American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 561 Fishing is the only way to fight!

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Rita stared at Chuck sharply, as if she wanted to use this method to make Chuck retract his statement.

At this moment, there was no need for Chuck to explain why her brother did this. She actually understood what a stupid thing she had done to deceive him.

"I know, and you know too." Chuck had no intention of coddling her, even if she was his employer.

After he was so famous and knew that he was not a pure accountant, she still dared to ask him to check the accounts. If she didn't know what this meant, then it was none of his business.

"..." Rita was speechless. Seeing that she could not suppress Chuck, she subconsciously glanced at the trembling Becca and reminded Chuck: "You signed a confidentiality agreement."

"I know." Chuck remained calm.

The reason why he came here was for Anna, to ensure the safety of Anna's favorite arranger Beka. This was the only purpose.

As for Rita how her brother conducted his financial operations, he couldn't care less.

This kind of fraudulent financial practice is so common in the United States that it is impossible to control it even if you want to.

Otherwise, he should have been the first to expose Caroline's father's Ponzi scheme and make the bankrupt sisters a reality.

Of course, even if this Ponzi scheme is not exposed and the Caroline family goes bankrupt, the wonder of fate, with the bond of Chuck, still makes the bankrupt sisters follow each other like a shadow and form a pair.

"You..." Seeing that Chuck was so professional, Rita's expression softened, and then she looked at the cause of this serious accident, her expression becoming uncertain again.

Beka didn't sign such a strict confidentiality agreement.

And this is a serious crime. If you really think about it, the confidentiality agreement has no effect.

"I don't know anything, and I won't say anything." Beca quickly swore.

She was really scared.

She has heard such confidential information, and seeing the expression on her boss's boss's boss who originally looked at her differently, can she not be afraid?

She didn't want to commit suicide.

"You did the right thing," Chuck said.

"What do you mean? Are you mocking me?" Rita turned her gaze from Beca to Chuck with an unkind expression.

If she didn't know that her eldest brother had done this, then she did the right thing by asking Detective Chuck to check the accounts and it was successful.

But now that Chuck said this, he was either mocking her for cheating her brother, or mocking her for sending her brother to jail in order to fight for power and gain.

No matter which one, she couldn't accept it.

"I'll tell the truth." Chuck said bluntly: "Imagine that you hired another accountant instead of me. With your brother's accounting skills, there is still a risk of being found out. What do you think will happen at that time? "

"...You keep talking." Rita's heart moved.

"Development is very simple." Chuck said expressionlessly: "The person you originally suspected was your financial director, so when the accountant you hired found out that there was really a problem with the accounts, in order to put an end to this matter , your eldest brother Rama will send someone to ask the financial director to commit suicide.

When the financial director, like countless accountants, takes the blame for suicide, he will come forward with a sad face, settle the expenses, and then cancel the account on the grounds that the person died. No matter what the other person has done, they will no longer pursue it because of their feelings. Let the accountant stay wherever he wants!

This matter is basically over.

But you will also be remembered by him, and you will be slowly removed from the core management.

And if you still have doubts, or the accountant you hired has obsessive-compulsive disorder and insists on continuing the investigation, or he is worried about Beka who found the problem before, then he will take further actions.

It is still a traditional American entertainment, please commit suicide!

Only in this way can hidden dangers be completely eliminated.

So no matter what the outcome is, when you notice problems with the company's accounts and speak out, the result will be unacceptable to you.

And asking me to come over to check the accounts is definitely the smartest and most correct choice you have ever made in your life. "

"Why?" Rita looked ugly after hearing Chuck's analysis.

As Chuck said, the results in both directions were not results she was willing to accept.

"Because you can convey my words to your brother." Chuck said straightforwardly: "Before he goes to hire a killer, persuade him to give up this idea, otherwise the result will definitely not develop as he imagined, and will only get worse. It gets worse and worse, ranging from sitting in jail to committing suicide due to depression. Because of my work efficiency, I now have enough time, and he has plenty of time to think about it."

"..." Rita was speechless.

Although she didn't like Chuck's uprightness, she still believed in Chuck's ability. After thinking about it, she felt it made sense. She took a deep look at Chuck and turned around to find her big brother.

Rama's office.

As the boss of the company, he is an old bald white man who started from scratch, has no children, doesn't like money, and only treats the company as his child. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of a high-rise building, overlooking the city scenery of Seattle, with an incomprehensible expression.

His sister's sudden attack caught him off guard.

Before he figured out what to do, he could only try his best to avoid his suspicions and pretend to be happy and cooperative.

But in his heart, he was filled with resentment and murderous intent towards this stupid sister.

As a self-made hero, his enemies are not to be feared.

Over the years, he has encountered too many enemies, and now it is he who stands here overlooking the city, not those enemies.

But despite all his calculations, he never expected that his sister, who had always been smart and capable, would do such a stupid thing to deceive his brother.

Maybe he had good intentions, but what he did was not human affairs!

This is how scary the people around you are.

And now he has to go to great lengths to wipe this ass.

Fortunately, there is still time.

Detective Chuck has only been here for half a day. With their company's complicated accounts, even Detective Chuck will need a lot of time to sort out and draw conclusions.

So just make up for it as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he calmed down, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

In the past few years, he has long understood the deepest path of business war. This is also the fundamental reason why he is standing here now, but the enemy is nowhere to be found.

Those enemies think that high-end business wars are a collision of intelligences amid laughter and laughter, but real high-end business wars are often conducted in the most unpretentious way.

Poisoning, accidental car accidents, psychotic shooters, suicides, and other assassinations are all expected to eliminate the opponent from the physical level.

Even if the opponent no longer exists, is there a second outcome to the business war created by the opponent?

It is precisely because he was the first to understand this core business war path that he was able to rise to where he is today.

Therefore, when problems arise again, he will naturally follow the path to success, contact his acquaintances and helpers again, and prepare for another exciting business battle!

A phone call and a simple conversation solved most of the problem. In a good mood, he took out the thick book from the bookshelf, opened the pageant-style photo album inside, and started flipping through the brands to sponsor. These poor female college students who cannot afford to go to college.

He really doesn't care about money, but he cares about the enjoyment that money can bring him.

Rights, beauty, charity, none of them can be missing.


At this time there was a knock on the office, and his sister Rita opened the door and walked in without waiting for him to speak.

"Rita, what's the matter?" Rama closed the charity list book and frowned at the sister who had been sentenced to death by him.

Rita glanced at what her brother was reading, and she was not surprised because there was a similar book on the bookshelf in her office.

That’s right!

As the sister of the philanthropist Rama, she also likes to do charity, especially for those poor college students who are burdened with high student loans, have learned nothing in college, and will not be able to repay their student loans for the rest of their lives, but they have a good skin. , she has always been very soft-hearted and doesn't want to see this. She has to support one every day to feel happy.

Sometimes there is more than one.

"I was wrong." Rita would not notice anything at first, but after Chuck's reminder, and now looking at her brother's reaction, she immediately noticed that something was wrong with his mood and quickly admitted her mistake.

"What did you do wrong?" Rama said calmly.

"I shouldn't have invited Detective Chuck over." Rita admitted her mistake sincerely: "But if you had told me in advance, I wouldn't have done it. It's too late to say this now. Fortunately, it's not too late. Detective Chuck signed Even though we have signed a confidentiality agreement, it doesn’t seem like he intends to interfere with our company’s affairs.”

"What do you mean?" Rama looked shocked, shocked by the information revealed in his sister's words.

"I know everything." Rita's heart trembled, but she still gritted her teeth and confessed: "Detective Chuck is worthy of being Detective Chuck. He checked our company's account books clearly in just one morning. Only then did I Do you know why our company’s stock price rises so fast... Brother, I am your sister. No matter what happens, I will stand by your side. You should have reminded me as soon as it happened. In that case, I would not Then we won’t find anyone to check the accounts!”

"How is this possible!" Rama's face was extremely ugly.

"Are you saying it's impossible to tell me, or that it's impossible to find out?" Rita smiled bitterly.

"How did he find out the problem from such complicated account books in one morning?" Rama glanced at his sister and said with a gloomy expression, "Even if we hire a specialized accounting firm, a team of so many people would require at least half a It will take months to completely sort it out.”

"This is Detective Chuck!" Rita said helplessly: "At first, I suspected that someone else had stolen our money, so of course I would find the best one, and it turned out that he was indeed the best. It only took one morning. Not only did they find out what the problem was, they also gave me a number that was accurate to the single digit.”

Seeing the ferocious and murderous intent flashing through Rama's expression, Rita's heart suddenly flashed, and she quickly reminded: "The matter has reached this point, it is useless to think about it. Looking for him is not necessarily a bad thing."

"Then I still have to thank you?" Rama looked at his sister indifferently.

"If you had told me the truth from the beginning, even if it was just a hint or a reminder, you wouldn't be in this situation today." Rita felt the immediate threat and no longer tried to hide it: "But the matter is now over. It's definitely better to find Chuck than to find someone else, because this person is Chuck, so you won't fall deeper and deeper."

With that, he spoke out Chuck's reminder.

"..." Rama was speechless. He became more and more afraid of Chuck, and his desire to get rid of Chuck, Becca, and everyone who knew about it became stronger and stronger.

As a true benefactor, he really doesn't want anyone to see through his true nature.

But coexisting with this strong murderous intention is strong fear.

Detective Chuck not only figured out such a complicated matter in just half a day, but also deduced the future, predicted his thoughts, and warned him in advance. He had never encountered such an enemy before.

Can he really succeed again this time by relying on the mature and successful business path of the past?

While Rama and Rita brother and sister were talking, Beca was also nervously chatting with Chuck. Of course, it was not the kind of flirting that Chuck said he liked her at first, but out of fear for her own safety. I want to chat with Chuck to find a sense of security.

"Chuck, what do you think the boss will do? He doesn't really want to..." Beca said, touching her neck.

"9 points," Chuck said bluntly.

"A perfect score of 100 points?" Beca looked at him expectantly, and after he shook his head, he said bitterly: "Then what should I do?"

"Any inspiration?" Chuck looked at her.

"What?" Beca was stunned.

At this time, she still only cares about whether she has any inspiration for arranging music in such a stimulating state?

Who is this?

She immediately realized that what Chuck said was not the deleted version of "I like you" but the real "We like your arrangement".

Co-author: She was just thinking about beautiful things!

"No?" Chuck said bluntly: "That's a pity. Electronic music is more inspiring when it's exciting. In this case, after this incident, change your job. An exciting job like accounting is not suitable for you."

"I don't even know if I can survive now. How can I think of electronic music arrangements?" Beca said a little crazy.

"Why can't you live?" Chuck said expressionlessly: "You only need to care about inspiration and tunes. As long as I'm here, you can't die!"

"..." Although Beca didn't like that Chuck still put inspiration and tunes as the first priority, she was still infected by the confidence and calmness in Chuck's words. Most of her fears and worries dissipated, and she suppressed them for a while. Thinking about what to do next, he complained: "What will I do if I don't become an accountant?"

"Whatever you want." Chuck raised his decorative glasses: "As long as it gives you better inspiration and doesn't forget to arrange the music."

Originally, he thought that having such an exciting job as an accountant would better give Beca the inspiration to compose better tunes.

After all, music is different from science fiction. It requires more emotional perception rather than intellectual fantasy.

But now it seems that Liu understands better. Only with a job where he can fish, can he have enough food and clothing, and have enough time, can he create better.

After this incident, help Beka find a job like this, which will not break away from work and life, and have enough time for artistic creation. I believe that there will always be a moment of artistic inspiration.

As for the high-end physics business war that Rama is likely to engage in, he really only cares about whether he can provide Beka with even a trace of creative inspiration.

The rest is nothing.

To be more ruthless, the other party is not as good as the Qatar Group.

To be more insidious, the other party is not as good as those who are free.

He is just a tycoon. Do you really think that by bragging a few words that you are different from the capitalists who only care about making money?

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