American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 623 What is an artist (tactical retreat)!

"By the way, you called so many of us, even Ross, why is it that Chandler's father is the only one missing?"

After Monica's mind and body became clear, she noticed something unusual about this online gathering: "Do you have any objections to him?"

"When you understand what a person like him would do, you won't have any objections to him." Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Are you talking about the harm he caused to Chandler when he was a child? Or is it some special behavior of their group?" Monica showed a look that was indeed the case.

"Both." Chuck nodded: "Last time I went to Mexico, I met Nora and learned more about Chandler's childhood from her.

Things that Chandler couldn't remember and describe because he didn't have a high-definition image memory.

That's Chandler!

If it were the vast majority of other children, they would have been distorted and turned into perverts in the eyes of normal people as they were suffocated to death during today's investigation. "

"Even so, Chandler has been strongly affected." Monica sighed: "The gay temperament, the protective layer of self-deprecation, and the subconscious feeling that he will die alone, They are all more negatively influenced by his father.

For example, I tried to quit smoking but couldn't, so I prepared a tape for him to encourage him to quit smoking while he was asleep.

Others are otherwise completely ineffective.

Otherwise, the effect will only be on quitting smoking.

But he was fine.

The biggest effect is on feminization.

All kinds of hobbies are stronger than our real women.

This is definitely an indelible psychological shadow left by his drag queen father.

I've heard that people like them often like to perform performances that are forbidden for 80-year-olds in front of children.

When he was a kid in Chandler..."

After Chuck nodded, she completely gave up her good impression of Chandler's father and said angrily: "Damn it! This is his biological son!"

At this moment, she completely believed that Chuck didn't call Chandler's father because he, Nora Bing, and Chandler Bing became a new family of three and it was awkward to call him.

Because of this sudden gathering of old friends.

Also because of Chuck's unusual behavior.

Monica struggled to feel Chuck all night long.

The next day.

Chuck heads to Los Angeles to find Captain Bald to continue his previous investigation.

The bald captain still looked embarrassed when he saw him.

Apparently he still hasn't recovered from the hellish joke Chuck threw at him yesterday.

His Catholic identity, which he cared very much about, unexpectedly became one of the important memory labels of the perverted deceased after his death.

What an irony!

More importantly, after Chuck left, because he was unwilling to accept it, he conducted an in-depth investigation and got more information.

"The deceased's behavior was not only for his own pleasure, but also because of the pressure of life. He needed to take such extreme photos for so-called artistic creation and sell them at high prices. Today we can follow this clue to investigate." Chuck ignored it. The bald captain reminded with an embarrassed expression.

"No. 77 East Street!" The bald captain announced an address and explained: "This is the address of the buyer of his last painting!"

Chuck nodded.

The two left the police station and headed to this address.

On the road.

The bald captain went to see Chuck several times and saw that he was always expressionless. The bald captain, who had countless flaws in his heart, had to take the initiative to speak.

"Okay, I did an in-depth investigation into the deceased's consumption records during his lifetime, and found that he bought a set of Sam Cooke's collection of discs! The taste is the same as mine."

"It's not surprising." Chuck said bluntly: "You have the same musical skills as him from your childhood choir experience."

"..." The bald captain twitched his lips, endured the malice of 'priest and choir boy' in Chuck's words, and continued: "I also want to wear an Armani suit, but unfortunately I can't afford it with my salary.

He also donated money to the Big Brothers Big Sisters Project, Protect the Earth, and the World Education Fund, which shows that he has a strong social conscience. "

When he realized that Chuck was about to make sharp remarks again, he immediately interrupted loudly and said in advance: "The money he sends home every month is higher than my salary!

He is a good son who takes care of his parents!

Despite his stifling proclivities, he was indeed a Catholic, and it was no wonder that his daughter was convinced that he would not commit suicide. "

"So?" Chuck looked at him.

"...So I was wrong." The bald captain said dejectedly: "I shouldn't discriminate against him and resist the investigation because of his special hobbies."

"Why are you telling me this?" Chuck said bluntly: "I'm not the kind of person who abides by 'everyone is equal and does not discriminate against anyone'!

Young Sheldon discriminates against almost everyone on Earth.

And I even discriminate against him.

So no need to explain this to me.

I have never objected to your perverted behavior of discriminating against him. "

"..." The bald captain was speechless.

What a 'I even discriminate against him'!

Thinking of this, he patted his head.

He was also confused, and was misled by the plots in those TV series, thinking that this kind of thing must have a classic and tender plot of "awakening and not discriminating against anyone".

But following him is Detective Chuck!

A perverted being that even Batman would call a pervert when he saw him, and he might even want to be imprisoned in Arkham.

Why is he so pretentious with such a great detective, Chuck?

At this time, we have arrived at the address.

Knocking on the door, the door opened. A man looked at the unconventional combination of the bald captain and Detective Chuck in surprise: "Who are you looking for? Do I know you?"

"At least you know me!" Chuck looked into his eyes.

"Okay, you look a lot like Detective Chuck." The man explained awkwardly, "But I'm not sure."

"This is another lie!" Chuck said.

"Los Angeles Major Crime Squad!" The bald captain showed his badge: "Are you Henry Roseman, the commissioner of the mayor's office in charge of art?"

"It's me." The man nodded and let them in. Seeing them looking at the house, he took the initiative to introduce it to them: "Did you see that painting? I bought it for 3,000 US dollars 20 years ago! Now it's worth 30,000 US dollars. knife!

And this painting!

I bought it 20 years ago for $1,000, and now it’s worth $60,000!

That one cost $10,000 and is now worth $70,000! "

"On the day when we completely tighten the backwash, these paintings will be reduced to $10 and no one will buy any of them!" Chuck said bluntly.

"You are slandering everyone who likes art and collecting." The committee member in charge of art immediately lost the mood to show off and said unhappily.

"Rebut me!" Chuck looked at him expressionlessly.

"..." The committee member in charge of art fell silent.

If it were someone else, he could use all kinds of carefully crafted words to make the other person unable to take care of himself, and use the power of his connections to make this person unable to take care of himself from the verbal pleasure to the physical sense.

But now it is Detective Chuck who is telling such sharp truths.

Once he refutes and offends this guy who is said to be very narrow-minded and dares to ignore even the governor, it will be very bad for his current situation.

So he chose to remain silent and pretend to be dead.

It’s not worth it for the ‘value and dignity of art’ that even he doesn’t believe in!

"Are you familiar with Victor Dorn?" The bald captain took the initiative to talk about business.

"Not very familiar!" When the committee member in charge of art heard the bald captain talking about business, he quickly turned sideways, intentionally or unintentionally avoiding Chuck's sight, and smiled at the bald captain.

"That's just a few times at cocktail parties, gallery openings and the like."

"This is a lie!" However, even though he came so prepared, the voice he least wanted to hear came from behind him.

“The only truth in this sentence is the ‘cocktail’ of a ‘cocktail’!”

"Huh?" The bald captain immediately raised his eyebrows and looked thoughtfully at the committee member in charge of art, whose eyes were suddenly panicked.

Everyone is a little Heizi.

This Renren refers to all heavens and all realms.

So even the bald captain immediately grasped the connotation of the word 'cocktail'.

This is not difficult to imagine.

After all, the deceased was the two-hearted Catholic known to everyone by his daughter...

And the person in front of me is also an artist.

If Chuck said this and he still couldn't think of it, then he didn't have the basic qualities of a police detective.

This is an artist!

While he was investigating the case, he just saw a strange piece of news.

Also in Palm Beach, California, an artist asked his wife and a trumpet to demonstrate the multiple uses of art props in public.

As the saying goes, if you want to truly perform perfect music, you must first integrate yourself wholeheartedly with the carrier of music...

It is similar to the Hong Kong movie The Gambler, where if you want to become a sparrow saint, you must first make friends with Mahjong and sleep with Mahjong.

"You should understand that you will be lenient if you confess."

The bald captain alerts the commissioner in charge of art who apparently has a secret.

But even if his expression changed drastically, he still insisted that he didn't know what they were talking about and asked them to find evidence first, otherwise they should not slander him.

Left the home of the art committee member in charge.

"What should we do now?" the bald captain asked: "How about finding someone knowledgeable to ask whether the paintings of the deceased have any so-called artistic value?"

"No need to ask." Chuck gave the answer directly: "I have seen the paintings he painted, and they are all just to cater to the market. He will paint whatever style is popular recently.

No style at all!

And those who imitate do not imitate the essence! "

"But his income is very high." The bald captain subconsciously wondered: "The money I send to my parents is higher than my salary. I know artists make a lot of money, but people like him should be very poor."

"I told you, he also has the unique skill of taking pictures." Chuck said expressionlessly: "Even Qiao Lin and the others can charge 250 US dollars per hour. Do you think the deceased's life-threatening 'art' is not worth it?" Some pervert pays a higher price tag?”

"Is this him?" The bald captain suddenly realized and turned to look at the committee member in charge of art who had closed the door.

"He was involved." Chuck shook his head: "But he is not the real murderer!"

"He is very determined and unwilling to cooperate. We must find evidence before he can speak." The bald captain frowned.

"This is simple." Chuck said calmly: "Just check the special procurement records he is responsible for."

"Are you saying that he purchased the deceased's worthless paintings at high prices and transferred the benefits, and the deceased used 'those' in return?" The bald captain suddenly realized.

“That’s called ‘value investing’!” Chuck corrected expressionlessly: “It’s not ‘profit transfer’. If you have a good vision, the value of your investment will increase tenfold or dozens of times in the future.

If you have poor vision, you will have to pay tuition if you lose money.

Isn’t the greatest value of something like art now just the four words unpredictable? "

The corners of the bald captain's mouth twitched.

When Chuck continued to talk, he could no longer look directly at art, a noble word that he once admired.

The two went to the city's office in charge of art procurement.

Found the female subordinate in charge of the art committee.

"My job is to decide which artist's creation should be supported by the taxes you and I pay!" the female subordinate introduced.

"The one who made the decision was Henry Roseman, right?" the bald captain corrected.

"Yes." The female subordinate glanced at him and nodded, "He has the final say!"

"The city has purchased a lot of Victor's works," the bald captain reminded.

"Haha." The female subordinate laughed: "Don't ask me to explain my boss's artistic taste, because he has none at all.

His decision was entirely based on what he thought, and had nothing to do with art! "

"This is why you are still a subordinate, but he is the boss who makes the final decision." Chuck said expressionlessly.

"You think he was thinking of slapping his forehead, but in fact he was slapping his butt! And it is not only related to art, but in the eyes of those so-called artists, what he chose is the real art!"

"I see you know everything, so what are you doing here to find me?" The female subordinate looked at Chuck in surprise and couldn't help laughing.

"Because we need evidence!" the bald captain said sternly: "The final signature on those purchases has your signature!"

"I agree, but that doesn't mean I agree!" The female subordinate shrugged: "Don't tell me, you don't know the difference?

I'm just his subordinate!

And without my signature, this purchase cannot be completed.

As subordinates, haven't you done anything that goes against your will?


As long as we are not the boss, strictly speaking, everything we do is against our will!

Isn't it?

You can see that on some purchases, I clearly wrote down my objections.

If it were you, would you dare? "

"That's very well said." The bald captain also had to admit that these words were very reasonable, but he really didn't want to hear more, lest he, who was also a worker, would feel unhappy.

"Did the deceased have a close relationship with your boss?"

"Are you talking about finances or personal relationships? Anyway, I can't talk about these gossips~" The female subordinate looked at the bald captain seriously.

Without saying a word, the bald captain knew that Chuck's guess was absolutely correct.

Only Chi Guoguo, a female subordinate, said that the relationship between the two was not serious.

"Is there anything else we need to know?" The bald captain asked before leaving without embarrassing his female subordinate.

“Remember the signed check where I wrote my clear objection?” the female subordinate reminded: “The $50,000 was the boss’ support for his painting exhibition at the Pop Art Museum.

Although I signed it, nothing happened in the end.

He didn't get that money!

Maybe you should investigate this. "

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