America’s Big Hero

Chapter 106: : Action to protect Tony!

Chapter 106: Protect Tony Action!

When ordinary people have fallen asleep, many people who originally lived in the darkness have emerged.

The night was doomed to be unsettled.

Tony soothed his wife and children to sleep and went downstairs. After deliberating with the phone book for a while, he began to call non-stop, "I can give up the interests of Montclair City."

"You are gone."

"There's no one there, and it's our Seprano family. It's justifiable for me to let you out. If you don't let it go, it may not fall into someone's hands in the end, and it's probably not you, or you, you understand. ."

"All right."

Hang up the phone and continue to dial out, "I don't want anything, I want Akomo to die, I want his whole family to die!"

"Okay, I promise you."

"Very wise choice, it's good for you."

"Akomo can't be in that position for a long time after this incident. Someone has to sit in that position, right? Why can't it be you."

"When the Akomo family falls, the benefits will naturally come out, right? I don't want much, and you pay less."

"He can do it to me today, and he will do it to you tomorrow. He has liver cancer. He won't live long. People are the craziest before they die."

Keep giving away those benefits that you can't keep, and keep promising some benefits, the Seprano family is the second largest family in Dimio, and now it has been caught by surprise, but the background is still there!


Just as Tony kept calling to sign the alliance, two cars were speeding up on the road to Passaic.

"Sora, the Dimio family is here, remember the license plate number, stop them, and tell them what the boss means." In a bar in Passaic, the leader of the largest local gang, Sora, was answering the phone.

"Okay, I know."

"Remember, try not to do anything with them, our Jonas family is not involved in their affairs."

"Understood." Sora hung up the phone, called a dozen of his men to come out of the bar, and drove towards the road to block.

On the highway, two cross cars completely blocked the road, and the lights were on.

The two cars coming from Trent slowly slowed down, and the people inside took up guns and stood guard.

"Hey man, take it easy, calm down, I just have something to tell you." A voice came, but no one was in sight, "Don't shoot, I'm alone, and I don't have a weapon, look, I put my hand out."

Saying that, two black hands stretched out from the car on the road. A man in a light blue denim jacket slowly walked out from the car, and the taillights illuminated his figure.

"Dude, I'm here, come and talk to me, I know you are from Dimio." The black man raised his hands and said loudly.

The people in the two cars on the opposite side breathed a sigh of relief, several of them looked at each other, and one of them opened the door and walked out.

"Who are you?" Someone came over.

"Okay, I'm just a little bastard, my boss has something to tell you." The black man pointed to the other side, and following the direction of the finger, he could see a fat man with a bald head coming out. At night, the headlights were very bright.

The black man's task was completed, and he went backwards. Sora stepped forward, "I know that you belong to Dimio, and I know what you are doing, but this is the territory of the 'Jonas Family'."

The people on the other side didn't speak, and as Dimio's people, they couldn't see the newly emerging 'Jonas'.

"The boss asked me to tell you that we are not involved in your Dimio internal affairs, and please don't come to our site to make trouble."

"You have to take refuge with the Seprano family." The visitor said with a cold face.

"Don't talk about it, man, we also have someone from Tony's side to inform him, let him leave, don't make trouble here, OK!?" Sora hated the other's eyes and said in a bad tone.

"You dare to let people go!" The man took out his gun and put it on Sora's head.

"Try the **** to shoot!" Sora put her head against the muzzle of the gun with an ugly face, "Come on!"

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Sora undidly stretched out her fat hand and tapped the other's chest, "I'm telling you the fuck, if you dare to move, you won't be able to get out of Passaic tonight."

With this shout, more than a dozen of Sora's men emerged from the darkness, and they all pointed their guns and money at the two cars.

The old blacks are so awesome, and the racial talent comes with stealth.

Seeing the other party's reaction, the Apple family's brows wrinkled slightly, but he didn't take these people seriously, but it's impossible to kill the other party unscathed.

Thinking that the other party had informed the Tony family that he could not complete his mission at all, he completely put out the thought of shooting.

"Tell your boss, mind your own business." The Apple family snorted and turned around and walked back.

Fatty Sora sneered, he was really not afraid, people in other places just heard about the 'Jonas Family', and many things were rumored to be out of shape, but these local people knew the meaning behind the 'Jonas Family' what.

Now the rules are much stricter than Anyone who violates the rules will disappear silently within a few days, and even these people don't know where they are going.

In the past, they thought that killing was the only way to be deterred, but after a few times, they found that the evaporation of the world was more terrifying than this.

The unknown is the most terrifying, anyway, there is everything that is said in private.

For example: those people were sold, arms, legs, eyes, corneas, internal organs... The whole person was dismantled and sold, and the blood was drained and sold, so nothing could be found.

These gang members know that there is indeed a black market to sell organs. After all, there are many people waiting for transplants.

At least blood sells well, and it can be sold for two or three thousand dollars if you drain it...

The cornea and kidneys are also in great demand, and these are played all day in TV dramas and movies...

Just ask if you are afraid!

On the other side, the door of Tony's house was knocked again, and when he saw the person who came to the door through the window, Tony opened a crack.

"Apple sent someone just now and was blocked by our people. We told them that they had notified you to let you go." Sam said blankly.

After learning that Tony was coming, Sean specially asked him to come over and take charge of this side.

"This..." Tony hesitated for a while, go or stay?

After thinking about it, he said, "Didn't your boss say 24 hours?"

"Of course, the boss's words matter, so people stopped him, but don't use the landline to make calls now." He handed a big brother over.

"Remember, you owe our boss a big favor, and you still have 17 hours." After saying that, Sam turned and left.

It wasn't until he got into the car that Sam couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Really, the person who killed you still owes you a favor.

The head is really...

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