American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 557 The inhumane Chuck!

In the past, as a human resources expert, she had to fly around to help various companies lay off employees, and she had to be a trapeze artist. A small pleasure that Alex cared about very much was accumulating airline miles.

When you accumulate enough, you can redeem it for special honors from the airline and get free flights for life.

Today, although she no longer does her previous job and no longer needs to fly around, she feels that her flight mileage has improved qualitatively.

I have the feeling of being in the cloud again.

After the plane landed and got off the plane, she looked at Chuck who was meticulously dressed, and she couldn't help but have a slight curve in the corner of her mouth, but thinking of what happened before, she couldn't help but said: "You and Anna..."

"You don't like it?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.

"That's just feels weird."

Of course Alex wouldn't say she didn't like it, she just expressed her feelings tactfully.

This is also her true feeling.

Strangely exciting…yet weird!

“It’s okay to be weird.”

Chuck raised his decorative glasses and looked at her straightforwardly.


As the closest third person to Chuck and Anna, Alex instantly understood what this meant and was speechless.

Chuck and Anna are different from ordinary people. According to the definition of weird, they are congenitally weird.

There is nothing wrong with this explanation.

But she still felt weird.

But she didn't mention it again.

She had always doted on Chuck and was unwilling to refuse him, and the same was true for Anna. Now that this was the mutual wish of the two of them, they would stop there and not mention it.

And if you’ve already done it, what’s the point of talking about it afterwards.

"Do you value those two people you met on the road?"

Alex wanted to talk to Chuck more, and took the initiative to bring up the story of Chuck working as a truck driver, traveling across Mexico and returning to the United States, and meeting Old Mike and Better Call Saul in the desert.

Chuck is Anna's eyes.

As the person who stood behind Anna and accompanied her for a long time, and had such a relationship with Chuck, she naturally wanted to see the world through Chuck's eyes.

She watched the entire encounter between Chuck, Mike Sr. and Better Call Saul.

So she was very keenly aware that Chuck valued these two people.

Because if he didn't value them, with Chuck's character, he wouldn't have said so many words to remind them in a heart-wrenching way.

Anyone treated like this by Chuck is either an enemy or a friend he recognizes.

And Better Call Saul is obviously not worthy of being Chuck's enemy.

Then it can only be that he has the potential to be recognized as a friend by Chuck.


Chuck nodded in acknowledgement.

"I understand that old Mike."

Although Alex was extremely sleepy at this time, the aftertaste of the incident made her unwilling to go to sleep immediately. She wanted to communicate with Chuck more, lest she open her eyes again and find that Chuck was no longer there. Seeing that Chuck picked up her words, The spirit was shaken.

"You also said that he is stable and reliable, has good abilities, and has strong execution ability. Such a person can be the best choice for the tentacle to execute your and Anna's will.

This is why you gave him his contact number.

But that smooth-talking lawyer is very unreliable at first glance, and the same goes for your evaluation of him. Everyone around him will be dragged down by him and slide into the abyss of hell one by one.

Is it worth telling Anna to pay more attention to such a person?

We don’t need to litigate, and we don’t lack lawyers! "

"He's a flamboyant lawyer."

Of course, Chuck would not hide it and told the truth: "If he is allowed to develop, of course he will do what I said, harming others and himself, dragging himself and the people around him to hell.

But if there is a person who is not afraid of hell and demons and starts to repair him by forcefully using the method of "a small tree will not grow straight until it is repaired", he will actually be very useful.

Certainly not to us.

But to kind-hearted ordinary people.

You can take a look at his record. He never takes the usual path and finds new ways, but he always has miraculous results.

His brother Chuck has an elitist air. He always feels that this younger brother is defiling the sacred law, but he is unwilling to admit that American law has no sanctity at all.

So he always saw the dangers of this younger brother who liked to take shortcuts and do evil things, and he didn't want his younger brother to cause a big mess that he couldn't fix, so he tried every means to get rid of his younger brother's law license and let his younger brother Disqualified from being a lawyer.

This may be due to his jealousy as the eldest brother that his mother only loves his younger brother, but more importantly, as an eldest brother, he is the eldest brother's experience in wiping the younger brother's butt for a younger brother who has been ineffective for decades.

In this regard, his eldest brother Chuck is sensible and wise.

I agree with him on this.

But the difference between my Chuck and his Chuck is that I don’t have his self-deception about American law.

Better Call Saul specializes in exploiting loopholes. For this reason, the extreme showmanship practices that sometimes wander on the edge of the law are used to fight for fame and fortune and serve wealthy people, which is a disaster.

But if this cleverness is used to help kind-hearted ordinary people, it will be a magic sword!

In America, a society where people with money can do whatever they want, in order to help kind people, you have to be more devilish than the devil's advocates supported by the rich in order to succeed.

And he has this potential!

You can understand by looking at what he did for a case involving his wife before. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Alex's cell phone rang. She fumbled to take it over and saw that Anna had already sent over all the information about the Better Call Saul case from Chuck. She was envious of Anna and Chuck. With a tacit understanding of heart to heart, she quickly took a quick look and couldn't help but have a deeper understanding and agreement with Chuck's words.

Better Call Saul and his wife Kim are both lawyers. Compared to Better Call Saul who was not allowed to join his law firm by his eldest brother, his wife Kim also started her career as a handyman in the mailroom of a law firm, but she was recognized by the leadership of the law firm.

Not only did it support her to go to law school, but it also allowed her to join such a big law firm as a formal lawyer as soon as she graduated.

My wife Jin is also a very outstanding and hard-working person, and she soon became the backbone elite of the law firm.

However, I was repeatedly guided by the coquettish lawyer, and then I resigned and wanted to work alone. However, I still knew rationally that my boyfriend was unreliable and was unwilling to establish a law firm together. Instead, they only shared a place to work.

In the process, she worked hard to win the recognition of a big bank CEO from Texas. As an individual, she defeated the original big law firm and helped the bank continue to expand.

This is a job that even big law firms used to covet.

But she succeeded on her own.

It shows the strength.

However, because she is very similar to Better Call Saul and was infected by him at a close distance, her mental state is very unstable. She can obviously rely on this big bank list to eat and drink, develop steadily, and have a bright future.

But after everything went according to plan, she was no longer satisfied with the results of her hard work and began to act like a monster frequently.

First, she took on public welfare cases that offered little money and a lot of work, or even free of charge. For these cases, she even interfered with the schedules of big banks that supported her parents.

Then comes the most amazing operation.

This big bank is going to build a new service center. The land has been selected, but there is a nail-biting tenant. Everyone else has moved out, and he is the only one who is unwilling to move.

After delaying the affairs of a major bank customer due to other cases, she was severely reprimanded. She once again had an existential crisis, and actively came to deal with the problems she was supposed to deal with, and persuaded the old man to move away.

She came to do it during the day, and at night she went to see the old man alone, trying to impress him and persuade him that he could not fight against big capital alone.

However, this old man has seen through the nature of lawyers as devil's advocates. No matter how nice what she says, he just won't listen to her.

When the bank sent people to go through legal procedures and wanted to send police and workers to demolish it, she was mentally unstable and sympathized with the old man very much. At the risk of being discovered by the bank's major customers, fired or even sued, she asked her husband, who had always been wild, .

Sure enough, her husband, the coquettish lawyer, really had a way, but he persuaded her not to use it, and the consequences would be serious.

But she refused to listen and insisted on competing with her client secretly. Even if she betrayed professional ethics and even if the consequences would be serious if she was discovered, she still asked her husband to become a lawyer for this old man.

Then her husband, a charming lawyer, brought countless troubles to the bank's operation. On the first day, he changed the house number and address as a deterrent, and asked the police sergeant who came to evict him to go back and go through the procedures. The construction workers who came over returned without success.

Then some things were buried underground in the yard as cultural relics, and archaeologists were asked to come and clean them up. This was delayed for several days or even a week.

Then there was constant delay, suing the bank on behalf of the water department, citing past laws to say there was a problem with the land certificate, suspecting the bank's largest construction contractor to be a fugitive felon, creating a radiation zone, turning it into an internet celebrity check-in point for God's manifestations, and suing the bank for embezzlement. The artist’s work serves as a logo…

The coquettish lawyer lived up to his reputation as a coquettish lawyer. He relied on these crooked ways to drag down the Texas Cowboys boss who was always tough and unyielding. In the end, he had no choice but to compromise. He admitted that he was wrong and moved to another piece of land to build the service center. .

The veteran also saved his home.

"How can he be so smart?"

After reading the detailed information, Alex was amazed by Better Call Saul's tricks, and then agreed with Chuck's approach: "If such a person uses this cleverness to help kind-hearted ordinary people, it will It would be a great thing.”

"The premise is to make him suffer real hardship."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "You can't make a weapon without polishing it. When he is ready, he can use it as a magic sword to pray for the people."

"This is a good idea, but it may not work."

Alex hesitated and said: "Although the opponent he encountered was capital, it was quite low-end. In addition, his wife Jin was the bank's legal adviser. Some methods were difficult to use, otherwise he would have no chance at all." If you do this, an accident will happen a long time ago."

"Of course he can't achieve anything if he works alone."

Chuck nodded: "But when he is ready, he only needs to do the legal work of exploiting loopholes. He does not need to worry about other shady methods. There is also a truckload of money prepared for him. There is no need to worry about money, revenge and other external interference factors, just focus on your own advantages."


Alex was shocked.

She never thought that Chuck would have such considerations when he left the truckload of money there.

Even though she now knew and understood why Chuck looked at Better Call Saul differently, she was still surprised by Chuck's generosity.

If this was known to a flirtatious lawyer who was willing to risk his life to get money from his drug lord client for a hundred thousand dollars, he would be absolutely stunned by Chuck's inhumanity!

If you no longer have to worry about money, who wouldn't want to do something more meaningful?

Even she thought about Better Call Saul's wife Kim.

The other party obviously wanted to provide better legal services to ordinary people, but he was forced by life and had to make money to survive, so he could only muddle along like this.

This kind of awkward life will cause problems sooner or later.

But now that Chuck has this idea, once he officially intervenes, the couple no longer need to be forced by life, and can do what they are best at according to their own wishes. Then the couple will work together, and the two swords will be infinitely powerful.

As a woman, she was more perceptive and realized that this had a huge impact on their career and relationship.

As long as Chuck is willing, there is a high probability that they will not be dragged into hell by Better Call Saul's tricks, but will be annoyed and cursed by many real devils but unable to do anything.

This kind of inhuman courage and chivalry made her quite emotional. She stepped forward and hugged Chuck's waist, and said movedly: "Chuck, thank you for letting me be the editor of 'China, Japan, Korea, the United States, Russia and France'" The U.S. representatives have not cut off contact with me all these years, making me the only one still there..."

"You're welcome."

Chuck said bluntly: "You deserve this."

Alex hugged Chuck for a while and let him go to avoid causing overtime. She was so emotional that she didn't have the courage. After watching Chuck leave, she lay on the bed, dazed.

When Chuck was conducting scientific experiments and trying to contact women, the first batch was very scientific and he told her without hesitation that they selected high-quality female representatives from various countries.

And she is the representative of the United States.

Later, Chuck's autism improved greatly, his scientific experiment methods also changed, and he became a long-term strategic scientific research partner.

As the American representative of the former six-person group and the only one who later joined the long-term strategic scientific research partnership, she was the one who knew the inside story besides Anna.

Therefore, she also knew that except for her, the other five members of the earliest Six Nations group had naturally lost contact and had no news at all.

She is the only one who still enjoys this relationship, and today she witnessed Chuck Hao's inhumane and moving chivalry.

She was proud of Chuck and felt that in the future Better Call Saul and the others would really be able to appeal to the people and help kind-hearted ordinary people who were unable to fight against the rich. To a certain extent, she also had a share of the credit for this.

Even the tiniest portion.

She was also extremely satisfied.

Compared to the other five people in the original Six Nations group, how lucky and happy she is!

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