American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 560 How to seduce the God Detective Chuck? Waiting online, it’s urgent!

"You, you, you like me?"

Beca's heart was beating fast due to the surge of adrenaline, and her blood was rushing to her brain. Her face was red, and she stammered for confirmation, but the curve of her mouth could not be controlled.

Seeing that Chuck didn't speak, she seemed to be unable to speak a thousand words because her heart was beating too fast.

The conference room fell completely silent.

There was only the faint sound of Chuck flipping through the ledgers.

Beka stared at Chuck blankly for a while, and the more she looked at Chuck, the more comfortable she felt. Before, she just thought that Detective Chuck was very famous and admirable, but his appearance was a bit too cold, making it difficult for people to get close to him.

But now it suddenly feels different.

"I'll be in the accounting department. If you need anything, just come to me." As Beca spoke, she rushed out of the conference room.

Chuck glanced at her but said nothing.

After leaving, Beca couldn't wait to return to her desk, picked up her notebook and walked out.

"Becca, I heard that the boss invited the famous detective Chuck. Have you met him?"

"Yes, the boss really takes it seriously. He actually thinks that you, an assistant accountant, can really find some great loopholes."

"When you become the boss of the accounting department, you will have to protect us."

All kinds of sarcastic or joking voices came to Beka's ears, so she could only force out a smile to deal with it, and left with her notebook in her hands without stopping.

After finding an unoccupied conference room, she opened her laptop, put on her headphones, and couldn't wait to send a message to her online friend. Then she logged into her arranging software and tried to express the inspiration in a melody. .

"With a sigh, I have new inspiration, so stay tuned."

Chuck in the conference room raised his decorative glasses, and the vibration Anna used to express happiness came from his wrist.

That’s right!

The soulmate Beca met online was Anna.

And by chance, the actress playing Becca is named Anna.

So there is nothing wrong with Chuck coming here this time for Anna.

In addition to playing chess and painting, Anna also likes music. When the four super geniuses Chuck, Dr. Reed, Peggy, and Layla played games like Dungeons and Dragons, Anna participated with the presence of background music. This kind of love Performance.

And these background music and just-right BGM are all attributed to Beka.

Becca is really talented in arranging, especially in the field of electronic music.

Therefore, Anna valued her and contacted her to become a close friend.

And since Anna values ​​him so much, every move in life naturally falls into Anna's eyes.

This time, Beka pointed out the company's financial loopholes without understanding people's hearts and sinisterness, and immediately fell into Anna's eyes.

With Anna's intelligence and vision, as well as the super hacker resources she possesses, she can naturally see through the problems here at a glance, and has an accurate calculation of the dangers this close friend may encounter next.

Hence Chuck’s trip to Seattle.

As Chuck said, it was their arrangement that they liked.

It's a pity that Beca didn't pay attention to the key information.

The immersive time passed quickly. When Beca was repeatedly interrupted by the sound of colleagues walking around outside, she was shocked to realize that it was already lunch time.

She quickly put away her laptop, returned to the accounting department, took out the prepared lunch from the refrigerator, heated it in a hurry, and ran to the conference room.

"Dr. Wolfe, it's noon. I brought lunch here. Do you want some?" Beca asked enthusiastically.

"No, I brought it myself." Chuck patted his backpack.

"You also like to bring your own lunch." Beca carried her own lunch box and continued to invite: "This is a conference room and it's not convenient to have lunch. Let's go out and find a place?"

"Okay." Chuck glanced at her and did not refuse.

"Do you need your lunch heated? We have a microwave in the office," Becca asked.

"No need." Chuck walked ahead with his satchel, and Beca quickly followed.

The two walked out of the office building and came to the shade of the trees outside.

Beca sat down, and then watched Chuck take out a wet paper towel and wipe the tiles of the flower bed over and over again, she was stunned.

"Dr. Wolfe, can I call you Chuck?" Beca said after Chuck sat down.

"Okay." Chuck didn't refuse.

Although Beka is only a fresh and cute girl, and her appearance and figure are barely up to par, her talent in arranging has been recognized by Anna, and this alone is enough to recommend her.

Therefore, Chuck would naturally not refuse to just change the title to something more friendly.

"Then I'll call you Chuck, and you can also call me Becca." Becca said happily: "You are the famous detective Chuck, why do you think of doing financial consulting?"

“I started out as an accountant.”

Chuck explained: “Statistics from the Ministry of Labor show that this is one of the most promising careers, especially for people like me who don’t like to deal with people and prefer numbers. This is the best career to make money.

You don’t have to deal with anyone, you have free working hours, and the people you serve will be more willing to give money because of business needs.

It is easy to save the first pot of gold in life and achieve financial freedom. "

"That's because you are so good." Beka said in admiration: "How can ordinary people be so lucky? It's not like us who are so miserable."

"Yes." Chuck nodded in approval.

"..." Beca found that it was difficult to chat with him, and it was easy to get lost in the topic, so she quickly found a way to make up for it herself: "I like that sense of balance, such as finding out those inconspicuous data. Well, actually, it's because This can make me money to support myself, and you know what I like most is arranging music and painting."

"A good hobby." Chuck glanced at her.

Anna looked at her differently because she had the same hobbies and was quite talented.

"Yeah, I think so too." Beca smiled brightly: "It's a pity that it's so difficult to turn your hobby into a job."

"Turning a hobby into a job is not necessarily a good thing." Chuck shook his head: "Either you are really talented, or you are very lucky and can achieve basic financial freedom in a short time by relying on your talents and hobbies.

Otherwise, when you have to use your hobbies to make money and pay the rent as soon as you open your eyes, your hobbies will soon become a torture and burden. "

"Yes, that's it!" Beca nodded repeatedly, convinced: "Back then, among the sisters in our a cappella choir, which one didn't feel that he was standing in the center of the spotlight?

But after graduation, I left the a cappella choir and could no longer participate in various competitions in this capacity. It was too difficult to become famous through singing as a career.

During that time, we were trying to find the right job. Thinking about it now, I still feel sad.

Being rejected, being ridiculed, going from being the center of the spotlight to being nobody, that sense of huge disparity, the change of mentality from self-confidence to inferiority, is simply too irritating.

The unknown was originally full of expectations.

Later the unknown became full of fear and suffering.

Now even if I were given a chance to embark on this path of turning my hobby into a career, I would be afraid to try it.

This is also an important reason why I later became an accountant, a career that cannot be achieved by anyone, because my father is an accountant. In this profession, there are people to guide you, and your efforts and expectations can be controlled. "

When she said this, she seemed to think of her father, and kept talking: "He has a whole set of accounting tools, like some kind of intangible asset sales brochure, green eye mask, and that outdated pocket pen holder..."

"I also have a pocket pen holder." Chuck interrupted her and opened his suit, revealing the pen holder in the inner pocket.

"...Yours is very good-looking, his kind is very cliché, and yours is really good-looking." Beka never expected that Chuck was just like her father, so she could only make up for it quickly, forcing herself to say it again and again, and then she felt a little guilty. He quickly changed the subject.

"In short, he convinced me to enter the industry. Arts such as music and painting cannot help me pay off my student loans. Instead, they will make me bear heavier student loans.

My dad always said ‘girl, art can’t pay your bills’.

His aesthetic taste is closer to the dog-playing-poker kind. "

"I like 'dogs playing poker.'" Chuck interrupted again. When Becca looked at him completely speechless, he explained: "Because dogs can't gamble, it's ridiculous. I've copied it many times."

"...Well, 'Dogs Play Poker' is pretty good, but it's a little, um, different." Beca didn't know what to say anymore.

She found that she and Chuck were far apart in their taste in painting.

Chuck is just like her dad!

"Do you like electronic music?" Beca's IQ finally came back online. She thought about what Chuck said before about liking her arrangement, and quickly stopped mentioning her taste in painting and why she took the path of accounting.

"I like it very much." Chuck nodded.

It's him who likes it, not the predecessor.

Under the previous conditions, turning on the electronic music to the maximum level was just to train his own tolerance and let the electronic music cover up the sounds of pain during his training.

In his previous life, the electronic music in Journey to the West had an impression engraved in his DNA.

When the electronic music sounds, the DNA moves.

This is really no joke.

Even if he doesn't mention this, the classic electronic music BGM in the space elevator is also the background BGM he uses most often when training Monica and Rachel.

It burns to the point of exploding!

They say no one can beat me in my BGM.

Regardless of the plot, a super-burning BGM sounds, which really makes people excited, and it is very reasonable to increase combat effectiveness.

"Really? That's great!" Beca almost burst into tears.

It’s not easy!

Finally we got to talking together.

So she hurriedly chatted with Chuck about music and arrangement, and implicitly expressed that she had new inspiration in the morning and could add a friend. After the arrangement was completed, she could send it to him for his opinion.

Although Chuck had her contact information, he didn't refuse.

After that, they continued chatting while eating their own lunch.

When lunch time was over and her colleagues from the company returned one after another, she remembered the business and asked curiously: "Is it really useful for you to look through it like that this morning?"

You know, although she prefers art, she is actually very good at mathematics. She also participated in the mathematics club in high school and competed in speed calculation competitions with the mathematics clubs of other schools, and was able to calculate high-level arithmetic mentally.

The level is very high, otherwise she would not have easily jumped into the accounting profession after being unable to pursue the art path. She also discovered something fishy in the company's accounts that other colleagues had not discovered.

But it would take her several months to read the accounts for one fiscal year, while Chuck wanted to see a full fifteen years.

"Living Robot Company's profit before interest, taxes, and depreciation was US$14,495,719 10 years ago, and its profit before interest, taxes, and depreciation nine years ago. Revenue increased and profits decreased. During this period, there was no large capital expenditure to lower profits, raw material and labor costs. None have skyrocketed.”

Chuck said: "Eight years ago, both revenue and profits increased, but they were not matched. Six years ago, five years ago, four years ago, and three years ago, the company was profitable, but there was an outflow of funds to Sri Lanka. Lovett Company.”

"Slovit Company?" Beca was shocked that Chuck had sorted out such complicated account books in one morning. When she heard a familiar term, she quickly answered.

"I signed those checks, and they were authorized by the financial director. This company assembles electronic accessories for the consumer products department."

"No." Chuck shook his head: "When you take a closer look at the Slovit Company's account books, you will find that those numbers are written randomly. Most people write random numbers in a pattern and cannot be completely random. These are loopholes.”

"Why?" Beca couldn't understand.

"They are transferring funds to a shell company, but the profits are rising and continuing to rise." Chuck said expressionlessly: "In the past two years, the invoices related to Slovit Company have been steadily decreasing."

"I don't understand." Beca looked confused.

"A very simple plan to hide the truth." Chuck explained: "At first he just wanted to use a shell to evade taxes, but later he found that he could make more money by telling stories in the stock market, so he used this shell company to evade taxes. Profit-earning operations are used to boost stock prices.

When his own money was transferred in and out, it created the illusion of continuous capital injection. The stock price skyrocketed from the listing price of US$8 to US$75 in one year. "

"OMG!" Beca exclaimed: "This is financial fraud! You are talking about the financial director?"

As soon as she said the words, she knew that she had said something stupid. Apart from the company boss, how could it be possible for a mere financial director to do this kind of thing.

"Do you think he will..." Beca's pretty face turned pale.

She realized that what Chuck said about her being in danger was not just what he said casually.

"Dr. Wolfe!"

At this moment, Rita, the sister of the company owner who invited Chuck over, came from outside and saw the two of them standing under the tree. She frowned and said, "Is there any progress?"

She invited him here to check the accounts, not to have a romantic relationship.

"$61.579 million." Chuck directly said a number: "There is still some change."

Rita: "..."

Not only because Chuck got the result so quickly, but also because he was shocked that half of the company's small goals were stolen.

"Who is it? Give me a name!"

"Lama Blackburn." Chuck said the name bluntly.


Rita was once again shocked and speechless.


After checking the mouse, we found the real body.

ps. I’m out, so there will be no updates tomorrow night. Normal updates will resume the day after tomorrow.

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