American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 529 It’s embarrassing! How easy it is to investigate a crime!

"Is that so?"

The bald and bearded captain scratched his head, first looked at Randy who was also confused next to him, and then looked at Chuck next to Hailey.

"Chemically speaking, no, but nitrogen bottles are compressed gases. When heated or hit, a physical explosion will occur. It is an explosion of high-pressure gas and has nothing to do with the inert gas properties of nitrogen."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"I'll just say it!"

The bald and bearded captain's expression relaxed and his beard curled up: "The Mitsubishi sports car given to Brian was impounded by our Los Angeles police. Some people have also seen the wreckage after the explosion. There is no way Brian could have lied to us."

"It turned out to be a stolen car."

Hailey complained: "No wonder Brian was willing to directly mortgage the $2,000 Mitsubishi sports car that had been modified to cost at least $80,000 to go racing. I thought he also had a big brother like me."


The bald and bearded captain was so angry that his beard was blowing, and he said in disbelief: "What did Brian do?!"

"you do not know?"

Hailey said mischievously: "Oh, I thought he had your acquiescence. After all, the impounded car is not yours, but the $2,000 in cash actually needs to be taken out of your small vault."


The corners of the bald and bearded captain's mouth twitched.

Is there any reason for this?

Of course!

The Mitsubishi sports car was impounded by the police, so they gave it to them. However, if they knew that the competition required 2,000 US dollars in cash support, they would really consider it and maybe let Brian pay it in advance.

Otherwise the process will be very troublesome.

As for taking money to participate in a competition, the decision may be made in an instant, without having time to ask for instructions and go through the process.

Therefore, as an undercover agent, Brian used this method to be flexible. It was not impossible, but after all, this was a sports car worth $80,000, and it was just scrapped without any useful progress.

If Brian is allowed to continue to be so extravagant, their case-handling expenses may end up being higher than the value of the hijacked goods. That would be ridiculous!

"I don't know much about chemistry, and I have another question."

Hailey smiled and said: "Nitrogen is an inert gas, it won't burn, right? How does it accelerate the car?"

"It's not nitrogen that accelerates, it's oxygen, and oxygen fuels combustion."

Chuck glanced at her: "Nitrogen is used to cool down the engine. It's not a black technology. At least Newton's coffin can be covered now."


The bald and bearded captain felt that communicating with the Detective Chuck brothers and sisters was no better than communicating with Detective Amon, especially the eccentric Hailey. However, for the sake of the case, he could only bite the bullet and cough lightly, and took the initiative to say: "So can you help us solve this case?"

"Do you still need our help for such a simple case?"

Hailey joked, and when the bald and bearded captain was about to say goodbye and hang up the video call with a dark face, he added: "You are all targeting Boss Tang, why don't you arrest him directly? You will never know where his home is. Don’t you know?”

"Of course we know!"

The bald and bearded captain said angrily: "But we can't just arrest people without conclusive evidence."

"What kind of evidence do you need? It's just a frame-up~"

Hailey smiled and said: "Isn't this the most common tactic you use to threaten uncooperative criminals? It seems that the pressure on you to solve the case is not as urgent as you say."

"I'm not that kind of policeman!"

The bald and bearded captain shouted: "Randy, I'm leaving!"

After saying that, he glared at Hailey and was about to leave, but Randy grabbed him and prevented him from leaving.

"Hailey is like this, she likes to joke, everyone is our own person, don't be angry."

Randy grabbed his friend and made a please expression to Hailey.

"Okay, okay, I was just joking, but you took it seriously. You are Randy's friend. Of course we all trust your professional ethics."

Hailey said with a smile.

"Didn't your police directly round up Boss Tang during last night's racing?"

Chuck spoke: "Just arrest him for his illegal racing."


The bald and bearded captain who was about to leave was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became awkward.

He hadn't thought of such a simple question.

Although the illegal racing last night did not catch Bald Boss Tang, the policeman in the police car called Bald Boss Tang's name and told him not to move, and then escaped and successfully resisted arrest.

If you encounter them again and the other party does not obey the police's instructions, you can directly empty the magazine and kill them. There is a reasonable reason.

If you know the other person's address, would it be difficult to go directly to his door, arrest him, and bring him to the police station for questioning?

As long as the other party enters the police station, there will be a breakthrough.

Why is there any need for undercover Brian to spend so much money on a sports car that costs $80,000 and just scrap it?

It’s not like making a movie!

Even the witness evidence is readily available.

Why didn't he think of such a simple question?

Fortunately, he was not the only one who didn't think of it. The Los Angeles Police Major Crime Team and the FBI jointly handled the case, and even with so many police detectives, no one thought of it.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved and his expression was no longer as awkward as at first.

"thanks for reminding."

The bald and bearded captain smiled awkwardly, thanked the other end of the video, and then looked sideways at his friend Randy, who was still holding him in his arms to prevent him from moving. He originally wanted him to intuitively let go of him, but after looking at each other for several times, he couldn't. There was no response. He could only roll his eyes and said: "Randy, I need to go back to arrange things immediately. Can you let me go?"

"oh oh."

Randy is a bit silly and always realizes it later. Then he reacted and let go of his friend. After watching the other person leave, he warmly invited him: "Chuck, I made an appointment with Amon to get together tomorrow. Come and join us."

"It's better to come to my place together."

Chuck agreed.

Detective Amon is also a very charming person and has many similarities with Little Sheldon. It would be great if we could provide him with double yin and yang points like Little Sheldon and Dr. House. .

After hanging up the phone, Hailey complained: "The Los Angeles Major Crime Squad, which is jointly investigating the case with the FBI, is at this level. No wonder those criminals are so unscrupulous!"

Seeing that Chuck didn't speak, she still didn't give up complaining: "Actually, there is an easier way, and that is to check the taxes!

What kind of jobs do Bald Boss Tang and his gang have? What income?

How can everyone afford a modified racing car? That's worth a lot of money! "

"Why didn't you mention it just now?"

Chuck glanced at her.

"Once the tax is audited, the IRS will be involved."

Hailey said with a smile: "If you don't help, then my father will definitely accuse me, and he might come from Texas in advance, and then my good days will come to an end!

But it would be too boring for you to help me.

Detective Chuck dealt with a street gangster, that would give him too much face! "

"As long as you know."

Chuck nodded and shooed her away.

"do not."

Hailey continued to stay by Chuck's side: "How is the case of the most beautiful woman? Do you want me to join in? This serial killer likes girls around 13 years old. I can play it."

"What did I tell you?"

Chuck turned around and looked at her expressionlessly.

"I know that making your own bait is the stupidest thing to do!"

Seeing that her elder brother was serious, Haili quickly admitted her mistake: "Don't worry, I'm just talking. I won't use myself as bait, I promise!"

He said this and even raised his hands to swear, but his expression looked a little regretful.

Of course Chuck knew what she regretted.

As a younger sister, she has an instinctive urge for danger and excitement, and the two girls were strangled to death one after another. This was the case that she was most interested in and wanted to do justice to as a girl.

If it hadn't been for him, the elder brother, who repeatedly told her to train her and improve her abilities and vision, this time when she encountered a case like this, she would have already pretended to be an ignorant girl online and joined chat groups to be a shady suspect, while wearing a red hoodie. She went out at night and personally attracted the perverted big bad wolf to attack her, so that she could launch a righteous counterattack.

She has this natural ability.

Now with Chuck's super enhancement, it's even easier to do it at your fingertips.

But Chuck refused to let her do it.

Of the three siblings in the family, one of them is completely invisible in the darkness, and it's enough to be the anti-hero punisher.

And after all, she is a sister, not a brother.

Even if she had all the advantages, if an accident happened, her end would be worse, and Chuck couldn't accept this possibility.

In contrast, the second brother Frank has experience in this area. If something happens, there will be enough time for him to rush to the rescue.

But confining her behavior in this way will also cause problems.

Therefore, she wanted to change her age and immediately turn 16, buy a sports car and drive a sports car. He agreed, and even helped her directly modify the sports car into a top-notch racing car that could completely defeat Bald Boss Tang.

These are all ways to let her vent her inner pent-up emotions within the limits of his control.


The bald and bearded captain was reminded by Hailey. After leaving, he immediately went to make arrangements. He first secretly recruited his undercover Brian.

"What? Arrest him directly?"

Brian was stunned when he heard this: "But I haven't found any evidence to prove that these cases were done by Toledo. Now that I have successfully penetrated into their interior, I feel that I will soon have clues."

"You're too slow and too expensive."

The bald and bearded captain looked at the undercover man carefully and felt relieved that he had not thought of this. However, he could not help but beat him for his previous behavior of using an $80,000 sports car for $2,000 without reporting it.

"Using an $80,000 sports car as $2,000? Remember, you are not Batman! You have no money-making ability!"

"I thought I was sure to win..."

Brian smiled bitterly.

He really thinks so.

First of all, his driving skills were first-rate, and he had this $80,000 Mitsubishi sports car sponsored by the bureau. Then he modified a complete nitrogen acceleration system into it, including the bald Boss Tang and the speedster who suddenly appeared. Johnny Chen couldn’t help but say that this car is very thoughtful.

With these hardware conditions and his driving skills, he felt that I had the advantage and could win the respect of Bald Boss Tang in one fell swoop, and of course the $6,000 in cash.

Naturally, the money does not need to be handed over, it is a tip that he can freely use.

Only when you lose do you need to consider the series of troubles that will follow.

As long as you win, nothing is a problem.

However, the advantage is that I have a strong sense of destiny.

Not only did he fail to outperform the bald Mr. Tang, but a girl with a Porsche even appeared and knocked him into third place.

Then when I didn't know how to report the loss of the car, the car was directly destroyed.

"I thought my wife had never divorced me and was still living happily together!"

The bald and bearded captain complained: "But fantasy can't change the result that I am alone now."

"Captain, give me a little more time, I promise to complete the mission."

Brian requested.


The bald and bearded captain shook his head: "I can afford to wait, and the FBI can't afford to wait either. Although it is a joint investigation, it is also very important who takes the lead in completing this task. I don't want the Los Angeles Major Crime Team I lead to be like other places. , lower than the FBI!

I remember when I was still in the San Francisco Police Department, there was a case where a group of FBI drove their own tanks filled with high-tech equipment, and they were able to control the entire traffic lights in San Francisco by just moving on their handheld computers. It was very powerful. Seriously, this is the future.

It makes them think the FBI is so awesome, but when it comes to investigating cases, their high-tech set is just like that. We might as well use our brains to solve cases using traditional methods!

In the end, we used their most advanced high-tech handheld computer to throw it as a stone and hit the criminals who were trying to escape. That moment was so exciting, wasn't it? "

When he said this, he was beaming with joy, as if he could show his face in front of the FBI this time, but he found that his subordinate Brian did not praise him wisely, and still had a hesitant look on his face. Suddenly, his heart moved and he narrowed his eyes: "Do you have a problem? You can’t really be fooled by Toledo’s sister, right?”

"What are you talking about! Nothing!"

Brian felt a chill in his heart and quickly shook his head in denial.

"There is no best."

The bald and bearded captain patted Brian on the shoulder and looked at him meaningfully: "You approached this woman to check out her brother, not to really fall in love with her. If you can't grasp this scale, you will be in danger.

This is best for you now.

After capturing him directly, you also pulled away to avoid getting in too deep. "


Brian smiled bitterly.

Can he withdraw at will now?

If it had been before last night, he probably could.

But after being officially introduced to the criminal family by Bald Boss Tang last night, his relationship with Mia has improved by leaps and bounds, and Mia even took the initiative to ask him out on a date.

Now all is lost.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

The bald and bearded captain frowned at the undercover subordinate who obviously had a problem with his attitude.

In fact, this is not surprising.

Many undercover agents become one of the criminals while lying down.

There is really a huge gap between what the police can give and what criminals can give.

There are so many things that criminals can give to undercover agents.

"I still don't recommend arresting him immediately."

Brian's mind was running rapidly, and he immediately thought of a persuasion: "When Toledo and I had a heart-to-heart talk last night, he said that he would rather die than go back to prison.

Now you are arresting him on this charge. What you want is to take him to the police station and solve the robbery case.

If he really would rather die than go back to prison, he would definitely flee or even resist arrest when faced with our arrest. When the time comes, there will be no one and no evidence, and we still won't be able to close the case. "

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