American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 601 Bang! The Big Bang Theory comes as soon as it comes!

The bald captain looked around at the upper-class people who were shocked by his retelling of Chuck's straightforward words, feeling inexplicably happy in his heart.

No wonder geniuses like to be upright.

As expected, it’s really cool to be honest with others!

The bald captain escorted the eldest lady of the Lao Qian family, the Madam, out of the manor and villa and went to the police station for questioning.

In addition to participating in online guidance, Chuck himself has driven to Scorpio's location.

Before entering this abandoned factory-style venue, I saw a car driving past.

Then I heard shouting from inside the car, and the car stopped suddenly and backed up.

"Hi, Chuck! I'm Schmidt, Howard Jr.'s cousin, remember? We had a video call before?"

Schmidt, a wretched man who knocked on the door of Scorpio before, was squeezed out of the car after Leonard complained that anyone who was Jewish was Young Howard's cousin.

While greeting Chuck in surprise, he introduced it to everyone in the car.

"Hey guys, this is Detective Chuck! I told you we knew each other!"

"Hi." She was originally sitting in the back seat by the window, but because Schmidt, a wretched man sitting in the middle of the back seat, insisted on squeezing her side even though he could get off from the other side, and wanted to take advantage, she was forced to get off in advance. beautiful indian girl in car.

Facing Chuck's gaze, she naturally assumed the professional pose of a professional model, showing her best side to Chuck.

This treatment made Schmidt, a wretched man, envious and jealous.

"Hi!" Others in the car also quickly got out of the car. What got out of the driver's seat was a white girl with a delicate appearance in a red dress.

"My name is Jesse, nice to meet you, Detective Chuck!~"

"Hello, I'm Nick!" A young white man stepped out of the passenger seat and waved slightly.

"Hello, my name is Winston." The last African-American man got out of the back seat.

Chuck looked at the five of them and nodded one by one.


"I'm Schmidt, Howard's cousin Schmidt." Schmidt, the wretched man whom Chuck called Howard, reminded with a wry smile.

Chuck ignored him.

Jewish, vulgar, lewd, these labels are all appropriate for Howard.


Chuck looked at the beautiful Indian model.

"My name is Xixi!"

The beautiful Indian model also retorted.

Chuck ignored her.

Indian, mixed with 'Howard', proper Rajesh.

"Jessie! Jessie~!"

When Chuck looked over, the girl in red, Jessie, immediately guessed that Chuck was probably going to give her a name that she didn't know the meaning of, so she quickly called out her name in advance and started singing.


She likes to sing.


Chuck still ignored her efforts and called out her 'new name'.

"What's wrong with you?"

Nick, a young man who was sitting in the passenger seat, was very dissatisfied with Chuck's random naming of people and shouted loudly.

"Come here, I want to see what name you give me!"

Chuck looked at him and the African-American boy, and really didn't want to call them Leonard and Sheldon.

That’s right!

In his eyes, these five people are simply a projection of the team from the beginning of The Big Bang Theory.

Of course it's a civilian weakened version.

The wretched Schmidt and the beautiful Indian-American model Sissi perfectly fit the good friends Howard and Rajesh in The Big Bang Theory.

Now this pair simply don’t pretend anymore.

There was a direct sex change, turning Rajesh into a beautiful model.

I have to say that compared to his little cousin Howard, Schmidt is simply overjoyed.

Because he realized the ultimate dream of his future cousin Howard.


Let your good gay friend turn into a beautiful woman and feel great.

What kind of online novel behavior!

"If I'm not wrong, you are lovelorn!" Chuck looked at the girl in red, Jessie.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Jess smiled bitterly: "Have you ever seen a horror movie? Girls are all like this.

for example.

Oh, God! There's something in the basement! Let me just rush down there in my underwear and see what happens in the dark!

You’ll complain, ‘What’s wrong with you? Call the police immediately! ’.

But the girl in the horror movie says ‘ok, but it’s too late’ because she’s been murdered!

My story is pretty much the same!

Two weeks ago, I was preparing to surprise my boyfriend, Spencer.

In the taxi, I called my best friend Xixi to discuss the details.

My idea was that I would go in, take off my clothes and throw them on the floor.

Because Spencer once said he had a fantasy that I was Rebecca Johnson, a striptease dancer.

The nickname is Mimi Johnson, or Twin Peaks Johnson.

Anyway, I am kind-hearted and he helped me through college.

And now it's my turn to repay him.

It's very inspiring, very warm, and very American dream, isn't it?

Then, under the unusually irritating gaze of the taxi driver, I got out of the car, opened the door, and prepared to give my boyfriend a surprise.

He came out of the bedroom. He was really surprised. He didn't expect me to come at this time.

He called my name.

I took off my glasses, threw them on the ground, and asked him charmingly, "Who is Jessie?" ’

Then I pulled up my coat and said as charmingly as I could, "The one in front of you is a busty girl."

You all also know that I love to sing and dance.

So after I took off my clothes and threw them away, I started singing and dancing. One moment I picked up the pillow, and the other I picked up the bonsai.

When I used to sing ‘Who’s that girl? ’ After all the high notes went up.

When he turned around and sang 'Jessie is coming', he saw a petite strange girl coming out of the bedroom.

Standing next to my boyfriend Spencer, we have the cutest height difference.

Obviously, she was not planning to come out originally.

But the lyrics I sang made her mistakenly believe that she had been discovered.

Do you know what the most embarrassing thing is? "

"You were so shocked that you couldn't hold the gift bow and fell to the ground!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Obviously, such an embarrassing story has been confessed many times by Jess, who is not embarrassed.

All the details are familiar to everyone.

It’s completely visual.

"Yes." Jessie repeated this sad little story of broken love again, and then she reacted and looked at Chuck: "What did you ask just now?"

"You're lovelorn!" Chuck didn't need to say it, everyone reminded him in unison.

"Yes." Jess slapped her forehead: "I'm broken in love, and the American dream is broken!"

"Let me guess." Chuck looked at her expressionlessly: "You came out too hastily and left all your things at your ex-boyfriend's place.

You don't have to give up other things, but you definitely have a great big TV that you want back.

But your ex-boyfriend is a bastard. Although he is sorry for cheating on you, you are too embarrassed to break up with him.

But you really need that big TV to watch, so your new roommates encourage you to help you get it together? "

"OMG! You are amazing! Totally right!"

Jessie was stunned.

"How did you do that?" Xixi, an Indian-American model, was also shocked.

"This is not easy!" Nick, who seemed to be the C-position of the group, complained that the two beauties were so attracted to Chuck.

"Let those tech geeks downstairs monitor us and know everything.

Schmidt, I thought you said they knew each other, right? "

"No way?" Schmidt also began to look at Chuck doubtfully: "It shouldn't be the case, right?

The surveillance thing is my cousin Howard's trick, isn't it Detective Chuck? "

"There is no need to monitor." Chuck said straightforwardly: "Any girl who comes to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of being in the entertainment industry will have a similar experience.

You should have told them that although your ex-boyfriend is sorry for cheating on you, you still love him deeply?

I refer to girls who experience this as Penny.

Do you have a habit?

That is to choose a handsome guy after falling out of love and perform meaningless special rehabilitation for 36 consecutive hours until you can't stand it anymore? "

As soon as he said this, all the men looked at Jess.

Especially the wretched Schmidt, who immediately blurted out with burning eyes: "Jessie, are you like this too?"

"Of course not!" Jessie was stunned and immediately shook her head.

"Looks like you're not very Penny yet," Chuck defined.

"Are there really so many Pennies?" Jess was shocked and curious.

"It's not important!" Schmidt, who was lewd and lustful, asked the key question: "The key question is, where can I find the real Penny like this?"

"You shouldn't be looking for Penny, you should be looking for Rajesh!" Chuck looked at him expressionlessly.

"Rajesh?" Schmidt was stunned, then subconsciously looked at the beautiful Indian model Xixi, and immediately smiled: "Rajesh can do it too, I can do it~"

"Go to hell! Absolutely impossible!" Xixi, an Indian-American model, looked disgusted and categorically denied this possibility.

"It seems that Detective Chuck sometimes makes mistakes." Nick, who felt that he didn't have much C-position presence, mocked.

"I never make mistakes." Chuck said bluntly: "Unless someone intervenes forcefully, Howard and Rajesh will definitely get together."


Not even the 300-pound Sailor Moon can stop her.

"I want to hear this story about Howard and Rajesh." Jess asked curiously: "They should also be very typical stories, right?"

"This is not a story that can be heard for free." Chuck did not go into details about Howard and Rajesh, looking around at this group that could be called the original five members of The Big Bang Theory.

“Now you are going to find Penny’s ex-boyfriend to get the TV back, so forming a group and going together is the best option.

Otherwise, if you go alone, your pants may even be taken off by the other person.

When you go, there will be twists and turns in the beginning.

But in the end you will achieve your goal and get your own TV back. "

After saying these predictive words, Chuck ignored the stunned five people and walked straight to Scorpio's house.

"Mysterious!" As soon as Chuck left, Nick, who was in the C position of the team, immediately complained.

"Who doesn't know that we went here to get the TV series? The five of us went out together, how could we not get the TV back?"

"I'm more curious about Penny who knows special healing methods~" The wretched Schmidt was still fantasizing about beautiful things.

"By the way, Xixi, do you know any special healing methods?"

"Get out!" the beautiful Indian model scolded: "Even if there are 10,000 safety measures, don't even think about it!"

The wretched Schmidt was not unhappy, but became even more enthusiastic. He winked and said: "So there is still a limit on the number, it is still possible~"

Here, the alternative Big Bang Theory team repeats the necessary level of asking for a TV at the beginning, and Chuck walks into Scorpio's house.

He immediately received a warm welcome from the fat young man Sylvester and the others.

"Walt is upstairs watching the mice."

The fat young man Sylvester saw that Scorpion leader Walt was not visible in Chuck's eyes, so he immediately explained.

"He's useless like that."

Chuck gave the characterization directly.

"Do you know why he did that?" Peggy, the waitress, asked in surprise.

Chuck didn't answer, only gave a look of self-understanding, looking at these geniuses, thinking that the people above them were the people that Jesse drove to the group.

If the two groups merged and eliminated some people, they could form a complete Big Bang Theory group.

On the way back, the bald captain's questioning voice came from the headset, making Chuck look over again.


The eldest lady of Lao Qian's family, Lao Bustard, was already accompanied by a barrister. Faced with the judge's inquiry, she directly answered: "Not guilty, your honor!"

"I guess you definitely want to be released on bail pending trial?" The judge glanced at her and said directly.

"Yes, your honor," the madam's barrister said immediately.

"The prosecutor does not believe that Miss Winterpool is a flight risk, your honor," the prosecutor said loudly as the judge looked over.

"But the 35-person music selling group she runs is the largest and most profitable music selling group discovered in recent years..."

After saying this, other criminals who were arrested and awaiting prosecution immediately started booing.

"Listen carefully, Andrew, learn from the experience of the eldest lady of the old Qian family! This is the secret secret of Harvard MBA!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire court was immediately enveloped in a joyful atmosphere.

The judge could only interrupt the laughter by banging his gavel continuously, and then looked at the prosecutor: "I guess you want to say that her business is very efficient?"

"Completely computerized, the customer list includes doctors, diplomats, CEOs of many of the city's largest companies, and of course our senior officials..."

The judge interrupted the prosecutor before he finished speaking, so as not to include prosecutors and judges in the list.

"Let's get to the point! Although the scale is staggering, abetting prostitution is only a Class D felony."

“The amount of bail requested by the prosecutor is proportional to the bad impact it will have on social morals!”

Prosecutors offer their own ideas.

However, amidst the booing from other criminals below, the judge only agreed to accept a bail of US$5,000 before banging the gavel and announcing the next one.

The amount of bail represents the judge's attitude.

Obviously, the judge felt that it was not a big deal for the eldest daughter of Lao Qian's family to be a madam, and to operate the business on a large-scale and standardized basis.

When the eldest lady and the madam took the barrister's arm and walked out of the court, reporters outside had already surrounded her.

Facing the reporters' questioning, the eldest lady and the madam behaved like an elegant lady.

He didn't care at all that he was talking about organizing music sales. Instead, he seemed to be promoting some elegant art.

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