American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 502 Chuck’s authentic aesthetics, MAX’s Ershe’s afterwords

"I believe in your aesthetics."

Chuck said bluntly.

"Caroline, you're here too."

Christine was very happy when she heard this. She glanced at all the beauties, big and small. She wanted to say, I believe in your aesthetics, but she didn't say it out loud. Her eyes fell on Caroline.

"Hi Kristen."

Caroline smiled and said hello.

"Chuck, I want to say again, thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity to prove myself."

Seeing that Caroline didn't mean to say more to her, Kristine withdrew her gaze and looked at Chuck with great gratitude.


Kristen's husband Sandy smiled and echoed: "Kristen needed this opportunity so much. Since she took over this task, she has devoted all her energy to it, forgetting sleep and eating, and discussing with the architect in her dreams the problems encountered in the construction of this manor. The problem is gone now, thank God, she can have good dreams and I can have a peaceful sleep.”

"You're welcome. If you want to thank me, you can thank UC."

Chuck said bluntly.


The Sandys were stunned.

"My ancestral home is indeed Canada."

Kristen still didn’t know the impact of the wildfires in Canada, and she didn’t know what Chuck meant by that, so she could only answer the words according to her own understanding.

"Tell me, you don't fund female firefighters and environmental groups in Canada?"

Chuck raised his decorative glasses and asked casually while looking at the manor.


Kristen became more and more confused. She and her husband looked at each other, and they both understood the look in each other's eyes, "Chuck is really so difficult to understand." However, for Chuck, a big customer who had given her great help, she tried hard to Answer: "Do you also support women's rights and environmental protection?"

"I support real women's rights and environmental protection, not organizations that seek privileges and make money in the name of these two."

Chuck shook his head and said, "But if you want your business to be booming, you can support them."


Kristine couldn't help but be curious and didn't intend to pretend to understand.

After all, this was Chuck's business advice to her.

It's not that she is jealous of money, but she urgently needs to achieve success in the family business to prove herself to her father.

"We came here this time because the impact of the wildfires in Canada is very severe. It will pollute the entire east coast and last for a long time."

Chuck explained: “This is not good news for people on the entire East Coast, but it is different for the West Coast, especially builders like you on the West Coast who are engaged in high-end residential real estate. The East Coast is not a livable place and can move here quickly. Or the people who regard this place as their second home are rich people, who happen to be your target customers, so thank you for your hometown!”

"So that's it."

Christine suddenly understood, but she couldn't laugh or cry at the same time: "I would rather not do these businesses than let the environment on the East Coast deteriorate."

“Are the impacts of the wildfires in Massachusetts really that big?”

Christine's husband, Sandy, wondered.

His wife’s ancestral home is in Calgary, and as a loving husband, he naturally knows something about Calgary. He knows that there are natural and man-made disasters and wildfires due to special circumstances there, but he really can’t imagine that the impact this time will be so exaggerated.

"You'll get used to it."

Chuck said expressionlessly.


Kristen and his wife were speechless.

"Chuck, you are so awesome."

Christine's husband Sandy smiled and said: "You anticipated this kind of thing in advance and built a manor here specifically. Will you live here permanently after coming here?"


Chuck shook his head, but did not continue to explain.

He originally asked Christine to build the manor here for the future 911. This kind of thing is bound to happen. By then, the entire New York will be seriously polluted.

Imagine those firefighters and police officers who rushed into the fire. How many people got cancer afterwards? This is only observable.

No one cares about more people who are affected and whose health is seriously damaged.

After all, even the firefighters and policemen who promised to protect them, no one cared about them afterwards, leaving the heroes impoverished and suffering from many diseases and dying in large numbers.

Not to mention ordinary people who just breathe the diluted poisonous gas that spreads.

It was with this in mind that once the 9/11 incident broke out, New York would no longer be livable for many years, so Chuck made this preparation in advance.

The wildfires in Canada are just a small preview.

Of course, the place he is preparing is not just Orange County, California. California will not be livable in the future, so there are stations he is planning to build in the central, northern, and southern parts.

Taking into account the densely populated area in California, he built a large seaside mountaintop villa similar to Iron Man's Malibu mansion. The scenery is unparalleled. It is located on the top of the mountain and is very close to the town and community. Life is convenient, but as long as he wants to There is enough distance so that no one will disturb you.

The central part is vast and sparsely populated, with Canada in the north and Mexico in the south, where violent crimes breed. Once a crime occurs, no police can be found if you call the police.

In these places, Chuck can build the residence according to his own wishes. The buildings he builds are all castle-style manors, with the main focus being a doomsday survival.

But it’s not too far from the city.

Otherwise, it’s easy to be leveled.

After all, the number of nuclear bombs dropped and tested on the United States by its own people makes the United States the most nuclear-free country.

Resident Evil has always been a documentary, not a science fiction film.

Naturally, these things cannot be easily disclosed to the outside world.

"What a pity."

Sandy smiled and answered: "You have done great things in New York, and I still want to cooperate with you."

"You are the public defender, and Chuck is the senior police adviser and the first detective. He is cooperating with the prosecutor."

As a wife, Christine couldn't help but joke: "Don't tell me, you want to give up the career you have been pursuing for more than ten years and change your career to become a prosecutor?"

"why not?"

Sandy shrugged and said, "Compared to public defenders, the prosecutor's position has a higher status and higher income. Everyone wants to be a prosecutor, rather than stay in the public defender's office and be a low-paid and tiring public defender."

"Are you serious?"

Christine was surprised when her husband said this.

You must know that your husband can be considered an idealist and insists on helping young lost lambs who commit petty crimes.

Many big law firms come to poach him every year, but he only goes there for lunch every year to enjoy the compliments, and still gives up his high salary and chooses to stay in the Public Defender's Office.

Moreover, their family is not short of money. She has plenty of money and does not need to let her husband bow to reality because of money.

Prosecutors have higher status and higher incomes than public prosecutors, but their work tasks are different.

Public defenders provide free defense to poor people who have no money, and her husband specializes in juvenile crimes.

Many poor children, when they first came into contact with crime, simply rotted away in prison because no one helped them.

Her husband was a child of such a poor family back then. He was lucky enough to meet someone who was willing to help him. From then on, he determined his life goals, worked hard, became a lawyer, and then married Bai Fumei and reached the pinnacle of his life.

Therefore, after her husband is no longer forced by life, he is particularly willing to become the good Samaritan who helped him to provide help to the children of poor families who were confused enough to commit crimes.

But prosecutors are different from public defenders. They are the ones who prosecute these children and send them to prison.

Of course, prosecutors have the authority to make plea bargains, and they can let go of children who they like and think can be saved. A little looser hand is more useful than the public defender's exhausting words.

But prosecutors are not omnipotent. They also have superiors and task indicators. Especially in an era when the prison service industry is booming and is about to become the backbone of the United States. If prosecutors do not work hard to send more people to prison, they are not qualified. There will be no Good juice to eat.

So as a wife, she was really surprised why her husband suddenly changed his mind.

"You can think about it, can't you?"

Husband Sandy said everything: "Not only as a prosecutor working with Detective Chuck to fight crimes, but also as a lawyer who defends wealthy people in a big law firm, I think I can consider it. It's all work."

After saying this, seeing his wife's incomprehensible expression, he looked at Chuck: "Chuck, what do you think?"

"Changing careers is the right thing to do."

Chuck nodded.

"You heard me!"

Public defender Sandy glanced at his wife proudly, and then looked at Chuck inquiringly: "Do you think I should be a prosecutor, or go to a big law firm and be a lawyer serving rich people?"

"That depends on your wishes."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "I'm just telling you a trend. The position of public prosecutor will not be secure in the future."


Public Defender Sandy said in surprise: "Don't tell me that in the future, there will be fewer crimes among the poor, and then the budget of the Public Defender's Office will be cut, and we will have to cut salaries and lay off employees?"


Chuck shook his head: "On the contrary, crime among the poor will explode in the future, so much so that the construction speed of large-scale prison chains cannot keep up with the growth in the number of prisoners."

After saying this, he looked at Christine who was a little confused: "This is a good thing for your family."


Christine's mouth twitched and she smiled bitterly.

Her family is a large real estate developer, and she is only responsible for residential real estate projects, while the majority of the company is still involved in large-scale construction real estate projects such as shopping malls and office buildings.

If what Chuck said is true, and the prison service industry can really develop so rapidly, her company will shift its focus to the field of prison construction, and I'm afraid it can really make a lot of money.

But this idea is a bit too hellish.

At least for someone like her who is not only pursuing profits but also struggling with morality, even if she earns this money, she will still feel uneasy about it.

"The number of prisoners will increase dramatically, but our position as public prosecutor will be unstable..."

Sandy had no time to care about his wife's dilemma, but carefully figured out what Chuck meant, and said in disbelief: "You don't mean that California will relax the criminal standards by then, so that many minor crimes that we need to deal with now will be directly dealt with." Decriminalize so that while crime among the poor explodes, those of us public defenders who defend the poor for free are insecure in their jobs?”

"Taste it carefully."

Chuck looked at him calmly.


Sandy was speechless.

Although this prediction is outrageous, it is not impossible based on the details. On the contrary, based on his knowledge of California law and politics, if the situation develops as Chuck said, the decriminalization of misdemeanors is indeed the most likely possibility.

Accompanied by Christine and Sandy, Chuck chatted and visited the manor villa. When Christine and Sandy were a little shocked, a group of beauties behind them also walked side by side in twos and threes and started to visit.

"The boss had a good chat with them. Do you know her?"

MAX and Caroline walked side by side, looking at the three Chucks in front of them, and asked Caroline curiously.

"She is not an ordinary person."

Caroline smiled and said, "Do you know what I know?"

"of course I know."

MAX joked: "He's the real estate tycoon who likes to make cameos in movies and be in the limelight on TV. He used to cue the boss on TV and said he knew better than the boss."

"Yes, that's him."

When Caroline heard this, she smiled even more happily: "He is a real estate tycoon from the East Coast, and Kristen's father, Caleb Nick, is a real estate tycoon from the West Coast, and is known as the West Coast Boss."

"So that's it."

MAX immediately laughed: "No wonder the boss said he believed in her aesthetics~"

"MAX, you have such a mouth."

Caroline didn't react at first, but after MAX winked at her and finally reacted, she was overjoyed.

The East Coast boss’s aesthetics have always been normal, and in fact they are also Chuck’s aesthetics.

As the blond and blue-eyed daughter of a West Coast boss, Christine should have the same aesthetic to some extent.

Chuck said he believed in her aesthetics and there was nothing wrong with her.

It just had an extra layer of connotation that she hadn't gotten before.

This is indeed the case.

Caroline had recently seen relevant gossip news, which was about Christine's nearly 70-year-old father, who had just changed his girlfriend to a 24-year-old female model.

Blonde and long legs.

"Not only is her family's aesthetics first-rate, but its strength is also top-notch in the real estate industry."

Caroline flipped up her golden hair confidently and led her good sisters to continue to visit the manor villa: "Not to mention that her family built the homes in Orange County, Newport Beach, and there are many seaside homes on the entire West Coast. There are hundreds of high-quality homes built by her family, as well as my family's vacation villa here.

So it was natural for Chuck to ask her family to be responsible for building this manor villa. Facts have proved that this place is indeed very well built, right? "

"More than good."

MAX followed him around the manor and villa, and said viciously: "If I hadn't followed you, but had come in alone, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find my way out, and I would probably be like the maid who was left alone at Schwarzenegger's house at night. .”

Caroline spread her hands, completely unable to understand what MAX was talking about.

"I'm going to get slapped hard!"

MAX immediately revealed the answer to the question.

"...What you think is beautiful!"

Caroline complained.

This is Chuck's manor. Chuck is much more handsome than Schwarzenegger. His muscles are not as exaggerated, but his strength is not weak at all, and he is more beautiful.

Anyway, she was almost crying. Like MAX, she would rather be a maid alone in Chuck's manor at night...

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