American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 551 Detective Chuck: I just want to beat you to death, or be beaten to death by you!

Chuck had no explanation.

Because this is indeed true.

Professor Alicia Harper and the others are pretty good. The six experimental subjects he found before were all mature women in their thirties like Alex.

In addition to taking the initiative to live a good life without being clingy to others, and the selection of scientific experiments is very scientific, of course it is also related to a little bit of psychology left over from the predecessor.

It's just that this residual psychological impact, like the physical defects left by the predecessor, is continuing to weaken as the water of life continues to nourish it.

"Brother, there's no reaction at all."

Haley quietly pointed to the news TV in the lobby.

"What reaction do you want?"

Chuck deadpanned.

"At least there should be reports. It's such a big news."

Hailey complained: "Dark! It's too dark! It's darker than I imagined!"

"Tijuana is a tourist city, no matter how big things happen around it, it doesn't matter."

Chuck said bluntly: "You don't know the concept of information control at all?"

"Well, my bad."

Hailey shrugged and said, "I thought there would be some news, even just a little bit, but who knew there would be no news at all. If you weren't here, I would have thought I was dreaming last night."

"Don't worry about it."

Chuck reminded: "Have fun for a few days, and then go back. Mom has already called. They are already preparing to leave Texas for Orange County."

"I know, I know, it's such a bummer."

Hailey said sadly: "I won't bother you to make up for the missing maternal love when you were a child. Marissa and I went to play."

The words were not whispered too low and were heard by Marissa, Shama and Mrs. Bing.

Mrs. Bing looked astonished, and her eyes became brighter when she looked at Chuck.

The next few days.

Because Mrs. Bin recognized her own strength and did not drink too much, she allowed Chuck to see her famous scene of enjoying Kung Pao chicken.

When the time comes.

Chuck refused Mrs. Bing's suggestion to accompany them to Orange County, and drove Haley and the others out of Tijuana and back to Orange County.

Hailey's parents had already arrived. They expressed concern about their daughter's recent behavior of pestering their son and restrained Haili.

There was only one day left until the night of the full moon on the 15th of the month. In the Orange County medical room, Chuck opened a code locker that was delivered by mail. After packing it up, he quietly left the Orange County Hilltop Manor Villa.

Los Angeles International Airport.

Check-in window.

Chuck smiled and handed the shield in his hand to the staff. The female staff member was infected by Chuck's smile and smiled back. She held the passport in front of Chuck's face and quickly handed it over. Handed over to Chuck again: "Mr. Li, have a nice trip!"


Chuck, who went by the pseudonym Mr. Li, nodded his thanks and turned to leave.

Wait until you get on the plane and fly directly to Guadalajara, the capital of the Mexican state of Jalisco and the second largest city in Mexico.

On the plane, Chuck looked at the white clouds outside the window, and he saw a completely different face. He was no longer handsome and tough, but ordinary, and his expression was no longer expressionless, but when someone observed, The automatic smile is charming.

That’s right!

This is his disguise.

The most difficult thing is not the subversive change in appearance, which can be easily accomplished with technology.

Knowing that the CIA, FBI and other organizations had similar technologies, he had already asked his companies to secretly develop them. A human skin mask could easily transform into another person.

There are many copies of passports prepared all over the world, and Anna handles them. They are all authentic and reliable and can be flown to any place around the world at any time.

At the beginning, he had prepared contingency plans at all times. If he was offended and could not be offended, he would be forced to go to jail. He was ready to express his feelings and fly overseas at any time.

Like arsenals across the country, these are just a small part of the emergency response plan.

The rare thing is that he needs to change many of his distinctive characteristics and habits.

For example, mysophobia, proportion obsessive-compulsive disorder, facial paralysis, and apathy are all details that are more difficult to change than the pace and gait that intelligent AI can easily lock.

Fortunately, Chuck is no longer the same person as when he first time travelled. Today, he just doesn't like to laugh, not that he can't laugh because he wants to.

As long as he wants to, he can disguise himself as anyone he wants to disguise himself in a short period of time. Whether it is appearance, steps, movements and other habits, they are all impeccable.

And his current identity is that of an international businessman, traveling to Guadalajara to discuss business.

Fortunately, Angsa is a global mischief-maker, and there is no problem with his identity at all. There is no need to deliberately dress up as another race. In addition to the human skin mask, the skin must be used for a wider range of disguise, which saves a lot of trouble.

The plane arrived in Guadalajara, and after leaving the airport, he immediately felt that he was being followed.

This didn't surprise him.

This is Alario's base camp. After receiving the notice from Chuck, he was still confident that he would strike first. However, the next day, he sent people to the site and saw a ruins. From the ruins, it seemed that After seeing the violent aesthetics that happened that night, Alario suddenly sobered up.

Detective Chuck's warning of threats is probably not a joke.

His strength is indeed higher than that of his subordinates, but if he does not gather his troops to defend the lair, the number of people gathered in the manor at ordinary times will not be as many as the subordinates who have just been killed by the group.

Therefore, he could only summon his men to come over to protect the king, and at the same time spread all his eyes to monitor the outsiders' every move.

This is his base camp, and he has the strength to keep track of everyone.

Therefore, even though Chuck is not his true self at all now, he was still targeted as soon as he got off the plane.

As the time gets closer to half a month, the moon becomes rounder and rounder, and Alario becomes more and more anxious, which makes those rebellious men inexplicable and at the same time feel contempt.

The manor was heavily fortified inside and outside. Even if the FBI and the military came knocking on the door, they would still have the confidence to resist.

They couldn't understand why the boss was so anxious.

Especially the Salamanca family, which had always been at odds with Alario, could hardly hide the disdain in their eyes.

Alario naturally saw the look in the eyes of Hector, who now represented the Salamanca family. Normally, he would definitely attack these dead remnants directly.

Salamanca was indeed very powerful back then, but it has long since withered into disarray, and the history of his rise to power is the history of the decline of the Salamanca family.

The other party hated him, but had to bow to him and help him.

If it were not to ensure the unity of the Qatari drug cartel, which is a loose alliance like theirs, he would not even give the other party a chance to reserve the last bit of territory to help him do things.

But now that the enemy is facing him, he cannot engage in internal strife at this time.

Since Salamanca is still thinking only about killing and killing and is unaware of the danger, he will let their people rush to the front later. If they kill the people who come, then he will be cruel to them.

If the person who came was not killed, but was killed by the other party, then his trouble would be saved.

This evening.

The bright moon hangs high.

It wasn't actually the best night to kill someone in a dark and windy night, but Chuck still came.

He raised his decorative glasses and came empty-handed without bringing anything.

After all, this business trip was temporary in nature, and I had never thought of dealing with these people in the past, so there were no pre-arrangements for guns and ammunition.

For the safety of Frank, the second oldest child, Chuck did not assign him to deliver it.

The most important thing is that he does not need to prepare specially.

This is the home of a top drug lord, and he received the news in advance and had enough time to set up defenses. He would not be surprised if any weapons appeared tonight.

And since they had sufficient weapons and equipment, there was no need for him to bring his own gun.

For ordinary Americans: My neighbor is stocking up on food and I am stocking up on guns, and my neighbor is my granary.

And for him: The drug lord is stocking up on guns and I am empty-handed, but the drug lord is my gunman.

If you need anything, just bring it over.

With this mentality, he appeared quietly outside Alario's manor. There were teams of armed and ammunition patrolling the outside. On the high buildings, searchlights illuminated the surrounding area as if it were daytime.

Chuck had sharp eyes and easily saw a sniper on the high ground.

This can still be seen, the gunmen inside the manor are denser.

He is worthy of being a top drug lord.

This movement is really... perfect for establishing power and intimidation.

Thinking of this, he quietly appeared behind the patrol team and killed them all with his sword one by one before they could react at all.

Chuck then slowly began to pick up the equipment that fell on the ground. He looked at the small, shapeless and powerless pistol with disgust, picked up a well-maintained AK, and walked towards it. The door, knocked politely.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

After the standard knocking procedure, Chuck smiled straight at the camera at the door.

But this smile sent chills down the backs of Ellario and the others who were watching the movement inside. They couldn't understand what Chuck was doing at all.

They had professionals who went to the drug lord's manor that was destroyed by Chuck afterwards. They speculated that Chuck had sneaked into the manor and then started killing.

Although the level of violence is not very similar to that of an assassin, he is somewhat related to an assassin.

But what now?

Not only was it announced in advance and given enough time to prepare, but now he could have sneaked in quietly, but instead he ran to the door and knocked on the door, clearly informing them of his arrival!

How arrogant this is!

"Open the door and let him in!"

The irritable Hector Salamanca was the first one who couldn't stand others being so arrogant, so he yelled and ordered.

He doesn't allow anyone to be so awesome!


Alario said sternly: "Don't open the door yet, let the people patrolling the outside surround them first, and kill them without mercy! The snipers are ready to shoot and kill them as soon as they get the chance. The machine gunners aim at the door and empty their magazines at any time."


Everyone agreed and made arrangements immediately.

The manor is so big, there is naturally not only one patrol team outside, and they quickly received the news and came fully armed.

Then Chuck made a dumpling, and the whole group was easily wiped out by himself.

When the people in the manor heard the intensive gunfire outside, their expressions relaxed at first. This clearly meant that they had the advantage in firepower.

But soon the gunfire stopped, but no one reported the situation, and they felt something was wrong.

Then I saw Chuck's figure appear again in the camera lens at the door.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

It was still the familiar knock on the door, but this time, it seemed to hit everyone's heart, making people suffocate.

This is so exciting!

It's a pity that it's not a good stimulation!

"Let him in. He is alone. We gather machine gunners, snipers, and everyone to shoot together. Unless Satan comes to the world, he will definitely die!"

After all, the Salamanca family is the most bloody. Even though they feel the powerful strength behind Chuck's arrogance, they are still brave enough to let Chuck in directly.

"Who is this?"

But not everyone has that kind of bloody courage. Some people couldn't help but look at the camera with a slight complaint, with a tone of "Whose general is this?"

"Everyone aims, fire coverage, open the door!"

Alario's eyes changed for a long time, and he finally made up his mind.

The order was quickly passed on.

The door slowly opened, and under everyone's nervous gaze, a man stepped in, and then everyone fired in response.

This movement is comparable to a grand fireworks show.

Dozens of gunmen's AKs, heavy machine guns on the top of two armored vehicles, and snipers on the top of the building in four directions are all concentrated here. It's really Rambo coming, and they will be beaten to a sieve.

The first unlucky ones were the two machine gunners on the armored vehicle and the four snipers on the roof.

no way!

Who knows that they are the elites trained by drug lords with great difficulty!

When Chuck comes this time, he will fight the elite!

An AK, a common gun in the world, can shoot in the hands of an African-American without even touching the human body. But in the hands of Chuck, it is a sniper rifle, and one bullet can kill a person.

The sniper was aiming with a sniper scope on the rooftop. Before the sniper could lock onto Chuck, a bullet penetrated the scope and pierced his eye.

After these six elites were killed, the rhythm of the fireworks show was messed up. Chuck no longer needed to be too careful to avoid. He avoided the middle area of ​​​​the fan-shaped area, appeared directly from the corner of the fan-shaped arc, and killed directly.

Before the hole was even halfway through, those who were still alive fled as one person yelled "Satan" crazily, and everyone began to flee in all directions.

Chuck continued to kill, and all the unlucky ones within his field of vision were killed. Those who were lucky enough to dodge quickly ran away.

This kind of legendary scene must be spread by someone.

Then after there was absolutely no movement outside, he calmly walked to the door of the manor and knocked on the door of the real manor.

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

"Wait a minute, this has nothing to do with us! We were all fooled!"

This time no one opened the door, and Alario's urgent voice sounded from the intercom at the door: "Someone wants us to kill each other! It's..."

"I know!"

Chuck interrupted directly without letting him say it, and corrected: "But without us!"

"What do you want?"

Alario was silent for a moment and asked in frustration.

He had figured this out a long time ago, but he didn't care before because he didn't think Detective Chuck could pose any threat to him.

But one wrong step after another, before he could think of a better way to get out of this trouble, he was already in a life-and-death crisis.

At this moment, he hated Detective Chuck, but he hated the mastermind behind him even more.

"It's very simple."

Chuck smiled and said: "I just want to beat you to death, or be beaten to death by you!"

The big guys inside: "..."

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