American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 563 Boss Tang’s Enlightenment in Longchang

"So what's your choice?" Chuck looked at Beca in confusion.

"I..." Beca really wanted to refuse, but looking at Chuck's face, she really couldn't say the words.

As she said, in fact, to a certain extent, she can be considered an autistic person, of course, it is a mild form.

Like Chuck, she also wants to take the initiative to connect with others, but she always fails.

Unless there is a certain moment that makes her impulsive and able to break this limitation.

For example, during the time before her high school prom, she desperately wanted to make a stunning appearance, so she really tried her best to try.

And now, right around the corner is Detective Chuck!

Like her, she likes music, painting, and mathematics. She is an accountant and almost saved her life. She also has this mature tough guy face, which is all about her aesthetics.

This was how she took the initiative, almost like she was before the high school prom. It would be great if it weren't for a straight man like Chuck, and everything would go as it should.

But now, even though she was very angry that this beautiful atmosphere was interrupted, she still couldn't say it out loud if she wanted to reject Chuck.

"What the hell are these experiments?" After holding back a thousand words until the end, she could only break the silence in a dull voice. She was not prepared to continue today and only planned to lighten the atmosphere.

Then when she heard Chuck carefully explain what the names of the scientific research projects that she didn't want to hear just now represented, she was stunned.

What a well-dressed beast!

It’s really fun to play!

It was only because of her naivety that she felt that those scientific researches were really pure scientific research.

At this moment, she was like one of those pure female students who were invited by knowledgeable and high-status experts and professors to study classic literary and artistic works, such as The West Chamber.

Although outsiders may feel something is wrong, they can only make some guesses. They have no idea what it means for a man and a woman to read The West Chamber together.

If we think about Yihong's son Jia Baoyu reading "The West Chamber" to Lin Daiyu, a really knowledgeable person would have their views shattered.

There is no pure love, it is all pure desire!

These are all encrypted and indescribable. I don’t know if Lin Daiyu can bear it after reading them. Anyway, Beka, who was angry and emotionless just now, is interested again.

When she felt dizzy, as if she had returned to campus, became a science student for a time, and prepared strictly according to the scientific research procedures, a miracle happened.

The bullet time stimulated by the flying knife grazing her face came again, and everything from her perspective began to slow down.

She widened her eyes and tried to see Chuck's face, which was suddenly far and near. She found it particularly interesting, and deep emotions emerged in her heart. She subconsciously reached out to touch Chuck's face.

Then something shocking happened to her.

In bullet time, everything was originally so slow that it should be in slow motion, but when she reached out to touch Chuck's face, Chuck suddenly looked over.

Originally this was nothing.

It's just a normal action of a severely autistic patient who doesn't like to make eye contact. He doesn't look at her every day and occasionally glances at her.

But in this kind of bullet time, this sudden glance seemed too weird and made her hair stand on end.

At this moment, not only did she move faster than normal, but she also thought faster. She instantly understood why she felt this weird.

Because under normal circumstances, Chuck's glance should be acknowledging the surrounding environment and slowly turning his head to look over. In bullet time, she had enough reaction time to watch this slow motion.

But Chuck's glance was completely different from the surrounding slow-motion environment. It seemed that he was completely unaffected by bullet time and turned around in a flash.

At this point in time, she had not seen the Justice League movie, otherwise she would have understood that this kind of horror was the same as the Flash seeing Superman's eyes moving while he was running.

But even if she hadn't seen this classic scene from Justice League, she still understood it instantly at this moment.

Then something even more frightening happened.

Not only can Chuck glance at normal speed during bullet time, he can also instantly accelerate back to normal speed.

Then there is no more.

As Chuck said before, she can only passively enter bullet time when her life is threatened or in a state of extreme stimulation.

But after entering bullet time, and once again passively have the source of stimulation to enter bullet time, what kind of experience will it be like?

In fact, it is very simple, that is, playing the audio and video at double speed and then double speed.

The result is a gibberish that is incomprehensible to humans.

In order to avoid the damage of this garbled code, the human brain will automatically ignore this information and no longer receive it. However, Beca, who is deeply connected to the stimulus source, cannot freely control whether to receive it.

So before her brain died, she had a flash of inspiration and finally understood that Detective Chuck was Detective Chuck, and those inexplicable scientific research experiment titles were not just random talk.

"Research on whether the relative speed of the gun rod and the physical constants of friction change during bullet time"

"Study on Music Playback Rate and Aesthetics in Bullet Time"

"Study on the correlation between abnormal neural responses, dynamic images and visual colors"

"Study on the Relative Relationship between Abnormal Nervous Response and Secretion of Adrenaline and Hormones"

"Extraordinary Nervous Reactions and Training to Human Limits"... everything is right.

Not only is he an LSP played by City Club, he is also really doing scientific research!

Beca would have cried to death...if she had been given the chance.

I don't know how long it took, Beca woke up faintly, and with trembling eyelids, she saw a familiar figure writing and drawing there. Before she could speak, Chuck turned around and looked at her: "Are you awake?"

"How long have I been asleep?" Beca asked weakly with a hoarse voice.

"18 hours, 34 minutes and 49 seconds!" Chuck raised his hand and looked at his watch, and immediately reported the number accurate to the second.

"..." Beca didn't want to speak, not only because she was tired, but also because she was tired.

"How do you feel?" Chuck came over and looked down at her.

"Feeling?" Beca's mouth twitched, she really didn't know how to describe it.

"Relative speed and friction physical constants, you don't need to tell me, I have already calculated the results." Chuck said straightforwardly: "I also drew blood for research on adrenaline and hormones. I need you to tell me how you feel and calculate the results. Under time, your perception of music playback speed, dynamic images, and visual colors will need reference for these parameters in later human extreme training."

"...You drew my blood directly after I was...because of you, who was unconscious?" Beca's voice was trembling, not sure if it was because of fear or anger.

"Yes." Chuck placed the phone screen thoughtfully in front of her eyes and said calmly: "The data will be more accurate at that moment, you agreed!"

"..." Looking at the scientific research and experiment contract displayed on the phone screen, Beca was speechless.

At that time, her mind was full of hormones, and she was not in the mood to read the lengthy contract details.

If she had known that her blood would be drawn after she was about to fall into coma, she...well, as her body's sensations gradually returned, she suddenly couldn't say harsh words.

Putting aside the terrible treatment, this exciting feeling is really an unprecedented experience.



Suddenly she thought of something and looked at Chuck in disbelief: "Why did your scientific research experiment contract details predict that I would be in a coma???"

"Fuck!" Chuck said calmly.

Before Beca could continue to be speechless, Chuck's words reached her ears again: "Get up and fix things quickly. There are less than 6 hours left, which is 24 hours. The scientific research project will start on time the next day."

"I'm already like this, and I'm still going on?" Beca was shocked.

Chuck put the phone in front of her again and asked her to look at the experimental daily schedule carefully. When Beca was afraid of the full daily schedule, which was simply scarier than having classes on Sundays in school, she heard Chuck there again. Speak.

"After that, I hope you will focus on the music playback speed, dynamic images, and visual color perception. It is best to combine it with your talent in arranging. It would be better if you have electronic music inspiration. The rest You can temporarily block it, remember the key points of scientific research experiments, and don’t let me down!”

"Oh God!" Beca wailed in her heart: "Why can he say this kind of thing so fresh and refined!"

"Wait a minute, I..." Beca originally wanted to say that I have a boyfriend or a husband, but thinking that men are thieves, this would only aggravate her crisis, so she quickly changed her mind.

"It's been so long, the killers from Rama may be coming, we need to be prepared!"

"Don't worry about him!" Chuck explained: "He has already surrendered and called the killer back, pretending that we no longer exist."

"Don't be deceived by him!" Beka quickly reminded: "He is cunning and cunning. He may have acted deliberately. He is still acting secretly and caught us off guard."

"Don't worry about him." Chuck said straightforwardly: "Whether there is an assassination or not, I can handle it. Our scientific research and your status will have no impact at all."

No matter what Becca said, she couldn't convince Chuck, who had obsessive-compulsive disorder, to give up his normal scientific research schedule.

no way.

She can only act according to the contract.

Fortunately, this time, in order to make it easier for her to enter the electronic music arrangement perspective, Chuck used the songs of Sad Ecstasy Palm and Bi Hai Chao Sheng.

The two are inextricably linked. They both imitate the waves of the sea. One wave relies on the other, as if the speed is doubled, doubled, tripled...

Here Chuck discovered a new world, immersed himself in new scientific research projects, and stayed in Seattle for a long time.

As far away as Los Angeles, the tsunami caused by the killing of a Colombian drug lord and the destruction of the Qatari cartel in Mexico also slowly subsided over time.

Of course, in this chaotic process, the dust of the times falls on the free people of California, just like mountains.

In the process of reshuffling rights, violence is inevitable.

This has also made some people in the Los Angeles Police Department rich, some unlucky, and some truly ideal and responsible police officers are in trouble.

Such as the bald captain.

"What did you say?" When he was sitting in the office and heard the suggestion from his subordinate Brian, he looked up in disbelief.

"The current situation is like this. With the reshuffle of drug lords in California, the biggest drug lord in Los Angeles has now become Braga." Brian has already said it, and he can't take it back: " He hired racing drivers to help him transport the goods. In just over a month, the number of calves transported by him exceeded what others had shipped in a year.

The undercover agents sent by the police and the FBI were all found out, and they were all found in body bags when they came back. This is an unprecedented drug lord. We must take the initiative. It is most suitable for Mr. Tang to sneak in with me as an undercover agent. candidate! "

"You really disappoint me!" The bald captain ignored Braga, the unprecedented drug lord, and looked at his men with very disappointed eyes.

At Chuck's reminder, he personally took Brian to see the truck drivers and their families who were living in dire straits due to Don's car robbery. He originally thought that he could make Brian clearly understand that there is no loyalty in the world, and some are just... Illegal crimes.

But unfortunately, it now seems that Brian is really just a criminal trying to pretend to be a good guy. He would rather bear the moral dilemma and the heavy gambling debt of Hailey to clear his name for Don.

"Am I wrong?" Brian didn't dare to look directly into his boss's eyes and said stubbornly: "Isn't it good to atone for his crimes? Compared with the crimes committed by Boss Tang, the big drug lord Braga He is a truly heinous criminal and must be brought to justice!"

"You're right." The bald captain said calmly: "But it's one thing and another. Crimes cannot be offset in this way, and this kind of thing does not have to be done by him. You are just acting out of emotion. I will never agree to this. I did it for your own good!”

"If you are really doing it for me, help me this time!" Brian suddenly raised his head and said with red eyes: "I really can't face Mia, why can't I give Boss Tang and the others a chance?"

"Get out!" The bald captain pointed at the door and said coldly.

"In this case, I don't need you to help me anymore!" Brian looked at the decisive bald captain, took out his police badge and gun, and put them on the table: "I resign! I will use my own method to help Boss Tang They atone for their sins!”

After saying that, he left resolutely, leaving only the bald captain shaking his head and sighing.

in prison.

The bald Mr. Tang, who was dressed in an orange prison uniform, walked through the iron doors under the leadership of the prison guards and came to the reception room. He hugged his excited sister Mia, and then looked at Brian in a suit and tie with an expressionless face: " Do you still dare to appear in front of me?"

"Don! Don't get excited, listen to him! He is no longer a policeman!" His sister Mia quickly comforted him.

"I am an FBI agent now." Brian smiled: "The Los Angeles Police did not agree to let you plead guilty. I had no choice but to resign and go to the FBI, which prefers the art of trading. Finally, I got it for you and everyone. A good opportunity to get a reduced sentence.”

"I don't want a reduced sentence!" Mr. Tang's hoarse voice was extremely indifferent: "I want freedom! The freedom we should have!"

Brian couldn't help but look at Boss Tang carefully. After seeing him again for more than a month, he always felt that Boss Tang was completely different.

He is also an elite police detective, so he naturally knows that there is a legend in American prisons, that is, for those criminals who are determined to commit crimes throughout their lives and expand their criminal careers, prison is the best place for further training.

Once Long Chang realizes the truth, it is really the difference between a small fight and a giant shark.

But now, Boss Tang gave him the feeling of being enlightened in Longchang.

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