American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 602 Scorpio takes action again, digital immortality!

"Prosecutor!" The eldest lady and the madam chatted happily with the media reporters, and her barrister also stopped the prosecutor in public.

"You are reluctantly filing the case! My client is investing in a banquet service business.

She doesn’t know anything about selling music, and she has nothing to do with it! "

"That's not what the records we found in the raid said!" the prosecutor sneered.

"It's circumstantial evidence at most!" The eldest lady and the madam's barrister disagreed, and then used Uncle Sam's classic gesture of pointing his finger at the camera, and said confidently: "We'll see you in court!"

If not surrounded by media reporters.

I'm just afraid that he will say at this time: "There is someone above me!"

Then he laughed like crazy, which was absolutely perfect for the occasion.

The prosecutor also knew why he was so confident.

Because it involves too many celebrities, powerful and upper-class people.

Once these people exert their strength, a mere prosecutor cannot withstand the pressure.

You must know that there are 15 billionaires on the list alone, which reads like a who's who of society.

I have to say, it's too ironic.

Upstream and downstream are just a matter of thought.

In Journey to the West, gods, Buddhas and demons are also in a single thought.

It is indeed a classic chant!

Although he knew that he was asking for trouble, the prosecutor still visited according to the list, hoping to get them to testify in court.

"I know what you mean, but you also have to understand that it is absolutely impossible for me to testify in court!"

The first billionaire approached looked a lot like Gates.

Currently holding a birthday party for his grandson, he directly rejected the prosecutor's request.

"I can understand your thinking, but you will receive a subpoena. You don't need me to remind you, you should also understand the serious consequences of perjury."

Prosecutors threaten, oh no, the technical term is pressure.

"If you dare to give me a subpoena and force me to appear in court to testify, then I will ensure that you can only prosecute jaywalkers in the future."

The billionaire who looks like Gates stopped pretending and directly threatened and pressured him.

Being involved in something like this, he might be embarrassed if things break out.

But if he does lose face, prosecutors will surely have more to lose.

Prosecutors came up empty handed.

"What should we do now?" My colleague asked, "Do you want to continue the investigation?"

"Do you think you should give up?" The prosecutor looked over and said: "This is not only murder, but also a major matter involving public health safety!"

“I know that, but it’s really hard for us to resist this pressure alone.

I heard that Detective Chuck also intervened, how about we ask his opinion? "The colleague reminded.

"Let's talk about this later." The prosecutor thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Are you afraid that once he intervenes, there will be no way out?" The colleague naturally understood what he was worried about.

"We have long heard of Detective Chuck's style, and those colleagues on the East Coast are complaining about it."

The prosecutor had no intention of hiding it and said with a wry smile: "In fact, the New York District Attorney has long wanted to push him to our side."

"Then let's take a look again." The colleague smiled.

He also didn't want to get too close to such an upright and serious detective, Chuck.


Scorpio's residence.

After Chuck leaves.

The waitress Peggy walked up and said hello to the busy Walter: "Chuck, come here, why don't you go down?"

"I'm busy." Walter signaled that he was busy.

He put a white mouse into a wooden maze on the table.

"What are you doing?" Peggy, the waitress, looked at the white mouse he was working on.

"If I can map and download this little guy's memory of the maze, I can do the same thing to people." Walt said while recording.

"Why?" Waitress Peggy was confused.

"That way I can permanently preserve a person's thoughts, consciousness and soul." Walter introduced: "It's a pity that my partner is just a stupid mouse."

"Why do you do this?" Waitress Peggy asked curiously.

"Don't you think this is cool?" Walter forced a smile.

"No, I just feel this horror!" Waitress Peggy shook her head: "I don't want to become someone's electronic pet one day."

"..." Walter hesitated and retorted: "What do you know! Why do you think it's not someone's electronic pet now?

There is a scientific conjecture that our current universe and everything are just the result of someone's idea.

If you only fall into the fear of this great power, then you will have nothing but fear.

But if you study and master it, eventually one day you will find that you can defeat fear and master fear..."

"And become God?" Peggy, the waitress, interrupted: "Even Chuck wouldn't dare to imagine that."

"He is him, and I am me!" Walter raised his chin: "But I hope he doesn't have such imagination and ambition..."

“Whose consciousness, memory and soul do you want to preserve forever?”

The waitress Peggy heard the second half of Walter's sentence and was not very interested in his daily envy and jealousy of Chuck, so she asked the key question that interested her.

"My sister." Under the beautiful big eyes of the waitress Peggy, Walter still couldn't resist and told the truth.

"OMG!" Waitress Peggy said in surprise: "What's wrong with her?"

"She got sick when she was a child, but luckily, she survived." Walter introduced his sister.

“But I couldn’t help her, it felt like she was being eaten away and there was nothing I could do, I couldn’t solve her problem.

Her problem cannot be solved with the current medical level. "

"So you think if you can keep her memory, her emotions and her soul, you'll never lose her?" Peggy, the waitress, lamented.

After Walter nodded, she immediately shook her head: "No wonder Chuck doesn't think highly of you."

"Do you think so too?" Walter's face darkened, but he remembered that the common sense issues that these super geniuses had never thought of before were pointed out one by one by the person in front of him, making these super geniuses look like fools. embarrassing scene.

Could it be that this time, she has a high opinion on this matter?

"I don't know what exactly Chuck means, but I wonder if you've ever thought about a question."

The waitress Peggy said: "You feel that the existing medical technology cannot help your sister, so you think of using electronic pets for digital immortality to keep her alive.

But let’s not talk about whether someone like you will survive digital eternity or not, your sister.

Even an ordinary person like me can guess that compared to the advancement of medical technology, your digital immortality is more elusive.

Can your sister really wait until that day?

If you have this time, why not use your super genius brain to learn medical technology and specialize in your sister's disease?

I think this is more likely to save your sister, right? "

"...You don't understand!" Walter said a little irritably: "A super genius is not an omnipotent God!

We all have our own areas of expertise!

I'm better at digital computers.

In the field of medical technology, even if I study hard now, it is almost impossible to make a breakthrough in a short time..."

"Isn't Chuck the same?" Waitress Peggy asked curiously: "Is he only good at one field? It always feels like he is good at everything."

"..." Walter was speechless.

"I think you can ask Chuck for more advice." Peggy, the waitress, immediately knew that she had hit a blind spot, so she sincerely suggested.

"What if he has a way? That's your biological sister, and I can see that you also have deep feelings for her.

I know you've been fighting with Chuck, but for her sake, I think you should swallow your pride and give it a try. "

"Chuck is not omnipotent!" Walter was a little moved, but still shook his head.

"Okay." Seeing him like this, the waitress Peggy just shrugged and said nothing. After all, it was his sister, not hers.

But she still felt that what he did was wrong.

If you really love someone, in order to save her, you will never give up any possibility because of your own emotions such as pride.

And she felt that this was not just a possibility.

But it's a very promising possibility.

no way!

Detective Chuck left a deep impression on her.

Compared to Walter, who claims to have an IQ of 197, the fourth highest IQ in history, Chuck is the real super genius in her eyes.


Previously, Chuck and the others threatened Little Sheldon to expel him from the ranks of super geniuses.

She felt that little Sheldon was quite pitiful.

But if we really want to raise the threshold for super geniuses and kick out some people, she feels that there will be no real super genius in Scorpio.

What Walt and the others couldn't figure out, what they thought was completely impossible, might just be small problems that Detective Chuck could solve casually.

It's a pity that Walter cares too much about his own face and can't accept asking for advice from the person he cares about.

After the waitress Peggy went down, Walter threw the notebook in his hand on the table very irritably. The white mice wandering around in the maze ran in fear when they heard the noise.

In fact, he also knows that compared to the advancement of medical technology, digital immortality is a bit too science fiction.

Don't say anything else.

The capital investment alone is not of the same magnitude at all.

Medical expenditure accounts for more than 20% of the GDP of the United States, the world's only superpower.

The pharmaceutical consortium is a behemoth that can rival the founding military-industrial complex.

With such a large body, so many employees, and the national system of the United States, it has built so many military and biological laboratories all over the world and engaged in many very secret biomedical experiments.

Ordinary people can understand why America's medical technology is so advanced.

That is all based on massive funds and countless inhumane experiments that cannot be exposed.

In comparison, only a few people are researching digital immortality?

So how much money continues to be invested in science fiction?

I want to rely on him as a super genius to work hard after work to compete with the advancement of medical technology blessed by endless power.

Even with his arrogance, he knew that comparison was impossible.

But again, he always has to do something.

He can only do what he is good at.

Because even the waitress Peggy knows that once a super genius gets involved in a problem he can't solve, he will run away in fear.

He clearly knew that he wanted to save his sister because medical technology had become more reliable, but he either chose digital immortality, which was even more unreliable, or he was running away in fear.

The waitress Peggy went downstairs, walked to the fat young man Sylvester, and asked quietly: "Do you know about Sister Walter?"

"Not very clear." The fat young man Sylvester shook his head: "Did you mention his sister to him?"

When the waitress Peggy briefly explained what she had learned, the fat young man Sylvester immediately came to a conclusion.

"I hope Cabe doesn't come over today."

"Why?" Waitress Peggy was stunned.

"Because we now understand why Walter sometimes suddenly becomes very manic and adventurous after receiving news from his sister." Psychological guru Toby analyzed.

"Now if Kaib comes and gives us a mission, and our leader is in this state, then we will also become very dangerous."

"Do you think Chuck can help Walter rescue his sister?" Waitress Peggy couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know!" Fat young man Sylvester: "But what I know is that if there is a person in this world who can save Walter's sister, then the probability that this person is Chuck is 99.9999999...%"

"Chuck is not omnipotent." Psychological master Toby complained: "Don't think that he is so omnipotent. He even understands medical technology? Does that mean he can still let people live?"

"Your poor imaginations cannot understand that a true super genius should be omnipotent." Mechanical wizard Lele said quietly.

"3:2, I think we should persuade Walter together to let him take the initiative to talk to Chuck." Waitress Peggy said with a smile.

"What if Chuck can solve it easily? Wouldn't that be a great thing!"

"What's so good?" Old Detective Cabe walked in wearing sunglasses.

"It's not a good thing!" Peggy, the waitress, and the others looked at each other and shouted in unison at the old agent Cabe.

Old agent Cabe looked confused and didn't understand what they were talking about. Remembering that they were weird in the first place, he threw them away, looked around and asked, "Where's Walter?"

"Got a mission?" Walter had already walked downstairs.

He was already down when Peggy, the waitress, came down and was talking to the others.

He likes to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

Especially when it comes to yourself.

"Yes!" Old Agent Cab nodded: "Let's go immediately! This time we are going to meet a big shot!"


"God of Gamblers?"

"iron Man?"

"The father of Doubi Xia?"

The psychological master, Lele, and the fat young man gave their expectations of the big shot.

Then, in the speechless eyes of old agent Cab, I heard the old agent Cab reported the real big shot.

"It's the governor! Hurry up!"

"Governor of California?" Peggy, the waitress, asked in surprise: "Can we see such a big shot now?"

The United States is a federal country. The governors and commanders of each state are essentially the same, and there is no clear distinction between superiors and subordinates.

In their respective states, the governor is equivalent to the commander-in-chief.

Peggy, who was a waitress in a cafe one moment, was about to go to see the governor of California the next moment.

There is really a hint of the happiness of a scholar who "serves as a farmer in the morning and ascends to the emperor's hall in the evening".

This is Wuhu taking off!

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