American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 567 Whose car is this?

late at night.


The long-haired girl held the urn and talked to herself for a long time. The sudden shock and sadness, as well as the resentment and sadness accumulated in her heart over the years, were like the tide of the sea, one after another.

Although there will still be waves in the future, at this moment, it is gradually calming down.

"I'm sorry." After the long-haired girl Reiko reacted, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes again and bowed apologetically to the man.

"Don't bow!" the man finally said.

The long-haired girl Reiko looked at him puzzled.

She thought there was nothing wrong with her bowing posture.

"Bow down and apologize, I've been screwed by you all." The man said bluntly: "This is already synonymous with whether you will correct your mistakes and do it next time."

"..." The long-haired girl Reiko was speechless.

Although she didn't know where to start, after being reminded by the man, she thought about it carefully and found that it did make sense.

Bowing and apologizing seemed to be very perfunctory.

But after getting used to it, I no longer feel it.

"Thank you." After the long-haired girl Reiko was speechless for a while, she gave up the Japanese humility and perfunctory, and became more American sincerity: "I have been listening for so long, and it has been a long time since no one has been with Reiko like this..."

The man said nothing and still stood there.

"Are you a tourist, or do you come to Tokyo for work?" The long-haired girl Reiko secretly looked at the man. Seeing that the man seemed to be able to remain silent like this forever, she couldn't help but ask.

"I won't eat ten meals of overpriced contaminated seafood, and I'm not here to work as a plumber for the Nordic elves in Lost in Translation." The man said expressionlessly something Reiko couldn't understand at all.

"Is this your unique American joke?" Reiko forced a smile, expressing that she didn't understand but tried hard to keep up.

"No, it's your Tokyo hottie." The man said bluntly.

"Ours?" Lingzi's eyes widened and she asked confusedly, "Why have I never heard of it?"

"Are you doing well in school?" the man asked.

"...Is this related to academic performance?" Reiko felt guilty.

Although she is smart, due to family reasons, she has not focused on studying for a long time, but on how to play and make money.

Ever since she started working as a support staff for a racing car, balancing both fun and making money, she no longer cared about studying at all.

"Read more, read more newspapers, play less games, and sleep more." The man said seriously: "You can understand already."

"This sounds impossible." Reiko smiled bitterly: "In the past, when my parents were still alive and the family was intact, it was difficult to do it, let alone now that I can only support myself."

"It's simple, I'll support you." The man said the most shocking words in the most understated way.

"Huh?" Reiko was stunned. Under the night, the cold sea breeze couldn't stop her pretty face from turning red instantly after realizing: "You, you... I, I'm not that kind of girl!"

She stammered and didn't know what she was talking about, and she felt alert and annoyed for a moment.

No wonder he said he was not an American soldier before!

But not only does he look like an American soldier, his behavior is too American.


At this moment, he didn't use force directly.

She was grateful.

But this kind of self-indulgence style is still very American. Oh, wrong!

To be more precise, Mr. America!

She is not a simple high school student, and even a simple Tokyo student knows that there is a popular lifestyle in Asia, that is, those old men with no money in the United States like to come here to retire.

Retirement options include finding a young Asian woman as a partner.

These are all open secrets.

As for why you can still find young partners when you are old and have no money, besides being beautiful and strong, it is because those so-called partners think that their skin race is correct and high-class.

But she is not that kind of fool!

However, after a moment of alertness and irritation, Reiko looked at the man's mature but not old-fashioned face, his heroic and cold face, and felt that she should explain to the man what kind of girl she was, and also let the man explain to her what it means to raise him. she!

"I know." The man glanced at her.

"Then why did you say that?" Reiko's face relaxed again and she asked with a blush.

"I said it was possible, but you said it was impossible. You said it was impossible because you had to support yourself." The man said straightforwardly: "I advocate scientific experiments and use experimental results to prove whether what I said is right or not!"

"Just for this?" Reiko was stunned.

"Otherwise?" The man withdrew his gaze from Lingzi and the urn in her arms, and looked at the sea: "Do you think you are so beautiful that people will support you as soon as they open their mouths? Yin Tianchou only tried Liu Piaopiao before I have this idea. You may be good, but you are far inferior to Liu Piaopiao!"

"You said something I don't understand again!" Reiko pouted unhappily.

She didn't know who Yin Tianchou and Liu Piaopiao were, but she could probably understand what the man was talking about. After the last bit of uneasiness dissipated, there was doubt about her own charm, and regret that the man's suggestion just now was not based on coveting her beauty. .

The girl's mind is so contradictory and complicated.

"If you want to understand, participate in the experiment!" The man looked at her calmly.

"..." Reiko and the man looked at each other for a few seconds, then looked away, their eyes very tangled.

Although the man doesn't look like a bad guy and is very charming when he is willful, it would be too embarrassing for her to agree to participate in some experiment or something.

This is Tokyo!

It is the birthplace of many popular anime and movies.

Although she didn't pay attention, she vaguely knew that there were many weird mad scientists in movies and anime, who conducted all kinds of weird and crazy science experiments.

For example, the mechanical prosthetic series.

For example, the hospital care series.

For example, the public transportation series.

Especially in the hospital care series, the enthusiasm of doctors or doctoral scientists to delve into scientific experiments is very touching... of course it's disgusting!

"Let's go!" The man greeted directly without waiting for Reiko's answer, turned around and left.

"Where are you going?" Reiko subconsciously followed for a few steps, then stopped and shouted at the man's back.

The man didn't answer, but just walked away from the beach.

Reiko hesitated for a few seconds, looked at the urn in her arms, and then at the man who was almost invisible in the night. She gritted her teeth and followed, but she was muttering in her heart: "There shouldn't be any danger, my mother's ashes are still there." here I am……"

"Is this your car?" Reiko trotted to catch up with the man and was a little surprised when she found the man standing in front of a car.

no way.

This car is just the most ordinary Toyota AE86, which is really unsightly to her who likes racing cars.

More importantly, it is completely incompatible with the man's bravery and coldness, and the contrast is huge.

"Get in the car!" the man greeted.

"My name is Lingzi, I still don't know what your name is?" After Lingzi followed, she was already planning to get on the bus. After all, she didn't have a car and came here by bus, but she was a little hesitant when she really wanted to get on the bus.

"Chuck." The man looked at her.

"Chuck? It's a nice name." Reiko muttered, and under the man's gaze, she quickly walked around to the passenger seat and got into the car holding the urn.

The car started smoothly and left the beach.

Reiko quickly felt the man's driving skills, and her eyes lit up: "Chuck, do you also like racing?"

"I don't like it." Chuck shook his head.

"Ah?" Reiko was stunned: "But your driving skills are so good?"

"Does good driving skills have anything to do with racing?" Chuck said while driving: "Can human control of the car compare with intelligent AI control?"

"There will definitely be no comparison in the future!" Reiko was shocked when she heard about her old profession: "Although the current in-vehicle assistance system cannot achieve intelligent driving, in the future, once all aspects of technology mature, no matter how powerful the racing driver is, there will definitely be no comparison. It’s not as good as the most common intelligent driving assistance system.”

In the racing logistics team, she plays with on-board auxiliary systems, using the power of technology to improve the skills of racers.

But there are always people who think they are awesome and think that the most powerful thing is people, not computers. They don’t want computers to teach them how to drive, but they want to drive how they feel!

That’s right!

I’m talking about Nina in the spotlight!

Her driving skills are not very good, but she has obviously used a computer to simulate the best way to operate. As long as the other party is willing to listen to her, her driving skills will be greatly improved.

But the other party was extremely arrogant and didn't listen at all.

She is beautiful, has a noble bloodline, is awesome, and can do whatever she wants. Originally she couldn't say anything, but now Chuck, who is obviously more noble and mysterious, agrees with her ideas, which immediately makes her very happy.

"You like racing?" Chuck glanced at her.

"Is there really someone who doesn't like it?" Reiko asked with a smile.

"Do you simply like excitement and excitement, or are you forced by life?" Chuck asked.

"There is no conflict between the two." Reiko was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said: "I not only like the excitement and excitement of racing, but also like that I can make money from it and support myself."

"If one day, the dangers brought by this excitement far outweigh the benefits, and you have to give up this excitement, what do you want to do by then?" Chuck said calmly.

"Danger?" Lingzi smiled: "How can this be dangerous? I'm not actually racing, I'm just a support staff member."

Soon she stopped laughing, because Chuck glanced at her, and she was keenly aware of what Chuck meant as if he was looking at a fool.

"Am I right?" Reiko said unconvinced.

"Whose car do you most envy Nina?" Chuck hit the nail on the head.

"Nina is a person, not a car..." Reiko subconsciously explained that Nina was not someone's car, but then she realized what Chuck meant.

When she was at the beach before, her emotions suddenly came to a head. She talked to Chuck about her experiences and feelings, and she mentioned Nina. Naturally, she also said that she regarded Nina as the forbidden drift king DK.

Sean, who had just come from the United States to study, had a direct conflict with Nina and DK, which made the onlookers sweat for Sean.

Because DK is the nephew of a gangster first, and the king of drift second!

DK is the English abbreviation of Drift King. His drifting skills are indeed very good, but if it were not for his domineering uncle, it is difficult to say whether he can wear the title of Drift King.

As far as she knew, Han's driving skills were not inferior to DK's.

And since she is the nephew of a mafia boss, and they are so close, even though she is just a little transparent in logistics and not a forbidden car like Nina that attracts everyone's attention, is there really no danger at all?

Of course it's impossible!

It's just that she usually doesn't want to think about it.

Otherwise, if you really think about it, the constant natural disasters that seem to be punished by heaven, the American soldiers everywhere, the evil hands of the local people, all kinds of pollution, and the solidification of classes can suffocate those who want stability and security.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look down at the urn in her arms. Was it because her mother had said that Tokyo was too suffocating?

"Don't you care how your mother died?" Chuck's words interrupted Reiko's thoughts.

"The police said it was an accident." Reiko said sadly.

"Then what?" Chuck asked.

"Then?" Reiko looked at him in surprise, thinking that he didn't understand the customs of Tokyo, and explained: "There is no more. In Tokyo, there are often no results. Take racing for example, many people are on the viaduct. He raced at high speeds openly and ignored the patrol police.

That's because they know that the patrol cars are set at the factory with a maximum speed of 180. As long as the speed reaches 180 or more and the patrol detects the speed, they will directly give up tracking and let the car race, because we all know that even if If you continue to pursue it, there will be no results. "

After saying this, she hugged the urn in her arms tightly, feeling a little sad.

That's true, and people in Tokyo do the same thing, but as a person involved, it feels so uncomfortable to have no choice but to accept this kind of fuck.

It was her mother who died accidentally!

My only relative!

Chuck glanced at her, said nothing, drove her home, gave her a business card, and drove away, leaving Lingzi holding the urn with a confused look on her face.

She went out tonight to scatter her mother's ashes into the sea. What's going on now that she's bringing them back?

Tokyoites find themselves powerless over many things and choose to just lie down and accept it and ignore it, but Chuck is not a Tokyoite.

Tooth for tooth, eye for eye, surprise for surprise are basic courtesy.

"What? Morimoto fell on Mount Akina?"

The next day, when Reiko, who had been tossing and turning all night, put on her school uniform and went to campus to report, she heard the shocking news immediately.

Who is Morimoto?

The number one horse boy of DK, the king of drift!

"Hasn't he never raced cars?" Lingzi had a strange feeling in her heart and asked subconsciously.

"It's not because of that foreign devil~" The messenger gloated and motioned for Reiko to look at Sean, who had just transferred from the United States, and directly quoted DK, the King of Drift, from his derogatory name for Sean.

"Sean?" Reiko probably understood what happened.

Morimoto followed DK, the king of drifting. Although he had his own car, he didn't usually race. However, when Sean provoked DK before, as DK's number one pony, of course he had to speak up for the boss, and then he was beaten by Xiao, who had no sense of dignity. En responded directly: "You have the ability to compete with me?"

Obviously, Sean Cowboy, the foreign devil, responded with harsh words, which made Morimoto break the defense and start training in private.

Akina Mountain is the origin of Tokyo Drift, and the terrain there is most suitable for training drift technology.

There are pros and cons. Although the terrain of Akina Mountain is suitable for practicing drifting, it is also easy to cause accidents.

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