American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 591 Chuck is always right!

The shadow in the darkness was furious for a long time.

Then he took out another burner phone and dialed a number.

Dr. Reed, who was accompanying JJ home while playing games, his cell phone rang.

"JJ, pick it up for me."

Dr. Reed glanced at it and found that it was an unknown call. Not wanting to interrupt the game, he asked his girlfriend to answer it for him.

JJ, who was driving, rolled his eyes at him and picked it up: "Hello."

"Dr. Spencer Reed?" came a deep voice on the other end of the phone.

"He is busy now. Who are you and what do you want to see him for?" JJ asked.

"Are you JJ?" said the deep voice on the other end of the phone: "Dr. Reed's address is wrong, why is it wrong?! How can it be wrong!!!"

"Do you know us?" JJ's face changed slightly: "How do you know our address?"

"I know everything!" the deep voice on the other end of the phone said manically.

"Now you must get the key, young man must get the key, to save her!"

"Save her? Who is she?" JJ stopped directly on the side of the road and raised his voice deliberately.

Dr. Reed, who was playing the game, also noticed something was wrong, looked over, and took it directly.

"I'm Dr. Spencer Reed, who are you?"

"Your address! You need to get the key to save her!" the deep voice on the other end of the phone said urgently.

"Is this a new game mode?" Dr. Reed felt confused and had some guesses in his mind.

However, the person on the other end said no more and hung up the phone directly.

"What's going on?" JJ asked.

"I don't know either." Dr. Reed shook his head, his face solemn: "But I have a very bad feeling.

JJ, do you remember the training Chuck gave us? "

"You mean someone is targeting us?" JJ's pupils shrank.

"It should be." Dr. Reed analyzed: "Our BAU work requires that all information is confidential.

Outsiders cannot get our address and phone number.

Chuck, on the other hand, expressed great concern for our safety.

So we were trained.

One of them is not to trust the FBI's ability to keep secrets.

So the phone number we left in the headquarters database was real, but the address was fake.

This is to prevent the information from being leaked according to Chuck's "leaky" confidentiality ability.

Think about the people we target in our daily work.

What a terrible risk it would be if someone targeted us and collected our detailed information, including our address.

Now an unknown person directly called me and also knows about you.

She also asked me why my address was wrong and asked me to save her.

Let’s not talk about how to save her.

Just the fact that he knew my address was wrong was scary.

The training and preventive protective measures that Chuck gave us are really necessary. "

"Then what should we do now?" JJ asked worriedly.

After she and Dr. Reed officially got along, Chuck began to provide them with additional training.

Professor Chuck Reed, Ph.D.

Monica teaches her.

During those days when they lived in the Orange County Hilltop Manor Villa, the couple's American iaijutsu and fighting skills improved by leaps and bounds.

Although he is not as good as professionals due to physical reasons, he has a specially customized pistol in hand and can protect himself.

It's just that their work usually doesn't require them to show their hands.

In addition to direct combat effectiveness, the awareness of self-protection in various details was also instilled in Chuck and enforced.

Before it was changed, she was actually somewhat resistant.

After all, they are FBI and federal agents, and the identity information must be absolutely accurate, otherwise it will be problematic to be truthful.

But Chuck said frankly that he did not believe in any confidentiality methods of any organization.

Dr. Reed agreed.

She agreed.

Unexpectedly, it has actually come true now.

"Gideon and the others are on vacation. We don't know their status at the moment, so don't disturb them.

Didn’t you say that Garcia is still playing games at the headquarters?

We called her and asked her to investigate why our encrypted information was leaked. ” Dr. Reed immediately spoke his mind.

"I'll call Garcia right now." JJ immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Garcia's number.

When asked about the matter, Garcia was immediately stunned, and she also realized the seriousness of the problem.

It seems that her computer was hacked. The hacker's target was not the important confidential information in the FBI database, but the BAU's own people.

this is too scary!

That’s right!

In this comprehensive world of American dramas where everything is about logging, Garcia did not feel anything when important information involving national secrets in the FBI headquarters was leaked.

She was only ashamed and angry that she, a super hacker, was personally humiliated by someone hacking her.

It wasn't until she found out that her BAU was involved, that she became really frightened, worried and frightened.

"The headquarters has been hacked?" When Dr. Reed heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong: "Garcia, how is the situation of the others?"

"I don't know, but Morgan just called me and asked me to do him a favor. I was so angry at the time that I vowed to catch this bastard who dared to hack me, so I didn't ask..." Garcia said weakly.

"Garcia..." JJ didn't know what to say.

No wonder Chuck always said not to be superstitious about others and to have a strong sense of self-protection. Now it seems that Chuck is right.

Even Garcia, the hacker king recruited by the FBI, could make such a low-level mistake.

"I'm sorry." Garcia cried again.

"JJ called Morgan immediately and asked for details." Dr. Reed immediately said: "Garcia, how long will it take for you to restore the network and track him? Do you want me to find someone to help you?"

"No!" Garcia suddenly raised his voice: "I can do it! I swear! I will repair the network as soon as possible, and then trace this bastard's IP!"

"Okay then." Dr. Reed originally wanted to say that whether he went to Chuck directly or to Walter, they were all super hackers still above Garcia.

But considering that this is the FBI headquarters after all, it is not appropriate to let Walter, an outsourcer who cooperates with the Department of Homeland Security, come over.

As for letting Chuck come?

He didn't want to bother Chuck until he was sure the problem was beyond their ability to solve.

Chuck is the underpinning.

If he bothers with everything, not only is it inappropriate, but there is no room for him to exercise and grow.

Chuck had given them extra training before, just to make them more independent and able to protect themselves.

"OMG!" JJ called Morgan. After hearing what happened there, he immediately exclaimed: "Is Al okay?"

"She is now detained by the local police as a murderer. The local police completely ignored my explanation. I may need to notify Hotchner to come over now." Bald Detective Morgan scratched his head.

"You must be careful, our BAU may be targeted." JJ reminded: "There is a pervert who wants to play games with us."

"Playing games?" Bald-headed agent Morgan sneered: "That's great! My wonderful vacation has been ruined, and now I'm so angry that I want to play games with this bastard!"

"Did something happen to Morgan and Al too?" Dr. Reed glanced at her, and after she quickly introduced the situation, her expression changed.

"I'm calling Gideon immediately!"

Then he got Gideon's almost uncontrollable angry reply.

"Go back to headquarters!" Dr. Reed looked at JJ.

"Okay!" JJ immediately restarted the car and returned to the headquarters.

"Chuck, everyone, there's an emergency here, so I need to get off first." Dr. Reed pressed the communication headset and went offline temporarily.

"I can take his place!" Little Howard's impatient voice reached Dr. Reed's ears.

He couldn't care less about it.

Although he can multi-task, he cannot be like Chuck.

Especially after such a big emergency happened, he had no intention of continuing to play games and just wanted to deal with this matter first.

"Chuck didn't ask you?" JJ listened to him while driving, and asked after he hung up the phone.

"I didn't ask." Dr. Reed smiled: "But when we really need his help, he will definitely be there."

"That's true." JJ nodded in agreement.

When the two returned to the BAU headquarters, an angry Gideon also rushed over.

"...Hotchner is flying to Mexico to pick up Morgan and Al." JJ introduced the latest situation.

"Open a conference call immediately." Gideon couldn't suppress his anger.

"Yes!" JJ agreed and informed immediately.

Soon everyone was online except for Al, who was still detained. Everyone summarized the situation and immediately came to a rough conclusion.

"Now there's a psychopath pulling us into his fantasies and trying to toy with us."

"Reed, isn't it Chuck who is playing some kind of real-person perverted game with us?" Bald-headed agent Morgan complained.

"Of course not!" Dr. Reed immediately denied: "The games we play are more normal and more exciting than this!

Chuck can't be that boring!

And there really was a murder over there!

How could you miss Chuck so much..."

"Sorry, Reed, don't get excited." Bald agent Morgan heard Dr. Reed's rare excitement and quickly apologized and appeased him.

"I'm just kidding. After all, even Chuck would laugh at himself that super geniuses are all mentally ill. Now he likes to join you group of super geniuses to play some games... I'm just joking."

"This is not the time for joking!" Gideon interrupted coldly: "This is not a joke either!"

Even if it was a joke, the head was fake, but the negative impact had already occurred, and Gideon would never accept such a level of so-called joke.

That was a bad event that could fundamentally change his happiness for the rest of his life!

He's not in the mood for jokes!

"Sorry." Garcia walked in and trembled when he saw Gideon being so anxious and angry, but thinking that it was his own fault, he could only explain tremblingly.

"I checked the logs about the information he obtained from the office computer. The hacker accessed the staff folder, which contains your detailed file information."

"How did he hack into the computers at our headquarters?" Gideon squinted at her.

"I'm checking...I, I, I played a game yesterday." Garcia originally wanted to delay a little longer and didn't dare to tell the truth, but under Gideon's gaze, he stammered and told the truth. .

"An online game."

"An online game?" Gideon had already guessed.

"Not on the office computer, sir!" Garcia explained subconsciously: "On my own laptop."

"Is there a difference?" Gideon asked.

"..." Garcia was speechless.

Whether you are playing on an office computer or on your own laptop, you need an Internet connection to play online games.

You can't expect a person to use the free public network in the office and use the data traffic purchased by himself to play games online.

You know, data traffic charges in the United States are notoriously expensive.

Once she borrows the public network, her own laptop, equivalent to the public office computer, will be connected to a wireless network.

This creates the possibility for hackers to invade.

Of course it's just a possibility.

The FBI headquarters itself has a powerful firewall, and Garcia is a powerful hacker who can be recruited and transformed from a mouse into a cat.

It was almost impossible to hack into her computer silently.

However, in addition to being a super hacker, she is also a fat girl with low self-esteem and physical needs.

Under such dedicated and passionate pursuit from the other side of the Internet, she has repeatedly lost her wits. Is it strange?

She originally wanted to say that her laptop's protection was weak.

But under Gideon's gaze, he did not say this excuse.


A super hacker's laptop contains so many extremely private things, it must be more thoughtful than a public firewall.

Especially when she has the ability to build a more powerful firewall.

If you say this again, you start to humiliate Gideon and humiliate everyone's intelligence when you are sorry for Gideon and sorry for everyone.

"Playing online games?" Gideon stood up. Even though he had already guessed the cause and effect, he could no longer suppress his anger and shouted at Garcia.

"How could you be so stupid?!!! Documents, information, these are your responsibility!"

"I know, sir, I'm very sorry." Garcia cried directly after being scolded.

"No! You don't know!" Gideon said angrily: "Now we have only leaked our address and location, and a large amount of confidential information, even top secret information, is stored in the office computer!

How harmful would it be if it weren't for a suspected psychopath trying to play games with me right now?

You have no idea!

Playing online games during working hours?

So stupid!

The FBI's HR department is even stupider! "

Although Gideon's words ended abruptly, everyone knew what he meant.

In his eyes, the FBI's personnel department was extremely stupid for recruiting someone like Garcia to such a key position.

"Sir, I have found him." Feeling everyone's silence, Garcia cried even harder and quickly spoke out about his efforts.

She was afraid that if she delayed any longer, she would be kicked out by Gideon.

And she was recruited as a criminal under supervision, and her authority level was the lowest in the BAU.

This also means that if she is fired, she will likely go to jail.

If no one protects her, once the large amount of confidential information she leaked is exposed, her sentence will be in units of hundreds of years.

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