American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 549 Do you call this an accountant assassin?

The three brothers and sisters got out of the car.

The trunk opened automatically.

When Hailey saw it, her eyes instantly lit up.

All kinds of firearms are neatly arranged, and those who look at them are very happy and their hands are itching.

Hailey reached out to touch the big gun, but Chuck reached out and swatted it away.


Hailey snorted dissatisfied.

"Just don't grab Chuck's go-to gun."

Frank handed a small, exquisite pistol to Hailey: "Come on! This is for you!"


Haley gushed: "I can pick up a big gun!"

Chuck ignored her and became familiar with the gun.

The Texas gun he carried with him was left at the Hilltop Manor Villa in Orange County because he went abroad, so the firepower for this operation was the arms reserve of his second brother Frank.

That’s right!

Chuck didn't use the wrong word.

It’s the arms reserve!

Since the second brother Frank has Chuck's support, he no longer has to worry about insufficient firepower, but he still likes to hoard arms and is always ready to carry guns and ammunition on his body and sweep through a dark nest alone.

Chuck was responsible for providing these arms and storage locations, and formulating scientific reserve plans. He established secret arsenals across the United States, enough to radiate to several surrounding states.

Once Frank arrives on a mission and needs arms support, he can pick it up at the nearest place without having to carry a gun with him, which is convenient and safe.

The U.S.-Mexico border is the key area for Frank's attack. In major cities along the long border, such as San Diego, California, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, there are arsenals established by Frank under the guidance of Chuck.

This is Tijuana, so the arms are naturally driven directly from San Diego, California next door.

"Hailey, follow me."

After Chuck became familiar with the new gun, he began to give instructions: "Frank, you surround the entire manor outside the manor and clean up the fish that slipped through the net."


Frank was originally a little dissatisfied that he was not allowed to act together, but when he heard that he was asked to surround the entire manor alone, he immediately grinned.

This is so arrogant!

He likes to hear it!

Chuck pointed to his ears, and both Haley and Frank took out the special earphones and put them on. Haley followed Chuck and disappeared into the darkness.

Frank watched them leave, got in the car and started driving around the manor. Every time he walked, he took out a spherical device and inserted it into a high place. After driving around in a circle, he stopped the car and took out an electronic device. Equipment, the entire manor is covered.

These spherical devices are portable infrared sensors that can automatically scan the infrared signals in the area. Even if someone comes out, no matter how well hidden it is or how dark the night is, they will be sensed and alert.

He has also been fighting drug lords for a long time, so he naturally knows where the drug lords live.

For this kind of big drug lord family that lives together, there are specially dug tunnels in the manor leading to the outside. If danger occurs, they can escape through the tunnels.

But what Frank is looking forward to most now is not that someone will show up and be beaten to a mole by him, but that he will wait until Chuck and Haley come out. He wants to see if the infrared sensor can detect his big brother Chuck.

no way!

He was too curious about his eldest brother Chuck's elusive invisibility skills, and he still couldn't figure out how Chuck could always suddenly appear in the shadows, even in a secret room, even if he concentrated on it, he couldn't see it at all.

It was quiet outside the manor.

The manor is quite lively, and drug lords are like ancient rebels. They drag relatives and villagers to follow them.

There was also a reason for the ancient rebellion and the execution of the Nine Tribes.

The real ones you can rely on are your relatives and fellow villagers.

Therefore, it is the same within the drug lord gang organization. Relatives are the first group, relatives of the emperor and the country, and then the folks who know the basics are the second group, and then the latecomers who have made meritorious deeds.

They are all from the same village, and they all make a lot of money, so they don’t need anything. Once they get together, they can naturally have as much fun as they want.

In a room.

Mrs. Bin's killer fan stayed inside, taking care of his guns, and frowned when he heard the noisy noise outside.

As a professional killer, he doesn't like this noisy atmosphere.

But he is just a tool of this group and is not qualified to express himself. He can only endure it all silently.

If he hadn't come here today to wait for news and reports about the hotel explosion, he would not have been willing to come here.

"Why is there no news yet?"

After the professional killer maintained his sniper rifle, he picked up the remote control and looked at the local TV news, but there was no news about the hotel explosion, which made him very uneasy.


The professional killer looked at the sniper rifle and thought of the hotel where Chuck entered with his idol Mrs. Bing. Something suddenly occurred to him, and even though he was so calm, he couldn't help but curse.

The worst result is that his carefully arranged serial killing plans were discovered by Chuck one by one.

This is not impossible.

After all, that is the famous Detective Chuck. It is said that this is not the first time someone has tried to assassinate him, and so far they have not succeeded.

Although he is confident in his craftsmanship, he will never be so conceited that he is invincible.

But there is another possibility.

That is, Chuck entered the hotel with his idol Mrs. Bing. He did not enter his suite, but stayed in Mrs. Bing's room. He has not gone back yet.

This guess is more likely.

Because if it were him, he wouldn't go back.

It also means that his mission has not failed, but the feeling it brings to him is different from the failure of the mission.

The familiar and enchanting figure of his idol Mrs. Bin, whom he had seen at close range through the sniper rifle scope, came to his mind. His throat moved, and he picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip, trying to suppress the hot feeling in his heart.


Not long after he drank it, he noticed something was wrong, stood up suddenly, covered his throat, staggered a few steps, and fell heavily to the ground.

"This is what you meant by giving it away."

When his face was pressed to the ground and his vision began to blur, he heard the laughter of a girl in his ears, and in his field of vision, a flash of red came from the darkness.

"To be more precise, it should be returned to him, right?"

"Water is my water."

A calm voice sounded. The professional killer, who was quickly dying due to the poisonous water inlet, tried his best to look in the direction of the voice, but could see nothing but darkness.

"Aren't you going to keep him? Maybe he knows something."

The red figure spoke again.

"No need, he doesn't know anything."

The calm male voice sounded again.

The hit man opened his mouth, trying to say he knew, but nothing came out.

At this moment, of course he recognized that the person coming was the detective Chuck, the target of his assassination, and Chuck's sister Hailey.

The water he drank seemed to be the water that he personally injected with a syringe into the bottled water that Detective Chuck himself brought.

Those are poisonous things that are designed to kill with one strike. Not only does it attack quickly, it will kill you within a minute, but there is no antidote.

He really couldn't figure out how the detective Chuck did all this. Not only did he not drink the water, but he also tracked it here with the water. When he was completely unaware, he quietly released the poisoned water. Into his glass of water.

This meow is so outrageous!

It turns out that this is Detective Chuck!

The last thought flashed through his mind, and the light in the professional killer's eyes completely dimmed.

"What's next?"

The girl in red was naturally Hailey. She looked at the dead professional killers lying on the ground and said boredly: "Are we going to poison them all later?"

"Any questions?"

Chuck came out of the darkness and said expressionlessly: "They poisoned countless families and died of poisoning. Isn't it unreasonable?"

"Tit for retaliation is reasonable."

Hailey nodded, then shook her head: "But this is so boring."

"What do you want?"

Chuck looked at her.

"Let me tell you."

Hailey rolled her eyes: "First poison some people, and after clearing part of the area, we will go in side by side and kill them all, what do you think?"

"No need to bother."

Chuck shook his head, pulled out his big gun, and said calmly: "Follow me! I'll show you what a real accountant assassin looks like!"


Hailey was stunned for a moment, seeing that her elder brother was going to kill him and teach her what an accountant assassin was. After being shocked, she immediately drew her gun and followed him.

She knew that drug dealers gathered here and there were many armed gangsters.

Even she, who was looking for excitement, planned to kill some of them quietly, only then did she feel that the brother and sister were sure to get some excitement.

But now the eldest brother Chuck clearly has no such plan.

Just when she caught up with him, she saw her eldest brother's wild side. She walked straight towards the party hall, and all the drug dealers she met along the way were shot in the head by her eldest brother.

Because it was equipped with a silencer, the gunshots were just pops and did not disturb the noisy party.

But the closer they got inside, the more people came and went. Finally someone discovered the problem and shouted before being shot in the head by Chuck.

They are all criminals who lick blood from their swords. They are all very alert. Some find cover in an instant, and some draw their guns.

Chuck ignored his sister who warned her, and just walked straight in. He shot whoever came forward and killed each and every one of the angry drug dealers as if they had a basin of cold water poured on their heads. He didn't know how many people there were at that time. Attacked in.

Those who understand the strategy of retreat can quietly venture out.

Only a few family members whose brains are full of killing dare to fight back with guns.

Hailey originally followed behind and wanted to replenish her gun, or at least help her elder brother Chuck draw some firepower to share the pressure, but she found that under this violent fighting style, she, Xiao Liu, who followed behind and tried to replenish his gun, was all killed. Suppressed by the fire, he subconsciously ducked down to avoid it.

But her eldest brother was so big, but he walked around calmly in the hail of bullets, drew his gun and fired, all of which were headshots. There was no need to shoot again.

It’s almost like making a movie.

"I know the accountant, but this weird assassin?!!! Do you have any misunderstandings about assassins?"

Hailey screamed in her heart.

But even though she was yelling and complaining in her heart, at this moment, she had to admit that in her eyes, her eldest brother Chuck was so handsome!

After all, she was the one kissing the eldest brother. Her excitement-seeking actions pale in comparison to those of her eldest brother.

After the accountant assassin killed the entire drug dealer party, the sound of gunfire gradually disappeared, and she followed him again, only to see her elder brother put the muzzle of his gun on the back of the head of a bald man hiding behind the table, and asked calmly: "You Are you a good person?"


The bald man whose head was pressed trembled and replied: "No, I am not, but I have 7 children. I am a good father and I have done a good job."

"A good father will not bring disaster to his son."

Chuck raised his gun and said expressionlessly: "So tell me, if you don't do a good job as a white powder, why do you want to take the assassination job?"

"It's not that I want to do it, it's that I have to do it."

The bald man was the drug lord who was the leader of this drug cartel. He didn't dare to turn around and look over. He fully understood why such a murderer came to his door, and he felt endless regret.


Chuck asked briefly and to the point.

"Alario the Greek!"

The bald drug lord shouted: "He gave me the order directly!"


Hailey couldn't help but ask: "Why does he, a big drug lord, want you to kill a foreigner?"

"I have no idea."

The bald drug lord said loudly: "He orders and I execute. I really don't know anything."


No one is talking anymore.

After all, it’s just dad, not grandpa! No one can save him!

Hailey looked at the bald man lying on the ground and felt something strange in her heart. She strangely thought of her father.

She shook her head and complained secretly: "It's all the fault of the bald head, otherwise why would I be reminded of my father by this deadly drug lord."

"That Greek Ellario?"

Haley looked at Chuck.

"Ignore him for now."

Chuck stepped outside.

Hailey quickly followed.

Frank, who was outside the manor, also got out of the car after the noise and gunfire started. He put on night vision goggles on his head and put his sniper rifle in position, aiming at the drug dealers who might escape his siege at any time.

Sure enough, someone soon opened the cover and poked his head out of the lawn outside the manor, and he shot him in the head.

The others who escaped over the wall were automatically locked after being scanned, and he chased them with his car and killed them.

When he saw the manor explode and a red figure step out of the fire, he took aim with a sniper rifle, then looked at the scanning results of the infrared sensor again and shouted: "This is impossible!"

"Just you? Where's Chuck?"

When the red figure approached, he shouted impatiently.

"You're asking this, isn't he right behind you?"

After enjoying the explosive treatment, Hailey looked at her crazy second brother Frank with a smile.

Frank looked back and saw his eldest brother standing there quietly, as if he had always been there.

"This is unscientific! I have been staring at the infrared sensor monitor. Not to mention a person as big as you, I can see even a mouse there."

Frank looked at Chuck in disbelief: "How did you do that?"

Chuck didn't answer, but just gave him a self-aware look. The three brothers and sisters quietly enjoyed the drug den that was completely destroyed in the fire for a while.

Because it was a drug den, it was specially built in a deserted place. Even if there was a gunfight and explosion at this moment, after the signal was completely blocked by Anna, no one would know what happened here.

They had plenty of time to evacuate.

No rush at all.

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