America’s Big Hero

Chapter 116: :Backstab

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Tony is really trying, and this is his last and best chance.

Coupled with the support of other families, the Akomo people were pressed down a little in the first place.

Until this moment, Akemo still did not let the second batch of people take action, just watching his own people being pushed back a little bit.

"Do you know what I'm doing?" Akomo asked in a faint voice to a man beside him with a pale face and an indifferent expression.

The man didn't answer either, and looked at Akomo with a complicated look in his eyes.

"There are not many things I can teach you, you remember, everything depends on the interests in the end, don't look at those guys who made an agreement with me to kill the Tony Stability Group, but they won't do it, and they won't watch it. I kill."

There was a lot of gunfire outside, and Akomo sneered: "They are helping Tony now, even if they will kill him in the end, they are going to destroy our power."

"So, I can't move this group of people, not only to catch the culprit behind the scenes, but also to make us feel vulnerable."

"If I show that I can kill Tony easily at this time, they will go all out to help Tony."

"Wait, don't worry, when they think we are no longer a threat to Apple, they will do it themselves."

"It's not you, if it weren't for you, how could the Apple family get to this point!" Bradley gritted his teeth with a pale face.

Akomo's body stiffened, and he slowly turned his head to look at his son, "Remember one thing, never feel sorry for the rotten fruit!"

"Seize the present and the future."

Bradley snorted.

"It's just a woman, what do you want!"

"That sounds nice, then you still seduce Catherine?"

The corners of Akomo's mouth twitched fiercely, and it was Catherine who seduced me!

It's just that it doesn't make sense to say it or not.

"Da da da"

"Da da da"

Quickly changing the magazine in his hand, Tony stepped out and slammed the trigger to the end, shouting: "Go!!"

A few people around him rushed up immediately.

A shuttle of bullets emptied, Tony dodged behind the load-bearing column, and took out a grenade from his waist.

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Pulled out the insurance and threw it out.

"Boom!" The explosion was accompanied by several screams.

Tony didn't dare to play RPG, but he still bought a batch of things from Jonas at a high price, including more than a dozen grenades, and he was waiting for today.

Seeing his subordinates rush up, the pressured Apple family is retreating, Tony's face is full of excitement, he laughed and took out two more grenades, rushed out and smashed against the wall of the corridor entrance.



With a grenade to clear the way, the progress of the subordinates' advancement immediately accelerated, and the Apple family suffered a lot for a while.

"Let's go back!" Upstairs, Akomo gave an order with an ugly face. He really didn't expect Tony's firepower to be so fierce.

Dimio has been rooted in New Jersey for decades and has always been the dominant position. Even if he sometimes has to deal with someone, he will at most finish it with a black gun. Even the submachine gun has not been used for many years.

Therefore, in fact, everyone has not prepared grenades or the like at all, and they are completely useless.

That's why Tony didn't buy an RPG in the end.

They are gangsters, and they are just gangsters, isn't RPG or something too exaggerated! ?

Picking up the phone, Akomo dialed directly, and when the call was connected, he shouted: "Enough of you, do you really want to watch Tony kill me!"

"Of course not, Akomo, your worries are unnecessary." Inside the car outside, several owners who had reached an agreement in private yesterday did not expect that the Seprano family would suddenly be so violent.

After hanging up the phone, someone couldn't help laughing: "Akemo is old, hehe, now even a young man can't handle it."

"Let our people do it."

"Well, it happened to be attacking back and forth."


The grenades cleared the way, and the Apple family was defeated, Tony yelled excitedly, this batch of things was not bought for nothing.

"Da da da"

"Da da da"

Tony was stunned for a moment at the sound of gunshots coming from behind him. He turned his head and saw two of his subordinates being swept to the ground.

It turned out that it was people from other families who had just followed behind and attacked the Apple family.

But, how can this happen! ?

After a stunned time, the gunshot sounded again, and a bullet was shot across Tony's head.

Climb down subconsciously and roll over.

"Fuck!" Tony knew that he had been betrayed, and at this moment, the anger in his chest was about to burn himself.

The feeling of being betrayed is the most irritating, and Tony hates these people more than Akomo!

He took out the last grenade and threw it directly.

"Boom!" The human body fragments flew out in the firelight.

Hearing the sudden intense gunshots below, Akomo sneered at the corners of his mouth.

"Did you see that as long as we make reasonable use of interests and conflicts, we can easily make them strife." Akemo taught his son: "They thought that this time it was just to kill Tony, but they didn't know that they finally There is no credibility whatsoever.”

"In the future, they will never be able to join forces again, and they will no longer have even a little trust in each other."

"As long as you wait for a while, they will fight themselves. In the future, the Dimio Group will still be our Apple family's Akemo raised his head and said with an unprecedented affirmation.

Bradley gave his father a gloomy look, and his mood was extremely complicated.

Akomo just told his people to slowly approach down, let Tony fight with him, and want to make himself suffer heavy losses?



Tony fought back like crazy at the people behind him. He was betrayed and attacked from back and forth. Akemo would not let him go, nor would those people. He was dead!

What's there to be afraid of!

The gunshots became more and more intense, and the Cyprano family's counterattack exceeded those people's expectations.

The gunshots and the roars came together, but the owners outside had no idea what was going on inside.

Akomo eventually ordered his men to kill Tony.

"Remember, everything has to pay attention to a degree. If you let them lose too much, they will turn their faces. Now, it's just right." Akemo brought Bradley with him today to teach him.

Ten minutes later, the two sides converged, and the heads of several small families looked ugly, and they lost more than Akomo.

However, after all, they are a joint force, and they have not reached the bottom line of turning their faces.

Just looking at the people behind Akomo, their original abacus was completely defeated.

"Don't look at me like that, I said, I'm trying to draw out the mastermind behind the scenes." Akemo spread his hands.

"I don't see anything behind the scenes." A bald old man shouted with an ugly face.

Speaking of this, Akomo's face is also not good-looking.


"When are we going to start?" Torre asked in a low voice.

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