American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 576 The case is solved! You are forming a group to cosplay Detective Chuck!

Walter took the initiative to accept the increased difficulty, but it didn't make the old agent Cabe look any better.

After directing his men to take a detour to the new location pointed out by Walter, he did not forget to continue contacting the headquarters.

Ask to coordinate a helicopter to go over and be on standby.

no way!

The Scorpio Four's complaints were too sharp.

Others may be shameless, but he is the person in charge of promoting the cooperation between Scorpio and Homeland Security.

He needs to do a good job of communication and coordination between the two parties.

It is necessary to represent both the positive and the negative to supervise the abnormal Scorpio members and prevent them from causing any trouble.

I also want to represent the Scorpio team and get the resources and protection they deserve from the positive and negative.

Otherwise, based on his experience, he will not have a third chance to let the very talented Walter do those really meaningful things.

And in order to promote this cooperation, he also bet all his future.

What do you mean if we don’t even send a helicopter now?

They are currently saving 56 aircraft.

There were hundreds of passengers on the plane, as well as many more local Los Angeles citizens who would be harmed if the plane crashed.

Including themselves!

They who are on the front line will most likely be the first to suffer.

He was risking his life, but the helicopter pilot didn't dare to take a little risk?

Do you really depend on God for everything?

Can this country be saved?

What else are they trying to save?

Two black SUVs flashed their police lights, roared towards them, and stopped in front of the cafe.

Walter immediately got out of the car, walked at the front, led his friends, and handsomely opened the door and walked in.

Dressed in black!

That momentum already had the posture of a positive and negative agent.

But the three companions who followed behind him, some were tall or short, some were fat or thin, some were stupid or some were stupid, which immediately caused the momentum to plummet.

Everyone in the cafe who was drinking coffee looked at this combination with gossip.

"Shopkeeper!" Seeing this, the old detective Cabe who came in from behind immediately took off his sunglasses and shouted.

"Homeland Security, Agent Groh! We need to commandeer your restaurant to deal with a national crisis! You can stay! Everyone else needs to leave immediately!"

As he spoke, he took out an envelope from his suit pocket and threw it on the bar, immediately revealing a thick stack of beautiful knives inside.

The same goes for recruiting the Scorpio Four before.

It’s $50,000 per person as soon as you open the door!

The main thing is that he has a lot of money.

The shopkeeper was stunned for a second, and then decisively greeted: "Everyone, get out!"

The agents of the Department of Homeland Security have come up with such a posture that even if they don't give money, they can force them to do so, but now they actually give money... They really made him cry to death!

So he could only drive the guests away harder and harder: "Hurry up! Everyone get out immediately! Hurry up!"

Old agent Cabe is very satisfied with his boss's approach.

After the helicopter joke, he finally didn't embarrass him again.

Sure enough, cashing ability is the most useful ability.

Then he watched with some incomprehension as the fat young man Sylvester wiped his hands on the bar: "What are you doing?"

"Do you know how many bacteria there are on the countertop? You can be infected with more than 20 diseases through contact with chicken alone."

As a humanoid computer, Sylvester casually reported a piece of data and then continued working hard to wipe it.

"..." Old agent Cabe's face darkened.

He had all the information about the Scorpio Four, so he naturally knew that this was due to the mysophobia of the fat young man Sylvester.

But knowing is one thing. In this critical moment when every second counts, the fat young man's first effort was this trivial matter, which still made his blood pressure soar.

He could only adjust himself and ignore the fat young man.

The fat young man is Walt's companion. What he needs to manage is Walt, and he can use Walt to complete impossible tasks.

How the Scorpio team is divided and managed is Walt's business!

Such a big movement has already shocked the beautiful waitress Peggy.

When she realized that all the guests had left, she came to her senses and immediately prepared to take her son Ralph away.

But he was grabbed by the boss and ordered: "No, no! You stay!"

"No customers, no tips." The waitress Peggy was naturally unwilling to agree.

She is a waiter, and her basic salary cannot support her and her son. She relies entirely on tips from customers to survive.

Now all the guests have been driven away.

The boss received a large amount of compensation, but she didn't get a penny.

Not to mention the trouble and danger this posture represents, you would be a fool not to leave.

"Listen! Because of my immigration status, I'm not suitable to stay with federal agents." The boss explained in a low voice.

Then he gave a direct order without giving any benefit or any room for rebuttal.

"You come and lock the door!"

As he said that, he stepped out of the way.

The waitress Peggy could only watch him leave, helpless.

Compared with a day's tip and work, work is more important in the end.

And she also saw the curly-haired young man from before saying hello to her son Ralph, and her son Ralph actually raised his head and responded.

This reaction was what really made her choose to stay and observe.

Otherwise, with her looks, how could she not do a job like a waitress?

She was the only one who fired her boss, and no boss fired her!

"There are about 89 minutes left before the first plane crashes. Their lives are in our hands!" Old agent Cabe reminded the current situation loudly.

"Did something happen at Los Angeles International Airport?" Waitress Peggy immediately asked the fat young man sitting at the bar.

"This is top secret!" The fat young man Sylvester had a strong sense of confidentiality.

"How can the guy who fixes our wireless network be solving a problem that's top secret?" Peggy, the waitress, complained.

"And the reason why I'm asking is because this agent from the Department of Homeland Security reminded me loudly just now..."

"..." The fat young man Sylvester was suddenly speechless. He didn't know how to answer. He could only look for help at Walter, the Scorpio leader he had always relied on.

It wasn't that he wasn't smart enough, it was just that he was too nervous to be approached by such a beautiful woman for the first time.

"Are you filming?" Waitress Peggy suddenly became excited.

"Filming a TV series like Emergency or 24?

No! It should be a movie!

TV series don’t have that many touches!

Just to film the true reflection of us people in crisis, you just throw money at our boss. Only movies have such a big budget!


I made a movie! "

"This is not an act!" Walter looked at the waitress Peggy as if she were a fool, and then commanded.

"Lele, write a script for the self-test after the system is stable!"

"Sylvester, calculate the chances of the upgrade patch going wrong again!"

"Toby, find the saboteur!"

“We don’t want to have the same problem again tomorrow!”

The Scorpio trio were assigned tasks one by one.

Although Walter is the super hacker, the other three can play with him and form the Scorpio team. Everyone has their own specialties and is also proficient in programming.

"What are you doing?" After Walter arranged the task, he felt relatively relaxed. He couldn't help but look at the most beautiful scenery in the cafe, and then frowned.

"I'm very worried." The waitress looked at him worriedly: "Please be sure to save us!"

"You should be worried. This thing is going to get messed up, and corpses are going to fall from the sky!" Sylvester, a fat young man, said casually.

"Actually, the fuel tank will ignite during the impact and no body remains will be found!" Mechanical wizard Lele retorted.

"It's not certain, a spleen soaked in blood will burn slower." Psychological master Toby started to argue again.

The waitress Peggy, who has always had a sense of camera, worked hard to cooperate. Whenever a person spoke, she would look over with either shock or horror in her eyes.

But the more I listened, the less I could stand it.

She realized that it might be a rare opportunity to make a movie, but plots such as emergency rescue or 24 hours are mostly forbidden!

Her son Ralph was only nine years old!

I can't listen to this at all!

But she couldn't let him go out alone.

After struggling for a few seconds, she made her choice. Regardless of where the hidden camera was, she walked over and shouted with a straight face.

"No matter you are making a movie or whatever you are doing, you must be careful what you say in front of my nine-year-old son!

And behave appropriately in my workplace!

Thanks! "

The friends were all shocked.

What's going on?

Fortunately, at this moment, old agent Cabe pushed in with the latest news: "The air traffic director is on the line, his name is Brooks!"

"Got it." Walter immediately sat in front of the laptop and started operating quickly while saying.

"Mr. Brooks, I now hack into the airport security system, turn the surveillance camera, and aim it at the screen!

This way I can monitor remotely!

Then teach you step by step how to do it! "

"Who is talking? I won't accept anyone hacking into our system!" Brooks, the air traffic director, was confused.

"Then don't set the password so simply." Walter complained: "Now I believe that this bug is inherent in the software itself, rather than a hacker attack.

Otherwise, it would be too easy for hackers to attack such an undefended system.

In fact, I am very lucky that such a high probability event did not happen when I flew.

Because of your firewall, any hacker with a little bit of ability can break through it! "

"Do something!" Old Detective Cab reminded with a dark face.

After Walt said a few more words, it was completely meaningless for him to appear domineeringly this time, and to imitate the way that Fuck Man recruited Scorpio to deal with a big crisis and save the world like he did with the Avengers.

Because if serious security holes like this happen every now and then, how serious is the rescue?

Is it just like the shooting incidents in Free America, unless there are serial shootings of more than ten people, or shootings of special significance, other shootings will be ignored?

It’s everyday life in America anyway!

If the flag was flown at half-staff every time for this kind of thing, the American flag would not be able to be raised.

"I'm at your ten o'clock position and say hello to the camera. Our goal is to restart your computer!" Walter glanced at the old agent Cabe and stopped complaining, but got down to business.

"Then guide those planes to land! In order to achieve this goal, I give the order, you immediately press Ctrl+C when the screen flashes! Are you ready?"

Los Angeles International Airport control tower.

An old African-American listened to Walter's fast tone and his orders, but he did not do as Walter asked. Instead, his eyes became wary.

"Again, who are you?"

"We are from the Department of Homeland Security. I am Agent Cab Gero. I just confirmed my identity with you!" Old agent Cab frowned.

"Haha!" Toby, a world-class psychological master, couldn't help but laugh out loud: "He thinks we are fraudsters!"

As he spoke, he shouted to the old African-American on the other end of the surveillance video: "Listen! We are not Curry English!"

"But you have a British accent!" The African-American old man at the airport control tower became increasingly vigilant.

"Well, you are quite observant." Psychological master Toby couldn't help but glance at their Scorpio leader Walter.

Walt lived in England when he was a child. Later, he hacked into NASA because he wanted a NASA picture to use as his computer background.

Then he was captured by transnational law enforcement, a helicopter team, and heavily armed special forces descended from the sky and took him to the United States.

The team was led by veteran agent Cabe.

So Walter was taken away from his parents for so many years and grew up in the United States, but he still had a bit of a British accent.

The relationship between Britishness and curry is as inseparable as the relationship between curry accent and telecom fraud.

No wonder African-American elders are so wary.

Mostly there are lessons learned in blood and tears.

"No one lied to you!" Old Agent Cab looked at Walter, who was almost raised by himself, and he was afraid that the other person would remember those things in the past, so he shouted quickly.

"Scammers say that!" the African-American old man gritted his teeth.

"I can easily hack into your system, what do I need to defraud you?" Walter said impatiently as a British accent brought back unpleasant memories of the past.

"Forget it, you don't need to cooperate! I'll do it myself!"

Saying that, he started to operate quickly.

Asking the other party to cooperate is just to speed up the process, but it does not mean that the other party must cooperate.

"Aren't you really filming?" Peggy, the waitress who had been pretending to clean the table not far away and paying attention to what was going on here, observed for a while and looked at the situation at the airport on the other side of the surveillance video. She vaguely felt that this might not be the case. Filming.

Otherwise, these people's acting skills are really awesome.

Every supporting role is at the level of a movie star!

"Of course not!" When the psychology master heard this, he came over and said with a smile: "We are saving the world!"

"I understand!" Waitress Peggy suddenly realized, her eyes swept over the Scorpio foursome one by one with admiration in her eyes.

"What do you understand?" Psychology Master Toby joked.

"You are the team version of Detective Chuck!" Waitress Peggy smiled knowingly: "Right?"

"No! We are Scorpio! Not the team version of Detective Chuck!" Walter, who had been operating the computer quickly, distractedly yelled at the waitress Peggy who came to this conclusion.

"Okay." Peggy, the waitress, was yelled at, and her original excitement and admiration disappeared. She shrugged with a cold face: "If you insist on saying that."

The whole place fell silent.

Only the other three people in Scorpio looked at each other worriedly, the old agent Cab had a headache on his face, and a somewhat crazy Walter repeated a sentence loudly.

“We are not the team version of Detective Chuck!!!”

ps: I recommend this book, a domestic drama version of a daily American drama. The protagonist of an urban domestic drama is as rebellious as the plot is!

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