American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 587 The ultimate viciousness! Screaming Little Sheldon: No! ! !

It's back to a familiar schedule.

Forget about prayer.

A night of silence.

The next day.

A vehicle exited the TBBT Apartments in Pasadena and headed toward Orange County.

Driving was little Leonard's mother, Beverly.

Sitting in the passenger seat was a tense-looking little Sheldon.

Sitting in the back row are Leonard Jr. and Howard Jr.

"So~" Little Howard in the back seat looked left and right. He didn't like the unusually quiet atmosphere in the car, so he started to make changes in his voice.

"Chuck is back huh?"

"Yeah." Little Sheldon was unhappy that he had snatched little Leonard from his passenger seat, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Or from Tokyo, which is very hot?" Little Howard's smile instantly turned obscene.

Little Leonard glared at him, but there was also a hint of fascination in his eyes.

no way!

Tokyo's external publicity work is really good and has left a deep and deep impression on people.

"Why do you think Chuck asked us to come over this time?" Little Howard was excited and winked.

"Did you bring us some souvenirs from Tokyo?"

"He invited Leonard and I!" Little Sheldon, who was sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't help but correct him even though he was worried.

"Beverly drove us, but you were the only one who forced herself to do it!"

"I'm going to see my cousin Monica." Little Howard said without any embarrassment: "Besides, we are all friends!"

"When you get to Chuck's place, stop talking!" Little Leonard reminded seriously: "Don't embarrass us."

"No matter how he behaves, it won't affect me!" Little Sheldon corrected.

"When I say we, I mean Monica and I." Little Leonard rolled his eyes at Little Sheldon.

"We are very close friends with Chuck, and if Howard were just your friend, I wouldn't say this at all."

"You really don't know what he asked us to do?" Little Sheldon didn't care about these words. He turned around and asked again what he had been worried about.

"You've asked 392 times, I really don't know." Little Leonard said helplessly: "Chuck just came back from Tokyo. He only got home last night and we didn't even have time to contact him."

"That's right, he will definitely have to work all night when he comes back. He won't have time to contact Leonard!" Little Howard kept talking, full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Maybe it's about the Comic Con?" Little Leonard didn't want to be annoyed by Little Sheldon anymore, so he changed the subject.

When little Sheldon heard about Comic Con, he relaxed and a smile appeared on his lips.

Then I heard little Howard say: "After returning home, the first thing I can do is call you over and humiliate you and make you cry, right? Chuck is not that kind of person~"

Little Sheldon's smile froze on his face, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

The big devil Chuck is so capable of doing such inhuman things!

"Howard!" Little Leonard glared at his friend.

Is it possible to say this?

Don't say that Chuck isn't that kind of person, even if he is... you shouldn't say it before you meet Chuck.

After all, they are the ones sitting in a car with little Sheldon now.

Whether it makes them cry or even pee, they are the ones who are the unlucky ones.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for little Sheldon to scream for a place to compromise with his bladder.

Then I didn’t want to go to Orange County anymore.

To put it bluntly, until he moved out and was about to call Chuck, little Sheldon reluctantly got into the car, looking miserable as if he was about to be sent to hell to meet the devil.

Orange County.

Hilltop Manor Villa.

Chuck stayed up all night and met Peggy and Layla after they all went to bed.

"Is Tokyo fun?" Peggy asked with a smile.

Layla also tilted her head and looked at Chuck and smiled.

It was obvious that she understood the meaning of Peggy's words.

"It's not fun, don't go there again." Chuck said bluntly: "Compared with Tokyo, New York can only be regarded as Little Tokyo."

"Yes, the funniest one has been brought back." Peggy half-smiled.

"Really? What's the most fun? Can I have a good time?" Leila joked.

"I'm afraid not." Peggy pretended to sigh: "Chuck doesn't like it. We can't play with his toys without his permission."

"Chuck can't be so stingy, right?" Layla tilted her head and looked at Chuck.

"At worst, I'll give you my favorite toy to play with. How about we switch?"

"Little Sheldon, Little Leonard, they are coming soon." Chuck reminded the two weirdos, ignoring them.

"Something exciting is coming!"

"They're here, it's interesting at best." Peggy curled her lips and said, "How can we say that something exciting is coming?"

Little Sheldon has been tortured many times by big and small demons.

For Peggy, the little devil, playing with the mini devil can only be regarded as passing time when bored, and it is not exciting at all.

"We'll see." Chuck didn't directly announce the answer.

"Huh?" Seeing this, Peggy became interested and looked forward to the next arrival of Little Sheldon.

"Chuck, my parents have a baby again." Layla said with complicated eyes.

"That's about it." Chuck nodded.

Ever since he became interested in the genius gene inheritance of Layla's parents, he signed an agreement with Layla's parents. As long as Layla's parents can give birth to a super genius, he will be rewarded generously.

It's been two months now.

With the stimulation of a huge bonus, the couple returned to their honeymoon period. It was so sweet that even Layla and Marco completely forgot about it.

He spent the whole day either eating, drinking, having fun, or making people like crazy.

If there is still no movement, it means that they are probably no longer able to have children, and this scientific research exploration has been terminated early.

"You don't like it?" Chuck looked at her.

"Oh, I don't know either." Layla sighed like a little adult.

"It doesn't matter." Peggy smiled and hugged Leila: "You don't need another younger sibling in your family.

If you can really give birth to a super genius, then you will have one more person to play with. That would be so happy. "

"I hope so." Leila shrugged and said, "Based on current experience, even if my parents really give birth to a super talented younger sibling, including pregnancy, they will still have at least two and a half years before they can play with me."

Chuck and Peggy were not surprised by this number.

Pregnancy in ten months.

Minus the more than a month it has taken to have a reaction now.

That’s more than eight months.

Generally, super geniuses have memories from around the age of two and can remember them for a lifetime.

Chuck's memory is now fixed at a little over two years old, about 1 year and 10 months old.

Adding the two together, it’s about two and a half years.

"They're coming." Chuck looked outside the house.

After a while, Little Sheldon and the other four walked over according to the voice prompts.

"Chuck, your manor is actually a technology manor, it's so cool!" Little Howard was so envious.

"Dr. Hofstadter!" Chuck ignored him and said hello to Beverly first.

"Dr. Wolfe!" Beverly nodded in response.

"Chuck!" Little Leonard greeted Chuck excitedly.

Chuck nodded at him and said, "Come with me!"

"Where are you going?" Little Sheldon looked at the big and small devils standing side by side, and Layla beside him with her head tilted and smiling, and her whole body froze.

"Go play games." Chuck said, taking the lead in leading them to the dedicated game room.

Everyone follows.

Only little Sheldon froze in place, very hesitant.

"If you don't come, I will consider raising the baseline of super talent, kicking you out, and kicking out the Texas Lights."

Chuck's words came through, causing little Sheldon to scream: "No!!!"

Then I saw him spreading his legs and chasing after him like a zombie walking quickly.

Even though he always has internal fear and external disgust for the big and small demon kings, he absolutely cannot allow himself to be kicked out.

Whether it’s a big or small devil, a mini devil, or the light of Texas!

Not to mention the title of super genius.

Raising the IQ line of a super genius and kicking him out of the super genius category. Is there anything more vicious and terrifying than this?

Little Sheldon doesn't think so.

Chuck knew there was absolutely nothing for the time being.

Because at this moment, Chuck's system panel showed that it had received far more double yin and yang points than usual.

After all, it was Beverly who loved the male version of herself the most. She lowered her pace and waited for little Sheldon.

Seeing little Sheldon with tears in his eyes and still trying to keep up with the zombies at a fast pace, you knew that he was really frightened to the extreme.

"Don't worry, there aren't many super geniuses in the first place. If we kick you out, there will be even fewer people."

"That's right!" Little Sheldon's eyes lit up instantly, but he was still frightened by this most vicious threat, and the zombie still didn't dare to stop walking quickly.

When he arrived at the cool game room, little Sheldon didn't bother to marvel at the latest technological achievements in the game room that were far ahead of the world like his friends, and directly asked his doubts.

"I don't believe you will kick me out... My IQ is 187, just like Dr. Reed. If you kick me out, Dr. Reed will also be kicked out."

Little Sheldon said the most cowardly words in the most ferocious tone.

In the past, he was very unhappy with Dr. Reed, whose IQ number was exactly the same as his own, especially since he was young and already had various degrees, including multiple doctorates.

Although he is confident that he will not be worse than Dr. Reed.

But still very unhappy.

The key is that Chuck has two completely different attitudes towards him and towards Dr. Reed.

With contrast, it becomes more obvious.

"I'm just kicking you out." Chuck said bluntly: "IQ numbers are not static, and the person who gave you the IQ test may have made errors.

If your current IQ is 187, then Spencer's current IQ is definitely over 190.

Kicking you out, just kicking you out, doesn't affect anyone at all. "

"No!!!" Little Sheldon heard that Chuck looked like he had really thought about it. Especially when he saw Peggy and Layla smiling and nodding in agreement when he looked over, he immediately started to panic again. shouted.

"Quiet!" Chuck said expressionlessly, "I arranged a chess match for you. If you win it, I won't mention it again."

"I will definitely win!" Seeing Chuck saying this, little Sheldon hurriedly said that he would definitely win.

He really couldn't accept that the super genius IQ line was raised to 190, and he was described as standing still at 187.

Chuck raised his decorative glasses, and a chess board was immediately projected on the big screen.

“Go and regain control of yourself first, and then go all out.”

When Little Sheldon heard this, he immediately walked quickly to the toilet zombie.

That’s right!

He was almost scared to death again.

"I'm really going to scare him to death this time." Even the little devil Peggy glanced sympathetically at little Sheldon who was going to the toilet.

"Isn't this too vicious?" Layla took a breath and looked at Chuck with wide eyes, looking scared.

"As long as it works." Chuck said calmly.

The more vicious ways to deal with Little Sheldon, who takes intellectual bullying to the extreme, the better.

I didn’t expect his double yin and yang points to explode!

Preparations are being made here.

Los Angeles.

Scorpio's residence.

In a semi-abandoned factory building.

Except for the muscular veteran agent Cabe, the Scorpio Seven are finally here.

Walter and the others were busy debugging the computer.

Psychological master Toby said sourly: "Does it need to be so grand? In fact, we can play by ourselves."

"Are you kidding? This is Chuck asking us to form a group to play games!" The fat young man Sylvester was extremely excited.

"Ignore him, he just can't eat sour grapes." Mechanical wizard Lele said with a knife: "If Chuck is willing to give him a chance, he will be more excited than you."

"I won't be as good-for-nothing as Sylvester." Psychology master Toby complained. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him again, he looked at the waitress Peggy.

"Peggy, we will see another Peggy later, are you excited?"

"I'm quite curious and looking forward to it." Peggy, the waitress, couldn't help but smile.

I feel a little strange about the existence of the same name, especially when I know why Chuck looked at her for a while after knowing that her name was Peggy.

"Ralph, what about you?" Psychological master Toby looked at the nine-year-old boy Ralph again: "You will be the protagonist soon!"

Ralph smiled and said nothing.

"Ralph, it's about to start, come and sit here." Walter greeted.

Ralph walked over, sat down, and looked at the computer screen. When the chess board appeared, he devoted himself wholeheartedly.

Waitress Peggy looked at her son like this and could only stand behind nervously, praying in her heart that her son could win the battle.

Because she felt that in this way, her son Ralph could truly integrate into this incredible group and have his own real friends.

But she couldn't understand it either, so she could only look at Walter and the others from time to time, trying to guess the progress from their expressions.

The fat young man Sylvester was not beside her to explain to her this time.

Watch the chess without saying a word.

The key is that Chuck organized it.

But after who knows how long, the curve of the corner of Walter's mouth still made her blurt out with joy: "Ralph is going to win, isn't he?"

"Yes!" Walter nodded: "He won!"

Waitress Peggy hugged her son excitedly.

On the Orange County side, little Sheldon couldn't accept that he lost. The corners of his mouth twitched and the corners of his eyes twitched.

However this is not the end.

When Chuck connected to the video communication with Scorpio, little Sheldon saw that he was playing against a little boy who was younger than him, and he let out the most miserable scream: "No!!!" "

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