America’s Big Hero

Chapter 105: : What does the Dimio crime syndicate have to do with me, Sean!

Chapter 105: What does the Dimio crime syndicate have to do with me, Sean!

Sean came back from the golf course and took Diane straight to Jersey City next door. He just contacted Lower Jersey City Police Chief Klaus Lanier through Wells, and made an appointment for a drink in the evening. Bringing a lady will make the atmosphere. more harmonious.

In fact, Sean has Klaus Lanier's phone number in his hand, and he can contact him completely, but from a political point of view, it is more formal to introduce someone with a similar status.

Speaking of Klaus Lanier, Sean has been close to him for a long time.

The first conflict with Salamanga happened in Jersey City. In order to clean up the scene, Sean specially arranged for Bill to stop the Jersey City police halfway. The exchange of fire was very... fierce.

It is almost the same to say that there is no gap.

It's just that Sean's center of gravity has been in Newark, so he has never had the opportunity to officially meet.

Now, Sean is visiting as the official owner of the "Sean Fitness Group", and Klaus Lanier will certainly not refuse.

I know what you do, you know I know what you do... The atmosphere was very harmonious for a while.

As the police chief, he must have some contact with the local gang forces. Compared with the former Salamanga, he prefers Sean.

Not only is he clean in his work, but he is also very clean, even if everyone who should know knows it, but there is no blemish on Sean's body on the bright side.

Well, still a fighting hero.

At the banquet, the two sides communicated very well. In addition to meeting with Klaus this time, Sean also mentioned X Security's entry into Jersey City. Finally, he was planning to build an entertainment city here.

X security cannot be limited to Newark only, Sean's initial goal is all five cities around Newark or access permits, and then the entire New Jersey.

New York?

I don't think about it for the time being in New York. It's more difficult than imagined to obtain a legal gun license in that place.

While eating, Thomson Justin came over.

Thomson Justin, also Sean's former comrade-in-arms, has been following Sean recently, responsible for driving and secretarial work. Of course, Sean is also cultivating trusted confidants, just like Jonas, Bill followed him. Same.

"Boss, there is a phone." Thomson Justin came over with his big brother and whispered.

Sean said sorry, picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, picked up the phone and walked aside.

"What, Tony came to Passaic?" Sean was also startled when he heard the news.

Do you know that I did it?

No, the man was killed by Akomo, what does it have to do with me Sean!

That means that the other party was worried, so he ran to me to take refuge?

"Head, are you listening?"

"Well, you go to him directly and tell Tony that they are not welcome here now. We don't want Dimio's civil unrest to affect us, but I will give him a day to cultivate, and he must leave our site within 24 hours."

"okay, got it."

"Protect him, don't let Tony and the others have an accident, they can't die now."


After hanging up the phone, Sean smiled and ignored it.

What does the Dimio crime syndicate have to do with me, Sean!

I'm a serious businessman!


Tony was shocked when he saw someone approaching the door. He was relieved when he heard that the other party said he didn't want to cause Dimio's misunderstanding and only gave him 24 hours.

24 hours is enough!

Enough for him to contact some people and some relationships, this time, he has to fight Akomo to the end.

Beast, the weaker it is, the more it will show its minions, and it will make it look like it will pull back on its back if it is desperate, otherwise, he will not be able to live, and neither will his family.

This is the gang, this is the rivers and lakes.

The Apple family has been in power for so many years, and it is not without enemies. There are many people who are dissatisfied with him, but they were suppressed by the powerful forces of Akemo before. Now that he takes the lead in the front line, those people will naturally support him.

Insiders know these grievances best.

The strongest fortresses are breached from within.


After having dinner with Klaus Lanier, Sean took Dane back to Newark and sent her back to the hotel rented for the crew when Old Mike was already in Sean's car.

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Sean had called him earlier.

"I've already found the channel through which Dimio transports the poison. Here is the information, you can take a look." Sean handed over a document.

Old Mike didn't speak, but took a serious look after taking it.

Sean waited for the other party to finish reading before saying: "You know the police's work process best, and find a way to get the police to catch the poisonous scorpions they transported. Of course, DEA is also fine. It's not important. cut their way of transporting the poison."

(PS: DrugE, referred to as DEA, US Drug Enforcement Administration.)

"These things..." After thinking about it, Old Mike said, "They should all know, and they are all participants in this line."

"I know, I know, the CIA still sells fans, it's not ashamed to make money." Sean spread his hands with a But, that can only be done in secret, right? "

"That can't see the light. Once the light is seen, they have to do it."

"Besides, don't tell me that the police won't check it often, and domesticated beasts need to be trained frequently."

"Yes." Old Mike nodded.

"So, find a way to let them see the light, if you need it, I just have a batch of goods in hand."

"I see." Old Mike put the information in his hand on the car, opened the door and walked into the darkness.

No matter how old Mike handles Sean, the old man has been in the police station for 30 years, and there are many ways.

Don't look at the old man's conspiracy during his tenure, but he still has some sense of justice in his heart. This kind of thing does not violate his principles. On the contrary, the old man is very interested.

Sean also didn't want to completely destroy the poisonous scorpion or something, which was less realistic than the sudden arrival of God.

But a temporary break is enough.

What Sean wants is that Dimio is in trouble now, and I believe that someone will jump out of the question and play it.

So, do you want to remind the Gustavo guy?

Thinking about Sean, I decided to forget it. That guy Gustavo is different from ordinary drug criminals. At first glance, he is not a good person. Maybe he can think of things to himself as soon as he receives news from him. One less thing.

However, it is not that there is no article to do, frowning and thinking, Sean let Thomson drive back to the base.

How to do it, he still has to look at the information, and when he goes back, he finds Armstrong who is in charge of intelligence. Sean has been collecting news about the Dimio Group.

"Find out all of the Dimio Group's connections in the political world, whether it's certain or not."

Armstrong went to do it immediately, obviously, the boss was going to attack people again.

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