American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 575: My IQ minus 10 is the shame of a super genius!

"Which time is it not like this?" Walter looked at the old agent Cabe coldly: "They are all emergencies, disasters are imminent, as if we must take action to save the world?

But my last experience told me.

Real disasters are always caused by you.

In other words, you are the disaster! "

"Walt!" Old Agent Cab's face changed: "Now is not the time to hold on to past mistakes! 56 planes may crash at any time. Listen clearly, this is Los Angeles!"

"We are human beings, but people in other places are not human beings?" Walter became more and more enthusiastic: "A plane dropped on our heads, or a bomb dropped on their heads, who is worse?"

The guardians who followed the old agent Cabe to the left and right had their brows furrowed like the old man on the subway looking at his cell phone. He really couldn't understand why his boss would seek help from such a dangerous person.

Normally, this level of knowledge would not pass the review, and you would not be qualified to cooperate with them!

"Sure enough, you are still too influenced by him." Old agent Cab looked at Walter, who looked like a rebellious child, and shook his head.

"I didn't!" Walter denied immediately.

"Do you know it yourself? We both know that this is his point of view!" Old Detective Cabe shouted: "I don't have time to talk to you about this now. 56 planes are flying around in the sky and they may fall down at any time. Whether it's the passengers on the plane or the residents of Los Angeles, the crisis is imminent."

Having said this, he looked around at Walt's three partners: "I will provide each of you with a federally guaranteed check for $50,000!

I checked all of you.

Mechanical wizard, Lele Quinn.

World-class psychological guru, Toby Curtis.

The Human Computer, Sylvester Dodd.

Everyone is extremely smart.

But nothing was put to good use.

Under the leadership of super hacker Walter O'Brien, you formed Scorpio Company just to repair routers for others?

I don't think so!

You have greater capabilities.

All that is missing is a good platform and opportunity!

Now that the opportunity has come to you, whether you can seize it or not depends on whether you have the ability and courage.

Didn't he, who was so autistic at the time, become a senior advisor to the FBI, and then cooperate with police stations, law enforcement agencies, and all kinds of people across the country?

he can!

Can't you do it as a team?

Of course, if you are indifferent, don't have the courage, and admit that you don't have the ability, you will be destroyed within two hours.

Then you just spend the rest of your life repairing routers.

The premise is that the router can exist forever. "

"Even if my IQ is only half now, I won't be stupid enough to trust you again." Walter sneered as he played with the police badge that old detective Cabe had thrown in to confirm his identity.

"The past is past? Forget the past and move forward? Blah blah blah! For a super genius with a high-definition image-like memory, this is impossible!

Not to mention your clumsy radical!

How can a super genius be manipulated by the clumsy tactics of an ordinary person?

Unless my IQ is reduced by 10, it is possible to become such a super genius! "


TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.

Little Sheldon suddenly sneezed. He immediately shrank down and felt bad all over. He shouted loudly: "Leonard, I have a cold!"

"No!" Little Leonard, who lived with him, was startled and immediately denied this possibility that gave him a splitting headache.

"Maybe someone was just thinking about you, so you sneezed."

Once little Sheldon catches a cold and gets sick, it will really kill him if he has to deal with it.

All right.

It's Leonard's life that's going to be taken at this moment!

"Someone is thinking about me, what does my sneezing have to do with it?" Little Sheldon looked at his friend like a fool.

"Of course it does matter!" Little Leonard thought: "I heard Chuck say that some people are like this. When they are talked about behind their back or missed, they sneeze."

"Chuck said this?" Little Sheldon's eyes became wary: "So he is contemplating me again, or is he ill-intentioned towards me?"

"It's very possible!" When little Leonard mentioned Chuck, little Sheldon was so shocked that he forgot that the sneezing might be a cold, and he nodded seriously.

A little Sheldon who was frightened by Chuck and became suspicious, and a little Sheldon who was troubled by the cold and sick and was infinitely annoying.

He always only likes the former!


I have just finished connoting the shame of a super genius with an IQ of 187, and Walter, with an IQ of 197, is incompetent.

"Walt!" When the old agent Cab was helpless, the mechanical wizard Lele came over and pulled Walter aside.

"Logically, it is impossible for us to just sit back and watch the machine destroy people."

"I can't believe him!" Walt explained.

"I understand." Lele nodded: "It doesn't matter to me, the company can't survive, and at worst I will work as a mechanic in my cousin's car repair shop.

But without the money, the two guys had no choice but to hack into the bank and steal the money.

This is not back to where we started.

The next time they are discovered, the forensic expert they meet again will not be as good as you.

Once they get caught and go to me, there's no way they're going to survive in jail.

Especially Sylvester! "

Following Lele's gaze, Walter looked at the fat young man Sylvester. This his favorite partner not only has a brain like a humanoid computer, but also has a mysophobia!

There is also that soft character. After going to prison, the survival rate is indeed infinitely close to zero.

"Time is passing! There are 56 planes waiting to land!" Old agent Cabe was really anxious and reminded him again.

Walter fell into thinking.

Everyone was eagerly waiting for his decision.

And finally he made a decision.

"The control tower at Los Angeles International Airport is the main hub for all other airports. If the software system there is repaired, other airports will automatically recover.

Therefore, for this new software to malfunction, delete it first.

Then download the older version of the software.

The plane should then be able to land. "

"If we go to Los Angeles International Airport and fix the software, the success rate is 90%." The humanoid computer Sylvester immediately reported a number.

"Take your equipment! Take my equipment too." Walter motioned for all his partners to take action, and then walked up to the old agent Cabe.

"You must always pay attention to me so that you can find me first."

"I was promoted to the Los Angeles Bureau." Old Detective Cabe explained: "It's my job to track people like you."

"His body language indicates that this sentence is half true and half false." Toby, a world-class psychological master, reminded him at the right time.

"Of course there is a 10% chance that everyone will die." Walter was not surprised. He took the equipment handed over by the fat young man Sylvester and looked into the eyes of the old agent Cabe.

"If you lie to me again this time, I will go online, and within an hour, I will make you disappear completely!"

Facing Walter's threat, old agent Cabe looked serious, but the guardians behind him couldn't help but laugh.

Can people disappear online within an hour?

what is this?

Say something harsh?

They had never heard such cute cruel words.

Old detective Cab saw their expressions but didn't explain anything.

The threat of super hacker Walt would definitely not be cute if it really fell on him.

That is a real and terrifying threat!

When they took action, the captain's announcement sounded on the plane from Tokyo to Los Angeles: "Passengers, I'm sorry that the flight is delayed. We will have more information soon. Thank you for your patience."

After the message was broadcast, the captain asked the co-pilot in the cockpit: "Still no signal? Where is your mobile phone?"

"There's no signal either." The African-American co-pilot shook his head: "When I was serving in the Air Force, I once descended to 450 meters in order to catch the signal."

"If we land without a signal, we may collide with other aircraft." The captain expressed his worries.

"I believe that we are good at talking, and there must be a large group of people working on solving this problem." The African-American first officer was not worried.

"I hope so." The white captain sighed inwardly as he looked at his deputy who trusted others so much.

If those bastards really cared about their lives and deaths, they wouldn't have caused such a major security incident.

But he didn't tell any scary truth.

After all, he also hopes that someone can really solve it.

No matter how low the odds are.

In a real crisis, it would be fatal if it collided with another plane and exploded, and it would be fatal if it ran out of fuel and crashed. In the worst case, it would be a risk to make an emergency landing.

There is always a glimmer of hope.

In first class.

Reiko, who was sleeping next to Chuck, was also awake at this moment. Listening to the captain's announcement, she had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"Chuck, is something going to happen?"

no way!

She is from Tokyo and naturally has a keen intuition for various disasters.

This is not an innate talent, but something learned!

"Don't worry." Chuck raised his decorative glasses and said calmly: "If something happens to the flight, I won't bring you up."

"..." Reiko found these words incomprehensible.

How could you possibly know what is happening now just a few hours ago!

"Are we so unlucky? Isn't it quite safe to fly?" Reiko was used to Chuck's weirdness and once again focused on the fact that the plane was delayed and unable to prepare for landing.

"No matter how safe it is, it can't withstand man-made disasters." Chuck said bluntly.

"Man-made disaster?" Lingzi said in shock: "You said this was a man-made disaster? Isn't it an accident?"

"Very strange?" Chuck looked at her expressionlessly: "In America, you can always believe that any disaster is a man-made disaster! You are from Tokyo, you should know it very well."

"..." Reiko's beautiful face was full of helplessness.

Although they had not known each other for a long time, she was still a little uncomfortable with Chuck's comments about each other's home countries, which were as connotative as a hell joke.

"Then what should we do? You are so powerful, help the captain and the others, and by helping them we are also helping ourselves."

"All they need is a Mate60pro!" Chuck said seriously.

"..." Reiko no longer wanted to speak.

Chuck's words are often so abstract and difficult to understand.

But fortunately, his calm attitude prevented her from going crazy with fear and anxiety.

With Chuck here, even if this was a plane with a low chance of an accident but almost no chance of survival, she felt confident and safe.


The Scorpio team, which everyone had pinned their hopes on, got into veteran agent Cabe's classic black SUV and rushed to Los Angeles International Airport in two cars, one in front and one behind.

There are obviously two cars.

But there was only one person driving the car behind.

But the car in front was packed to the brim.

One of his men was driving, with veteran agent Cabe sitting in the passenger seat, and the Scorpio foursome crowded in the back seat.

What you know is that you understand that they are stealing the spotlight.

Those who don’t know think there is something wrong with their brains.

Even for the convenience of gathering together for brainstorming, it is more than enough to let the old agent Cabe drive, with Scorpio's leader Walter sitting in the passenger seat, and the other three Scorpios sitting in the back.

You must know that Sylvester is called a humanoid computer. Which supercomputer have you ever seen that is small and exquisite?

With existing technology, the supercomputers produced are all very large.

The humanoid computer Sylvester is also large and takes up a lot of space!

"If the FBI and the National Security Agency fail." No matter how thin he is, psychological master Toby can't stand being squeezed. He got up and lay down on the gap between the driver's seat and the passenger seat.

"Will we get a bonus? I'd take double it, or nothing!"

"Toby!" Walter immediately shouted to his partner who was addicted to gambling.

The Homeland Security agent driving the car looked at his boss with disgust: "Do we have to rely on these unreliable guys?"

"Walter O'Brien is one of the five smartest people in the world today, so the answer is yes." Old Detective Cabe emphasized.

The agent opened his mouth to say something, but under the boss's serious gaze, he could only suppress the frustration in his heart.

Just then, as expected, bad news came.

There was a car accident on the airport highway and they could not reach the airport by car within an hour.

And because there are 56 planes flying in the sky, there is a risk of collision and destruction of people at any time, so there is no air traffic control and there are no helicopters.


"Originally, I thought this was probably a hacker attack, but now I understand that it is very common for this group of insects to create such stupid and appalling security crises."

"Helicopters can fly at low altitudes without affecting the passenger planes circling in the sky at all. Without helicopters, it would be impossible for us to reach the airport quickly."

"Those who don't know better think you are artificially making it more difficult for us!"

"You are overthinking. No one is stupid! It's just helicopter pilots who follow American tradition and put their own safety first. Even if the chance of an accident is low, is it safer than not flying at all?"

The combined IQ of the four Scorpios is close to 700. The leader Walter alone has an IQ of 197. The average IQ of the remaining three is close to 168. Each of them is a true genius.

Their complaints were particularly sharp.

Anyway, old agent Kaib's face turned completely dark. He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and summarized everyone in Scorpio to the headquarters that conveyed the message, requesting that a helicopter be sent to fly at low altitude to take them to the airport immediately.

"We don't have to go to the airport." Walter suddenly said: "As long as there is a reliable wireless signal, it will never fail. I just repaired one, just 1.6 kilometers north!"

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