American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 521 Hailey: Chandel, why do you hate me?

"The next question is, your report says, 'I ran home and called the police.' Why did you run so far?"

Teresa saw that Henry Hearst was really calmed by the name of Detective Chuck. It was not surprising that she asked Henry Hearst who sat back in his seat.

Unlike her subordinates Grace and the others, she did not want to ask Detective Chuck to help if possible, because she did not want to rely on Detective Chuck.

After all, unless Detective Chuck lives here for a long time and directly serves as a senior advisor to the CBI and works with their team, he can be relied on once but not too many times.

Instead of doing this, she would rather rely on herself and her team.

"I didn't think much about it, I just ran straight home."

Henry Hester spread his hands: "I am neither you nor a criminal lawyer. This is the first time I have seen this kind of thing. Is it strange to be panicked?"

"It's not strange to panic when encountering something like this for the first time. We can barely understand running so far home and then calling the police. But can you explain to us why you had to take a shower before the police rushed over?"

Teresa stared into his eyes.

"Maybe he couldn't control himself after panicking~"

Detective Owens, who has the same face as the Punisher in the movie version, once again mocked: "As he said, he is 57 years old!"


Henry Hester stood up and became furious: "Victor, take care of your dog! If he dares to bark again, I will definitely sue you!"

"Shut up, Owens!"

The African-American police chief was also a little annoyed by his unruly men: "If you don't want to participate in this case, just leave!"

"Mr. Hurst, please answer my question."

Teresa also glanced displeased at Detective Owens, who was always arrogant. Seeing that the African-American police chief reprimanded him, she stopped saying anything and looked at Henry Hurst.

"I don't know what's so weird about you."

Henry Hester looked back and said with a sullen face: "I have been running for so long and this happened again. After I called the police, what happened to taking a bath and changing clothes to relax?"

"So are you sure you took a shower after calling the police?"

Theresa asked.


Henry Hearst looked her in the eyes.

"As far as we know, your wife was also at home at the time. We will ask her later. Will she not give us a completely opposite answer?"

Teresa said expressionlessly.

"she does not know!"

Henry Hester was restless again.

"She was not at home?"

Theresa asked.

"She's at home."

Henry Hester looked very sad.

"Then why doesn't she know?"

Teresa emphasized: "Can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

"I was in the master bedroom when I came back and she was in the guest room, so she didn't know."

Henry Hester was silent for a while before explaining.

"You guys sleep in separate beds?"

Detective Owens couldn't contain his excitement.

This time, the African-American police chief who was supposed to reprimand him had no time to pay attention to him. He also looked at this old friend with a mixture of surprise and weirdness.

As a good family man, he was very aware of this old friend's obsessive love for his charming wife.

And facing Chandel's peerless enchantment, no man would take the initiative to sleep in a separate room with her.

Unless she takes the initiative.

So the question is, what happened? Chandel, who had been supported by her husband since she was a child, went to school and married directly into the Hearst family and became a noble lady, asked her husband, who had always been harmonious, to sleep in separate beds?

"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

"It has been a long time."

Henry Hester's face was ugly. In response to his old friend's questioning, he said sarcastically: "Why do you need to know? Just because you, a loving couple, have divorced, do you think I should empathize with you and share the emotional problems of the couple? No. ! Chandel and I just have some minor conflicts and will never get divorced!"


The African-American police chief's face turned darker.

Teresa ignored the breakup between their old friends and continued to ask for details, but no matter what questions she raised, Henry Hearst could always give explanations, but these explanations were specious and could not convince her at all.

Not to mention every answer is like this.

So after struggling for a long time, she stared into Henry Hearst's eyes, trying to get the answer from his eyes, but whenever he looked at her, he was so confident and firm that she could not tell the truth from the lie.


Teresa knew that the other party was a barrister. Lying and deceiving had long been the instinct of a litigator. With her ability, it was difficult to tell which of his words were true and which of false. Annoyed, she pushed the file in front of her and stood up to read. By Henry Hearst: "I didn't get a word out of you that I could believe, and I couldn't confirm that anything you said was a lie, so that's it, you can get a lawyer."

"I'll contact Detective Chuck right now!"

The tall female police detective Grace stood up excitedly: "He can tell the truth from lies!"

"Let me contact you."

Teresa shook her head and took out her mobile phone.

In the past, she would have tolerated it and could only slowly work overtime to verify whether everything the suspect said was true or false.

But now she knew that Detective Chuck was nearby, and she had his phone number. She had also received his promise that she could be contacted at any time during previous cooperation.

This kind of meaningless wrangling and wasting a lot of time on verification made her a little intolerable.

"That's better."

Henry Hester's eyes flickered, and he met the eyes of others. He raised his neck and said, "If Detective Chuck is really as powerful as the legend says, then he should know that what I said is true. I am the reporter and witness." , not a suspect! If you had looked for him earlier, I would have been participating in a charity catwalk right now!"

"Don't worry, he will be here soon."

Theresa said a few words after the call was connected, then hung up the phone and signaled that Chuck would be there soon.

The police office suddenly became quiet.

"Are you sure you don't need a lawyer?"

Teresa frowned as she looked at Henry Hester standing by the window looking at the night scene.

"I didn't kill the two little girls, why should I find a lawyer?"

Henry Hester said calmly without turning around.

Teresa and her subordinates looked at each other, and they could see the confusion in each other's eyes.

Was it really not him?

But there were so many suspicions about him that they were almost certain that he was the murderer.

"Serial killer."

Korean police detective Jin wrote a note and handed it to his colleagues. Seeing them thinking thoughtfully after reading it, he nodded expressionlessly.

Theresa was relieved.

There are various signs that the two murders of young girls were indeed committed by the same serial perverted murderer.

And it is difficult for Detective Chuck to distinguish the truth and lies of the serial killer.

Orange County charity catwalk dinner scene.

"Look at that beauty, she's so stunningly beautiful."

“It was well worth the money spent on the surgery.”

Two middle-aged men in neat suits stood together, chatting while looking at an extremely ferocious beauty in a cool evening dress, their eyes almost fixed on Xiong Ba.

But he didn't know that a beautiful woman was already approaching. She came over and said with a smile: "Ben, Thomas, I caught you. A married man shouldn't discuss other beauties so blatantly."

Before the two men could answer, the wives of the two men who were talking to other people not far away immediately returned to the defense, pushing away the beautiful women who were leaning against their husbands, and alertly reminded: "Where is Henry?"

That’s right!

This beauty who so alarmed the ladies was Chandel Hearst, known as the most beautiful woman in Orange County.

She is wearing a cool evening dress that is sexy in a way that cannot be shown in the picture.

"Henry has business to discuss."

Chandel had long been accustomed to the vigilance and hostility of other women, so she put away the smile she had just teased the two middle-aged men with, and replied calmly.

"When I was looking for the parking boy just now, I saw him walking into the police station, accompanied by Chief Victor himself."

The other wife had something to say.

"He'll be here soon."

Chandel's face changed slightly, she said nothing, turned around and left.

The gossip about Henry entering the police station, which the person behind her didn't care much about in a low voice, still faintly reached her ears, making her face look ugly.

"Why don't you go take a look?"

When she walked to the balcony and looked across the road at the police station opposite, a clear voice rang in her ears.

Chandel calmed down her emotions instantly and looked sideways elegantly. She saw the girl Haili standing beside her at some point. She glanced at Haili with an indifferent expression: "What are you going to see?"

"You seem to be hostile to me?"

Hailey looked at Chandel playfully: "No, you are not hostile to me, but you are hostile to girls my age. Let me guess, your husband likes our style?"

Chandel's face instantly became unbearable, and her expression was extremely ugly.

"It seems I guessed it right."

Hailey enjoyed the change in the expression of the most beautiful woman in Orange County and praised: "Just now, Shama and the others asked me what I thought about your title of the most beautiful woman in Orange County. I didn't answer because I just came here and haven't seen everyone. This question, but now I can confirm that you deserve the title of the most beautiful woman in Orange County."

"I don't care about the name!"

Chandel said coldly.

"That's best."

Hailey joked: "Because this name has already been changed since my eldest brother moved to Orange County. If you care too much, you will feel uncomfortable."

"Your elder brother?"

Chandel frowned.

"Yes, my eldest brother and all his female friends, none of them are necessarily worse than you, so it's best if you really don't care about the title of the most beautiful woman in Orange County."

Hailey smiled and said: "But that's okay, look at the fact that the title of the most beautiful woman in Orange County has put you there, leaving you without any friends, and no one even told you this kind of news immediately. In fact, It’s quite pitiful.”

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Chandel suppressed her dislike of Hailey and looked at this cunning and pretty girl for the first time.

"I'm just curious why you hate me so much?"

Hailey looked at Chandel with a smile: "Even if your husband likes our style, it's not surprising, right? Which man doesn't like young girls? They liked girls when they were teenagers, why do they have to What if we have to change our preferences after ten, twenty, thirty, or even forever?”

"You think exactly the same as him!"

Chandel couldn't control her disgusted expression again.

"If the rumors are correct, it seems that you have known your husband since you were a girl."

Hailey smiled half-heartedly: "Even younger than we are now. I guess when you were really together, you were no more than our age, or even younger, weren't you? Let me guess again, less than 13 years old? "


Chandel was shocked.

"What not?"

Hailey teased: "Is it not younger, or is it more than 13 years old? Or maybe you don't like the number 13?"

At this point, she slapped her forehead and chuckled: "My fault, the number 13 is indeed unlucky, just like the two girls who were strangled to death in two consecutive cases in the past two weeks were stuck around 13 years old. "

Seeing that Chandel didn't answer, Haili said to herself: "I'm very curious. You hate me so much the first time you see me. Is it because you wanted to weld the door shut after getting in the car to prevent others from getting in? ? Or do you think of some pervert when you see me?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Chandel didn't dare to look at Hailey and left in a hurry.

She could not tell anyone how she and her husband met and fell in love because that would put her husband at risk of being prosecuted and jailed.

The murders of two girls around 13 years old that Haili mentioned made her even more suspicious.

Hailey looked at her enchanting back and smiled.

Both Shama and Marissa were going to be on the catwalk, so after greeting her, they went backstage to prepare. She didn't want to ignore the ordinary but confident Luke, so she came over to tease the most beautiful woman in Orange County and verify some of her skills. A conjecture.

Now it seems that they are inseparable.

"Help me retrieve all of Henry Hearst's online records."

Hailey took out her phone, sent a message, and then walked to the T stage while scrolling through it.

The charity catwalk has officially begun. One by one, beauties are wearing fashionable clothes and starting to walk down the stage. She really likes to see them.

When Salma and Marissa appeared on the stage, Hailey kept waving.

Especially Marisa, with such a skinny figure, she is definitely a clothes hanger. Coupled with her good looks, she looks good in anything she wears, which really makes many men nod their heads.

Of course there are more old men here.

Few young people have money to donate.

"Ha ha."

After Marissa walked backstage, Hailey looked at her phone again and suddenly burst into laughter.

Chandel didn't like this kind of catwalk show, especially when rising stars like Marissa were posing on it, which made her unintentional to watch. She had been secretly looking at Hailey from the corner of her eye, which frightened her. When she saw her smiling like this, she felt sad in her heart. It was even more of a thud.

Hailey is extremely talented, and her eldest brother Chuck has carefully trained her in all aspects. Her facial features are extremely sharp. Even in this noisy and dim environment, she is still keenly aware of Chandel's peeping and the information being seen. She laughed hard, turned her head and playfully caught Chandel, who had no time to look away, making Chandel even more uncomfortable.

When a long-legged girl appeared on the catwalk again and attracted everyone's attention, Chandel, whose eyes changed, quietly left the scene, looked at the police station opposite, picked up the skirt of her dress, and walked over.

When she walked to the door of the police station, a black SUV parked behind her. When she turned around and looked over, Chuck got out of the car.

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