject to daily supervision), it is just a piece of information. Safety is enough to deny Garcia's request openly.

The BAU is at the FBI's Quantico headquarters, and Garcia's work is naturally there, as well as the storage and retrieval of various information and data. But in other places, even the FBI's Los Angeles branch, things are a little different.


Garcia was very excited, but he still waited until he walked out of Agent Hotchner's office and watched the spiritual leader Gideon enter his office before he clenched his fists and cheered in front of JJ and the others to vent his excitement.

"When we asked you to go on missions with us before, you were reluctant to do so. Now it's good that you take the initiative to apply."

Female agent Al joked: "Such an obvious difference in attitude will make Morgan sad."

"Why am I sad?"

Bald agent Morgan said with a dark face and displeasure.


Garcia quickly explained: "This is different. It's too dangerous to go on a mission with you. I'm not as brave as Morgan and you, so of course I'm afraid of going on a mission with you. And this time the air in the entire city is polluted. I can't." If you don’t leave, you will go to the California branch and work there instead of working in the field.”

"I'm just teasing you."

Female agent Al smiled.

"Everyone should prepare to go on his own. If you can persuade anyone, let's do it one by one."

JJ reminded him and walked aside to make a phone call.

Who doesn’t have a relative or friend?

I know that living on the East Coast in the next month or two will pose great health challenges, so I don’t care if I don’t know. It’s really unsettling not to notify my relatives and friends after I know it. As for informing my relatives and friends, that’s another matter. .

The next day.


"It seems everyone underestimated Chuck's financial resources."

A Boeing 747 parked here quietly. Caroline and MAX stood at the boarding gate. They turned around and looked up at this behemoth. Caroline sighed.

Even if she was as heroic as she was, she wouldn't be able to charter a big plane for such a thing.

There is a difference between closeness and distance.

It’s okay to have family and friends on the plane, but friends’ families? Even family members of friends and family?

Then forget it!

For a businessman's daughter like her who has been exposed to the art of trading since childhood, it is impossible for her to do this even if she has money.

There is absolutely no value for money.

"That is."

MAX complained: "Not only the chartered flight, but also the hotel in Los Angeles helped them prepay for three days so that they could arrange their own itinerary. This is a lot of money. The boss is really inhumane."

"Then where does he live?"

Caroline inquired.


MAX suddenly became venomous: "You also want to live in? I'm afraid you won't be able to squeeze in! Of course, we have a lot of hope in forming a group."

"Don't be ridiculous."

Caroline said angrily: "Do I still need to squeeze in? Wherever he lives, I can just live next to him!"

"A place called Orange County, you know?"

MAX was immune to the arrogance of Caroline, who was already a good sister, and said directly.

As a part-time assistant, she was responsible for welcoming the group of relatives and friends who boarded the plane.

And Caroline, as a good sister, is of course always with her.

"You're talking about Newport Beach, Orange County."

Caroline smiled: "Of course I know there! My family has a vacation villa over there."

"What a coincidence!"

MAX joked: "I think unless I talk about Detroit, if you talk about any good place, your family should have a villa there, right?"

"That's right."

Caroline raised her chin proudly.

Because this is indeed true.

"Actually, we can go to Seattle."

Seeing MAX's half-smiling smile, Caroline immediately knew that she was mocking her, but she didn't dwell on it. She regretfully said, "Our family almost owns Seattle. Going there is my real home ground, and it's also the West Coast."

"You can come over."

MAX joked: "No one stopped you, you just had to squeeze in."

"What's the point of going alone."

Caroline curled her lips and said, "When we get there, I'll take you to Seattle."


MAX readily agreed, but his venomous tongue was indispensable: "If the men I met before were as heroic as you, my life would be so beautiful."

"I'm not a man!"

Caroline said dissatisfied.

“It’s like when you hear you’re not going to Seattle.”

MAX smiled ambiguously: "What a pity~"

Caroline: "..."

Seeing that no one was around, at the reminder of the flight attendant, the bankrupt sisters got on the plane and soared across the east and west coasts to Los Angeles.

Family and friends are arranged in the hotel.

Chuck and his party drove to Newport, a seaside town in Orange County.

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