American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 574 The super genius living in the shadow of Detective Chuck

Los Angeles.

A cafe.

A handsome female doctor in a white coat and a handsome curly-haired man sat opposite each other.

The pretty female doctor was deeply shocked by the topic suddenly brought up by the curly-haired handsome man, and kept complaining.

But seeing her boyfriend across from her fall into a state of confusion, she could only call out: "Walter, are you listening?"

The curly-haired young man Walter came back to his senses instantly and nodded to his girlfriend across from him: "Listen! You are saying, 'I didn't expect this at all'."

"I can't believe you want to break up with me!" Seeing that her boyfriend finally came to his senses, the pretty female doctor finally repeated her shock again.

"I have to admit that you have been very patient during this period." The curly-haired young man Walter nodded.

"The most difficult three months of my life." The pretty female doctor tried to remain polite and calm: "Walter, you are not easy to get along with."

"I think this can help." The curly-haired young man took out a piece of paper from his pocket and explained with a smile.

"During the relationship, you rightly accused me of not being able to empathize with your emotions, so I made a list of how you might feel over the next few minutes."

"You wrote an article specifically to break up with me?" The pretty female doctor couldn't stand it no matter how polite she was.

"This is a decision tree!" The curly-haired young man Walter was still trying to show off his brilliant idea.


He is as confident as Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory who wanted to make friends and drew a step-by-step diagram to make friends.

But luckily, the curly-haired young man Walter didn't have the chance to reach the endless loop of stuck state, and the owner of the cafe came to interrupt.

"Walter, I paid you to fix the wireless network, not to chat."

"You actually arranged to break up with me during work???" The delicate female doctor's voice rose by three points, and it was a bit unbearable no matter how quiet and polite she was.

"This is more efficient!" Walter, the curly-haired young man, explained with a smile.

"You may have worked hard, but you are still far from an ordinary person." The pretty female doctor shook her head and looked at her ex-boyfriend's face, filled with anger for pity.

As she spoke, she stood up and was about to leave. When she walked past her ex-boyfriend, she couldn't help but stamp her feet and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Detective Chuck is Detective Chuck, you are you, don't make it difficult for yourself!"

After saying that, he walked directly outside the cafe.

But these words made the curly-haired young man Walter's face change drastically. He no longer had the cold confidence before. He stood up and shouted at the back of his ex-girlfriend who left, "What do you mean?"

"I mean." When his ex-girlfriend turned around and looked over, seeing him like this, the pity on her face became even stronger: "You have to be good, Walter."

With that said, he waved and left the cafe.

This scene attracted the attention of people in the cafe, and a beautiful waitress looked at them in surprise.

"Walter!!!" Before the curly-haired young man could make any other moves, the owner of the cafe could barely suppress his anger and shouted.

"Fix the wireless network, I know!" the curly-haired young man replied, and when he turned around, his ex-girlfriend had already driven away, so he had to repair the wireless network in the cafe first.

After some quick operations on the computer, seeing that the repair process would still have to wait, he immediately took out his phone and sent a message to his deleted ex-girlfriend who he thought he would never contact again, and continued to ask about the person he cared about just now. topic.

At this moment, a conversation not far away attracted his attention, temporarily diverting his attention from his eagerness to argue with his ex-girlfriend.

The cafe owner said something to a little boy lying on the bar, and then reminded the beautiful waitress dissatisfied: "Peggy, your son is playing with the spice jar again!"

"I know, and he knows too, but it's difficult for him to adapt to school life." The beautiful waitress Peggy smiled and reassured: "He will go back to school next week, I promise."

After saying that, he turned around and came to his nine-year-old son and whispered: "Dear, it's okay, Mr. Genax just likes to be neat.

We've talked about this before, remember? That doesn't mean there's something wrong with you, okay? "

The little boy didn't say a word and just continued to play with the spice jar in his hand.

The curly-haired young man Walter saw this scene in his eyes. After the repair was completed, he closed his laptop, walked over, stood opposite the little boy, picked up the spice jar in front of him, and moved it.

The little boy, who had been silent all this time, quickly moved the condiment jar after the curly-haired young man Walter moved it.

The two of them didn't say a word, just came and went, and within a few seconds, they completed a simple chess game.

This scene fell into the eyes of the beautiful waitress who was always paying attention to her son. She was deeply afraid that her son would be bullied or, even more terrifyingly, 'attracted to others', so she hurried over.

"Excuse me, can I help you?"

"It's okay, you should help him." The curly-haired young man Walter glanced at the beautiful waitress: "Your name is Peggy, but the other Peggy is obviously more suitable for him."

"What do you mean?" The beautiful waitress Peggy's face was ugly, and there was uncontrollable anger in her voice.

She is a mother!

I love my son deeply!

Now, a stranger said this, as if she, Peggy, was not worthy of being the mother of her son, but another Peggy whom she did not know at all was more suitable.

For her, this was heartbreaking harm!

"The wireless network has been repaired." The curly-haired young man Walter ignored her, said to the cafe owner, picked up his computer bag and left.

Before going out, he said something to the boss sitting at the door of the cafe: "Don't yell at that boy!"

This sentence came very unexpectedly.

But it still calmed down the anger of the beautiful waitress Peggy a little.

She touched her son who still didn't say a word, and her smile was very bitter.

There will never be that much anger without breaking the defense.

But this time, she was overcome by the stranger's words, "Your name is Peggy, but the other Peggy is obviously more suitable for him."

The reason why it was so easy to break through the defense was that although she didn’t know who the strange curly-haired young man was talking about, Peggy, her mother, failed miserably.

Even though she tried her best to get into her son's heart, she was always kept away from him.

She originally didn't know what was going on with her son. When others looked strange, she always emphasized loudly that there was nothing wrong with her son.

But how many times in the middle of the night she woke up crying, worried about her son's condition, and blaming herself for being young and ignorant back then.


At first, she felt that the poor living conditions before her son's unexpected arrival made her son different from other children.

But fortunately, Detective Chuck came out more than a year ago, and there were popular reports for a while, letting her know about the existence of autism and Asperger's syndrome.

Her son's situation is very much like that of Detective Chuck when he was a child!

And he's in far better shape than little Chuck who can't control his body.

My son is just too quiet.

She once thought of taking her son to Chuck for the first time to ask how to normalize his son. At the very least, she, as a mother, could communicate with her son.

But unfortunately, she is just a poor waitress.

Like countless beauties who come to Los Angeles to pursue their dreams, she can only work as a waitress while waiting for opportunities.

As a result, in addition to abruptly enhancing the appearance of the waiter in Los Angeles, the dream of becoming a star was completely shattered after unexpectedly having a son.

It was already very difficult for her to make ends meet with her son like this. How could she have the money to take her son on a plane across the east and west coasts to New York to find Detective Chuck.

Even if she raises money to get a plane ticket and goes to New York, she may not be able to find Chuck.

And there was another worry that was holding her back.

That is, more than a year ago, after learning that her son Ralph might be an autistic genius like Chuck Wolf, she took her son to have his IQ tested.

It's a pity that my son is not interested in this and can't test it.

Therefore, she has no idea whether her son is a genius or not.

What if, after all the effort and money he had spent to find him, it turned out that his son was not a genius like Detective Chuck, then he would be in big trouble.

She doesn't think that the successful experience of geniuses has any reference experience for ordinary people, or even autistic children who are inferior to ordinary people.

The psychological activities of the beautiful waitress Peggy were not considered by the curly-haired young man Walt. After leaving the cafe, he drove back to his residence.

Along the way, I listened to the brain teasers on the radio, answered questions, and laughed at the brain-deadness of the people who answered.

His residence was a dilapidated industrial building. As soon as he opened the door and entered, he saw his companions stealing electricity.

"Just borrowing it until they restore the power!" A petite Asian girl came down from the ladder and said disapprovingly.

"After we finish the bank credit deal, don't we have money to pay the electricity bill?" the curly-haired young man Walter questioned.

"I want to pay it, but I spent three whole days studying a credit risk loss algorithm..." A chubby young man excitedly introduced his results to Walter.

"It turns out you were so obsessed with math that you forgot to pay the electricity bill!" Walter directly added what the fat young man meant.

When the fat young man was embarrassed, he asked: "When did you last eat?"

"Are you talking about food?" The fat young man still has some sequelae from in-depth study of mathematics.

The curly-haired young man Walter smiled and threw the fruit in his hand to his favorite companion.

The fat young man caught it and smiled happily. Then he seemed to think of something and asked with concern: "Walter, how was the chat?"

"Goal achieved." The curly-haired young man Walter's smile disappeared immediately.

"Hey, didn't you want to break up?" The Asian girl gave him a strange look: "Since the goal has been achieved, why are you not happy?"

Walter shook his head and said nothing. He just took out his mobile phone and checked the mailbox where his ex-girlfriend still had no reply. He sent her another message and asked her the previous question. He also made a small loop of email reminders. software.

"Where's Toby?"

"He went to collect his last payment." The Asian girl explained.

"Toby is going? Why don't you go?" Walter frowned immediately.

Any of them can do this kind of paid work, but they can't let Toby, who has a gambling addiction, do it, otherwise it will easily be wasted.

"The last time I went there, the guy called me sweetheart, and I punched him in the nose. It's not appropriate to go there again." The Asian girl said domineeringly.

"Where is Toby?" Walter felt that the Asian girl Lele's statement was reasonable, so he stopped dwelling on this topic and asked the key question.

The three of them looked at me, and I looked at you, and they all had an ominous premonition.

And their hunch was right. Their last partner Toby, wearing a top hat, was running madly this way, followed by a car chasing after him.

After he pushed the door in and closed it tightly, the first thing Walter asked was: "Toby, tell me, did you get the money?"

"First of all, I want to make it clear that I got the money and almost tripled it for you!" Toby, who was breathing heavily, began to quibble.

But just as the quibbling began, she was interrupted by Lele, an Asian girl looking out the window: "Are those little gangsters chasing you here to congratulate you?"

Just as the gambler Toby continued to quibble, Walter walked around irritably as he heard violent knocks on the door.

“The four of us have a combined IQ of close to 700, but we can’t even pay the bills!

The reason I started this company was because we can do more than just repair routers!

What he can do, we can definitely do too! "

The other three people looked at each other and felt something was wrong.

But they didn't dare to follow Walter's words and talk about this "him" thing that "he could do", so as not to further irritate their partner and leader.

This ‘him’ is a taboo in their small team!

"Relax, Walter! This is a typical panic reaction caused by a financial crisis." Gambler Toby quickly analyzed and comforted.

"No matter how hard we work, I know we all work hard, but we are far away from ordinary people!" Walter repeated what his ex-girlfriend said about him with a complicated mood.

After a more violent banging on the door, the voice of the gangster outside the door disappeared, replaced by a deep and solemn voice.

"Homeland Security! I'm looking for Walter O'Brien!"

After confirming his identity and opening the door, Walter became even more excited and repeatedly told the leading elderly detective who walked in to get out.

"If there was any other way, I would never come to you, believe me!" The elderly agent looked at Walter.

After Lele and the others inquired, they found out that this elderly agent was called Cab Gero. He had worked with Walter before, but the results were not satisfactory.

"I need you now. 45 minutes ago, the Los Angeles International Airport control tower underwent a software upgrade..." Old agent Cabe introduced the situation.

"Now 56 planes are missing. Without landing guidance, these planes will run out of fuel and crash."

"Why not find him?" Walter raised his eyebrows.

"You still can't let go." Old agent Cab looked at Walter with complicated eyes.

But this look deeply angered Walter, and he said coldly: "There is nothing I can't let go of!

I'm just stating the facts!

He is a senior adviser to the FBI. Wouldn't the FBI go to him for such a big matter? "

"He can't be contacted at the moment." Old agent Cabe shook his head and said: "The National Security Agency is trying to use satellite to connect, and the FBI is trying to send Morse code signals from the observatory.

Now we need your help with the software!


we need you! "

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