American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 554 The coquettish lawyer who broke the defense

"No! No! No!!!"

Saul Goodman's first reaction was that he was still trapped in the desert, had severe hallucinations, and was on the verge of death. This made him, who thought he had been saved, unable to accept the huge gap between heaven and earth, and screamed in panic. Speak up.

The old man, who was always calm and steady, was also absent-minded for a few seconds, and the same thought flashed through his mind.

no way!

They had been struggling all day and night in the desert. If they had not had a strong will to support them, they would have collapsed long ago.

Even so, my body is almost reaching its limit.

Hallucinations are natural.

Not to mention that the scene in front of me is indeed more like an illusion than reality.

They worked hard and carried two bags with a total of 7 million US dollars in cash. Finally, they were lucky enough to wait for a passing truck, but the truck driver's compartment was full of cash. I don't know how much it added up to, but it was definitely more than 7 million US dollars. There are countless times more knives.

Isn't this magical?

The most reasonable explanation is that they really couldn't survive the power of nature and entered the stage of dying hallucinations. And because the reason why they ended up like this this time was because of the 7 million US dollars, Satan mocked them before taking them away. Let them see more money and use this scene to laugh at their ignorance.

That’s right!

He is sane enough to know that both of them will be taken away to hell by Satan.

Needless to say, Saul Goodman, a lawyer by profession, is the Devil's Advocate himself, not to mention the Devil's Advocate among Devil's Advocates. He will go home to hell.

Although he loves his family and regards them as his faith, he has also done many things that would go to hell for his family.

But he just doesn't regret it.

Thinking of this, he recovered from the impact of a truckload of cash, looked around, and shouted to the coquettish lawyer who was still wailing: "Silence!"


Better Call Saul Saul Goodman once again fell into self-destruction: "We are almost dead now, why don't you let me vent?!"


A sharp slap silenced the wailing Better Call Saul.

"Does it hurt? Just because it hurts! If it hurts, it means it's not an illusion!"

The old man pursed his lips, wrinkled his nose, and his eyes became alert.

Encountering a truck full of cash is indeed magical enough, and people immediately think that it is an illusion and the devil's ridicule, but there is another possibility, that is, it is real.

Because reality is magical enough!

So it’s not impossible!

This is the U.S.-Mexico border, and countless drug lords and criminals are constantly coming and going. Not only drug lords can get a truckload of cash, but it is also entirely possible for those armed robbers who robbed banks to do the same.

"Are you leaving or not?"

The truck driver honked his horn and a calm voice came over.


Better Call Saul also came to his senses at this moment, looking at the old man nervously, his eyes full of questions.

"Stay still!"

Old Mike warned, took out a pistol from his backpack, hid it behind his back, and walked towards the cab, leaving behind a very nervous Better Call Saul.

"Who are you?"

Old Mike walked to the cab, looked up at the truck driver, and asked seriously.

"Is it important?"

The truck driver looked at him.

Old Mike was silent for a moment and insisted: "It's important!"

"Just think of me as a passing wise man."

The truck driver's face was expressionless.

"What can I do for you?"

Old Mike kept staring into the truck driver's eyes.

"Get rid of that devil's advocate!"

The truck driver glanced in the rearview mirror: "Live a different ending in life."

"you know me?"

Old Mike looked in the rearview mirror and saw Better Call Saul peeking there, and his expression became more solemn.

"So be it."

The truck driver nodded: "You, an old man who should have retired, risked your life to travel with a devil's advocate in this desert. You were obviously deceived by him.

And no matter what he can do for you, the beauty at this stage cannot cover up the tragic ending.

I'm not talking about you personally.

And your family that you sacrificed your life for!

If you want to cooperate with the Devil's Advocate to win a future with no worries about food and clothing for your family, that is the stupidest choice! "

"who are you?!"

Old Mike pulled out the gun from behind his waist and pointed it at the truck driver, questioning.

His family is his backbone.

"Is this how you treat the person who gave you the water of life?"

The truck driver who was targeted by the gun remained calm.

"Feel sorry!"

Old Mike lowered the muzzle of his gun, his eyes still insistent: "But I must know who you are and why you know so much about me!"

"What don't you understand?"

The truck driver asked back: "Do you not understand that being with a devil's advocate will not end well? Or do you not understand why it will eventually involve the family you care about so much? Anyone with any brain can see this!"

This Saul Goodman, who calls himself a lawyer, does have the temperament of a litigator, and he is also the kind who doesn't care about face at all and likes to take shortcuts.

Serious litigants will only sit in office buildings, not in the desert.

He should have helped you, and even provided you with a lot of benefits, so that you, a retired old man, want to use your spare energy to obtain better material guarantees for yourself and your family.

But he, who specializes in taking shortcuts, will drag you into hell sooner or later. Along with the benefits you get from him, those material guarantees you thought would give your family a better life, will also be involved. Being dragged into hell together!

So you may be tactically smart, calm, steady, and very capable of execution, but in terms of strategic vision, you are just too stupid! "

"Oh oh oh! I don't agree with this!"

After saying this, Old Mike fell into thinking, but Better Call Saul, who had been peeking and eavesdropping from behind the car, was startled and couldn't help running over anymore, instantly entering the playful and smiling Better Call Saul state.

"I'm not that powerful! You're too praised for being the devil's advocate! Those people sitting in tall office buildings wearing suits and ties are the real devil's advocates!

I'm just a little lawyer struggling to survive!

All right!

I admit I take shortcuts sometimes, but do you think I want to?

In this society where classes are so entrenched, what can I do if I don’t rack my brains and find every crack?

Is it like what my elder brother said, preparing a stuffed toy at the entrance of the court every day to please the court staff, just so that she can provide me with a case so that I will not starve to death?

$700 per case!

It takes me many days of hard work!

But those high-ranking lawyers only charge this price for an hour's consultation, or even more, and this is not even the bulk of their income!

Drought will kill you, and floods will kill you!

I also want to be a lawyer like that, and I also want to join a law firm like that!

But can I?

I worked in the mailroom of a law firm, went to law school in my spare time, and after all the hard work, I finally got my law license many years later!

Originally, I thought I could work as a lawyer in that law firm!

But even my eldest brother doesn’t agree with me working there!

Because this law firm belongs to him!

He will not allow me to tarnish the sacred profession of lawyer!


This is what you call bullshit ‘taking shortcuts’!

Damn it!

I had just obtained my lawyer's license at that time and had not done anything yet!

Why do you deny me completely? !

I admit that I did not do well in the past and let him down as a big brother many times. But when I came to work in his law firm and saw his demeanor as a barrister, I really changed my mind and started working with him as my goal. Work hard!

Why don't you give me any chance?

This is still my dear brother!

The sacred law cannot be defiled by me!

Isn't it true that what these barristers sitting in their office buildings are doing is tarnishing the law?

I'm a roadside hawker, and they're from a high-end club.

Is there an essential difference?

Who is nobler than whom? "

Better Call Saul originally just wanted to argue that he was not that kind of person to prevent this mysterious and dangerous truck driver from inciting Old Mike to kill him, the devil's advocate who would endanger his family, but when he talked about the past, he could no longer hold back his complaints. The more I talked, the more excited I became.

These are his words from the bottom of his heart!

"Chuck is right!"

The truck driver said expressionlessly: "As your eldest brother, he sees your true nature clearly and knows that your nature is easy to change but hard to change.

If you just work in some other profession, these shortcut ideas can help you succeed.

But in the legal industry, your cleverness will kill you and the people around you!

The goddess of justice who represents the law in the United States is mute and cannot speak out. The elite lawyers represented by your eldest brother Chuck can make her assume the posture they want through the so-called due process.

Although they want more, they are somewhat restrained and will not ignore it.

After all, everyone is watching!

But you are different!

You like to take shortcuts, and you can't control yourself when you can truly stand in front of the goddess of justice.

Once he has a fantastic idea, he will never scruple to restrain her. Instead, he will secretly sneak out of everyone's sight and forcefully attack the goddess of justice.

Maybe no one will notice at first.

But those who can watch the Lady of Justice are smart people. Even if they don't see your actions, they can eventually guess what you secretly did from the reaction of the Lady of Justice.

Once or twice maybe forget it.

But once the number of times increases, you will always be caught. At that time, you will be the target of thousands of people. In order to cover up the crimes you have committed, you will try your best to cover up. For this reason, the people around you will inevitably be involved by you. into it.

It can range from a mess in life and career to a life of imprisonment or even death.

Your eldest brother Chuck is definitely a real smart man. He saw your future early on, so he tried his best to prevent you from entering this industry.

You think he despises you, attacks you, or is even jealous of your whimsical ideas of always taking shortcuts, but the most important thing is that he wants to protect you!

But it seems that he did not succeed and became the first victim of your shortcut! "

"No! You are wrong!"

Better Call Saul shook his head and denied the truck driver's statement, but looking at the expressionless truck driver and then at the thoughtful old Mike, he couldn't hold on to the standard American fake smile on his face, and his voice became louder and louder. , the expression became more and more ferocious.

"No!!! Chuck's death has nothing to do with me! His view of me was wrong! I had a chance to be a lawyer like him! He ruined it with his own hands! I was not destined to take this path! He forced it! It was him!!!"

"as long as you are happy."

The truck driver looked at the tearful Better Call Saul and said calmly, then looked at Old Mike: "Do you want to get in the car?"

Old Mike put away his pistol, nodded to the truck driver, then walked to the back of the car, walked a few steps, stretched out his hand to pull the Better Call Saul who was still there with tears streaming down his face, pulled him into the car, and locked the door. After getting in the door, in the dark compartment, he patted the door and signaled to the truck driver that he could leave.

The car started to start, swaying and moving forward.

Inside the dark carriage.

Old Mike looked into the darkness, but what he was thinking about was the truck driver's words, which felt like a slap in the face.

Especially with the Better Call Saul who was still crying beside him as a comparison, it was like waking up from a dream.

Indeed, Better Call Saul helped him out, too.

But since meeting Better Call Saul, life has become increasingly uncontrollable.

There was even a point where the only family members he was dedicated to protecting, his daughter-in-law and granddaughter, were threatened face-to-face by a brutal drug dealer killer.

Although now he has a more sophisticated drug lord to help him resist all this, it seems that his family is safe, and the black money he earned can be laundered through the drug lord's channels and become clean money that his granddaughter can use in the future.

But he is not a fool, but at this point, he has no choice but to ignore that his daughter-in-law and granddaughter have entered the sight of an even more ferocious and old drug lord. If anything happens, they will die without a burial place.

And no matter how secretive and steady this sophisticated drug lord is, he is still a drug lord and may be targeted at any time.

Once something like that happens, can the money laundered through the other party's channels really be used smoothly by the granddaughter?

It can be said that the benefits and risks are completely unacceptable to his family.

But after embarking on this path, he was personally unable to change.

Compared with Old Mike who is just waking up from a dream, Better Call Saul can be said to be heartbreaking.

If his acquaintances dared to say that to him, he would either yell back or be dismissive. He didn't think he was at fault.

After his eldest brother Chuck burned himself to death, he always acted indifferently, so indifferent that his beloved wife was very surprised and dissatisfied.

He insisted that it was his eldest brother Chuck's fault. It was Chuck who had to deal with him. Unable to bear the destruction of his favorite career due to his counterattack, Glass was heartbroken and chose to set fire to the house and bury him. Own.


How many times has he experienced ups and downs under the attack of his elder brother Chuck? When did you not get up again and get back on your feet?

Why can't eldest brother Chuck tolerate a little setback?

Are you still blaming him from above?

What does the death of such a big brother have to do with him?

What is his responsibility?

Just because he is his mother's favorite son, his elder brother can't be so jealous of him that he will infinitely magnify the frustration caused by him, right?

If that's true, it's the elder brother's responsibility, not him!

But now I met a wise man on the road who claimed to be passing by. With just a few words, I skinned him clean and told him that it was because of him that his elder brother became like this!

The eldest brother is the biggest victim of his constant taking shortcuts, but this is not the last one.

This made him unable to resist breaking his defense.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help it anymore, slammed the car door hard, and shouted: "I want to make a call! I want to make a call!"

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