American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 52 Great Wisdom and the 7-Year Period


Monica was stunned for a moment. When she saw Peggy's playful expression of "you know who he is", the corner of her mouth twitched. She wanted to stick to her attitude, but what she said was: "It's okay to refuse someone else's invitation rashly." It's not very polite... If it doesn't conflict with the principal's dinner time, you can go to it."

Just kidding, Professor Alicia Harper had given her unparalleled pressure. If she hadn't been very competitive, she would have given up long ago due to low self-esteem.

And now Chuck has already entered the house.

She felt she had to do something, not for damn love or possessiveness, but for morality!

That’s right!

Just to defend the morality of the world!

Professor Alicia Harper is a married woman, how can Chuck be interested in her? This is immoral!

As for what Chuck said about simply liking the other person's eyes, she didn't believe a word of it, even though Chuck seemed upright and never told lies.

Maybe Chuck really thinks so, but sometimes people deceive themselves.

Geniuses are no exception!

So she must step forward to prevent Chuck from making further mistakes, and she must not let a scientific giant like Chuck, who is destined to be written in mathematics textbooks, be stained with an indelible haze like other scientific giants.


After spending time with Peggy, she knows far more about the stories of some scientists than before.

Putting aside the contribution of great scientific achievements to human development, she really didn't want Chuck to become Einstein, Schrödinger, Hawking, Feynman...

Compared with their private lives, her friend Joey, a swinger who also likes to do scientific experiments and is known as the best in the city, can be considered very principled and moral.

"Unfortunately, it happens to be the same night, what should I do?"

Peggy smiled playfully.


Monica was immediately confused.

Is it more important to fulfill the principal's trust, or is it more important to attend Mrs. Alicia Harper's dinner party so that the history of Western science does not turn into the history of the Roman court and the history of Greek mythology?

After dropping this bomb, Peggy picked up the phone again and continued chatting with Little Sheldon when she saw Monica's expression changing and looking confused.

Monica struggled for a long time. Looking at Peggy who was chatting with a smile, she suddenly reacted and said with a wry smile: "Are you kidding me? The two dinner parties are not in the same night at all, right?"

"Have you come to a conclusion?"

Peggy asked with a smile without denying it.


Monica said angrily: "It's exactly the opposite of what you expected!"

Peggy told Little Sheldon that she would go to the dinner, hung up the phone, and started working on her homework.

Since Chuck appeared, Little Sheldon has worked harder and harder, because he wants to read out the doctor as soon as possible, so that when facing Chuck, he will not have to call him doctor but be called sir.

It felt so bad.

This also motivated Peggy to speed up the course, compressing the original ten years or so for a normal person to get a doctorate from college to five years, and now it has been compressed again, and she is ready to get a doctorate in three years.

Although she has a super high IQ, facing the massive amount of courses accumulated in a short period of time through compression and re-compression, even she has to spend most of her time in the dormitory to study for her homework. The level of involution is unbelievable for ordinary people. Monica's scalp went numb just looking at it.

He is countless times smarter than other people and works countless times harder. How can he survive if he meets such an opponent?

Just like that, Peggy was immersed in her homework, and Monica was thinking about something while cleaning. She was so obsessed with the progress of her relationship with Chuck that she accidentally dropped the cup on the floor and broke it.

The sound of shattering resounded in the quiet dormitory, causing Peggy, who was concentrating on her homework, to frown and look up.

"Sorry, sorry."

Monica started to clean up apologetically.

"Just for the sake of you and him, are you okay with that?"

Peggy frowned.

Where could such a thing have happened in the past when Monica was forced to be serious.

"You do not understand."

Monica said subconsciously.

"I don't understand?"

Peggy suddenly laughed: "I guess you don't understand!"

Monica opened her mouth and looked at Peggy's little face. She realized that it was not appropriate to talk to her about this kind of thing. She lowered her head and continued to pack it up. But suddenly there seemed to be a bolt from the blue in her mind, and she suddenly looked up at Peggy. .

damn it!

How could she forget!

Chuck was a unique existence that she had never seen that was completely different from any other man. He was so attracted to her that she was at a loss.

She had several very good friends who she could talk to about her troubles, but when it came to asking for help, they all either made jokes or gave completely unreliable ideas.

Because they, including his brother Ross, who thinks he is a genius, are actually ordinary people and cannot understand the thoughts of a genius of Chuck's level.

But just because they don’t understand doesn’t mean that no one understands!

There is clearly someone beside her who may be able to help her understand Chuck.

In a flash, she suddenly realized that the excuse she had made at the farm before was to contact Chuck to better understand the genius girl Peggy so that she could do a good job, and the reverse was also true.

She can completely understand Chuck through the genius girl Peggy and prepare a strategy to break the ice in her relationship with Chuck.

"Those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. It seems that after staying with Peggy for a long time, I have become smarter."

After thinking about this, she seemed to feel like she had become a very smart Monica, who thought very excitedly: "This also proves that Ross is really useless. He brags every day that he is a genius. I have been with him for twenty years." For many years, it has not been affected by him at all, and it may even have had a counterproductive effect."

"Do you really understand?"

Monica suppressed the joy in her heart and asked tentatively.

"Of course, the thing between men and women is just the most basic knowledge of biochemistry."

Peggy was very calm.

"You should be able to understand him, right?"

Monica considered her words.

She was prepared to ask Peggy for help, but only to help her understand Chuck, rather than talking about inappropriate topics with the young Peggy.

"No need to worry."

Peggy saw Monica's thoughts, looked away, and said while immersed in her homework: "Do you want to be with him for a long time, or just for a while?"

"Of course we'll be together for a long time!"

Monica said subconsciously.

"If you want to be with him for a long time, you need to establish a heart-to-heart connection with him."

Peggy's voice came over: "And you also know that people like us are difficult to get along with, let alone establish such a heart-to-heart connection with ordinary people like you, so if you really want to be with him For a long time, you need to be mentally prepared to persist for a long time.”

"How long? How long?"

Monica asked.

"As short as four or five years."

Peggy said.

"Four or five years?"

Monica's mouth twitched.

"Isn't a true relationship worth spending so much time pursuing?"

Peggy's long voice sounded: "The divorce rate in the United States is as high as 50%, and the average love is 11 times in a lifetime. If you really like him, then invest all the time you spend with other men in these four or five times waiting for him to get along with you. In the next few years, after you succeed, the probability of you and him being together for the rest of your life is as high as 90% or more, because people like him like internal stability. As long as you don’t change, he will not change towards you. Isn’t that better than you? Try again and again and again and again and again and again and again, and in the end you just have to make do with being too strong?”

"But four or five years is too long..."

Monica was moved.

"Don't worry, it can be as short as four or five years, or as long as seven years!"

Peggy's affirmative voice sounded.

Monica grabbed the rag, and after hearing this, her eyes gradually became firm.

Peggy looked up and saw in the mirror, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

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