American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 531 Little Howard: I swear! I will never let my descendants bear my pain!

"What case?"

Dr. Reed wondered.

"It's an old case, no rush."

Chuck didn't say it directly.

He was providing them with the opportunity to take a vacation, otherwise he wouldn't have used them at all and he would have taken care of it himself.


Dr. Reed did not continue thinking about this.

He wished he could stay a little longer.

The dining atmosphere here is great.

Over there, Los Angeles undercover Brian is anxiously dating Bald Boss Tang's sister Mia, trying to get useful information in a timely manner.

"So how did this gang come to be?"


Mia actually fell in love with Brian at first sight, so she didn't feel any problem when faced with such a straightforward inquiry from her date. Instead, she smiled and shook her head: "They don't call it a gang, they call it a team."

For Vince, who is the cornerstone of the Big Brother team and a cornerstone member of the team, she has always refused with one sentence: I will not fall in love with someone from the Big Brother team!

As for Brian, the handsome guy who has worked hard to win the respect of his eldest brother and is now successfully introduced into the team, her attitude is: You can take me on a date at the restaurant that Vince wants to take me to the most!

A typical dislike is: the daughter wants to stay with her parents for a few more years and be filial.

What I like is: But it’s up to the parents to make the decision, and the daughter will follow everything!

“So how did this team come together?”

Brian followed Mia's words and continued to ask.

"It's a long story."

Mia smiled.

"I have plenty of time tonight."

Brian smiled with something in mind.

"All right."

Mia was intoxicated by Brian's smile: "Vince and my brother grew up together, but unfortunately he has always been immature, as you said."

"I have to thank him for his immaturity."

Brian couldn't help but said: "It's not a pity! Otherwise, he would be the one sitting across from you tonight, and he chose this restaurant, right?"


Mia recognized Brian's words and smiled even brighter: "They have been friends since childhood. As for Letty, she is our neighbor and was obsessed with cars as early as 10 years old, so my brother was naturally attracted to her. Attention, when she was 16 years old, you knew~"

"She caught your brother's attention!"

Brian understood.

"Yeah, isn't this kind of thing fun?"

Mia is very envious of the relationship between her eldest brother and Letty.

"It's really good, provided they are not three years apart in age."

Brian joked: "Maybe he waited until she was an adult~"

"Romeo and Juliet are nobles, or feuds. They are not Romeo and Juliet!"

Mia burst into laughter: "They are just two ordinary people living at the lower end of society, they don't need to think about that."

The Romeo and Juliet Act stipulates that having an intimate relationship with a person under the age of 17 is not a crime as long as the person is not a registered person, the age difference is not three years, and the other person is not less than 14 years old.

Brian couldn't help but look at Mia affectionately for a while. Compared with Mia's emotional heartstrings touched by talking about the romantic past of big brother and sister-in-law, he was moved by Mia's reminder of Romeo and Juliet's feuding status. Very touched.

The two of them, one is an undercover policeman and the other is the sister of a thief. Their identities are naturally opposite to each other, but they admire and love each other. They can be regarded as Romeo and Juliet.

But the ending of the story of Romeo and Juliet ended with them not being understood and both committing suicide.

He didn't want this kind of bad omen. In order to avoid Mia, who was looking at him affectionately, from being keenly aware of this kind of mood swing, he quickly suppressed it and changed the subject: "How did Jesse join in?"


Mia smiled and said: "Jesse and Leon suddenly appeared one day and never left again. Actually, this has something to do with my brother. He is like a magnet, attracting everyone to him, even you. .”

"No, I am not!"

Brian shook his head: "It's you who attracted me, he's just an extra bonus!"

"It's good. It feels good to be ranked number one occasionally."

Mia smiled, her eyes lit up when she looked at Brian, and she took the initiative to invite Brian again: "Do you want to go for a ride?"


Brian was speechless for a moment.

This is the second time!

Asking for dates and rides, it’s all Mia!

In the United States, a person asking another person if he wants to go for a drive is the same as asking his date downstairs after a date if he wants to go upstairs for coffee. It is not as simple as a drive or coffee.

That's an implicit indication of whether you want to drive or not!

That’s right!

It's stated, not implied!

Everyone knows what this means!

Now it seems that it was not he who had a crush on Mia, but Mia who had a crush on him!

However, he could not have a second answer to this invitation.

So on the road, a sports car started racing crazily, and Mia was driving. After drinking, she drove a little hard, which made Brian look at it for a while.

This technology is definitely a top-notch racing driver.

Mia, who was so hot, so enthusiastic, fell in love with him at first sight, and was so good at driving, made him extremely tormented.

How to choose?

The answer is already obvious!

The racing here was soaring, and Jesse, the mechanic of the bald Boss Tang, also followed his boss's request and drove to Pasadena to his cousin Howard Wolowitz's house.

"Jesse, what have you been doing lately?"

Little Howard's mother warmly welcomed him with a big meal, and of course started nagging him about his current situation.

"Auntie, I work as a mechanic in Los Angeles!"

Jesse replied as he enjoyed his meal.


Little Howard's mother looked at him suspiciously, then looked at her son: "You're not messing with those shameful things like Howard, are you?"


Young Howard was immediately unhappy.

His genius mechanical ideas are all great inventions that can solve human physiological needs in the future. How can they be shameless!

"ok, ok."

Little Howard's mother still saved some face for her son in front of relatives, indicating that she would not talk about it again, and said to Jesse, "As long as you don't imitate Ross and lead my son into trouble."

"Don't worry, I'm definitely not as wretched as Rose!"

Jesse smiled immediately when he heard the mention of Ross, the former family glory and now the family shame.

As Jews, although they seem to be united, like the embodiment of money, omnipotent in the Western world, that is just an appearance.

In fact, there are many internal contradictions. Elites and trash are two completely different things.

The most important thing for the middle class is to follow their own happiness, have fewer children, and are unwilling to have children.

For example, Monica’s family only has two children, a brother and a sister.

Little Howard's family simply has only one.

Of course, the child born after his father abandoned his wife and children and re-established a family does not count, and it seems to be just one, so when I saw Howard as my brother in The Big Bang Theory, I was very excited that I had a brother.

The poor and the rich are struggling to have children.

Needless to say, rich people have so much wealth that they only need to give birth and do not need to work hard to support themselves. They only need to spend money, which can also ensure the stable inheritance of wealth.

The poor have more children to gain the maximum investment return ratio. Without capital, they can only have hope if they have more children. As long as one of their children is successful, they will make a profit.

Young Howard's grandparents, grandparents, and the generation before him all worked hard to give birth to as many children as they could because of their special age mark.

This resulted in Howard Jr.'s family being a very large family.

There are dozens of uncles and aunts on his father's side, plus his mother's side, so you can imagine how many cousins ​​he has.

It's just that because of blood ties and living distances, not all of these relatives can move around.

Just like Monica and Howard Jr., one is in New York and the other is in Pasadena, California. There is a time difference. It is no different from being in a foreign country. If they were not close by blood, they would not move around.

Jesse and Howard Jr.'s bloodline is relatively distant. Although one is in Pasadena and the other is in Los Angeles, they can be considered close to each other, but they rarely move around.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that Jesse's father has no future and is still in jail.

Ross was known as a genius, and he even got a doctorate. His mother regarded him as a family honor. Speaking of Ross, in his mother's eyes, he was too outstanding, so all the girls who knew Ross liked him.

If this is the case in the circle of friends, one can imagine how highly Ross's status has been touted by his mother in the circle of large families. He is simply the light of the family.

Naturally, this caused displeasure among cousins ​​of the same generation, including Howard Jr. and Jesse.

Especially Jesse, who is about the same age as Ross and was once known as a genius, but was unable to attend a prestigious school due to his inability to concentrate and his father's imprisoned family. Jesse was even more upset that Ross was knocked off the altar and became a family shame. The most interesting thing in my life.

Whenever you meet your family peers, you will inevitably talk about this incident over and over again. It is simply the best way to get closer to your peers and relatives.

After dinner, amid the dissatisfied voice of Mrs. Wolowitz, little Howard took Jesse, who was not very prominent among his cousins, to his room, and winked and talked about the gossip he was most concerned about: "I heard that You’ve been doing well in Los Angeles recently, are there any hot girls?”

"Of course!"

Jesse said proudly: "Follow Boss Tang, the hot girls are very big, otherwise you would think I was crazy for not going to MIT!"


Howard Jr. didn't refute that his cousin didn't go to MIT because of his problems. He only focused on the most critical point: "Is it really that hot? How are you progressing? How many bases are there?"

"It's far hotter than you think. I love Los Angeles at night!"

Jesse did not directly talk about the issue of which bases, but directly boasted: "You don't know, last night at the late-night racing in Los Angeles, an African-American driver actually got two ferocious beauties to express their love, and told him that as long as he wins, he will win the night." My old friend can give me a 50% discount."

"Holy shit!"

Little Howard's breathing became rapid and his eyes almost popped out.

He had completely imagined the scene in his mind, and once he experienced it for a moment, he found it unbearable.

"Cool, isn't it?"

It was rare for Jesse to show off in front of his relatives, and he immediately continued to boast with great pride: "You are still a driver! As long as you win, which hot girl doesn't want to sit in your car? And there are more than one!"

The second place has no future, and the mechanic behind the driver has no future. I am also saving my own racing car and modifying it with my father's car. Next month, I will compete with those rookies in the desert speed competition. Not only will I win Money wins honor and also the favor of hot girls. "

"I can help you!"

Little Howard immediately became excited: "I'll help you modify the car together. If you win, how about you introduce it to me?"


Jesse glanced at his short cousin, dumbfounded: "Just think about it, forget it, don't say they are not interested in you, even if they are, you can't pretend to be an adult, and they don't dare!"

"damn it!"

Young Howard looked at his height and complained angrily: "It's all the family's fault for this damn height!"


Jesse's mouth twitched.

He admitted that members of his family were generally not very tall, but Howard Jr. blamed everything on this, as if he could become a millionaire as long as he was tall enough. It was so shameless!

"I will definitely find a supermodel as my wife in the future, one with 1.2-meter-long legs! It's better to have 12 of them in a dozen!"

Young Howard still swore angrily: "Starting from me, my descendants will not have to bear my troubles! I swear!"

"you can."

Jesse couldn't listen anymore and quickly changed the subject: "You said you and Detective Chuck are good friends, but do you know he has a sister?"

"Of course I know, her name is Hailey, very cool..."

After hearing Jesse mention his "cool circle of friends", little Howard finally put aside his troubles and swearing for the time being. Under Jesse's guidance, he began to talk about what he knew and what he didn't know. , that’s what I said with great joy.


Mia took the initiative to take Brian to go racing, and when they returned to their residence, they naturally had some racing, and then his previous hesitation was immediately relieved.

After receiving a call from his boss to inquire, but without any useful information, he finally agreed to help arrest Bald Boss Tang.

But he didn't become hardened afterward.

Well, there are some factors in this regard.

Anyway, there is no conclusive evidence now, so if he is arrested, he will probably be released immediately.

And now that his relationship with Mia has broken through, he is confident that even if he confesses, as long as he coaxes her carefully, their relationship will not be broken immediately.

They fell in love with each other at first sight.


Mia heard the movement and leaned from behind him to ask.

Brian turned back to look at her, Mia looked back sweetly, and he put his arm around her shoulders: "Mia, I want to tell you something, please believe me!"

"Of course I believe you...what's the matter?"

After Mia responded affectionately, she suddenly realized something was wrong. After hearing Brian's confession, she was stunned, and then struggled violently: "Are you an undercover? You bastard!"

"Listen to me, what we feel is true! That's why I confessed this to you, and you don't have to worry, the police don't have any evidence now..."

Brian struggled to hold Mia in his arms.

Mia struggled hard, but because she was naked and had driven too much before, she couldn't struggle at all. She could only cry and yell: "You killed us, Don and Letty are planning to take action tonight! Where is my phone?" Let me go, I want to call them!"

Brian: "..."

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