American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 600 Insider secrets, one after another

The bald captain handcuffed the half-aged lady and returned to the police station.

Chuck drove away early.

The smell of a woman like this and the germs she may carry are unacceptable to Chuck, who is severely mysophobic.

He didn't have to endure it either.

"Are you a fake policeman?" When the half-aged lady was handcuffed and walked out, she saw that the bald captain was still trying to take a taxi, and she immediately taunted her.

"I know, you are the kind of escort who likes to play role-playing!"

"I'm not an escort!" the bald captain retorted angrily.

"I understand, I understand." The old lady also knew that he was not, but she just wanted to stimulate him: "You can't ruin the atmosphere.

But as agreed, this is the same as a special channel, you have to pay for it!

You should know that those who play this trick will end up being more violent.

Even male playmates are rarely willing to accept female customers cosplaying as violent policewomen.

That's really a move, they will do it for real, and injuries all over the body are common.

Just look at the usual news reports.

I couldn't breathe at every turn.

Who can bear that kind of intensity?

Not to mention you male police officers!

You have to add money! "

"..." The bald captain no longer knew what to say.

Call her nonsense.

But what she said was sound and didn't sound like she was making it up.

Don't let her say it.

He couldn't help but be curious.

He already knew what the male police officer had done from the skillful reactions of the blonde girl Qiao Lin.

But a female police officer does this kind of thing?

It was still beyond his imagination!

No way?

Especially when it finally involved the violent law enforcement by their police, it left him speechless.

"You don't believe it?" The old lady immediately guessed what the bald captain was thinking and sneered.

“There was a man who thought he was a man. He was a sports star when he was young and almost became a big star.

Later, he retired due to injury and became a high school physical education teacher and football coach.

Just because of the bad environment, his wife divorced him and he had two children to raise.

The salary cannot cover his daily expenses.

Forced by life, he tried his best to make more money.

But where can money be made so easily?

Especially for a middle-aged man.

And he only has one specialty.

Finally, he took a photo of his specialty and, like our company, advertised it on the happiness advertising page.

Simple, direct and clear at a glance.

Then I met some strange guests.

Among them was a policewoman.

At first he thought it was a policewoman cosplaying.

But at every turn he was taken as a real prisoner and was knocked down and cuffed on the spot outdoors.

Or in the wild, or in a police car, all kinds of rough treatment.

Unable to bear it any longer, he prepared not to receive this guest, but suddenly discovered that this policewoman was a real policewoman.

And what's even more frightening is that she also has a terrible husband.

Once this kind of thing is exposed, he will die miserably. "

"What happened next?" Even though the bald captain repeatedly told himself not to gossip, he was still attracted by the industry-crossing stories told by the old lady.

"Then?" The old lady sneered: "Then of course I continued to serve, but I had to pay more!

I say this just to remind you that you need to pay more! "

"..." The bald captain didn't want to talk to her at all.

Because it is clear that when it comes to such dirty jokes, he is no match for such an old and mature mother-in-law.

Arrived at the police station.

Chuck also arrived and stood outside the one-way transparent mirror in the interrogation room, watching the bald captain interrogate the old lady.

"Look at me! I'm overweight! There are too many people like me and Damon in America.

Aren't you worried that our hearts will be weak and something will go wrong? "

"Save it!" the old lady mocked: "Do we have to do an electrocardiogram on him before every service?

Or just let them stay in the VIP room of the hospital and connect them to the monitor?

This is not impossible.

Someone in Tokyo has tried it.

The effect is quite good.

What is it called the Sick Building series?

Many people like it.

It's just that the cost is too high.

Our puppy play companion company has not yet come into contact with such high-end products.

Only Tokyoites with deep pockets, who dare to clamor to buy the entire United States even though they are a colony, can directly develop such high-end series.

After all, hospitals, doctors, nurses, and medical equipment are really expensive.

If it doesn’t come true, it won’t be interesting. "

"That's enough!" The bald captain couldn't listen anymore, otherwise he would be planning a playdate for an old lady.

"Who is standing behind you?"

"No one, it could have been you~" The old lady continued to tease the bald captain.

"Are you prepared to bear the charge of murder yourself?" the bald captain threatened: "This is not comparable to a misdemeanor such as selling music."

"You don't have any evidence to prove that I committed murder." The old lady smiled contemptuously.

"There's no evidence?" The bald captain smiled and pointed outside the interrogation room: "Do you know who is handling the case with me this time?

Have you ever heard of Detective Chuck?

If you haven’t heard of it, I suggest you go and ask about it!

Then you will understand that cooperation with us is your best choice. "

"Detective Chuck?" The old lady asked doubtfully, "I know his name, but how could he take on a small case like ours?"

"Because Damon lives in Orange County and is considered his neighbor, he was approached by Damon's wife to do her a favor." Seeing that she knew the name of Detective Chuck, the bald captain immediately used his reputation to put pressure.

"We already know that you waited a minute before you spoke after receiving the call from the driver. You must have gone to ask for instructions from your real boss behind the scenes, right?

You don’t say it now.

You don’t really think we can’t find out, do you?

Do you think your boss will protect you then?

He is eager to let you take the blame! "

"It's not him!" The old lady was silent for a while, then raised her head and corrected: "It's her!"

"Her?" The bald captain was stunned: "You mean the person who runs this puppy play companion company is a woman?"

"She's not an ordinary woman." When the old lady heard that Detective Chuck had intervened, she no longer wanted to resist, so she corrected her sarcastically again.

"She's a lady! Her last name is very important in Los Angeles. Are you sure you want to continue checking?"

"..." When the bald captain heard this, his teeth immediately ached.


I just checked the records and found out why the Lady from the big family was involved.

"What's her name?" the bald captain asked.

"I've said enough." The old lady shook her head: "I won't call her by her last name!

But if you really want to continue investigating, I can give you a clue.

A wealthy man named Stern Filler is the VIP of our Puppy Play Company.

But his wife found out about this expenditure after checking the accounts and refused to pay.

The lawsuit is still being fought to this day.

Whatever you want to know, Mrs. Filer will be happy to tell you. "

"We will investigate." The bald captain stared into her eyes: "But then you need to testify for us in court!"

"We'll see when the time comes." The old lady showed a worldly smile: "I don't know if I can get to that point yet, so just take care of the present."

"Oh, we will definitely get there!" the bald captain said confidently.

"Every man is so confident beforehand." The old lady sneered: "It wasn't until he finished speaking that he changed his attitude~"

"..." The bald captain understood and was speechless again.

Coming out of the interrogation room, he asked Chuck: "What should we do now? Should we go directly to him now?"

This Mrs. Filer doesn't look like an ordinary person. If you want to see her, you have to make an appointment. "

"Just call." Chuck raised his decorative glasses and directly reported Mrs. Filler's personal phone number.

The bald captain glanced at him, picked up the police station's phone and dialed. After announcing his identity, the person on the other end was surprised, but then did not hide it.

“Yes! Puppy Playmates is indeed suing us!

That’s right! They are indeed not serious party organizers!

They are whores!

The prostitute my husband frequents!

I don’t need to remind you, you should also know that he used the company’s card and funds.

The law stipulates that contracts signed for illegal activities are invalid!

So no matter what, I'm not paying for it!

This is a matter of principle! "

"Name the woman behind the Puppy Play Company," the bald captain said at Chuck's prompting.

"You dare to sue directly, and you are not afraid of making things worse and causing bad impact. You must know that Puppy Playmates Company does not dare to make things worse."

"That's right!" Mrs. Filler said in surprise: "I did some research in advance and found out that the woman who opened the Puppy Play Company is a member of the Winterpool family!"

"I understand." Upon hearing this, the bald captain grinned, surprised.

This is the famous old money family. They have long since washed away the bloody mess and became an elegant aristocratic family.

I didn't expect that someone in this family would now be backwards compatible and start engaging in such low-end labor-intensive industries again.

It seems that the economic environment is indeed bad.

Even the young lady from the old Qian family can no longer maintain basic decency.

"Her name is Laura Winterpool! Her mother is from the Matt family! She is a combination of two big families." Mrs. Filler took the initiative to say something if she had a chance to complain.

"I went to a girls' school with her mother, and Laura was the one we grew up watching. She has been very good and capable since she was a child.

She has an MBA from Harvard!

I never thought that she would develop my husband into such a client one day! "

"Is there a possibility that it was your husband who opened up this new world for Laura.

Make her aware of the promising business prospects here.

Especially in the current economic environment, people pay more attention to the most primitive happiness services. "The bald captain complained according to Chuck's words.

"...Perhaps." Mrs. Filler was stunned for a moment, then smiled mockingly.

"My husband actually paid $1,000 for four hours of service!

As much as I paid my divorce attorney! "

"It's appropriate, isn't it?" This time, Chuck didn't have to complain into the headset. As soon as the bald captain heard that a lawyer was involved, he immediately wanted to complain about the lawyer's shamelessness, like every American.

"In the eyes of you rich people, lawyers are just like prostitutes."

"You are quite humorous." Mrs. Filler smiled and said, "You are right."

The bald captain hung up the phone and shrugged at Chuck: "Miss Winterpool, God! What are these people doing!"

"In the United States, making money is not shabby!" Chuck said expressionlessly: "Don't say that the eldest daughter of a noble family just runs a journal.

Even the eldest lady of a noble family went to sea in person, I am not surprised at all.

In front of ordinary people, prostitutes are silver-gray harps, which is illegal.

But for the wealthy and upper class, prostitutes are those who are physically free and play with high art.

They say it’s hard for actresses from the San Fernando Valley to make it into Hollywood.

But don’t be surprised if you see Hollywood stars taking the initiative to enter the San Fernando Valley in the future.

There must have been a big problem with the economy then! "

"..." The bald captain was speechless.

Sadly, he is poor.

No chance to play with high art.

"Find a better prosecutor." Chuck reminded: "Otherwise the case will be in vain."

"I know." The bald captain nodded: "I know a good one. He won't give in like these old money families."

Chuck nodded and left the police station first.

Subsequent investigations will take time.

He doesn't have to follow anymore.

While he was in Los Angeles, he planned to visit Scorpio's territory later.

After Chuck left, the bald captain immediately contacted the prosecutor he often cooperated with and went over the case with him.

Sure enough, just as the bald captain said, when the prosecutor heard that the Winterpool family was involved in the case, not only did he not show any intention of backing down, but he became excited.

Don't give the case a chance to cool down at all.

When the American police investigate a case, it often takes a long time. If no progress is made in a short period of time, the case will be thrown aside, gradually cool down, and then there will be no news at all.

Therefore, for cases that are generally important, we should strike while the iron is hot and seize the time to get it done.

The prosecutor expedited the process and directly applied for a search warrant and arrest warrant from a judge he was familiar with.

Then let the bald captain go directly to arrest people.

The bald captain didn't expect it to be so fast.

But it's really exciting to think about going to a luxurious castle-like manor to capture such a Lady, and in this name.

He didn't shirk, took the search warrant and arrest warrant, and took the people there.

After he brought people in, he found that the Winterpool family was having a dinner, and the long dining chairs were filled with people in suits and ties.

When he pulled out the search warrant and arrest warrant and shouted: "Laura Winterpool! You have the right to remain silent, but anything you say will be used as evidence in court, do you understand?"

An elegant woman wearing an evening dress and a pearl necklace was sitting in a special position at the narrow edge of the long dining table. When she heard the bald captain's inappropriate shout, she looked back with a calm expression as if she was not the one he was talking about. .

"Sir, watch your voice!"

"Are you Laura Winterpool?" The bald captain looked at her.

"It's me." The elegant woman nodded.

"The madam of the Puppy Play Company?" The bald captain heard Chuck's reminder in the headset, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but he still said this ugly word.

The eldest lady of the old money family, the elegant woman Laura Winterpool: "..."

What kind of police is this!

How rude!

How hateful!

What a big truth!

"Please pay attention to your words. Puppy Playmate Company is a diversified company. I am a shareholder, not a madam!"

"Just lie to us, don't lie to yourself!"

The bald captain continued to follow the reminder from Chuck in the headset, looked around at the quiet nobles, and said the most defense-breaking words.

"Shareholders will be shareholders, this is an arrest warrant! Please let us go!"

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