American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 506 Sheldon: I’m no longer little Sheldon. Chuck: Don’t make trouble, kid!

Chapter 506 Sheldon: I am no longer little Sheldon... Chuck: Don't make trouble, kid!

"Stay away from my man too!"

Just when the red light hit the golden light, the surrounding space cracked again like a mirror, shattering into pieces of flying small mirrors. Golden liquid gushed out from each mirror, and finally merged into a queen wearing a crown, cool and domineering. Looking at the woman in red wearing a cat crown, he borrowed what the woman in red said just now, and with his hands out, countless black snake-shaped tentacles came towards the woman in red.

"Seph, you are serious."

The three-eyed Sherlock, who was suppressed in a back-and-forth fight with the woman in red, was shocked when he saw his girlfriend jump out and act extremely ruthlessly.

Although he was unhappy that Chuck and Anna, in Chuck's eyes, were working together two-on-one to bully his sister, he said that he would help his sister work together to deal with Chuck and Anna.

This was not the first time that he and Chuck had fought each other. In his mind, this kind of competition was still the same as in the past. Friendship came first, don't get ahead of yourself.

It would be best to let his sister recognize Chuck's strength in this kind of fighting, and thus recognize that Chuck is a person of the same level. Even losing occasionally is quite interesting... so that he can be like him in the past. Chuck turns an enemy into a friend.

Although he was unhappy when a Scarlet Witch suddenly appeared three-on-two, he felt that the problem was not big and the situation was still under control, and he had been holding back just now.

But now, if like Calabash Baby, relatives and friends from both sides keep jumping out, the situation will get bigger and bigger and get out of control.

They are indeed three brothers and sisters, all of whom are outstanding.

But the three Chuck siblings are not vegetarians either.

And he is not as romantic as Chuck. If he fights this kind of "family man for his family" chaos, which does not limit the only blood relationship between the Wolfe family and the Holmes family, compared with Chuck who has so many high-quality girlfriends, The Holmes family suffered too much.

"what do you want to play?"

Seve, who was wearing a crown, sneered. Looking at the Scarlet Witch, greed flashed in his eyes. This light flashed away and was quickly suppressed by her. She glanced at Chuck and Honor who were looking at each other 'affectionately' in the distance. Si, with a sharp look in his eyes, a dozen more black snake-shaped tentacles suddenly appeared around his body, attacking Chuck who was standing motionless from the air.

"This is for my sister!"


With a faint sigh, the entire space became cold. Frost visible to the naked eye enveloped the world. The black snake-shaped tentacles that attacked Chuck were surrounded by thick white frost. They immediately lost speed and activity, and finally died before reaching Chuck. Turned into countless fragments.

A queen wearing a crown, as if she had stepped out of the world of ice and snow, stood between Chuck and Sever.

"It's already this time, and you still want to help him? Hasn't he hurt you enough?"

Queen Seve shouted angrily at the Snow Queen.

"This is between him and me."

The Ice Queen shook her head.

"What's going on between you and him?"

Queen Seve sneered: "This is what the Scarlet Witch thinks too, but it's a pity that he only has eyes for her!"

As soon as these words came out, the Scarlet Witch and the Snow Queen looked a little unhappy when they saw that the originally blue pupils in Chuck's eyes were now Anna's brown.

In every sense, she is the only one in Chuck's eyes!

"My sister, this kind of man is not worthy of you. Come back, stand by your sister's side, and let us sisters give him a hard blow together, so that he can truly feel your presence!"

Queen Cypher smiled and waved to the Snow Queen.


The Snow Queen looked at Chuck who was silent and motionless, remained silent for a moment, and shook her head slightly.

"You spineless thing!"

Queen Sever was furious, and she immediately retracted the tentacles that were helping Three-Eyed Sherlock attack the Scarlet Witch. She turned around and flew over. Countless black snake-shaped tentacles poured out from behind her and attacked the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen waved her hand, and the ice picks stabbed the black tentacles.

This is how the two queens, sisters, came to grips with each other.

"This is not good, very bad."

The three-eyed Sherlock saw that the situation was developing out of control, which he feared. He felt his scalp itchy, and he didn't know how much of his curly hair would fall out.

Just as the three pairs of men and horses were fighting each other, a bolt of lightning circled the two standing motionless Chuck Honore countless times, and then stopped, revealing a tall and thin man wearing a Flash uniform.

"Great Demon King, you have today too!"

The Flash looked at the two pairs fighting in the sky, then looked at the motionless Chuck, and suddenly showed a happy expression.

"Repay Batman? Now I'm going to take off your disguise and see how you still pretend to be Batman!"

That's what he said, but the Flash didn't immediately use his speed to take off the Bat suit from Chuck. Instead, he cautiously approached Chuck, with lightning surging around him, as if he was ready to run away at any time.

"Don't make trouble, let's play."

Without looking at him, Chuck took out a handful of rice from his bat belt and threw it on the ground.

As lightning flashed, the grains of rice that would have fallen on the ground and scattered irregularly were all held in the hands of the Flash. He looked at Chuck proudly: "I am Sheldon Cooper, the Flash. No." And that little Sheldon who was bullied by you still wants to use this kind of thing against children?"

"Don't look up."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

The Bolt Flash, also the grown-up Sheldon, heard what Chuck said and immediately looked up. He saw the Bat Fighter flying past, flying into the distance at high speed, and grains of rice falling from the plane.


When Flash Sheldon saw it, his obsessive-compulsive disorder broke out, and he immediately chased after it with fire and lightning, using his speed force to catch all the scattered rice grains.

But it also disappeared from Chuck's sight.

Looking from outside the earth, we can see a streak of lightning running continuously.

I don’t know how long it took.

Flash Sheldon reappeared next to Chuck with some breathlessness, and raised his chin arrogantly: "You still want to use the same tricks on children to deal with me? I am the Flash now! As long as I want, I can do anything !”

"you can."

Chuck said calmly: "Think about the path you ran."


The Flash already has super intelligence, speed and reflexes, coupled with Little Sheldon's high-definition image memory, he instantly understood what Chuck meant, and everything was bad.

But he discovered that the entire path he ran to pick up the rice grains, if viewed from outside the earth, was clearly in the shape of a big shining golden rooster.

Then something even scarier happened.

The face of the big cock turned out to be his face.

The sound of his voice still sounded in my ears.


The overly clear memory and five senses made his brain instantly turn into a big rooster, raising his head and croaking.

The devil is myself!

Flash Sheldon rolled his eyes and fainted.

Thinking back to the first time he and Chuck took Professor Alicia Harper's physics class together, he was just so frightened by Chuck's simulated rooster crow that he screamed and ran away and peed.

Now he thought that when he grew up, he had become his favorite Flash. With the Speed ​​Force, he could be fearless and even teach the Big Devil a lesson.

But I didn't expect that I would still be defeated by children's toys.

This time it's even worse.

Not only did I pee, but I fainted from shock.

The only thing that's better than before is that the Flash uniform, which can withstand the Flash's extreme speed, isolates everything, and outsiders can't tell that he peed...

"Why are you still here?"

Just when Chuck took down Sheldon easily as usual, a hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed Chuck suddenly, and dragged Chuck away.

Countless colorful space scenes flashed around him, and Chuck naturally knew that it was his sister Hailey who was pulling him to run in front of him.

Otherwise, her strength would not be enough to pull Chuck.

Chuck was not shocked at all that Haley could travel through time and space. In this dream world, everything is possible, so he just let Haley pull him through time and space, using his super intelligence and memory to appreciate the scenery along the way. Different landscapes of countless worlds.

Suddenly his eyes fell on a man who looked exactly like him. Unlike other men, this man with his face was lowering his head and typing. The title Chapter 506: Run, thank you, was written on the screen. Dayton, Run!

The text cursor flashed, but there was not a word. There were some comments on the screen. The man sighed at the silent majority, suddenly turned his head and looked at them, as if he saw them, and smiled at them, and then looked at them. He said: "What a pity."

Then under Chuck's gaze, Chuck, who could smile, snapped his fingers.

Pulled by Hailey, the countless colorful worlds disappeared instantly. Chuck's vision went dark, and then he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Upon entering, there are ten beautiful faces that are full of surprises.

"Are you OK?"

After Chuck opened his eyes, he looked at them.

"Of course we are OK, now the key is you."

The younger sister Hailey was close to the front, staring into the eyes of her elder brother Chuck, and said with a strange expression: "And what's going on with this sudden accent? Did you just have some exciting dream about when you were living in India?"

"It's much more exciting than that."

Chuck touched his wrist and found that the watch he always kept on his wrist was missing. He frowned immediately.

"It turns out that we are too fond of ourselves."

Her sister Hailey, who has the same watch, understood Chuck's actions as soon as she saw it, and mocked herself: "No matter how I called you just now, you didn't wake up, so we took you to the medical room and gave you more surgery." examinations, which naturally include MRI.”

Chuck looked up at the camera in the corner of the medical room, watched the red dot flash, and nodded to show that he understood.

Of course, to do an MRI, you have to remove the metal from your body.

Although the watch on his wrist had no metal elements, under the circumstances, he could understand the people's eagerness to strip him naked and send him to the MRI machine immediately.


Monica had already taken the watch over and handed it to Chuck. She watched Chuck put it on again with worry in her eyes: "Chuck, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Chuck silently felt his state and shook his head affirmatively.

"So what happened?"

MAX said with a venomous tone: "Is it really like what Haili said, Friends is the boss and your limit, you are too tired?"


The six old friends, Monica, Rachel, Texas girl Lisa, Professor Alicia Harper, Susan, and Jane, were suddenly embarrassed.

"It's best to do a comprehensive physical examination, such as electrocardiogram and B-ultrasound. I can help apply coupling agent~"

Later, Caroline looked at Chuck who was wearing a loose hospital gown with some envy.

"Would you like to leave the final cleaning to you too?"

MAX immediately started teasing: "It would be best if you were responsible for licking the coupling agent clean?"


Caroline immediately scolded her best friend, but her eyes were filled with the intention of refusing to welcome her.

"I'm fine, no more tests are needed."

Chuck took off the telepathy patch on his body, got up and got off the hospital bed, and looked around at everyone: "You are tired too, go back and rest."

"are you sure?"

Professor Alicia Harper looked at Chuck with passionate eyes. After Chuck and her looked at each other and nodded, she nodded in agreement and asked everyone to leave.

Professor Alicia Harper also has a special status among everyone.

Firstly, she is the oldest, secondly, she has been Chuck's professor, and thirdly, her own temperament is also convincing.

So seeing her say hello, and seeing that Chuck looked like he had just had a nightmare and was now awake and needed to think alone, the girls turned around and left behind the leader, Professor Alicia Harper. Medical room.

And to be honest, if something like this hadn't happened unexpectedly, they should have slept soundly at this time to relieve their extreme exhaustion.

After watching everyone leave, Chuck walked to the computer and started operating it. The satellite high-definition real-time video of the Canadian wildfires appeared in front of Chuck's eyes.

Overlooking the fire area of ​​the Canadian wildfires from a satellite perspective, he kept zooming in and comparing, and after observing for a long time, there was no sign of a six-pointed star. Chuck operated the Eye of God satellite to lock the Canadian wildfire area. After 24 hours of monitoring, his face remained the same. His face was expressionless, but he was basically certain in his heart that it was just a dream.

No one deliberately used wildfire to place the Satanic hexagram mark to open another dimension.

There is no Anna who can have a thinking space that can arise and die with a single thought.

There is no Ornos who floats in the sky and can transform into a dark dimension god and demon like Dormammu to win people's hearts.

Sherlock without the three-eyed Sorcerer Supreme.

Jane Banner without the Scarlet Witch.

There is no evil queen, Queen Cypher.

No ice queen.

There is no Flash Sheldon.

There is also no Hailey who has awakened the phantom cat ability.

If he had to say what this dream meant, Chuck's mind immediately flashed to the codename Chuck who smiled at him and snapped his fingers.

This codeword Chuck should be just like the screenwriter Chuck in the American TV series Supernatural, who made a joke with him.

But it was just a dream.

Chuck doesn't like change.

Not to mention this earth-shaking change.

"In the end what happened?"

While Chuck was thinking about this extremely weird dream, his sister Hailey who had left sneaked back and asked gossiping.


Chuck finally went through the memories in the dream in his mind, and then directly sealed and encrypted them, hiding them deep in the memory world.

When his sister Hailey continued to gossip in disbelief, Chuck thought for a while and said calmly: "If you insist on an explanation, it is that God made a joke on me."


Her younger sister, Hailey, looked at her elder brother speechlessly and worriedly.


Is eldest brother's mental illness serious again?

ps: Some people have always said that daily life is boring. After reading a few comments and thinking about it, I thought it made sense, so I thought about trying to slowly introduce the extraordinary to create more trouble and excitement for Chuck, who is now basically invincible. These two chapters were originally It’s an introductory trailer. It takes countless times more brains to write than to write daily. It takes enough time to cover ten daily chapters. The result is naturally bad, and the majority are silent, so I will return to daily detective work later, Chuck I don’t like changes, and the author is also relaxed. It’s almost two million words long, and I’ve read so little. It’s a joke to waste my brain trying to make some changes.

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