American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 501 Detective Chuck: Fast and Furious? You are so awesome!

"Brother, this is California. You don't drive a convertible sports car for a ride, but you drive an SUV like this that closes tightly. You are so old-fashioned!"

There was a convoy of four cars, with Chuck leading the way. Sitting in the passenger seat was Hailey, who was dressed very fashionably. She stretched her hands out the window, trying to catch the wind, and faced Chuck in the driver's seat next to her. She complained, seeing that Chuck ignored her, she pulled her sunglasses down and looked back at Peggy and Monica sitting in the back seat: "Peggy, do you think so?"


Peggy agreed with a smile.

"What's so good about a sports car?"

Monica smiled and said: "The space is so small, and the air blowing from the open top is so noisy."

"Tsk, tsk."

Hailey looked at Chuck, then at Monica, and marveled: "Monica, you are really turning into the shape of my sister-in-law. You can speak for my brother like this, but no matter how big the space is and how quiet the car is, With my eldest brother’s severe mysophobia, a car is just a car, it can’t drive~ So a sports car is more suitable for California, right?”


Monica was embarrassed to say anything after being teased by Chuck's sister Hailey, and smiled helplessly: "As long as you like it."

"So you also support my eldest brother in buying me a sports car?"

Hailey pushed her sunglasses up and asked with a smile.


Only then did Monica realize that she was waiting here. She glanced at the silent Chuck and immediately shook her head: "You know your eldest brother is not reluctant to give up the money. Since he didn't buy it for you, there is a reason not to buy it. Besides, You’re not 16 yet, are you?”

"It'll be there soon."

Hailey smiled and said: "Originally I didn't have this idea, but thanks to the wildfires in Canada, we all came to California, so it would be great if we could have a birthday gift suitable for here in advance. "

"I can't afford a sports car for you, but I can teach you how to drive."

Monica said enthusiastically: "How is it?"

"Thank you so much, but I learned it a long time ago."

Hailey looked at her eldest brother Chuck: "Now we just need a driver's license and a sports car."

"The sports car is so eye-catching."

Chuck drove the car expressionlessly.

"I don't agree with that."

Hailey smiled and retorted: "In a family like mine, with a eldest brother like you, at my age and in an environment like California, it would be more conspicuous if I didn't drive a sports car, right?"

"Said it right."

Peggy from the back row spoke out in support.

"Look! This is the young man!"

Haley reached out and gave Paige a high-five.

"Peggy, Hailey is almost 16 and can drive. Don't think about imitating her now."

Monica looked at Peggy worriedly.

"Don't worry, Mona, when I can learn to drive, I will find Chuck to teach me."

Peggy smiled and looked at Chuck in the driver's seat: "If you want to learn from the best, you must also drive the best!"

"Peggy, I support you!"

Hailey glanced back and forth between Peggy and Chuck, laughing.

Seeing this, Peggy smiled even more happily.

Although it was the first time they met, she liked Hailey very much!

The corners of Monica's mouth twitched and she opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

At this moment, bursts of roar of sports car engines came from behind, getting closer and closer. Hailey immediately looked at the rearview mirror and said excitedly: "Did you see that? I said California and sports cars go best together!"

Before Monica could see clearly in the rearview mirror, the roar of the engine was already close to her ears. Looking sideways, she saw three sports cars approaching in a row, and in the blink of an eye they were running alongside them.

The sports car is open.

The car in the lead was driven by a tough bald man wearing a vest, and in the passenger seat was a Latina woman who looked wild at first glance. She was looking sideways at the car that was much higher than theirs, and she felt that Moni Ka's gaze immediately came over and he glared fiercely: "What are you looking at?"

"What are you looking at?"

Monica was more steady, smiled and said nothing, and was about to close the car window, but Peggy leaned forward uncharacteristically and smiled at the Latina woman outside.

"Great job Peggy!"

Before Monica could push Peggy back, Haley was already laughing.


Facing this situation, Monica felt helpless and could only look to Chuck for help.

One is a sister-in-law and the other is a little devil. She can't afford to offend either of them.

But she felt very strange.

Peggy and her impression of Hailey were not like this.

Chuck naturally noticed Monica's eyes, glanced at Peggy and Hailey next to him in the rearview mirror, and understood that both girls were too active today.

Especially Haley.

She should have been low-key and not eye-catching.

She was indeed able to do this before.

But when she came here this time, she was uncharacteristically different. The explanation she gave about her status and circumstances that she should be like this when she got here did make some sense, but it was only a little bit.

But he didn't have any problem with Peggy and Hailey being too active.

With him watching, there's nothing wrong with occasionally showing off youthful vitality and living more like an American girl in her prime. It can just offset the dark aura deep in their hearts.

"What did you say?!"

There was no movement here, but in the sports car running alongside Chuck's car, the wild Latina woman was furious.

Originally, she was just looking at Chuck's car, so she got closer and took a closer look as a habit. When Monica looked over from the car window, she turned her head and saw Monica's face, and she suddenly felt a little unhappy.

no way.

Her man was driving the car in the driver's seat. His bald head and strong figure exposed by his vest were inherently reflective and easily attracted people's attention. In her eyes, there were all the coquettish bitches out there who wanted to seduce her man. Normally she would She is used to tearing them apart and telling them to get away from her man.

At that time, she could scare them away with just one word, and she actually didn't care about them at all, because she was confident that she was the best, more charming than them, and her man's true love.

But what does she see now?

A face that completely overwhelmed her, and an aura that was completely different from hers, immediately made her unhappy, so even if it was just a casual glance, she would be as angry as if she saw the coquettish bitch milling around her man. .

So immediately got mad.

But I didn't expect that the other party would dare to talk back!

Although Monica didn't say it, in her eyes, there was no difference at all.

"We were talking about taking a look at you!"

Hailey shouted with laughter.

"Don, stop them!"

The Latina woman was furious and yelled at the bald tough guy in the driver's seat.

The bald tough guy in the driver's seat frowned and looked over. Although he thought it was a trivial matter, under the principle of giving priority to family members who emphasized whether to help relatives or not, he still followed his girlfriend's request and stepped on the accelerator to stop coming.

However, the idea was beautiful, but he didn't expect that the black SUV would also speed up and still keep pace with him, leaving him with no way to turn around.

This time, the bald tough guy Tang's eyes changed.

"Don, fuck him!"

The Latina woman in the passenger seat was excited.

The bald tough guy Tang pulled the gear lever and accelerated again, trying to overtake Chuck's car and get stuck in front. However, the SUV kept pace with his sports car. Even if he hit the accelerator to the fullest, it was of no use.

At this time, not only the bald tough guy Tang's face turned bad, but also the Latina woman who was excited because of the sudden racing and forgetting about the quarrel was no longer excited.

She clearly knew that her man's car had been carefully modified, and he was pursuing speed and passion.

Coupled with her man's king-like driving skills, she was actually unable to deal with an unknown person driving a bulky SUV.

Inside the SUV, Chuck looked outside through the window and naturally recognized that the aggressive car next to him was the famous Family Man racer, the bald Don and his girlfriend Letty from The Fast and the Furious.

But that's all.

In his eyes, all driving skills are empty.

Especially Mr. Tang, who has not yet gone to heaven and earth, and is still driving in a straight line, fighting for the engine and nitrogen to accelerate. On such a straight road, unless he presses the red button on his car now to instantly go very fast, otherwise, with the speed of his sports car, The performance is really not as good as Chuck's low-profile SUV.

He had no interest in getting to know and befriend this group of people who pretended to be family members but were actually criminals.

But if the other party really doesn't have eyesight, then he doesn't mind being a big villain in Fast and Furious, killing people and killing people, taking off his family man's underwear, and letting them open their eyes to see what this so-called family man is like. .


His Latina girlfriend Leti quit and shouted again, signaling her boyfriend to speed up and speed up again. He must not lose face here.

The bald tough guy Tang Ze hesitated.

They are not out for a simple ride, but out to make money. It is not appropriate to use the car's biggest trump card now.

Just when his girlfriend urged him loudly again, and he was so excited that he no longer thought about profit and loss, and was about to have a car race, the window of the driver's seat of the SUV was lowered, revealing Chuck's expressionless face, looking down at the two of them: "I'll help You guys slow down."

Just when the bald Mr. Tang recognized Chuck's face and his pupils shrank, the horn of his companions sounded from behind the car. One of him and his girlfriend Letty turned to look back in the rearview mirror, and the other saw Chuck. The windows of the black SUV behind were rolled down, and a police badge was stretched out.

As a family criminal group and a speedster who steals various goods and sells them on the fly, Boss Tang and his group naturally know that this police badge represents the FBI.

That’s right!

Because their crimes often cross state lines, they are federal crimes. Now that they see the FBI badge directly responsible for them, they suddenly lose their arrogance.

Bald Boss Tang took a deep look at Chuck. Although he wanted to press the red accelerator button and pass him quickly, looking at Chuck who was even more expressionless than him, he could only suppress this impulse and actively started to slow down. Let Chuck's convoy go first.


Letty, who was in the passenger seat, certainly understood what was happening, but she could only vent her anger by punching the car door, but she stopped yelling at her boyfriend to let him drive.

Seeing this, the two sports cars behind him also slowed down.

But something happened that made them even more unhappy.

Seeing that they took the initiative to give in and slow down, Chuck's SUV convoy, led by Chuck, also began to slow down, still keeping pace with the bald boss Tang.

The bald Mr. Tang did not grab the gear lever with his right hand to accelerate. Instead, he grabbed his girlfriend who was going crazy and was going crazy to prevent her from losing her mind.

He was just a street gangster and a speedster. Not to mention what Chuck's face represented, he didn't even dare to mess with the FBI agent in the car behind him.

Then a funny scene appeared.

On this straight road with endless sight, three cool sports cars and four SUVs of the same color were driving side by side. They were all very slow, and the sports cars turned into slow classic cars.

Occasionally, when a car comes from the opposite direction, the three sports cars have to slow down again in frustration, falling behind a convoy of four SUVs. For those who are accustomed to speed and passion, it is really frustrating.

I drove slowly for a long time until I came to a three-way intersection.

The bald Boss Tang turned the steering wheel to the left and was prepared to follow Chuck's motorcade instead of following the previous route. He would rather take a detour to avoid it.

When his sports car accelerated and kept pace with Chuck's car again, Chuck turned his head and looked at him, who was also looking over. Chuck said expressionlessly: "I still like your unruly look!"

The bald Boss Tang took a deep look at Chuck, hit the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and drove towards the left path at high speed.

The two sports cars behind quickly followed.

"These people are not good people at first glance."

After Monica watched the three sports cars leave, she saw that the convertible cars behind were driven by burly men covered in tattoos, and couldn't help but remind them.

"That's why they're afraid of the FBI!"

Haili smiled naturally and said, "How else could a kid from a rich family who normally drives a sports car behave like this?"

"Since you know, why provoke them?"

Monica frowned.

If Peggy and Hailey hadn't insisted on responding to that classic question, the three sports cars would have just passed by and nothing would have happened.

"Young and energetic."

Hailey smiled and said, "You can still be considered a young man if you are not arrogant? Don't you think my eldest brother's words, 'I still like your unruly ways,' are cool? You will be happy tonight~"

"...Chuck, will everything be okay?"

Monica couldn't help her sister-in-law and could only look at Chuck worriedly.


Chuck raised his decorative glasses and said calmly.

In his eyes, this group of family heroes who can do anything in heaven or on earth are just a bunch of little losers.

If you want to tease them, you can kill them and kill them.

If you don't want to be funny, you can crush them to death easily, unless they can explode, then Chuck will still look forward to it.

This chance encounter on the road did not cause any inner turmoil for Chuck. Under his leadership, the team successfully arrived in Newport, Orange County.

This is a small town with a beautiful environment and a wealthy community. The roadside is full of leisurely people. Chuck and the others drove up the winding mountain road and stopped in front of a luxurious manor villa on the top of the mountain.

In front of the fountain in front of the manor villa, a middle-aged man and woman stood. They walked over with smiles and smiled at Chuck: "Chuck, you are finally here."


After Chuck got out of the car, he nodded to the middle-aged man and woman: "Sandy."

"This manor villa is designed and built exactly according to your requirements. This is your first time here in person. Come in and take a look. If you are not satisfied with anything, tell me and I will make changes."

The middle-aged woman named Kristine glanced at the beautiful women who got off the four cars. Her eyes were amazed, but she still remembered her mission.

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