American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 527 Hailey: Brother, you don’t want your sister to have an accident, right?

"I see."

Seeing that Bald Boss Tang spoke so solemnly, Brian nodded to show that he understood and understood.

Even if it's not for the purpose of undercover investigation to gain trust, the concept of doing it all for the sake of the family is completely fine in itself.

This is America. If your premise is not based on the concept of the small family, and everything is for the benefit of the small family, but if you say you are for everyone and the country, others will say you are stupid.

He was indeed an undercover agent, an undercover LAPD agent.

However, the Los Angeles police have clearly stipulated that their own safety and interests are the highest priority. There is no ambiguity or excessive requirements between ensuring their own safety and saving others.

It's just a job, how much money do you want to play with your life?

Not to mention that if one's own family members are in danger, no matter what laws, morals or even human nature, they can all be abandoned with peace of mind under the banner of being a family man.

Life is precious, freedom is even more valuable.

If you take care of your family, you can throw everything away.

So when Los Angeles undercover Brian heard the bald Mr. Tang talking about the concept of family man, he looked like he was making fun of him, and he agreed with it from the bottom of his heart, but he just didn't understand and applauded.

"very good."

Bald Boss Tang stared at Brian carefully for a while, and found that the other person really agreed with his words, and a smile returned to his face.

It seems like this kid still has some potential.

Although he has been jailed for committing crimes, these are minor matters and do not harm the greater good of his family.

After further investigation, it is not impossible to absorb him into the big family.

I met Haili again tonight, and my suffocating mood, which was once again angered by Haili's brother and sister, finally improved, and I couldn't help but think about the bet with Haili.

Now that the money was given, he was originally going to fulfill his promise in public, shouting three times in frustration, "I am a top racing driver", and admitting defeat.

But at the critical moment, the police arrived. Thinking of this, he touched the big cross necklace on his chest. It seemed that God prevented him from having to do this.

So it's not that he didn't keep his promise, but that he followed God's will.

He passed this psychological test easily.

This didn't surprise him.

Just now, for the first time, he launched the banner of Family Man, which he had vaguely conceptualized before but had never actively weaponized. This was because if this kid Brian didn't have the solid faith to carry the cross with him and couldn't understand God's intentions, You can have freedom of belief and use the absolutely correct banner of family hero to persuade the other party.

Now everything is really smooth.

The next time he meets Hailey, Brian, who also participated in the bet, is at the front. He no longer abides by his previous promise and can be more confident.

Of course, it's best not to meet Hailey again, or if you do, tell her not to talk about it again.

Bald Boss Tang's eyes became more and more profound.

Hailey dares to be so arrogant, the key to everything is Detective Chuck!

That’s right!

Since the last time they met on the road and had the most frustrating Fast and Furious road race ever, he knew who Detective Chuck was and also knew that Haley was his sister.

After all, everything can be found on the Internet now, and Detective Chuck is also famous, so it is easy to search out a lot of information.

Just because he had searched for information and found a tough guy like him, he could only endure it when he met Haley again, who was not Detective Chuck himself but just his sister.

At this stage, he has never dreamed of the American dream of being omnipotent in heaven and earth. He is still just a street gangster, and he knows that he cannot afford to offend a big shot like Detective Chuck, who even big shots are afraid of.

Just as he was deep in thought, the sound of a motorcycle engine came from behind. He turned around and saw that the good mood just now disappeared again, and he sarcastically complained: "This is great."

"What's wrong?"

Brian hasn't reacted yet.

"Tonight has been such a long night."

Bald Boss Tang didn't even know what to say.

First, he was humiliated like that by Haili, and then his bald head was targeted by the police and chased by a car. He was finally rescued by a potential newcomer, and now he was surrounded by hostile speedsters.

Ever since he encountered Detective Chuck's motorcade on the road, in just a few days, he seemed to have endless bad luck.

No need to explain too much, there were several motorcycles surrounding the car, and the rider wearing a motorcycle helmet showed his submachine gun.

That’s right!

In Los Angeles, California, which has the strictest gun ban, these gangsters can not only take out guns, but also take out small pistols, but submachine guns with greater firepower.

Free states and cities strictly prohibit guns. All the guns banned are legal guns owned by ordinary citizens. After taking away these small guns that allow them to protect themselves a little, they allow criminals to hold big guns on the street, further attracting criminals. The difference in firepower compared to ordinary lambs.

Those who don’t know better think that the positive and negative sides are on the side of the criminals.

All right.

Just think so if you know it.

It's a classic West Coast joke from hell resurfaced.

"Follow us!"

The motorcycle rider holding a submachine gun motioned to Brian to follow them. A group of motorcycles surrounded the green Mitsubishi sports car and stopped at the entrance of the Confucius Institute.

Everyone got out of the car, and some took off their motorcycle helmets, revealing Asian faces.

Although both East and West are somewhat prosopagnostic towards each other, and they stopped at the famous Confucius Institute at this time, most people will definitely think that this group of people must be Chinese gangsters.

After all, as long as you don't reveal your identity publicly and just rely on the information you see in your eyes to guess, the connotation is more Chinese gangsters.

But after getting out of the car, Brian knew at a glance that this group of people was not Chinese at all, but Korean.

As an outstanding detective of the Los Angeles Police Department, he still has this insight. As for why the Korean gang members coerced them to commit crimes in front of the Confucius statue at the Confucius Institute, there are only two possibilities.

One is to blame Chinese Americans. Look, the villains and criminals are all Chinese Americans.

The other kind is classic arts, well, ‘Confucius belongs to our universe empire’.

When Brian thought about these two possibilities, he felt dumbfounded. That's right, he must be of Korean descent, and he was not living a good life.

"I thought we had a deal."

The leading man looked at the bald Boss Tang: "You go your own way, and I go my way, and everyone is happy."

"Johnny, we're lost."

Bald Boss Tang also knew that he was wrong this time. He had to lower his head under the eaves, and his hoarse voice had a hint of softness.

The speedsters also have territory.

In order to avoid conflicts, this area belongs to Johnny, and Bald Boss Tang and his gang cannot come over without notification.

But now, in order to avoid being chased by the police car, they fled in a hurry and it was the newcomer Brian who was driving, so he simply forgot about this incident.

"who is he?"

Johnny, the leader, looked at Brian.

"My new mechanic, Brian, Brian, this is Johnny Chen."

Bald Boss Tang explained and introduced: "The one wearing snakeskin pants is his cousin Lance."

Brian said nothing and looked at his snakeskin pants cousin Lance who was holding a submachine gun.

"When can I race your Honda 2000?"

Surrounded by so many people with guns, Bald Boss Tang was more obedient than ever and took the initiative to change the topic in an attempt to divert Johnny's attention.

But unfortunately, the other party just wanted to lose face and ignored him at all. Instead, he looked directly at Brian: "Is this car yours?"


"But not anymore," Brian said.

"He lost his car to an arrogant girl."

Bald Boss Tang's eyes flashed.

"Arrogant girl?"

Johnny Chen smiled: "How arrogant?"

"The kind of arrogance you can't afford to offend."

Bald Boss Tang told the truth.

"It's really arrogant to say that I can't offend you without giving my name."

Johnny Chen laughed: "What do you think, Lance?"

"It's really arrogant!"

Cousin Lance, wearing snakeskin pants and holding a submachine gun, said coldly.

"Okay, I trust your judgment, Boss Tang, I can't afford to offend you."

Johnny Chen suddenly stopped smiling, and while beckoning his men to leave, he patted the bald Boss Tang on the shoulder: "Let's go! See you in the desert racing next month! You will lose everything by then!"

With that said, a group of people put on their helmets and got on their motorcycles and filed away.

"What a pity."

Bald Boss Tang watched the group of people leaving. He breathed a sigh of relief and secretly cried out that it was a pity.

If Johnny Chen can be tempted to provoke Hailey, then no matter who is unlucky, he will laugh three times.

But who would have thought that Johnny Chen, who was always impulsive and wanted to save face, would not only not react to the arrogant girl he said he couldn't mess with, but also directly accept his statement in front of his girlfriend and a group of subordinates.

"What's going on?"

Brian finally couldn't help but ask.

"It's a long story. Come on, get in the car. We'll talk about it later."

The bald Boss Tang didn't want to talk any more, so he asked Brian to get in the car and was about to leave. But then he heard the sound of the departing motorcycle returning, so he immediately got out of the car and looked over.

I saw that Johnny Chen and his motorcycle gang, who had left, were back.

Johnny Chen and his snakeskin trousers cousin Lance raised their submachine guns at the same time and began emptying their magazines at the green Mitsubishi sports car. They blasted countless holes in the car and set it on fire. Then they put away their guns and rode away quickly. go.

"Damn bikers! Damn Johnny Chen!"

Brian was cursing in his heart. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the bald Boss Tang's expression reflected in the firelight. He couldn't see clearly, but he always felt like he was smiling.

"It's going to explode!"

As Bald Boss Tang roared wildly, the two of them ran away at the same time, and the car exploded.

Ordinary cars are naturally not so easy to explode, but this modified racing car has a nitrogen tank specially placed inside, storing a large amount of nitrogen for acceleration. At this moment, under the wild sweep of the submachine gun, it was naturally broken, and the gas was released. The car exploded directly under the flames.

The two of them looked at the exploding car and could only leave on foot. After walking for a long time, they stopped a taxi and returned to Bald Boss Tang's home.

At this moment, a party has been held at home.

Bald Boss Tang is so angry.

This is a celebration party for winning the game tonight. Because Hailey's appearance was completely unexpected, it is an advance preparation for winning.

Now that you have prepared, don't waste your preparation just because you lost. This is nothing.

But tonight he was so humiliated, almost arrested by the police, and kidnapped by Johnny Chen and his gang. He could only walk more than 20 miles to get a taxi back. After being delayed for so long, his family members didn't know anything about it. Don't worry, don't know how to go out and find some help, just have fun here one by one.

He is the only core of this family! ! !

Without him, there would be no this family!

How dare they do this!

After getting angry, Brian, Vince's love rival, was officially introduced into the big family. After beating this group of people and once again clarifying who was the real head of the family, the bald Boss Tang shouted to the skinny young man: "Jackie" West!"

Jesse, who was flirting with a hot girl, heard the boss greet him. Although he was a little unhappy, he still followed the bald boss Tang upstairs.

"You said your cousin knows Detective Chuck?"

Bald Boss Tang was sitting on the sofa, drinking beer and looking at the mechanic who had been following him for several years.


When the mechanic Jesse heard this, he immediately laughed and said: "Howard said that not only did he know him, but he was also a good friend of Detective Chuck, but I think he was bragging."

"Talk to your cousin more."

Bald Boss Tang said calmly: "I want to know more about Detective Chuck and that Hailey."


Mechanic Jesse nodded clearly and readily agreed.

The party continues here.

Over there, Hailey drove Marissa and Shama back to Orange County. After sending them home, she also returned to the Hilltop Manor Villa.

"Where are you crazy? It's so late!"

When he returned to the stargazing bedroom on the roof, he met Monica and asked with concern.

"It's not your turn yet? It's so late!"

Hailey didn't answer, but looked at her with a smile.


Monica suddenly blushed and was speechless.

"Don't worry, Chuck knows everything."

Hailey stopped joking, explained, and went upstairs with a smile.

Stargazing bedroom.

Peggy was already asleep, and Layla was sleeping on her bed. She took one look at it and went directly to the study instead of going in.

"What are you still doing here? Monica is still waiting to go to bed~"

Hailey saw her eldest brother Chuck sitting there reading a book, and immediately teased him. Seeing that Chuck didn't speak, she didn't take it seriously. She stepped forward and stood opposite Chuck, stared at Chuck for a while, and then reached out to get Chuck. Chuck's decorative glasses were pushed away directly.

"Chuck, give me a pair of glasses like this."

Hailey smiled and said, "You don't want me to have no one to ask for help if I encounter an accident, right?"

"If you make less fuss, there won't be any surprises."

Chuck gave her a deadpan look.

"I'm your sister, and everything I do is under your nose. What's the fuss about?"

Hailey said pitifully: "Or do you think I have a bad attitude towards that big bald man? The worst I can do is to be humble next time so as not to cause trouble for you~"

Chuck continued reading and ignored her.

What she did tonight was all in his eyes, and he didn't think there was any problem with her attitude towards the bald Boss Tang.

On the contrary, as his sister, she gave the bald Boss Tang a hard blow. The system notified him that the increased yin and yang points not only made money, but were only slightly worse than the negative points he gained when he met Boss Tang on the road.

So of course he wouldn't say anything to make her have a better attitude towards Bald Boss Tang and his gang.

Haili immediately smiled knowingly and joined in to gossip again: "Brother, that big bald man is going to be in trouble. I met a police undercover today who was trying to get close to him..."

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