American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 553 Better Call Saul: Damn Chuck! I am Captain America! ! !

Just as he guessed.

All his actions were seen and heard by Chuck.

They can use background permissions to monitor everything. Chuck has Anna, so naturally he can monitor everything in the opposite direction.

Just as he wished, after he made this call, the pressure was put on the person in charge of the Treadstone Project who was used to being overbearing and in great need of talents like Detective Chuck.

But that doesn't mean he's fine.

That’s right!

Out of respect for the mythical beast, Chuck doesn't care who is behind the scenes, leaving the mastermind in a Schrödinger's cat state.

But it doesn't mean that he, the tool man responsible for the operation, can land safely without paying any price.

There is no such good thing in this world.

But Chuck didn't intend to do anything to him.

Otherwise, it would not be a reminder in such a gentle way.

As a powerful and privileged department commander, once he clears his position, he will be more useful to Chuck alive than dead.

After all, they are all tool people, others can use it, so why can't he use it if he is a powerful detective?

Chuck, who was far away in Guadalajara, raised his decorative glasses. After the drug dealers were exhausted from moving the money and finally loaded all the cash into the big truck, he shot them all off one by one.

Chuck showed no mercy in killing these drug lords who had poisoned countless families.

Then he got into the driver's seat and drove away from the lair of the second drug lord he had killed.

US-Mexico border.

Two figures stood in the desert in the scorching sun, an old man and a middle-aged white man. Both of them were weak, their heads were wrapped in turbans, and their faces and bodies were covered with sunburns.

This is a sign of dehydration after being exposed to the scorching sun for a long time.

Finally, the middle-aged white man went to the ground and shouted in despair: "That's enough, I've had enough! I've had enough!!!"

"Keep your voice down!"

Even though there was no one around, the old man still came over to remind me.

"What's wrong? What difference does it make if I speak louder or softer?"

The middle-aged white man lying on his back shouted in despair: "No matter what, we will die in this damn desert. It is better to die early and be born early!"

"stand up!"

The old man looked down at him.


The middle-aged white man lying on his back held several 100-denomination American knives in his hands, but still refused again with the same reason: "I've had enough! My whole body hurts! God! I'm so thirsty!"

"You need something to drink."

The old man still persuaded calmly.

"has no meaning?"

The middle-aged white man lying on his back shouted: "Can they find a mummy with a mouth full of urine?"

There was a water bottle hanging on his waist, which contained a frothy yellow liquid, and there was not much left.

"That's not going to happen."

Although the old man was equally tired and hungry, he still continued to persuade: "Get up quickly!"

The middle-aged white man who was lying on his back struggled hard, but still did not get up. He continued to lie on the ground and asked incomprehensibly: "Oh God! I can't do it! How on earth do you still have the strength to walk?"

"Because I know why I'm here!"

The old man said: "I know why I did this! And I can't bring these two bags of money back on my own, so get up and hurry up! I have a family! My family is still waiting for me!"

They don't know what I do, and they will never know that they are safe, but all I do is to make their lives better. I have put my life and death aside!

As long as they live well, I can do whatever they want! So when I do die, I know that I have done my best for their happiness! But before that, I will keep trying to live for them! "

At this time, a car drove over from an endless distance. The reflection of the car pierced the old man's eyes, making him immediately alert. He told the middle-aged white man to continue lying down and don't move, while he walked hard to the back of the stone and took out the bag from his backpack. He took out his binoculars and started looking over.

"Get your stuff ready!"

The middle-aged white man who was lying on his back heard a car approaching. Even though he knew it was a car that was chasing them, he still stood up with great effort. He took out the warm tinfoil from his bag and put it on his body to make himself more shiny and brighter. The reflection can attract the attention of others, and then carrying two large satchels, he walked resolutely towards the highway.

He would rather die under the gun than continue to battle with nature.

Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain!

Moreover, compared to the irresistible nature, it is not lifeless when faced with people who are chasing after them.

He believes in the old man's strength!

The old man was hiding behind a big rock to catch his breath and was not ready to move yet, but when he saw the middle-aged man like this, he quickly started to take out the dick from his backpack.

A ball of cloth is placed on the stone.

He took out a sniper rifle and placed it on the cloth, opened the cover of the front sight of the sniper rifle, and began to prepare for sniping.

The middle-aged white man walked towards the direction of the car and said through gritted teeth: "Come on! Bastard! Don't you want these 7 million? Come on! I'm walking here like an idiot! Come here!" Have a taste of my power!"

When he walked to the road, he stood in the middle of the road, faced the approaching car, spread his hands and shouted: "Son of a bitch! Look at me!"

However, when the car got closer and closer, but no gunshot was heard, the courage he had just gathered quickly dissipated, and he couldn't help but look sideways at the old man hiding his aim behind the big rock, and a terrible thought arose in his heart: "No! Don't faint at this time!"

He admitted that the old man was very powerful, but they had been tossing in the desert for so long, and no one knew when they would collapse, fall down, and never stand up again.

And the reason why he dared to stand on the highway and take advantage of this situation was because the old man was his last hope.

Once the old man suddenly collapsed, he would definitely die with a travel bag on his shoulders.

You know, these two travel bags contain a combined cash of 7 million US dollars.

It was precisely because of this money that he was intercepted and chased. He was destined to die, but because the old man followed him all the time, a sniper rifle killed most of the robbers, and he escaped with his life.

But because of the gunfight, all the cars were damaged.

There happened to be another robber who escaped.

On a road like the US-Mexico border, it is impossible to run without a car and feet. Once the other side reorganizes its manpower to pursue and kill, no one can escape.

So the old man took him away from the road and into the desert, hoping to avoid the pursuit of these robbers, but he also made them unprepared and tortured in the desert.

Especially these two travel bags for cash!

Whenever he sees such a large amount of money, his eyes will light up, but when he and the money are thrown into the desert and cannot be discarded and must be carried with him, this money is the greatest torture!

There are all 100 denominations of American knives, one piece is 1.05 grams, 7 million, that is 70,000 pieces, which is 73,500 grams, 73.5 kilograms!

147 pounds!

Full weight of an adult!

He carried an adult on his back and walked in the hot desert for almost a day and a night!

What is this concept?

He is not a lawyer who relies on his words, he is simply Captain America!

Every step he takes, the money is his biggest burden.

He regretted extremely why he took this job in the first place!

Originally, he was a good lawyer, so why did he have to get involved with a drug lord? Even if he was forced to get involved, it was a brain-sucking thing. He had to come and do something like this in person for money.

Going to the desert on the US-Mexico border, meeting with a drug lord, and helping the drug lord get $7 million in bail. How greedy would you have to do such a stupid thing!

As a result, first he almost died in the robbery of the robbers, and then he was tortured for a whole day and night. Now he still cannot avoid death. Why?

One hundred thousand dollars in errand fees?

Or is it the so-called friendship of the Qatar Group?

Is it really worth fighting for this?

He has been missing for a day and a night. How worried would his beloved wife be if she knew what he was doing?

"Damn Chuck!!!"

As the car got closer and closer, he thought about his life and this absurd life, and he roared from the bottom of his heart.

He doesn’t blame anyone!

He only resents his big brother Chuck!

If it weren't for winning the approval of his elder brother Chuck, he wouldn't be so competitive. It was obviously the first big case he personally discovered after becoming a lawyer. He didn't have to do anything. He just had to wait patiently for a few years and it was enough to get millions in vain. commission.

But he had to prove himself to his elder brother Chuck, and he took the wrong path again and again, and finally ended up in this mess for a mere $100,000 in black money.

He is a lawyer!

Not to mention the millions in commissions, just by fighting lawsuits and accumulating small amounts, US$100,000 is not really a huge amount of money!

Totally not worth the effort!

So it's all his big brother Chuck's fault!

It was his older brother Chuck who let him down time and time again, forcing him to get to where he is today!

Big brother Chuck is dead!

But the nightmare I brought to myself is still not over!

Now it's his turn!

When he opened his hands and closed his eyes to wait for death, the car stopped in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the truck driver looking at him expressionlessly.

"you are not?"

After all, it was a lawyer who reacted very quickly. He immediately guessed that he had made a mistake. This was not the gangsters chasing them at all, but a passing truck. This made him so happy that he cried with joy.

But because he was severely dehydrated, he was just howling dryly.

"Help! We're lost in the desert and need help!"

The middle-aged white man approached the truck cab and shouted, "My name is Saul Goodman! I have a companion over there, help us!"

With his hand pointing, the driver looked at the rocks in the distance and saw an old man carrying large and small bags, walking out and waved hard towards this side, and then walked this way step by step.

The driver picked up a bottle of water and threw it out.

"thanks, thanks!"

When Saul Goodman saw the water, his eyes turned green. He reached out to catch it, but failed to catch it. The bottled water fell to the ground. He directly put down the travel bag on his shoulder and crawled on the ground to pick it up. When he got it, When he unscrewed the cap of bottled water and poured the clean water into his mouth, the long-lost smell that was completely different from the smell of urine gave him a mixed taste.

"Don't worry, we are not bad people! I am a lawyer. Maybe you have heard my advertisements, 'Call Saul if you need anything' and 'Better Call Saul Saul is at your service'?"

After drinking the bottled water in one go, Saul Goodman finally recovered a little. When he saw that the truck driver was still sitting in the car and not talking, but just looking at him quietly, he suddenly thought he understood something and quickly tried to pull him away. closer to each other and reassure truck drivers.

After all, in the wilderness, no one knows whether they are meeting good people or bad people.

Especially on the US-Mexico border, the probability of bad guys is greater.

It is very necessary to maintain a sense of distance and vigilance.

But no matter what he said, the truck driver ignored him, but what reassured him was that the truck driver had no intention of starting the truck and leaving.

Just waiting until the old man came over, the truck driver made another move and threw another bottle of water over, but the old man caught him.


The old man politely raised the bottle of water to thank the truck driver, then unscrewed the bottle cap and drank slowly.

"We met kind-hearted people! This must be a blessing from God!"

Saul Goodman took advantage of this time to bring two travel bags over and placed them where the truck driver could not see them. He began to resume his Better Call Saul manner and began to praise the truck driver as a good person. He asked the truck driver to give them a ride.

But the truck driver still ignored him.

This made Saul Goodman feel guilty. He secretly looked at the truck driver and winked at the old man.

If the truck driver hadn't been a white man, he would have thought the truck driver was in league with his drug lord client.

Because one day ago, he followed the drug lord's client's reminder and drove over to wait for the drug lord's client's two cousins ​​to get the money. As a result, they actually met. No matter what he said, the two Mexican brothers who looked exactly the same did not say a word. He just threw the travel bag containing 7 million US dollars in front of him and left.

Really didn’t say a word!

This is 7 million US dollars!

At that moment, he felt the strength and character behind the drug lord's client!

The current truck driver gave him this similar feeling.

After drinking the water, the old man looked at the truck driver and asked succinctly: "Can you give us a ride?"

"Take the carriage!"

The truck driver was more succinct and threw over a key.

After thanking him, the old man called to Saul Goodman, walked to the trunk, and opened the door with the key.

Saul Goodman hurriedly followed up with a travel bag filled with 7 million US dollars. He leaned close to the old man and reminded in a low voice: "This driver feels something is wrong. Will he focus on this?"

As he spoke, he motioned to the two travel bags with his eyes.

One moment, he wanted to throw away the two travel bags that tortured him to death, but the next moment he seemed to be able to escape the power of nature, the travel bags that represented wealth became the thing he cared about most, and he was deeply afraid. Being remembered.

However, the old man didn't answer him. After opening the door with the key, they were stunned by what was inside the truck compartment.

Boxes of cash were neatly but casually placed there.

Although it was not in the same 100 denomination as the US knife in his travel bag, but in 20 US dollar denominations, if this truck had all of them, it would be unimaginable how much money there was!

who I am?

where am I?

What did I see?

At this moment, Saul Goodman was in a trance and his expression became painful.

Because this scene is so unreal.

It must be an illusion!

So the real reality should be that they are still in the desert, too hot to move, trapped in a dying hallucination.

Otherwise it is really impossible to explain all this!

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