American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 597 Detective Chuck: I want to carry out the ultimate experiment on Archimedes’ lever princi

"How did you know?" Chandel looked at Chuck with strange eyes.

"I'm a detective." Chuck said concisely: "These are basic common sense."

"..." Chandel was speechless.

Especially when I saw Monica's funny expression, I felt that I must have asked a stupid question.

She didn't know that Chuck was mysophobic.

Even Chuck is not willing to be a thief who is liked by almost all men.

Not to mention finding these so-called playmates.

I'm so proud to spend money on it.

She didn't believe Chuck would do such a thing.

But the things her soon-to-be ex-husband did really opened her eyes and made it difficult for her to trust men again.

Her husband's love for her was undoubtedly strong.

But it’s not like he’s eyeing other women.

Or other girls to be more accurate.

Among them was her little niece.

After being discovered by her and Cold War wouldn't let him get close, he ran to find such a person.

What's even more irritating is that he is not looking for a high-end playmate who suits his status and cheats on her in a luxurious suite.

Instead, he ran to the chaotic streets, randomly found a tender-faced dirty prostitute, and unleashed the darkness and violence in his heart in a dark alley.


Why not vent your dissatisfaction with her?

It was as if she was regarded as a low-class street prostitute, not one of the high-end playmates, not worthy of high-end suites, candles, red wine, sexy lingerie, etc.

After the detective Chuck solved her husband's case and revealed all kinds of details that she could not imagine, she completely lost her trust in men.

Therefore, even if he knew that Detective Chuck could not be called this kind of playmate, he immediately knew where that place was.

But what if?

It's just that these things should be just thought about in your mind, why do you have to ask them, and ask them in front of Monica.

This attracted such a look from the other party.

"Do you still want to continue investigating?" Chuck looked at Sansa whom Chandel had brought with a blank expression.

"..." Sansa suddenly became confused.

She knew what Chuck meant.

In fact, after Chuck pointed out what that place was, she completely understood the abnormality of many things about her husband.

Convinced that what Chuck said was right.

Continuing to investigate will only reveal an even stranger and uglier husband.

But let her act like nothing happened.

It was also difficult for her to accept.

It was one thing to guess something, but she still wanted to know what it was really like.

Even if it is to completely abandon the remaining relationship between husband and wife.

It is also to gain insights, learn from experience, and collect evidence.


That’s right!

If you die, you will learn a lot.

If the husband is not dead, then use the evidence collected to prepare for a divorce lawsuit so that more property can be divided.

If your husband is half dead, then use the experience you have learned to show off your husband.

Tell him it's not just a flower he can play with!

As long as you have money and freedom, no one will do whatever you want.

"Check!" Sansa gritted her teeth and said after thinking about all this.

"Okay." Chuck glanced at Chandel, nodded and said, "You go back, I will inform you of any news."

"Thank you, thank you very much. How do you calculate the fees?" After gritting her teeth, Sansa became a little uneasy when she saw that Chuck really agreed.

For asking a real billionaire like Chuck to handle the investigation, there is really no market price to refer to.

Too little and inappropriate.

It was too much and she couldn't afford it.

"No, it's free this time." Chuck shook his head.

Then, without waiting for Sansa to thank her, she turned around and left.

"You guys go back first." Monica glanced at Chandel with complicated eyes and reminded.

"Chuck doesn't lack that little money. He will only accept the ones he is interested in. You guys are just lucky.

But be careful next time, don't bring everyone here, Chuck doesn't have time. "

"I understand, I understand." Sansa got the advantage and of course agreed repeatedly.

But Chandel knew that this was meant for her, so she smiled and nodded at Monica, indicating that she understood.

Watching the two people leave, Monica's eyes fell on Chandel's overly feminine back, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

When she came to her senses, she went to find Chuck and asked, "Chuck, do you value this Chandel very much?"

"She is a very good scientific experiment subject." Chuck said bluntly without hiding it.

"No one can deny this." Monica smiled bitterly when she thought of Chandel's figure.

"She is no better than you." Chuck explained: "The types of scientific experiments are just different. With her, I just want to try Archimedes' ultimate experiment on the lever principle."

"Huh?" Monica laughed and was confused at the same time.

What made her laugh was that Chuck was really different. He explained to her so patiently and comforted her. This showed that he had her in his heart.

This was enough to make her infinitely happy.

That little bit of jealousy was nothing compared to the affection that Chuck rarely expressed.

Now even if I ask her to help and be the other end of the lever, she will happily agree.

Naturally, she was confused because she understood the principle of leverage.

She also knew about Archimedes' ultimate experiment on the lever principle.

Isn’t it just ‘give me a lever and I can lift the whole earth’.

But why should this experiment be tied to Chandel?

She admitted that Chandel's femininity made even women swoon, but it wasn't so magical, right?

Chuck didn't explain further.

Chandel is known as the most beautiful woman in Orange County, but in his previous life, her face and figure were known as a flower.

It is well deserved to use her to experiment with the ultimate experiment of Archimedes' Lever Principle.

"When are you going to check?" Monica saw that Chuck didn't explain much, so she didn't continue to ask, but kept it in her mind.

Who is she?

She was deeply involved in Chuck's scientific research and experimental projects.

Old friend, remembering 50% off is a basic exercise.

After Chandel gets divorced and officially participates in this so-called 'Ultimate Experiment on Archimedes' Lever Principle' project, she will go over to watch and learn, and won't she know everything?

"Make a call first." As Chuck spoke, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the bald captain of the Los Angeles Police Department's Major Crimes Division to tell him about the matter.

"I'll investigate immediately." The bald captain naturally didn't say anything.

If it were Amon, the former San Francisco detective, who was his old partner, he would definitely understand it clearly first.

Because no one knows why Detective Amon took this kind of case or whether he might make a big mistake.

But Detective Chuck is different.

"How about you come over? I just have something to talk to you about."

"I'll go over now." Chuck agreed.

"Go there now?" Monica said with some emotion after Chuck hung up the phone, "How about I go with you?"

"No need." Chuck shook his head: "You are not suitable to participate in this kind of case."

"Okay." Monica slapped her forehead and thought the same thing.

Since this kind of case involves the world-famous playmate culture, it will naturally attract curious eyes.

If you are involved in this, even if it is nothing at first, you will have to worry about it for a while.

Besides, this kind of psychological feeling has an impact on ordinary men, let alone Chuck, who has severe mysophobia.

"Then go on your own."

As Monica watched, Chuck drove away from the Hilltop Manor Villa and headed for Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Police Department.

Crime Unit.

"Chuck, you're here." Seeing Chuck coming, the bald captain happily greeted him into his office.

"How's the case?" Chuck asked.

"It is indeed very suspicious." The bald captain took the file bag of the investigation and handed it to Chuck while expressing his opinion.

“According to the attending doctor, it was bad to have submeningeal hemorrhage from a blow to the head, but it was not as bad as imagined.

At least it won't cause such serious injuries.

In his opinion, the murderer who hit the victim with a stick did not really want to kill the victim.

Compared to the one on the head.

Heart attacks worry doctors even more.

It's hard to tell whether it was the blow with the stick that caused the heart attack, or the heart attack followed by the hit with the stick.

However, there was one strange thing that the doctor specifically reminded him of: the victim's underwear was worn inside out.


It does sound suspicious enough.

But only a little.

I prefer that when the victim went on a date with a playmate, he encountered a routine robbery and was beaten hard. "

"The greater possibility is that you have already met your playmate and played together, and before you left, you suffered a heart attack because of the excitement."

Chuck looked at the file and gave a more reasonable guess: "The client suddenly died suddenly, or died immediately, which made the playmates very scared.

In order not to get into trouble, I urgently put on underwear and clothes for him, but because I was too nervous, I put them on wrongly.

Afterwards, the second scene was faked with a stick attack.

However, the client did not die and was rescued again. "

"Uh." Upon hearing this, the bald captain felt that this was indeed more reasonable. He pinched his teeth and said casually.

"I called and asked, and the doctor said it was hard to tell the victim's condition, but the nurses bet that it only cost $30, so there was a good chance he would survive.

Otherwise, doctors and nurses like them would definitely bet more than $100.

When the victim woke up, everything was revealed. "

"Let's go!" Chuck said and walked out.

"Where to go?" The bald captain was stunned and quickly followed.

"Go to the hospital and have a look." Chuck explained: "See if we need to continue investigating, or wait until he wakes up and tell the truth himself."

"Are you going to..." The bald captain looked at Chuck in disbelief: "You don't even know how to do medicine, do you?

wrong! If you only know medicine, you can't explain all this. Are your medical skills better than those of the attending doctors in big hospitals?

Can it be seen in advance whether the victim still needs treatment? "

"I'm a detective!" Chuck didn't deny it, he was still so concise.

"..." The corners of the bald captain's mouth twitched.

This is not the first time Chuck has heard these words. Every time he hears something strange and impossible about Batman, he can explain it with "I am Batman" with confidence.

The two drove to the hospital.

On the road.

The bald captain sitting in the passenger seat looked at Chuck from time to time and hesitated to speak.

But he doesn't speak.

Chuck just didn't ask.

In the end, he couldn't hold it in anymore and said it out: "Chuck, do you know what happened to Brian?"

"I know." Chuck nodded.

"Alas." The bald captain sighed: "I really regret letting him be that undercover agent. Now, a good and excellent police detective has to take advantage of the opportunity to get close to those criminals.

This time, in order to help Toledo and the others escape, he once again went undercover alone. "

"It's not like he was alone." Chuck said straightforwardly: "He wanted to take Bald Boss Tang undercover with him. I happened to meet them when I came back. Bald Boss Tang's bald head flashed towards us, so I caught him conveniently. ”

"...That's what it means." The bald captain was still a little uncomfortable with Chuck's straightforwardness.

"I have absolutely nothing to do with him, and I don't know what will happen to him in the future."

"Are you related to his mother?" Chuck suddenly asked.

"Of course not." The bald captain was stunned again and shook his head: "His mother has passed away a long time ago, right? I've never heard that he has a family."

"Let's check it out." Chuck said seriously: "In case he is your long-lost biological son, then you will have enough reason to worry about him."

"..." The bald captain was speechless.

He finally understood that Chuck didn't care about Brian's depravity, and reminded him that he was not Brian's biological father, so he didn't need to worry about Brian so much.

So he could only give up the idea of ​​continuing to complain to Chuck about Brian's series of depraved actions.

Arrived at the hospital.

The bald captain showed his police badge and successfully found the victim's attending doctor and obtained detailed medical records.

"We need to continue to investigate." After checking it, Chuck said to the bald captain.

"Are you sure?" The bald captain looked into Chuck's eyes and asked. Before Chuck could answer, he already had the answer.

"Wait for me a moment."

With that said, he walked out.

"I'm going to bet $100 that he won't wake up." The bald captain found the attending doctor and nurse, took out $100 in cash from his wallet and slapped it in front of them, saying proudly.

"Are you sure?" The attending doctor and nurses looked at him strangely.

"If I'm sure, I won't talk about gambling." Even though the bald captain had a 99% winning rate in his mind, his face remained calm.

"You are the doctors and nurses. You should know better. I only know that I want to take a gamble. Don't you accept it?"

"Okay! We accept this bet!" The attending doctor and nurses looked at each other and put away the bet.

That’s right!

The sharp-tongued Dr. House isn't the only one who bets on his patients' health.

But the medical staff in the world of American TV series are not as professionally ethical as they appear to be.

Betting on a patient's condition and life or death is not only possible, but also very common.

I didn't see that even the police had heard about it and knew clearly that the amount of money bet by the medical staff represented their prediction of the disease.

The attending doctors and nurses probably guessed that the reason why the bald captain dared to place such a heavy bet was because of what Detective Chuck said to him.

But they are the doctors and nurses who are specifically responsible.

No matter how powerful Detective Chuck is, they don't believe that in their field, Detective Chuck can crush them across industries.

Isn't it just a bet of a hundred dollars?

They can afford the gamble.

Not for anything else.

Just for one breath!

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