American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 558 doctorX, for Anna!

Chuck left the shelter.

Returned to Orange County.

"Brother, you are finally back."

Hailey came to the medical room every night to escape her parents' nagging. When she saw Chuck returning, she was overjoyed: "How was it? Isn't it exciting?"


Chuck nodded.

"Why don't you take me there?"

Hailey couldn't help but complain.

"You're still a student."

Chuck looked at her expressionlessly: "Do you remember recently that you wanted to study medicine?"

"Of course I remember."

Hailey said disapprovingly: "Originally, I thought that among the three brothers and sisters, someone would be responsible for intelligence, combat, assistance and medical care.

You are wise and fighting.

I am paramedic and medical.

But Lisa is studying medicine now, and her level seems to be very good. She is also one of her own.

So now I am not so eager to study medicine.

Besides, I don’t know when the impact of the Canadian wildfires will end. I’m afraid that the summer vacation is over and I won’t be able to go back to the East Coast to intern with Dr. House. "

"Lisa is Lisa, you are you!"

Chuck said calmly: "When you need medical treatment, she won't be by your side."

"I understand. When I return to the east coast, Dr. House will also come out. I will definitely follow him and learn all his unique skills, okay?"

Hailey said coquettishly: "But it's true that you insulted Dr. House like that and insisted on arranging for me to study with him. Did you do it on purpose?"


Chuck said bluntly: "You should learn from his venomous tongue and bad temper. You must work hard to avoid being autistic when he sprays you.

He is also the top medical master. In this kind of environment, you can become the best surgeon as quickly as possible.

Furthermore, you are my sister. If your learning ability can make him speechless, then he will be as upset when he sees you as he is when he sees me. "

"Ha ha."

Hailey immediately became happy: "I knew it! Don't worry, when I return to the East Coast and he is discharged from the hospital, I will report it immediately. He will be amazed and heartbroken."

"Just because of who you are now?"

Chuck looked at her expressionlessly.

"……What's wrong with me?"

Haili hesitated and said unconvinced: "Isn't my current medical level bad? Ordinary excellent attending doctors are no more than this, right?"

"You are my sister. Are you comparing yourself to ordinary people?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.

"I was wrong...but I'm only 16 years old."

Hailey immediately knew that she had said the wrong thing and smiled awkwardly.

She always thought of herself as Chuck's sister, and the brother and sister were the same person, but who would have thought that just now she would say such embarrassing things just to find an excuse for being lazy.


The starting line for comparison with eldest brother Chuck is the super genius level. Although she cannot compare with him, she should still be compared with the top figures in the industry.

How can she compare with ordinary people?

Even if the 16-year-old is better than the average attending doctor who is thirty or forty years old, so what?

It's so embarrassing.

“If you know you’re wrong, correct it.”

Chuck reminded: “Only by being number one can you become number one. What Dr. House is best at is diagnosis. This is comprehensive medicine that can only be mastered after masters in both internal medicine and surgery.

You are still far away from stunning him and making him feel heartbroken.

If you really want not to embarrass me, after playing around for so long, you should calm down and get down to business. "

"I see."

When Haili heard this, she immediately shouted: "Brother, I will do whatever you say. I promise not to embarrass you."

"I've arranged an internship for you on a hospital ship."

Chuck explained: "The above are some medical elites who pursue pioneering medicine. Once a medical accident occurs, they will be collectively referred to as doctor First person."

"The first person in surgery? The first person in surgery in the world?"

Hailey looked at Chuck in disbelief: "Brother, do you think so highly of her?"

"Her life was screwed up."

Chuck nodded: "My mantra is that I never fail!"


Hailey immediately shook her head: "There is no surgeon who never fails. Who does she think she is? Adam, the son of God?"

"She is not Adam, but the surgeries she has performed have indeed no record of failure."

Chuck shook his head.

"I see."

Hailey suddenly said: "The island people like to do this, such as the Hand of God, the Hand of Beyond God, the Hand of the Devil, and the second-level title that never fails.

But in fact these are all bluffs.

Lisa told me yesterday that when she was interning in the hospital here, she met a famous surgeon from the island country. He claimed that his operations had never failed, and he also liked to do magic, so he was called a magician.

But in fact, everyone knows that his so-called never failed, the water content is too high.

This is also in line with the character of their island people, who are good at fraud and bragging.

He will carefully select the surgical candidates in advance. If he is not sure, he will never accept the surgery.

Even so, there is no guarantee of success every time, so once an accident occurs, he will pretend that the operation was successful, and then treat the failed operation as a postoperative complication, claiming that this is something that no doctor can avoid, instead of His surgery wasn't perfect.

Even after the tumor was removed, he claimed that the removal was perfect, but he did not remove it cleanly afterwards, resulting in spread and recurrence. He also claimed that it was not a recurrence, but a new tumor that appeared in a nearby location.

There are too many operations.

People don't know how to complain.

This never fails, I can say that!

Also, the islanders like to make a fuss and are arrogant.

It is obviously a very simple small operation, just like the 1+2+3 of a math problem. They can talk seriously about how to do 1+2 and then add 3, or 2+3 and then add 1. As if they are doing something awesome, people who really know their stuff will be so embarrassed that they would pick their toes..."

"Everything you said is right."

Chuck listened quietly to Hailey complaining about the famous doctor in the island country in her eyes, and nodded in approval of her telling the truth.

"Then you still want me to study medicine with such a liar?"

Hailey said in surprise: "Oh, I understand, you want me to learn deception from her?"


Chuck shook his head: "Everything you said is right, but this doctorX is different. I told you, she cheated."

"Really cheating?"

Haley was shocked.

She is quite familiar with the life of cheating. Of course, she does not really understand that this cheating is a similar system or buff, but a super genius level talent.

She saw with her own eyes her big brother Chuck, the genius girl Peggy, and little Sheldon. If you take a closer look, which one of them would not make people feel like they are cheating?

If this female doctor from the island country, who goes by the nickname doctor

"It's really cheating."

Chuck affirmed: "You are going here this time to learn from her and improve the simple medicine of surgery to the peak skill as soon as possible."


Hailey twitched the corners of her mouth, feeling a little helpless to complain.

An important part of her life arranged by her eldest brother Chuck was to study medicine.

Surgery, which can be called the top of the contempt chain among doctors, has become the simplest in medicine according to her eldest brother Chuck.

No wonder Dr. House, who has always been venomous and irritating, was frustrated every time she met her eldest brother.

But she also understood that her eldest brother Chuck was fully qualified to say this.

In fact, surgeons don't really have much technical content. They mainly focus on the familiarity of an oil seller.

With her eldest brother's physical condition and super brain, surgery is like a fully automated medical cabin in the future world.

Scanning, diagnosis, and treatment are all done in one go. As long as there is still cure, it will be cured without any mistakes or accidents.

"What is the pinnacle of surgery?"

Hailey asked curiously: "Never fails?"

"No! It has its own BGM!"

Chuck said seriously: "Whenever you have your own exclusive BGM for walking and treatment, that's the peak of surgery."

Hailey looked confused.

Chuck did not explain the BGM problem, looked at her and continued: "While learning the most cutting-edge surgical techniques, you also have a hidden mission."

"Hidden mission?"

Hailey's eyes lit up and she immediately became excited.


Chuck said expressionlessly: "Let's see if there are any experiments against humanity on their hospital ship."

"it is as expected."

Hailey wasn't shocked or surprised.

Western medicine was originally born on the basis of violating the ethics and morals of the time.

In just one or two hundred years, Western medicine has been able to advance by leaps and bounds. In addition to the great development of science and technology, of course, it has also repeatedly broken through the limitations of ethics, morality and even human nature.

Where did the title DoctorX come from?

Isn't it just because they used cutting-edge medical techniques that failed instead of succeeding? They did not comply with legal medical procedures and were sued by their families, but they were euphemistically called protected by the medical units. They use X to refer to these doctors.

If you look at it from the perspective of these doctors, it is natural that they are fighting for the progress of medicine and human health.

But no one knows whether there are angels or demons hidden behind these angel filters!

How many demons are there in the name of angels!

Are such medical ships following basic medical ethics and even basic human principles to try to use more radical methods to save patients and patients, or are they using these people to conduct medical experiments that violate human nature to achieve medical breakthroughs and huge commercial profits?

It has always been publicized.

Judging from Chuck's previous life experience and his IQ knowledge in this life, the two coexist.

You have me I have you.

Based on historical understanding, Chuck has every reason to doubt what doctorX did to make medical skills advance by leaps and bounds.

"I can definitely complete this task!"

Hailey was full of interest in this detective-like medical internship moment.

After Chuck arranged the next task for Hailey, he went to complete the daily training. The next day, amid Hailey's complaints, he set off again and drove to Seattle.

Orange County is nearly 2,000 kilometers away from Seattle. We should have taken a flight, but Chuck still chose to drive.

On the one hand it's safer.

On the one hand, it is also for the scenery along the way.

MAX has long been pulled over by Caroline, this city is known as the Channing family.

But Chuck came here this time not because of the bankrupt sisters, but because of Anna.

Seattle is located on the West Coast and is also a city where famous high-tech companies are located.

Living Robot Company.

In the conference room.

Chuck was sitting there, and across from him sat a man and a woman. The man was in a suit and leather tie, dressed like an executive. Not surprisingly, he was also a bald man.

"Dr. Wolfe, I think we are wasting your precious time."

The bald man gave a standard American fake smile: "You should be working with law enforcement agencies like the police and FBI to investigate criminal cases, save lives, etc. Come to a company like ours and help us check our accounts? I just can't imagine it."

"I am an accountant, this is my main job."

Chuck reminds: "Detective is just a side job."

"Your side job is much more famous than your main job."

The bald man said with a smile: "I hope we won't waste our time...Okay, no more joking, listen! Once you see our account books, you may stay away from our accounting system. very complicated!

There are hundreds of depreciation details for different fixed assets, employees are divided into regular employees and contract employees, and confidential accounts of the Ministry of Defense are also involved. The numbers are simply a mess. "

"I didn't hear any description of difficulty."

Chuck said bluntly.


Facing Chuck's expression of 'what you said is trivial', the bald man's mouth twitched. If it were anyone else, he would question the other person's bragging.

But the person in front of him is Detective Chuck, who is famous for his super IQ.

The difficulties he mentioned were really not difficulties.

But he still didn't want Detective Chuck to get involved in their company, so he asked: "I'm sorry to ask again, who invited you here?"

Chuck looked at the woman sitting next to the bald man.

"Rita, you're overreacting."

The bald man looked at the woman sitting next to him: "She's just an assistant cost accountant. She took care of things she shouldn't have. It's obvious that she didn't know what she found out. The company didn't lose any money at all!"

"Sir, how many years have you been the financial director?"

Chuck looked at him.

"15 years."

said the bald financial director.

"I want all the account books from 15 years ago."

Chuck said bluntly.

"You're so rude!"

The bald financial director said angrily: "I am an old friend of Lamar Blackburn. I followed him when he started a business in his garage. I will not touch a penny without his consent! Rita, you don't believe it. I?"

"No, I believe you."

Rita shook her head: "I know about your friendship with my eldest brother, but the company's money has indeed been stolen, so I need to know who stole it and how much has been stolen over the years."

At this moment, there was a knock on the conference room door, and a petite and pleasant young woman looked inside timidly at the door.

"Miss McKay, come in."

Rita, the sister of the company boss, motioned for the woman to come in. After the woman came in, she introduced to Chuck: "This is Becca McKay, our company's assistant cost accountant. She was the first to discover the company's financial problems. Miss McKay, check Dr. C. Wolff, don’t you need me to introduce you?”

"Dr. Wolfe, nice to meet you."

Becca McKay greeted Chuck a little excitedly.

Chuck raised his decorative glasses and nodded to her.

She was the reason why Chuck returned to being an accountant this time.

For Anna!

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