American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 508: A nymphomaniac young girl, a funny charity show!

"do not know?"

Hailey looked at Marissa's confused look and immediately smiled: "Don't worry, you will get to know her in the future."

"Detective Chuck, tonight Orange County will hold its annual charity T-stage show to raise funds for refugees. Will you come over?"

Marissa was still thinking about her poor relatives in Texas, and Marissa's best friend Shama, who had been staring straight at Chuck, couldn't wait to send out the invitation.


Chuck refused.


Marisa's best friend Shama was very disappointed and couldn't help but add: "Marissa and I will both go on the catwalk."

As he spoke, he tried his best to show his appearance and figure, which were completely unlike those of a young girl, to Chuck's eyes.


Seeing that her best friend was losing her temper, Marissa quickly called out and winked.

"Because your name is Shama, not Martha."

Hailey, who was sitting in the passenger seat, joked with a smile.


Martha, who has walking hormones and a brain full of hormones, thinks about love and fun all day long. Naturally, she doesn’t read comics that only otaku losers read. She also doesn’t know that Chuck has the nickname Batman. Of course not. Understand Batman and Superman and Martha memes.

"Hailey, are you coming?"

Marissa didn't understand either, so she quickly changed the subject and extended an invitation to Hailey: "Everyone from Orange County will participate. Come over and play, and I'll introduce you to my other friends."


Hailey agreed immediately.

"See you tonight then."

Marissa pulled her best friend Shama away from the car window, waved goodbye, and watched Chuck and the others drive away.

"Wow, that's so cool!"

Martha was fascinated by the car as it drove away out of sight.

"It's really cool."

Although Marissa wanted to be reserved, Chuck's appearance flashed in her mind and she couldn't help but echoed.

"Yeah, right."

Martha suddenly became excited: "I used to think Luke was already cool, and the new guy Ryan from the Cohen family, when I saw him, I felt a thump in my heart, I thought he was so handsome.

But compared to Detective Chuck... No! There is no need to compare at all, just one look tells people that this is a real man!

No matter how handsome Luke is, no matter how handsome that Ryan is, they are just young Orange County boys. "

"Don't compare Luke and the others to him."

Marissa reminded silently.


Martha nodded: "They are indeed completely incomparable."


Marissa looked at her best friend in the late stage of nymphomaniac and didn't know what to say.

Luke is her boyfriend, captain of the water polo team and, like the football player in the classic American school bully, one of the most glamorous boys in Orange County.

Of course, because this is Orange County, it's all wealthy and middle class.

Rugby, a sport that relies entirely on "poor people rely on variation", is not popular here, and here is the seaside, so water polo is very popular.

After all, water polo is a comprehensive sport that combines swimming, handball, and volleyball. Swimming alone raises the bar.

She, the school beauty, and the captain of the water polo team team up, and it can be said that they are the first couple in the campus scenery.

My former best friend Martha envied her for having such a boyfriend more than once.

But now that he met Detective Chuck, someone else's boyfriend Luke was simply ignored.

As for Ryan, the new guy next door, she was also attracted by how handsome he was...

"Do not you think so?"

Seeing that her best friend was silent, Martha immediately asked.

"...They each have their own merits."

Marissa hesitated.

Unlike Martha, Luke is her boyfriend, and no matter how much she agrees, she still has to save face for her boyfriend.

"Why didn't you help me just now?"

Martha also knew her best friend’s struggle, and she ignored the comparison of who was the coolest and said dissatisfied: “Don’t you want him to participate in the charity catwalk?

Don’t forget, he is Detective Chuck!

The most luxurious manor house built by the Cohen family on the top of the mountain is his.

How rich is this!

Even if they are not as good as the Nick family, they are still at the level of one hundred millionaires.

If he could come and just write a check, how many refugees could be saved? "

The Cohen family is the family of Christine and Sandy. As the husband, Sandy Cohen lives in the mansion of his wife Christine Nick (now called Christine Cohen), but as an idealist public defender, and I don't feel like I'm eating soft food, and I have always encouraged my wife to leave this mansion that restricts them.

It's just that Christine's father, Caleb Nick, only has two daughters. One daughter has a very poor relationship and has basically no contact with her. The other is Christine. After her mother died, she began to settle in this mansion to help her father manage it. A family business, hoping to get approval from my father.

And the real estate tycoon Caleb Nick, known as the West Coast boss, is a real billionaire (billion dollar level).

"I know."

Marissa smiled.

My best friend doesn't need to tell her, she knows this.

It's not like her best friend is so infatuated that she can't wait.

But for another reason.

Her father was Christine's neighbor and childhood sweetheart, and the two almost got married.

Although they didn't get together later for unknown reasons, they still maintained the closest relationship with each other.

As a stockbroker, her father earned the money of the wealthy middle class in the surrounding area, so he naturally knew enough about the situation of wealthy families in Orange County.

In this area where the wealthy middle class gathers, house prices have been deliberately raised to prevent the poor from getting close to them.

The average price of a single-family villa is around US$3 million.

At this time, the knife is still very strong.

The average middle class cannot afford this price.

The people here are all good people, so there is no need to ask about the price. If you just take a look at Chuck's Hilltop Manor Villa outside, you can roughly estimate that the price of Chuck's house is over ten million dollars.

This is a real mansion.

Before Chuck came over, he immediately heard the news from his childhood sweetheart, the ambiguous wife next door, and was thinking about how to contact Chuck.

This is also one of the driving forces for Hailey and Marissa to get along with each other these days.

That’s right!

He took the 'wife route', but Chuck didn't have a wife, and his wife was like that, so he had to settle for the next best thing and take the daughter and sister route.

Let her daughter Marisa take the initiative to contact Haili, a new girl of the same age, and help Haili integrate into the new environment and become friends, thereby bringing the two families closer.

This charity catwalk was the opportunity her father was looking forward to meeting her for the first time.

"You know you didn't help me just now?"

My best friend Martha said dissatisfied.

In her opinion, her charm was always inferior to that of her best friends. This was an indisputable fact. Didn't you notice that even Detective Chuck looked at Marissa twice before just brushing her off?

If Marissa had just asked with her and cooperated with some body movements, she wouldn't believe that Chuck would still refuse so hard-heartedly.

"Didn't you hear that he refused directly?"

Marissa explained helplessly, and seeing her best friend's expression of disapproval, she immediately added: "Don't believe it, do you think he is such a cool man, he talks like a spit and a nail, or he is just a coquettish person? Can you change his mind?"

"...He is such a cool tough guy, of course he spits and nails."

Shama swallowed as she thought about Chuck's expressionless and cold expression.


Marissa smiled and said: "Since he refused, he can only wait for the next invitation, but it is enough for Hailey to come over. She is his sister and is so approachable. It is enough for us to have a good relationship with her. "

"Then we'll have to wait."

Martha whined in displeasure.

Marissa shook her head secretly and pulled some of her best friends from the hair salon away.


Chuck's car left Orange County and headed toward California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

in the car.

"Why don't you participate in this charity catwalk?"

Monica couldn't help but ask.

"That's just rich people showing off their kindness to impress themselves."

As he drove, Chuck said: "This is California, not Texas, that's why they dare to show off like this. When Texas buses and planes bring border refugees and illegal immigrants to their doorsteps one day, will you see if they will Will there be some kind of charity show for refugees?"

"of course not!"

Hailey smiled: "They can't even see the poor people in their own country and around them. They legislate to arrest and imprison homeless people who are close to them. However, they use the excuse of protecting poor refugees who are thousands of miles away and physically isolated from them." Han is doing a charity catwalk, which is so interesting."

“It’s not as fun as Texas busses and planes delivering border refugees and illegal immigrants to their doorsteps.”

Peggy, one of the Lights of Texas, said lightly.

"No way?"

Monica said in disbelief: "Is this really possible?"

"Why not?"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "In the United States, all problems are economic problems. These illegal immigrants cannot come in through normal channels, so in the American economic accounts, the input-output ratio is unqualified.

Spending money to send these people away who are receiving local welfare is definitely much less than the local fiscal expenditure consumed by keeping these people.

After all, when there are more people, more police need to be hired and more prisons need to be built to hold them.

Not to mention the chaos in the general environment and the taxation and economic collapse caused by forcing wealthy people to flee in large numbers for safety, which can directly turn a city into a doomsday city.

Just watch.

When the charity shows of wealthy people in California and New York become more and more frequent, and they become more and more showy, and they become more and more disgusting when they stand and talk without hurting their backs, then border states like Texas will definitely do this.

At that time, these rich people who are impressed by themselves at the charity catwalk will fly away from here the fastest.

The gentlemen are too kind-hearted to show pity to others. "

"Then I won't go."

Monica was stunned, but felt that this was indeed the case.

Her family lives in Long Island, which is actually similar to Orange County.

After all, Rachel's father is a famous surgeon and belongs to the real wealthy middle class. And Monica's family can be neighbors with Rachel's family and live in the same community, so they can obviously be considered wealthy middle class.

But let’s not talk about her, even Rachel, the most fashionable and famous girl, did not have such a show-off as Marissa and others here in Orange County.

It can only be said that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and the waves in front are beaten to death on the beach.

"If you are interested, go and have a look."

Chuck glanced at her in the rearview mirror: "Let Rachel accompany you there, and take Hailey with you. You will live here for more than two months this time, and you will come here often in the future to get along with the people around here. It is also a necessary social custom, but I will leave these trivial chores to Rachel in the future.

You are different from her.

In the short term, you have to take care of Peggy and get a doctorate, and in the mid-term, you also want to be an astronaut and go into space. There are too many meaningful things to be busy with. See how the city people who know how to play show off in different ways. That's it, no need to invest more time and energy. "

"Mona, listen to Chuck."

Peggy looked at her temporary guardian Monica with strange eyes: "A doctorate degree is the most basic thing around us. Don't embarrass us."

"I know!"

Monica was not at all offended by Peggy's modest words, but quickly agreed: "I've actually been working hard on my studies recently, and it's not as difficult as I thought. I should be able to get a doctorate."

Because she has been immersed in Chuck's high energy for a long time, her all-attribute improvement is the most obvious among long-term strategic scientific research partners. Therefore, although her IQ is not as exaggerated as having a body with strange powers, it is also directly Beyond intelligence, to true genius.

The external manifestation was that even though she had finished college and had graduated several years ago, she picked up the textbooks again and learned more advanced knowledge, which was still not as difficult as she imagined.

Since it is not difficult, there will be positive feedback, and you will naturally enjoy reading and learning.

Rachel, her best friend, would make a few jokes every time she saw her like this. She would laugh and say nothing, and even persuade Rachel to read more books.

Try to get a PhD in science and engineering.

It’s no wonder that Sheldon and the others look down on PhDs in liberal arts. After all, after studying a major for so many years, you may not be able to do as well as you would if you didn’t study in this major. There are no career barriers at all, so what’s the point of getting a PhD?

She has known for a long time that without a doctorate, even if she has the title of long-term strategic scientific research partner, she is definitely not a true partner.

After all, the partners include experimental partners, experimental assistants and experimental mice.

Although she didn't want to think so, let alone say it out loud, if her best friend Rachel continued like this, she must be a guinea pig.

I haven't seen Chuck directly hand over these social activities that he least cares about to Rachel.

But she also knew that if her best friend Rachel found out, she would definitely be ecstatic.

Because she is closer to Chuck than improving herself, attending various high-class social occasions as Chuck's girlfriend and being sought after by others is Rachel's ultimate enjoyment.

It's a pity that this kind of behavior is meaningless in the eyes of Chuck and the others, so that all of them have their own places to go. Except for her, her best friend knows that Rachel will receive two sisters and mother who can't wait to come over today, so she stays in the manor villa. Besides, no one else cared where Rachel was or what she was doing.

"Monica, you can do it, I support you!"

Hailey smiled and encouraged Monica, then looked at Chuck: "Brother, it's me!"

Chuck glanced at his sister Hailey who was eager to try, pulled over, got out of the car, and swapped places with Hailey, letting her sit in the driver's seat.

This time Monica didn't say anything.

Because she knew that with Chuck here, there would definitely be no problem even if Hailey drove the car at high speed.

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