American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 584 The true self is not directed at anyone, I am saying that everyone present is happy!

"I'm sorry, why are you doing this?" Peggy, the waitress, couldn't help but asked.

Because this involves her son Ralph!

And she really couldn't understand the brain circuits involved.

"Because only by defeating him will he hate Ralph." Chuck said expressionlessly: "And he is ashamed of being called a super genius.

But it is also the standard unit of measurement for super geniuses. If Ralph defeats him, it means that he is also a super genius. "

"Can't we do an intelligence test?" Waitress Peggy frowned: "I don't like this method very much. It feels like bullying!"

"Does bullying a bully count as bullying?" Chuck asked without answering.

"Uh." The waitress Peggy didn't know what to say.

After all, she is not Petunia, the bully who overturned the calf with her own hands and stood upside down like a heifer. Naturally, she cannot take on the bully's perspective.

Although she didn't want to admit the behavior of bullying and counter-bullying, she only felt relieved.

"Is this guy a bully?"

"Intellectual bully!" Chuck explained: "For people who are not as intelligent as him, he has integrated intellectual bullying into every move, and he is extremely humiliating. You will feel it in the future."

"..." Waitress Peggy's mouth twitched.

What a ‘you’ll feel it later’!

Even though she knew that she was not a super genius, or even a genius, Chuck's straightforward connotation still made her feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, an hour ago, she relied on her intelligence and extraordinary performance to join a super talented team like Scorpio.

But looking at the four Scorpios, who were either extremely admired, extremely inferior, or extremely uncomfortable, she realized that what she had done before was meaningless in front of Detective Chuck.

"If possible, I would rather Ralph be friends with him than have him hate Ralph."

Waitress Peggy still wanted to discuss it.

Chuck looked at Ralph and said casually: "Just like even if you know that Ralph has extraordinary intelligence, you still plan to let him go to school like an ordinary person?"

"Of course! How do you know?" Peggy, the waitress, was shocked.

She hasn't thought about this issue carefully yet. After all, she just learned that her 9-year-old son Ralph is not intellectually 'challenged', but that his intelligence can challenge anyone.

But after being reminded by Chuck, she thought about it and realized that she did plan to arrange it this way.

As a child, how can you not go to school?

Chuck gave her a self-aware look.

The waitress Peggy glanced at the humiliated quail-like psychological master Toby, and suddenly realized.

Detective Chuck is the first person to observe micro-expressions, a true psychological master.

"Yes, that's what I planned. Is there any problem?"

The waitress Peggy looked at Chuck with firm eyes and entered a fighting state.

When it comes to the upbringing and education of her son, a single mother who was pregnant in ten months and raised her son alone after he turned two years old is particularly sensitive in this regard.

No one is allowed to exceed her right to raise and educate!

"Stupid!" Chuck looked at her like this and gave the same evaluation as the psychological master Toby.

"What did you say?" Peggy, the waitress, looked at Chuck angrily.

Then she was pulled by her son Ralph. She looked down and found that her son Ralph was looking up at her.

Thinking of what Detective Chuck meant to her son Ralph, she took a deep breath and suppressed her anger.

"Why do you say that?"

"You know clearly that if Ralph goes to school like an ordinary person, he will definitely be bullied, but you still insist on sending him in."

Chuck looked at her expressionlessly: "You think you are doing it for his own good and to allow him to integrate into society, but you know nothing about real bullying."

At this point, he told the shock of little American school bullying that Little Sheldon, Little Leonard, and Little Howard suffered.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the waitress Peggy. She covered her son Ralph's ears with her hands and looked at Chuck in disbelief.

"How is it are lying to me, right?"

She thought that campus bullying was just some arrogant and bad-tempered classmates who spoke coldly to her silent son.

Whenever there is any physical violence, she will stand up and fight to the end for her son.

But she couldn't accept any of the things Chuck said even if she thought about it.

"I have experienced similar bullying." The fat young man Sylvester weakly raised his hand.

"Me too!" Mechanical wizard Lele said the classic saying without expression.

Although Walter didn't want to speak, he still subconsciously touched his eye sockets. His high-definition image memory allowed him to relive the pain of being beaten into panda eyes.

"You guys..." Peggy, the waitress, couldn't resist the 'Me too' movement and reached out to hug her son, shuddering all over.

"You think this is the scariest thing?" Chuck did not let her go and continued expressionlessly.

"This is just the beginning, but let Ralph use his intelligence to defeat a bully majestically, and you will be extra vigilant towards us.

But what you should really be wary of is what you completely ignored!

Such as those teachers in American schools.

Not to mention the various scum that are ‘attracted to children’.

As for those people who are manipulated by the interests of the medical consortium, the silent Ralph will be the first child they target.

They will seduce him, mislead him, twist him.

Suddenly one day, before you know it, your son Ralph becomes your daughter Ralph!

At that time, you will slap your face wildly and cry bitterly, saying, 'I am so stupid! ’”

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Waitress Peggy couldn't accept this possibility and shook her head repeatedly.

"How could teachers do something like that?"

“For the sake of profit, every more child who is misled and converted is one more person who will take medication for life.

You need to buy medicines throughout your life, just like you need to eat every day.

And it’s many times more expensive than rice. With your stupid head, you should have figured out how much benefit there is, right? "

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"..." Peggy, the waitress, immediately understood this logic and completely believed in the possibility that Chuck said.

After all, everything is fake, and the benefits are real.

For the sake of benefits beyond ordinary people's imagination, it is very reasonable to commit crimes beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"But Ralph needs friends..."

"How many friends do you have?" Chuck asked, and when the waitress Peggy was speechless, he continued.

“Although people are social animals, it is not as important as you think. Especially for super geniuses who can imagine the real universe at any time, making friends is not essential.

Besides, do you think Ralph has no friends? "

The waitress Peggy looked around subconsciously. When she looked over, Walter and the others puffed up their chests.

This made her ashamed.

Because compared to the fat young Sylvester and their heartfelt recognition of their son Ralph, whether it is in terms of the number or quality of friends she makes, she is really not as good as her son Ralph now.

Since having her son, she has been unable to live the same kind of life of drinking and sex as she did when she was young, and has fewer and fewer real friends.

"I'll give you a task!" Seeing that the waitress Peggy was suppressed, Chuck looked at Walter, who had been glum.

"When Ralph defeats Super Genius Shame, you take Ralph, Super Genius Shame, and Sylvester with you."

When talking about a person, look at a person.

"Lele, you can also remember everything since you were two years old, right?"

"A lifetime of pain." Mechanical wizard Lele shrugged.

"Count you in." Chuck nodded: "Counting Ralph, Super Genius Shame, and you Scorpio trio, we can form a five-person team."

"Oh oh oh!" Even the psychological master Toby, who was humiliated by Chuck and didn't want to speak, could no longer bear the words of Scorpio kicked out by Chuck and pointed at his nose.

"Scorpio is four people!"

"The Four Heavenly Kings are always five people." Chuck said straightforwardly.

Then he ignored the psychological master Toby, who was said to have no real material and only fished in troubled waters, parasitizing the waste in the Scorpio team, and continued to look at Walter.

"Why do you want to form a group like this?" The veteran agent Cabe, whose own base is involved, can no longer pretend to be transparent.

This is a group he started!

"Form a team to play games." Chuck glanced at him: "I will also form a team of five people here, and we will play against each other when we have the opportunity."

At this point, he looked down at Ralph: "Ralph, you like playing games, right?"

"I like it!" Ralph nodded.

"I also like to play games!" Psychological master Toby was anxious to join in, no matter how upset he was.

Because he really felt like he was going to be kicked out.

Walt has had problems with him in the past, and he lost so many people in the big incident of saving the plane just now.

Now that Chuck is so dismissive of him and doesn't even treat him as a kindred spirit, it's likely that Walt will be irritated and actually kick him out.

After all, Walt's reason for quarreling with Chuck is because he agrees with Chuck.

Everything Chuck says and does will have a major impact on Walt.

"Do you have high-definition image memory?" Chuck looked at him: "Can you pause your dreams? Can you rewind your dreams?"

"..." Psychological master Toby was speechless.

"Is it really possible to pause dreams and rewind dreams?" When it comes to what Chuck asked his son Ralph before, Peggy, the waitress who wanted to know more about her son, couldn't help but ask again.

"What does this mean?"

"Do you know what high-definition image memory is?" the fat young man Sylvester explained.

"Image-based video, can it be paused, rewind, or even fast forward and slow forward?"

"Are you saying that whatever Ralph sees is stored in his mind like a recorded video?" Peggy, the waitress, opened her mouth wide.

After the fat young man nodded, she glanced at Lele suddenly and said nervously: "Can you remember things clearly even when you were two years old?"

"It can be smaller," Chuck corrected.

Peggy, the waitress, turned red and white.

Because his son Ralph's father left when Ralph was two years old and never came back to see him again. Doesn't that mean that his son remembers everything clearly?

No wonder Lele said it was a lifetime of pain...

"Lele's IQ should be less than 180, but we also have someone with an IQ of 173, so the average IQ of both teams exceeds 180.

Basically, they have high-definition image-like memory and rich enough imagination, which is suitable for playing games. "

Chuck got down to business.

He kicked Little Sheldon to Walter's side, and naturally wanted to bring Little Leonard into his team to further attack Little Sheldon.

Although little Leonard does not have high-definition image memory, his IQ is very close to the baseline of a super genius, and his potential is not small.

And his imagination is extremely rich.


In The Big Bang Theory, when he met Penny for the first time, he already imagined that he and Penny would have a son in the future.

The final facts also proved that his imagination was not a fantasy.

It is just right to use it as a benchmark for Lele, who also has not reached the benchmark of super genius and has a similar IQ.

"Their IQ should be used for business." When old agent Cab saw that Chuck was trying to get the Scorpio team into trouble, he was like an old father who couldn't bear it when he saw his children addicted to online games.

"This is business!" Chuck looked at him expressionlessly: "Do you have anything more serious than this?"

"Of course!" Old agent Cabe was also a decisive and elite agent back then. He was not afraid of Chuck. He looked directly into Chuck's eyes and uttered Wei Guangzheng's classic line.

"save life!"

"If you want to go, just go." Chuck said bluntly: "Those hackers are not suitable for field missions at all. They need to call us for online technical support."

"..." As soon as these words came out, not to mention the old agent Cabe, even the Scorpio Four were embarrassed.

Because this is definitely a to-the-point evaluation.

In various American TV series, when the agents have a problem, they just call and let technical support handle it, similar to Garcia in BAU.

But look what kind of field trips she's been on?

Every time I go out in the field, I'm scared to death!

This is the smart brain that a super hacker should have!

"That's different!" Walt was unwilling to let Chuck deny his biggest pursuit: "We can do more on site!"

"Among you, Lele can barely count." Chuck said bluntly: "She is a mechanical wizard, and she can better utilize her abilities when she goes to the scene.

She is proficient in fighting and has certain self-protection and attack abilities.

But forget it for the rest of you.

Staying in the safe house to analyze the news coming back from the front line, analyze it, come up with solutions, and remotely control those muscle agents to go to danger, that is the most efficient arrangement.

Of course I understand why you do this.

Make money, don’t be shabby! "

"What do you mean?" Old Detective Cabe blushed.

"Nine sheep cost $6 million. Do you know what kind of sheep they are?" Chuck looked at him expressionlessly.

While old agent Cab was speechless, Chuck continued to be as straightforward as ever: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your packaging price increase plan.

After all, if Scorpio gets more money, they don't have to run for money and have enough time to do real business.

And if you deceive more, the military and other institutions will deceive less, so that we can truly save lives! "

Everyone: "..."

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