American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 509 The Big Bang Theory begins 15 years in advance


TBBT apartment building.

Downstairs lobby.

"Why do you live here? Even the elevator is broken! And the name of this apartment always feels weird. What is TBBT?"

Mary Cooper, the mother of little Sheldon who came from Texas, saw that the elevator downstairs was sealed with a yellow warning seal. She could only take the stairs step by step to go upstairs. She thought of seeing the TBBT apartment marked on the exterior wall outside the apartment. Name, couldn't help but complain.

It’s not that her dignified Texas housewife couldn’t climb four flights of stairs.

But this apartment always feels weird, as if there is only one floor, and walking up the stairs always feels like a ghost punching the wall.

"It really wouldn't work without an elevator."

Sports loser Little Sheldon frowned while climbing the stairs while answering his mother's question: "But I like the name of this apartment building very much, TBBT, The Big Bang Theory! The Big Bang Theory, California Institute of Technology is worthy of it. The number one university in theoretical physics. This strong cultural influence has spread to the city of Pasadena where it is located. Even the name of a small apartment is so appropriate. When I graduate from college next year and study for graduate school, I will definitely apply to study at Caltech. Enroll."

"Come on."

Little Leonard, who was following behind, immediately poked his tires: "Are you doing that because you like the scientific atmosphere here? You clearly want to stay away from Chuck and Peggy."

"The two are not contradictory!"

Little Sheldon said harshly: "They are not theoretical physicists!"

"Don't say that."

Little Leonard chuckled and said, "If Chuck and Peggy find out, and they invest a little more energy in theoretical physics and come up with some of the most cutting-edge theoretical physics theories, then you can come over to graduate school. Those who read erudite studies have their theories, hehehe~"


Little Sheldon's eyes bulged, quite frightened and angry.

If it were an ordinary person, he would be dismissive.

But if the big devil Chuck and the little devil Peggy really want to do this, they can definitely do it with their IQs.

The last time the big devil Chuck gave him the Genius Award, he was already in a lot of pain.

If he was asked to study and study the theories of big and small devils, it would be better for him to just explode on the spot.

"It's really nice here. There's a comic shop downstairs. I just looked at it and it has a very complete range of comics."

Little Howard followed at the end and answered loudly: "I want to live here too."


Little Sheldon was frightened by Little Leonard's reference to Little Devil. He didn't dare to mention this again. He was full of displeasure and responded: "This is the TBBT apartment building, and it is also provided by the summer genius summer camp organized by the California Institute of Technology. What does giving us geniuses a place to live have anything to do with you?”


Little Sheldon's mother immediately scolded her son for being so disrespectful to his little friend.

"I am telling the truth."

Little Sheldon said bluntly: "Even Leonard was able to move in because of me."

"What's so great!"

Young Howard said angrily: "My home was in Pasadena, and I have plenty of room to live! It's much more comfortable than this shabby apartment!"

“It seems that Caltech’s scientific influence is not that great after all.”

Little Sheldon immediately shook his head: "Otherwise, there will be a real university town, and every resident in the city will be a scientist, instead of like now, where most of them are stupid earthlings."


Little Howard, the representative of the stupid earthlings, was furious.

His family originally lived here and had relatives here, so even if they sold the house and moved to New Jersey so that he and his friends could grow up together, he and his mother would have plenty of place to live when they moved back this time.

According to Little Sheldon, his family and his relatives and friends in Pasadena are naturally stupid earthlings who bring down the scientific atmosphere in Pasadena.

"Howard, don't get excited."

Little Leonard quickly stopped him to avoid the embarrassment of little Howard who didn't dare to rush up and had no one to stop him.


Little Howard took advantage of the situation and put away his anger powers, and snorted coldly: "Leonard, when my mother takes back our old house in Pasadena, you will follow me and move to my house, and ignore him."

"Wazai, don't be angry."

When Little Sheldon's mother saw that her son was so angry with his little friend, she quickly comforted him with affectionate names and asked her out of curiosity: "Are you and your mother planning to move back from New Jersey?"

"Yes, Mrs. Cooper."

Little Sheldon is little Sheldon, and little Sheldon’s family is little Sheldon’s family. Little Howard is still very polite to little Sheldon’s mother, just like he is to little Sheldon’s twin sister Mi Akane is polite, patient and full of smiles.

"This time the Canadian wildfires polluted the entire east coast, and Chuck took us all to evacuate the east coast. My mother was muttering along the way that she wanted to move back."


Little Sheldon's mother nodded and looked at little Leonard worriedly: "Leonard, what does Chuck think about this?"

"Chuck said there's no need to worry. It's useless to worry. California still has wildfires every year, but there's no doomsday scene like this whole region on the East Coast that's orange."

Little Leonard immediately used Chuck's words to comfort him: "Just follow Chuck. I am his good friend. Sheldon and Howard are also my good friends. Once such pollution or danger occurs in any area, If we need to evacuate, I will have a place with Chuck, and I will also take Sheldon and Howard with me."

"Thank you so much, Leonard."

Compared to Little Sheldon, who was extremely entangled with this sentence, although Little Sheldon's mother had a tacit understanding with Chuck and felt that there was always a place for her son with Chuck, she would not say such a thing without the sense of discernment. talk.

After all, little Leonard's words are also very beautiful, and he will take his son with him wherever he goes. As for who is the master and who is the servant, it doesn't matter.

Little Sheldon walked upstairs step by step with an unhappy face.

He wanted to say that he didn't like following Chuck, and that if possible he would settle in Pasadena, California, to avoid the big and small devils.

But little Leonard's words reminded him again.

That is, it is indeed uncomfortable to follow the big and small devils, but it also has certain benefits.

If you encounter such a bad thing again and run with the big devil Chuck, you will never be affected by such a bad thing.

If it were a normal mess, he would think about it and compare it, and even if he agreed in his heart, he would still refute it with a few arrogant words.

But this time the apocalyptic orange sky on the East Coast scared him.

Compared to little Leonard, who is physically disabled and has asthma and cannot survive in this environment, he is mentally mysophobic and would exclaim: "I can't breathe!" just thinking about that kind of environment!

I thought that by evacuating the east coast and running to the west coast thousands of kilometers away, we wouldn't have to consider this issue.

But now after hearing everyone's reminder, I discovered that the West Coast is not a paradise. There are constant wildfires. Maybe one day the "Canadian Wildfire Incident" will break out here, and then the evacuation will still have to rely on the Big Devil Chuck.

"4A? Is this the room?"

Little Sheldon's mother took her son to the fourth floor, looked at the two rooms facing each other, saw the room number on the edge of the stairs marked 4A, and subconsciously asked.

Although she was the one leading this group of children, she still felt a little helpless and unconfident about things in college, including the summer talent camp at the top university. Even if she just followed the reminder of the school staff to find a house to move into, she was still a little helpless. Afraid of being embarrassed if I get it wrong.


Little Sheldon nodded affirmatively.

Little Sheldon's mother took out the key and went to open the door. When she opened the door and took a look, her eyes lit up: "The environment is quite good."

"It's really good."

Little Leonard looked at it after he came in and was very satisfied.

"I love this whiteboard."

Little Sheldon looked around critically, and his eyes fell on the whiteboard placed in the living room: "It seems that a scientist did live here before."

That’s right!

Even though this room TBBT4A was 15 years in advance, because of Chuck's presence, it was still decorated exactly the same as Sheldon and Leonard's apartment 15 years later in the original time and space.

"I love this sofa."

Little Howard lay down on the sofa.

"This is my seat!"

Little Sheldon immediately scolded.

"I can't even sit down?"

Little Howard said unhappily.

"Shelly, be polite!"

Little Sheldon’s mother immediately reminded him.

"You can sit..."

Under the gaze of his mother's big eyes, little Sheldon could only lower his standards aggrievedly, but he still had his own persistence: "But you can't sit in this seat! This is my special seat!"


Little Howard looked at Little Sheldon pointing to the innermost seat of the sofa in the living room and designated it as Sheldon's special seat. His body became more honest, but he still asked unwillingly.


Little Sheldon immediately pointed and talked non-stop: "In winter, this position is closest to the heater, very warm, and not so close that you will sweat. In summer, this position is just right for blowing air." Draft from this window and that window. It’s just the right place to sit and watch TV, not too upright to interfere with the conversation, and not too evil to twist your neck too much. I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point.”

"You're just a poor imitation of Chuck!"

Howard Jr. complained.

"What did you say?!!!"

Little Sheldon immediately screamed, his eyes bulging as hard as his mother's.


Little Leonard immediately looked at little Howard who had poked a hornet's nest with a toothache.

"Did I said wrong thing?"

Little Howard had been ridiculed countless times by Little Sheldon on his way here this time. Seeing that he was tired and wanted to lie down on the sofa, Little Sheldon had designated a special seat for him to not touch, and even said such a big call, early Feeling unhappy, he ignored the look in his friend's eyes and ignored the fact that the charming Mrs. Cooper was right in front of him, and sneered back.

"This kind of behavior of seeing through everything in an instant is Detective Chuck's exclusive skill! When you first came in, you didn't even sit down and feel it, so you just imitated Chuck and said the so-called benefits of this seat. You also said that you were not imitating Detective in a poor way. Chuck!"

"I don't!!!"

Little Sheldon was furious.

The little Howard he looked down on dared to question and retaliate against him, which was enough to make him angry, let alone the big devil Chuck was used to suppress him and hurt him.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to admit it, but the fact is what little Howard said. He was unhappy that little Howard was sitting on his sofa, and seeing his mother stopping him, he could only reserve his own exclusive seat in advance.

Like in the past, he would have to walk around the entire apartment and sit down to find a good spot for watching TV in the living room. He would also shout several times at each position to feedback the sound effects of each position and find the best spot for watching TV. Location.

This process will be very detailed, even making ordinary people find it awkward and funny.

For example, the TV viewing position he just mentioned should not be too wrong to avoid twisting the neck. When he chooses the position, his neck will be stretched and he will try various awkward postures.

These are all to obtain first-hand information and help him make decisions.

But this time, he didn't do that.

Instead, I just glanced at it and calculated in my head that the seat on the sofa furthest inside was the most suitable seat, and then I said it without even trying it.

Although I don’t want to admit it, this is what the big devil Chuck does.

The big devil Chuck has the ability to see everything at a glance, without trying, just relying on mental arithmetic.

But this is based on Chuck's super genius IQ, the super mathematical calculation ability of the first person in contemporary mathematics, and the rich common sense constants that can be said to be omniscient.

Such a magical detective, Chuck, is qualified not to try, but to rely solely on mental arithmetic to give the most accurate answer that is most realistic.

But although little Sheldon doesn't want to admit it, he is still not as good as the big devil Chuck.

After all, although he had worked hard enough to look at various common sense constants, and even memorized the unpopular knowledge using his super genius IQ and high-definition image memory, it was still far from enough.

Many common sense constants are not found in books.

Even if he saw and memorized more common sense constants, he still couldn't understand them. Naturally, he couldn't comprehend them all and incorporate them into specific applied mathematical formulas to calculate everything.

That's why Howard was so embarrassed and angry when it was revealed that he was imitating Chuck.

"Sheldon, look!"

Little Leonard watched the two friends looking at each other and refusing to give in. Standing in front of the whiteboard, he was thinking about how to smooth things over. Then he was surprised to find the back of the whiteboard, and he immediately screamed with joy.

Seeing that Little Sheldon was looking over with bulging eyes and unwilling to follow his beckoning, he pushed up his short legs and turned the other side of the whiteboard over, revealing the full screen formulas on the whiteboard on the back. Reminder: "The California Institute of Technology Summer Genius Camp has actually begun."

Little Sheldon immediately ignored his anger and stared directly at the formula on the whiteboard.

He knew that little Leonard was right, this was definitely the opening challenge of the genius summer camp.

Seeing that her son's attention had been diverted, Little Sheldon's mother breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Little Leonard gratefully.

Although she doesn't like Beverly, she likes little Leonard very much, and she understands that little Leonard is the biggest support for her son not to die alone.

Little Leonard grinned.

He liked this look.

Little Sheldon's mother began to tour the apartment carefully. Her baby son was going to move in here tonight. As a mother, she was always a little worried.

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