American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 555 Uncle Fried Chicken is unhappy

"I need to call immediately!"

Better Call Saul shouted while reaching for his dead cell phone.

He had been missing for a day and a night, and he had already told his beloved wife what he had done. One can imagine what his beloved wife, who loved him deeply, would do in the face of this situation.

She would definitely go to the drug lord client in prison to get information about him.

He absolutely cannot accept his beloved wife being exposed in front of a drug lord, even if it is because of him that such exposure is inevitable.

But as long as he doesn't think about it, he has not brought danger to his beloved wife!

But now that his defense has been broken, many things he doesn't want to think about are filling his mind. Even if he was an asshole before and exposed his beloved wife to drug lords and criminals, the biggest way to make up for it now is not to let this exposure happen directly. degree of danger.

Hope it's not too late yet.

So he has to call now.

It's a pity that no matter how much he slapped and shouted, the truck driver ignored him, causing him to cry again in anxiety.

"Stop making noise! ​​There's still no signal here. We'll get off the bus when we get to the gas station. You can make calls as you want."

Old Mike was very disdainful of Better Call Saul's behavior, but he didn't have the disdain he had when he heard Better Call Saul say everything to his wife in the desert.


He did indeed do better than the other party and did not tell his daughter-in-law and granddaughter what he was doing, but was there an essential difference?

Eventually, the family will be targeted by drug lords and criminals.

The difference is only fifty steps and a hundred steps.

In the darkness, I don’t know how long I drove, but the car finally stopped, and there was a slapping sound from the cab. Old Mike understood and opened a crack in the car door, and pulled out Better Call Saul who wanted to rush out. He did not go out immediately, but It's a peek at the outside environment through the crack in the door.

Seeing that it was a gas station and there was no one behind the car, I got out of the car, looked around, and then asked Better Call Saul to get out of the car.

When Better Call Saul ran to the public phone booth with two large travel bags, Old Mike closed and locked the car door, walked to the cab with the keys, handed them back, and sincerely thanked him: "Thank you!"

The truck driver took it, nodded, started the engine and left.

"Wait a moment."

Old Mike stopped him and asked sincerely: "As a wise man, do you have any good advice for a fool like me who wants to provide good material conditions for my family but is stuck in it?"

"When you really want to change, make this call."

The truck driver handed him a business card.

Old Mike took it and found that there was only a simple number on it and the rest was useless. He nodded solemnly and watched the truck driver drive away.

Although he knew that truck drivers were mysterious and dangerous, his short contact and the intuition of many years of veteran police detectives made him have a strong impression of this truck driver.

This truck driver is definitely a professional who prefers justice and lawfulness!

More righteous than him, a veteran police detective, and more professional than the drug lord he is working for.

Because if he were a truck driver, and he met someone who needed to be rescued on the road, and there was a lot of cash in the back of the truck, although he might not necessarily refuse to save him, he would still choose to squeeze both of them into the passenger seat. , will not let people go to the back of the car and expose the existence of countless cash.

He didn't know why the truck driver did what he did.

He didn't think there was anything about them that the truck driver should be concerned about.

But the truck driver still did it and saved them. He was as calm as if there was nothing in the truck about exposing such a big secret, just as calm as facing his gun.

He has never seen this kind of mentality!

So mysterious!

Too powerful!

The fact that they worked together to save their lives is so heartbreaking!

Better Call Saul didn't feel much, but as a retired old police detective who preferred justice and order but had to do dirty work, he felt very deeply.

This is why, without completely understanding who the other person is, he uncharacteristically asks for the other person's opinion in an extremely unprofessional and unsteady manner.

Taking another deep look at the phone card in his hand, he carefully put the card away close to his body, then took out his cell phone, checked the signal, dialed the number assigned to him by the drug lord boss, and asked them to drive to pick him up. .

After hanging up the phone, he saw that Better Call Saul was unable to call the public phone because he had no change, and was so anxious to change the change and dial the phone. He secretly shook his head, went over to remind him not to attract attention, and helped him carry the suitcase. The 7 million travel bag went to the motel to open a room and repair it.

Their sunburn was so severe that it had to be treated.

And it will take time for the drug lord's men to come over.

The coquettish lawyer watched Old Mike go to check out a room with his money bag, and then he asked his beloved wife in a low voice, who was laughing and crying after making a phone call to report that she was safe, "You didn't do anything the whole day and night I was missing, right?"

The beloved wife on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, but still said: "I went to see him in the name of his lawyer."

They are both lawyers, because the coquettish lawyer has done too many things on his own initiative. They were still boyfriend and girlfriend living together, but for the sake of mutual trust, they either broke up or got married.

After Better Call Saul almost killed her, his beloved wife chose to marry him instead of breaking up.

And it's the kind of instant marriage.

Because from their lawyer's perspective, once they get married, they will regain a sense of trust in each other, and they can hide everything from each other without having to bear the charge of not reporting what they know.

Legally married couples have the right of avoidance granted by law.

Even if the husband has really committed a crime, the wife has the right to refuse any request to testify against her husband even if she knows the crime.

In this way, you can avoid legal risks and shield your conscience.

But from the moment of their flash wedding, they agreed not to mention anything in the past and to confess everything in the future. There would be no secrets between the couple.

This is why Better Call Saul tells his wife about his risky business.

Now his wife is equally candid.


What Better Call Saul was most worried about happened, and he couldn't help but call his wife's name.

"I have no other choice. You have been missing for a day and a night, and you still go to that place to do that kind of thing. I can only go to him and want to get your address from him to save you."

On the other end of the phone, my wife Jin was as calm as ever: "But he refused, saying that he believed you have a toughness that can't kill Xiao Qiang. If I give you a little more time, you will definitely come back."

"Well, he's really discerning."

The coquettish lawyer gave a wry smile, knowing that it was useless to talk any more. He told her that he would go home to reunite with her soon, and we would discuss the rest of the matter in person before hanging up the phone.

I went to the motel with Old Mike to get some rest, changed my clothes, replenished my body with water, and then my brain started to move again.

"Mike, who do you think that truck driver is? Damn it, his truck is full of..."

He didn't say how much it cost, but his eyes conveyed it clearly.

"Forget everything about him!"

Old Mike warned: "We have never met him, we have come out on our own, understand?"

"I understand, I understand..."

Better Call Saul said this, but the expression in his eyes was still very unstable. It was obvious that the truck driver's truckload of money shocked him too much. Now that he has returned to human society, his instinct as a Better Call Saul is making him There was inner turmoil.

Old Mike glanced at him and became more determined that he would never cooperate with this unreliable guy again.

Otherwise you will regret it sooner or later.

"I really get it."

Better Call Saul's senses were also very keen. She seemed to notice something was wrong in Old Mike's eyes. She shuddered and said with a smile: "I am only infinitely grateful to this savior. I don't mean anything else. Okay, I promise I will forget it." Everything! I swear!"

Old MacLee ignored him.

After a few hours.

A black SUV drove up and parked in front of Old Mike and Better Call Saul who were waiting under the unmanned parking lot after checking out. In the car were two men who didn't talk much.

After Old Mike and Better Call Saul got into the car, Better Call Saul saw that no one was talking and asked the big African man in the passenger seat: "Do you have $100 in cash?"

The big African-American man looked at him with a black question mark on his face.

"We just spent one, and now we're missing one. I'll give it back to you later."

Better Call Saul patted the money bag under her legs.

This is all the money that will be used to bail out the drug lord later. You can't miss any of it.


The African-American man and the Mexican-American guy in the driver's seat looked at each other, withdrew their gaze, and shook their heads.

"What do you mean no more?"

Better Call Saul was stunned, with an ominous premonition in his heart, and quickly looked at Old Mike.

"Things have changed?"

Old Mike frowned.


The African-American man still maintained a certain degree of respect for his boss who had joined the company halfway and explained: "The boss said there is no need to pay the bail."


Better Call Saul couldn't help shouting.

He suffered so many crimes just to use the 7 million US dollars to pay bail for drug lord clients, so that the other party could escape immediately after being released, providing conditions for the positive and negative confiscation of the large sum of bail and increasing fiscal revenue.

But now he doesn't have to pay bail?

This is a very bad sign.

He didn't believe that his drug lord client didn't want to come out, and if he didn't pay, what would he and his wife do in the face of the drug lord's revenge?

Old Mike and his boss may not care, but even if the drug lord's client cannot get out, as long as such a family drug lord wants to take action, he and his wife will have no way to survive.

Just look at the two Mexican twin brothers who went to get the money before. The expressionless expressions on their faces made him cringe just thinking about it now.

The big African man didn't answer him, but looked at the frowning old Mike: "If you have any questions, you can call the boss, but I suggest you don't call him now, because he is in a bad mood."

"What do we do now?"

Old Mike asked.

"Go back and recuperate and wait for news."

The Mexican guy driving the car said coldly.


Better Call Saul looked at Old Mike anxiously and pleadingly.

If he doesn't ask clearly, he will be restless and has no self-cultivation.

"I'll give him a call."

Old Mike pursed his lips, but finally took out his cell phone and dialed the drug lord he was following, the one nicknamed Uncle Fried Chicken by the Jianghu people.

"It's me, we've already got the bail money, why don't you give it away?"

"That's not necessary."

Uncle Fried Chicken's cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "Great changes have taken place in Mexico, and Lalo's life or death is only a matter of my thoughts."

Old Mike understood instantly.

Their original plan was to help Better Call Saul bail the drug lord Lalo out, send him out of the country, and then kill him.

Because if he died directly in New Mexico, the Salamanca family and Alario's Qatar Group would all believe that Uncle Fried Chicken was responsible.

Uncle Fried Chicken will not break up with them before he is prepared.

Therefore, even if Lalo's threat was very great before, it was necessary to design and force Lalo to flee New Mexico before taking action.

But now it is no longer needed. It is obvious that it is the power behind Lalo, there is a problem with the Salamanca family, and even the entire Qatar Group has undergone tremendous changes.

At this moment, Old Mike inexplicably thought of the truck driver and the truck of cash.

Unless he robbed a bank or robbed a drug lord's lair, how could he get so much cash?

It appeared again in the desert on the US-Mexico border. How could it be such a coincidence?

Old Mike had somewhat guessed the truth of the matter, but he didn't say a word, practicing what he warned Better Call Saul: "Never seen a truck driver!"

"What to do with the money?"

"bring back."

Fried Chicken Uncle said this and hung up the phone, confirming the African-American men's reminder that the boss was in a bad mood.

Old Mike was not surprised by this attitude.

He got in touch with Uncle Fried Chicken because he wanted to kill the Salamanca family after the Salamanca family's Gemini killers threatened his daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

But when he was following and preparing for a sniper attack, Uncle Fried Chicken sent someone to stop him, and then recruited him. It was revealed that Uncle Fried Chicken stopped him not because they were in a group, but because it would be easier for the Salamanca family to die.

In addition, Uncle Fried Chicken is eyeing and preparing to kill Lalo, the newly appointed person in charge of Salamanca.

Old Mike believed that Uncle Fried Chicken had irreconcilable conflicts with the Salamanca family and even the Qatar Group, whether it was due to hatred or interests.

Logically speaking, Uncle Fried Chicken should be happy if something happens to the Salamanca family.

But Old Mike understands that for a tycoon like Uncle Fried Chicken, if he doesn’t avenge himself personally, then that’s not the case at all.

This sudden enemy's destruction is likely to make Uncle Fried Chicken furious.

When the coquettish lawyer learned that he really didn't have to send bail money to the drug lord client, and even the bail money he had worked so hard to bring back was taken away by Old Mike and the others, his sunburned and red face suddenly turned green. .

Old Mike and the others would not explain to him the ins and outs of this, they would only inform him of the news unilaterally.

One can imagine how he felt after he was kicked out of the car after being notified of the news.

Old Mike ignored him. Such people deserved more psychological torture. They were too frivolous and knew how to take advantage of loopholes and engage in crooked ways all day long.

After he returned home, he immediately called and booked two travel tickets to Hawaii, and then called his daughter-in-law.

"It's me. I'm on a business trip. There's no signal on my phone. The company has given us holiday benefits. I'm not interested in going, so I thought I'd let you take Kelly out for fun. It's been a long time since you guys went out to have fun..."

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